227 resultados para experimental modelling
This paper employs a two-dimensional variable density flow and transport model to investigate the transport of a dense contaminant plume in an unconfined coastal aquifer. Experimental results are also presented to show the contaminant plume in a freshwater-seawater flow system. Both the numerical and experimental results suggest that the neglect of the seawater interface does not noticeably affect the horizontal migration rate of the plume before it reaches the interface. However, the contaminant will travel further seaward and part of the solute mass will exit under the sea if the higher seawater density is not included. If the seawater density is included, the contaminant will travel upwards towards the beach along the freshwater-saltwater interface as shown experimentally. Neglect of seawater density, therefore, will result in an underestimate of solute mass rate exiting around the coastline. (C) 2002 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A technique based on laser light diffraction is shown to be successful in collecting on-line experimental data. Time series of floc size distributions (FSD) under different shear rates (G) and calcium additions were collected. The steady state mass mean diameter decreased with increasing shear rate G and increased when calcium additions exceeded 8 mg/l. A so-called population balance model (PBM) was used to describe the experimental data, This kind of model describes both aggregation and breakage through birth and death terms. A discretised PBM was used since analytical solutions of the integro-partial differential equations are non-existing. Despite the complexity of the model, only 2 parameters need to be estimated: the aggregation rate and the breakage rate. The model seems, however, to lack flexibility. Also, the description of the floc size distribution (FSD) in time is not accurate.
The PFC3D (particle flow code) that models the movement and interaction of particles by the DEM techniques was employed to simulate the particle movement and to calculate the velocity and energy distribution of collision in two types of impact crusher: the Canica vertical shaft crusher and the BJD horizontal shaft swing hammer mill. The distribution of collision energies was then converted into a product size distribution for a particular ore type using JKMRC impact breakage test data. Experimental data of the Canica VSI crusher treating quarry and the BJD hammer mill treating coal were used to verify the DEM simulation results. Upon the DEM procedures being validated, a detailed simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects of the machine design and operational conditions on velocity and energy distributions of collision inside the milling chamber and on the particle breakage behaviour. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new model to predict the extent of crushing around a blasthole is presented. The model is based on the back-analysis of a comprehensive experimental program that included the direct measurement of the zone of crushing from 92 blasting tests on concrete blocks using two commercial explosives. The concrete blocks varied from low, medium to high strength and measured 1.5 in in length, 1.0 m in width and 1.1 m in height. A dimensionless parameter called the crushing zone index (CZI) is introduced. This index measures the crushing potential of a charged blasthole and is a function of the borehole pressure, the unconfined compressive strength of the rock material, dynamic Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. It is shown that the radius of crushing is a function of the CZI and the blasthole radius. A good correlation between the new model and measured results was obtained. A number of previously proposed models could not approximate the conditions measured in the experimental work and there are noted discrepancies between the different approaches reviewed, particularly for smaller diameter holes and low strength rock conditions. The new model has been verified with full scale tests reported in the literature. Results from this validation and model evaluations show its applicability to production blasting. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Molecular modelling of human CYP1B1 based on homology with the mammalian P450, CYP2C5, of known three-dimensional structure is reported. The enzyme model has been used to investigate the likely mode of binding for selected CYP1B1 substrates, particularly with regard to the possible effects of allelic variants of CYP1B1 on metabolism. In general, it appears that the CYP1B1 model is consistent with known substrate selectivity for the enzyme, and the sites of metabolism can be rationalized in terms of specific contacts with key amino acid residues within the CYP1B1 heme locus. Further-more, a mode of binding interaction for the inhibitor, a-naphthoflavone, is presented which accords with currently available information. The current paper shows that a combination of molecular modelling and experimental determinations on the substrate metabolism for CYP1B1 allelic variants can aid in the understanding of structure-function relationships within P450 enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of addition of maltodextrin on drying kinetics of drops containing fructose, glucose, sucrose and citric acid individually and in mixtures was studied experimentally using single drop drying experiments and numerically by solving appropriate mass and heat transfer equations. The numerical predictions agreed with the experimental moisture and temperature histories within 5-6% average relative (absolute) errors and average differences of +/- 1degreesC, respectively. The stickiness of these drops was determined using the glass transition temperature (T-g) of the drops' surface layer as an indicator. The experimental stickiness histories followed the model predictions with reasonable accuracy. A safe drying (non-sticky) regime in a spray drying environment has been proposed, and used to estimate the optimum amount of addition of maltodextrin for successful spray drying of 120 micron diameter droplets of fruit juices. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Experimental aerodynamic studies of the flows around new aerocapture spacecraft configurations are presently being done in the superorbital expansion tubes at The University of Queensland. Short duration flows at speeds of 10--13 km/s are produced in the expansion tube facility and are then applied to the model spacecraft. Although high-temperature effects, such as molecular dissociation, have long been a part of the computational modelling of the expansion tube flows for speeds below 10 km/s, radiation may now be a significant mechanism of energy transfer within the shock layer on the model. This paper will study the coupling of radiation energy transport for an optically thin gas to the flow dynamics in order to obtain accurate predictions of thermal loads on the spacecraft. The results show that the effect of radiation on the flowfields of subscale models for expansion tube experiments can be assessed by measurements of total heat transfer and radiative heat transfer.
A pulse of chromated copper arsenate (CCA, a timber preservative) was applied in irrigation water to an undisturbed field soil in a laboratory column. Concentrations of various elements in the leachate from the column were measured during the experiment. Also, the remnants within the soil were measured at the end of the experiment. The geochemical modelling package, PHREEQC-2, was used to simulate the experimental data. Processes included in the CCA transport modelling were advection, dispersion, non-specific adsorption (cation exchange) and specific adsorption by clay minerals and organic matter, as well as other possible chemical reactions such as precipitation/dissolution. The modelling effort highlighted the possible complexities in CCA transport and reaction experiments. For example, the uneven dosing of CCA as well as incomplete knowledge of the soil properties resulted in simulations that gave only partial, although reasonable, agreement with the experimental data. Both the experimental data and simulations show that As and Cu are strongly adsorbed and therefore, will mostly remain at the top of the soil profile, with a small proportion appearing in leachate. On the other hand, Cr is more mobile and thus it is present in the soil column leachate. Further simulations show that both the quantity of CCA added to the soil and the pH of the irrigation water will influence CCA transport. Simulations suggest that application of larger doses of CCA to the soil will result in higher leachate concentrations, especially for Cu and As. Irrigation water with a lower pH will dramatically increase leaching of Cu. These results indicate that acidic rainfall or significant accidental spillage of CCA will increase the risk of groundwater pollution.
The central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to design an experimental program to model the effects of inlet pressure, feed density, and length and diameter of the inner vortex finder on the operational performance of a 150-min three-product cyclone. The ranges of values of the variables used in the design were: inlet pressure: 80-130 kPa, feed density: 30 60%; length of IVF below the OVF: 50-585 mm; diameter of IVF: 35-50 mm. A total of 30 tests were conducted, which is 51 less; an that required for a three-level full factorial design. Because the model allows confident performance prediction by interpolation over the range of data in the database, it was used to construct response surface graphs to describe the effects of the variables on the performance of the three-product cyclone. To obtain a simple and yet a realistic model, it was refitted using only the variable terms that are significant at greater than or equal to 90% confidence level. Considering the selected operating variables, the resultant model is significant and predicts the experimental data well. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nucleation is the first stage in any granulation process where binder liquid first comes into contact with the powder. This paper investigates the nucleation process where binder liquid is added to a fine powder with a spray nozzle. The dimensionless spray flux approach of Hapgood et al. (Powder Technol. 141 (2004) 20) is extended to account for nonuniform spray patterns and allow for overlap of nuclei granules rather than spray drops. A dimensionless nuclei distribution function which describes the effects of the design and operating parameters of the nucleation process (binder spray characteristics, the nucleation area ratio between droplets and nuclei and the powder bed velocity) on the fractional surface area coverage of nuclei on a moving powder bed is developed. From this starting point, a Monte Carlo nucleation model that simulates full nuclei size distributions as a function of the design and operating parameters that were implemented in the dimensionless nuclei distribution function is developed. The nucleation model was then used to investigate the effects of the design and operating parameters on the formed nuclei size distributions and to correlate these effects to changes of the dimensionless nuclei distribution function. Model simulations also showed that it is possible to predict nuclei size distributions beyond the drop controlled nucleation regime in Hapgood's nucleation regime map. Qualitative comparison of model simulations and experimental nucleation data showed similar shapes of the nuclei size distributions. In its current form, the nucleation model can replace the nucleation term in one-dimensional population balance models describing wet granulation processes. Implementation of more sophisticated nucleation kinetics can make the model applicable to multi-dimensional population balance models.
Solids concentration and particle size distribution gradually change in the vertical dimension of industrial flotation cells, subject primarily to the flotation cell size and design and the cell operating conditions. As entrainment is a two-step process and involves only the suspended solids in the top pulp region near the pulp-froth interface, the solids suspension characteristics have a significant impact on the overall entrainment. In this paper, a classification function is proposed to describe the state of solids suspension in flotation cells, similar to the definition of degree of entrainment for classification in the froth phase found in the literature. A mathematical model for solids suspension is also developed, in which the classification function is expressed as an exponential function of the particle size. Experimental data collected from three different Outokumpu tank flotation cells in three different concentrators are well fitted by the proposed exponential model. Under the prevailing experimental conditions, it was found that the solids content in the top region was relatively independent of cell operating conditions such as froth height and air rate but dependent on the cell size. Moreover, the results obtained from the total solids tend to be similar to those from a particular gangue mineral and hence may be applied to all minerals in entrainment calculation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of the study presented was to implement a process model to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a pilot-scale process for anaerobic two-stage digestion of sewage sludge. The model implemented was initiated to support experimental investigations of the anaerobic two-stage digestion process. The model concept implemented in the simulation software package MATLAB(TM)/Simulink(R) is a derivative of the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1) that has been developed by the IWA task group for mathematical modelling of anaerobic processes. In the present study the original model concept has been adapted and applied to replicate a two-stage digestion process. Testing procedures, including balance checks and 'benchmarking' tests were carried out to verify the accuracy of the implementation. These combined measures ensured a faultless model implementation without numerical inconsistencies. Parameters for both, the thermophilic and the mesophilic process stage, have been estimated successfully using data from lab-scale experiments described in literature. Due to the high number of parameters in the structured model, it was necessary to develop a customised procedure that limited the range of parameters to be estimated. The accuracy of the optimised parameter sets has been assessed against experimental data from pilot-scale experiments. Under these conditions, the model predicted reasonably well the dynamic behaviour of a two-stage digestion process in pilot scale. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Evolutionary algorithms perform optimization using a population of sample solution points. An interesting development has been to view population-based optimization as the process of evolving an explicit, probabilistic model of the search space. This paper investigates a formal basis for continuous, population-based optimization in terms of a stochastic gradient descent on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the model probability density and the objective function, represented as an unknown density of assumed form. This leads to an update rule that is related and compared with previous theoretical work, a continuous version of the population-based incremental learning algorithm, and the generalized mean shift clustering framework. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the dynamics of the new algorithm on a set of simple test problems.
In cell lifespan studies the exponential nature of cell survival curves is often interpreted as showing the rate of death is independent of the age of the cells within the population. Here we present an alternative model where cells that die are replaced and the age and lifespan of the population pool is monitored until a, steady state is reached. In our model newly generated individual cells are given a determined lifespan drawn from a number of known distributions including the lognormal, which is frequently found in nature. For lognormal lifespans the analytic steady-state survival curve obtained can be well-fit by a single or double exponential, depending on the mean and standard deviation. Thus, experimental evidence for exponential lifespans of one and/or two populations cannot be taken as definitive evidence for time and age independence of cell survival. A related model for a dividing population in steady state is also developed. We propose that the common adoption of age-independent, constant rates of change in biological modelling may be responsible for significant errors, both of interpretation and of mathematical deduction. We suggest that additional mathematical and experimental methods must be used to resolve the relationship between time and behavioural changes by cells that are predominantly unsynchronized.
This paper provides information on the experimental set-up, data collection methods and results to date for the project Large scale modelling of coarse grained beaches, undertaken at the Large Wave Channel (GWK) of FZK in Hannover by an international group of researchers in Spring 2002. The main objective of the experiments was to provide full scale measurements of cross-shore processes on gravel and mixed beaches for the verification and further development of cross-shore numerical models of gravel and mixed sediment beaches. Identical random and regular wave tests were undertaken for a gravel beach and a mixed sand/gravel beach set up in the flume. Measurements included profile development, water surface elevation along the flume, internal pressures in the swash zone, piezometric head levels within the beach, run-up, flow velocities in the surf-zone and sediment size distributions. The purpose of the paper is to present to the scientific community the experimental procedure, a summary of the data collected, some initial results, as well as a brief outline of the on-going research being carried out with the data by different research groups. The experimental data is available to all the scientific community following submission of a statement of objectives, specification of data requirements and an agreement to abide with the GWK and EU protocols. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.