196 resultados para energy poverty dynamics


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Measurements in the macro-tidal Daly Estuary show that the presence of an undular tidal bore contributed negligibly to the dissipation of tidal energy. No recirculation bubble was observed between a trough and the following wave crest in the lee waves following the undular bore. This differs to stationary undular bores in laboratory experiments at larger Froude numbers where a recirculation bubble exists. Secondary motions and the turbulence generated by the undular bore had no measurable influence on the sediment transport. This situation contrasts with the intense sediment resuspension observed in breaking tidal bores. The tidally averaged sediment budget in the Daly Estuary was controlled by the asymmetry of tidal currents. The undular bore may widen the river by breaking along the banks that it undercuts, leading to bank slippage. A patch of river-wide macro-turbulence of 3-min duration occurred about 20 min after the passage of the bore during accelerating tidal currents. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work we investigate the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in a model of two single-mode Bose-Einstein condensates coupled via Josephson tunnelling. The ene:rgy gap is never zero when the tunnelling interaction is non-zero. The gap exhibits no local minimum below a threshold coupling which separates a delocalized phase from a self-trapping phase that occurs in the absence of the external potential. Above this threshold point one minimum occurs close to the Josephson regime, and a set of minima and maxima appear in the Fock regime. Expressions for the position of these minima and maxima are obtained. The connection between these minima and maxima and the dynamics for the expectation value of the relative number of particles is analysed in detail. We find that the dynamics of the system changes as the coupling crosses these points.


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A new integration scheme is developed for nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations where the temperature is constrained by a Gaussian thermostat. The utility of the scheme is demonstrated by its application to the SLLOD algorithm which is the standard nonequilibrium molecular dynamics algorithm for studying shear flow. Unlike conventional integrators, the new integrators are constructed using operator-splitting techniques to ensure stability and that little or no drift in the kinetic energy occurs. Moreover, they require minimum computer memory and are straightforward to program. Numerical experiments show that the efficiency and stability of the new integrators compare favorably with conventional integrators such as the Runge-Kutta and Gear predictor-corrector methods. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)50125-6].


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Being able to compare the energy cost of physical activity across and between populations is important. However, energy expenditure is related to body size, so it is necessary to appropriately adjust for differences in body size when comparisons are made. This study examined the relationship between the daily energy cost of activity and body weight in 47 children aged 6-10 years. Log-log regression showed weight(1.0) to be an inappropriate adjustment for activity energy expenditure in children, with a more valid adjustment being weight(0.3). Clearly, both weight dependent and non-weight dependent activities are part of everyday living in children. This balance influences how energy expenditure is correctly adjusted for body size. Investigators interpreting data of energy expenditure in children from children of different body sizes need to take this into consideration.


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The calculation of quantum dynamics is currently a central issue in theoretical physics, with diverse applications ranging from ultracold atomic Bose-Einstein condensates to condensed matter, biology, and even astrophysics. Here we demonstrate a conceptually simple method of determining the regime of validity of stochastic simulations of unitary quantum dynamics by employing a time-reversal test. We apply this test to a simulation of the evolution of a quantum anharmonic oscillator with up to 6.022×1023 (Avogadro's number) of particles. This system is realizable as a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice, for which the time-reversal procedure could be implemented experimentally.


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We analyze the dynamics of a dilute, trapped Bose-condensed atomic gas coupled to a diatomic molecular Bose gas by coherent Raman transitions. This system is shown to result in a new type of “superchemistry,” in which giant collective oscillations between the atomic and the molecular gas can occur. The phenomenon is caused by stimulated emission of bosonic atoms or molecules into their condensate phases.


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A technique to simulate the grand canonical ensembles of interacting Bose gases is presented. Results are generated for many temperatures by averaging over energy-weighted stochastic paths, each corresponding to a solution of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations with phase noise. The stochastic gauge method used relies on an off-diagonal coherent-state expansion, thus taking into account all quantum correlations. As an example, the second-order spatial correlation function and momentum distribution for an interacting 1D Bose gas are calculated.


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The simplest model of three coupled Bose-Einstein condensates is investigated using a group theoretical method. The stationary solutions are determined using the SU(3) group under the mean-field approximation. This semiclassical analysis, using system symmetries, shows a transition in the dynamics of the system from self trapping to delocalization at a critical value for the coupling between the condensates. The global dynamics are investigated by examination of the stable points, and our analysis shows that the structure of the stable points depends on the ratio of the condensate coupling to the particle-particle interaction, and undergoes bifurcations as this ratio is varied. This semiclassical model is compared to a full quantum treatment, which also displays a dynamical transition. The quantum case has collapse and revival sequences superimposed on the semiclassical dynamics, reflecting the underlying discreteness of the spectrum. Nonzero circular current states are also demonstrated as one of the higher-dimensional effects displayed in this system.


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We present the first dynamical analysis of a galaxy cluster to include a large fraction of dwarf galaxies. Our sample of 108 Fornax Cluster members measured with the UK Schmidt Telescope FLAIR-II spectrograph contains 55 dwarf galaxies (15.5 > b(j) > 18.0 or -16 > M-B > -13.5). H alpha emission shows that of the dwarfs are star forming, twice the fraction implied by morphological classifications. The total sample has a mean velocity of 1493 +/- 36 kms s(-1) and a velocity dispersion of 374 +/- 26 km s(-1). The dwarf galaxies form a distinct population: their velocity dispersion (429 +/- 41 km s(-1)) is larger than that of the giants () at the 98% confidence level. This suggests that the dwarf population is dominated by infalling objects whereas the giants are virialized. The Fornax system has two components, the main Fornax Cluster centered on NGC 1399 with cz = 1478 km s(-1) and sigma (cz) = 370 km s(-1) and a subcluster centered 3 degrees to the southwest including NGC 1316 with cz = 1583 km s(-1) and sigma (cz) = 377 km s(-1). This partition is preferred over a single cluster at the 99% confidence level. The subcluster, a site of intense star formation, is bound to Fornax and probably infalling toward the cluster core for the first time. We discuss the implications of this substructure for distance estimates of the Fornax Cluster. We determine the cluster mass profile using the method of Diaferio, which does not assume a virialized sample. The mass within a projected radius of 1.4 Mpc is (7 +/- 2) x 10(13) M-., and the mass-to-light ratio is 300 +/- 100 M-./L-.. The mass is consistent with values derived from the projected mass virial estimator and X-ray measurements at smaller radii.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an intracellular bacterial parasite of arthropods that enhances its transmission by manipulating host reproduction, most commonly by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility. The discovery of isolates with modified cytoplasmic incompatibility phenotypes and others with novel virulence properties is an indication of the potential breadth of evolutionary strategies employed by Wolbachia.


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In recent years, the design flows of many dams were re-evaluated, often resulting in discharges larger than the original design. In many cases, the occurrence of the revised flows could result in dam overtopping because of insufficient storage and spillway capacity. An experimental study was conducted herein to gain a better understanding of the flow properties in stepped chutes with slopes typical of embankment dams. The work was based upon a Froude similitude in large-size experimental facilities. A total of 10 configurations were tested including smooth steps, steps equipped with devices to enhance energy dissipation and rough steps. The present results yield a new design procedure. The design method includes some key issues not foreseen in prior studies : e.g., gradually varied flow, type of flow regime, flow resistance. It is believed that the outcomes are valid for a wide range of chute geometry and flow conditions typical of embankment chutes.


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We investigate the effect of the coefficient of the critical nonlinearity for the Neumann problem on the existence of least energy solutions. As a by-product we establish a Sobolev inequality with interior norm.


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In this review we demonstrate how the algebraic Bethe ansatz is used for the calculation of the-energy spectra and form factors (operator matrix elements in the basis of Hamiltonian eigenstates) in exactly solvable quantum systems. As examples we apply the theory to several models of current interest in the study of Bose-Einstein condensates, which have been successfully created using ultracold dilute atomic gases. The first model we introduce describes Josephson tunnelling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. It can be used not only for the study of tunnelling between condensates of atomic gases, but for solid state Josephson junctions and coupled Cooper pair boxes. The theory is also applicable to models of atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates, with two examples given and analysed. Additionally, these same two models are relevant to studies in quantum optics; Finally, we discuss the model of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer in this framework, which is appropriate for systems of ultracold fermionic atomic gases, as well as being applicable for the description of superconducting correlations in metallic grains with nanoscale dimensions.; In applying all the above models to. physical situations, the need for an exact analysis of small-scale systems is established due to large quantum fluctuations which render mean-field approaches inaccurate.


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This paper introduces the concept of religious information poverty in Australian state schools from an information science perspective. Information scientists have been theorising about the global information society for some time, along with its increased provision of vital information for the good of the world. Australian state schools see themselves as preparing children for effective participation in the information society, yet Australian children are currently suffering a religious illiteracy that undermines this goal. Some reasons and theories are offered to explain the existence of religious information poverty in state schools, and suggestions for professional stakeholders are offered for its alleviation.