39 resultados para enamel morphology
Butterflyfish are colourful, pan-tropical coastal fish that are important and distinctive members of coral reef communities. A successful systematic scheme and a robust phylogeny is considered essential in understanding further their biogeography and ecology, although recent cladistic treatments of butterflyfish phylogeny, based on soft tissue and bone morphology and coded at the generic and subgeneric levels, differ in character coding and subsequently tree topology. This study provides an independent test of the morphologically based hypotheses, using molecular systematic data from two partial mitochondrial gene fragments, cytochrome b (cytb) and small subunit rRNA (rrnS), for 52 ingroup chaetodontids and seven pomacanthids used to root the molecular trees. Individual gene trees were largely compatible and a combined molecular phylogeny, inferred from Bayesian analysis, was used to test alternative hypotheses suggested by morphological analyses. The tree was also used to map the latest morphological matrix in order to evaluate potential synapomorphies for various nodes defining butterflyfish interrelationships. A clade comprised of Chelmon and Coradion was sister group to other chaetodontids. Heniochus and Hemitaurichthys were each resolved as monophyletic groups, and as sister taxa Of the taxa sampled, Prognothodes was resolved as the sister genus to Chaeotodon. Of the ten Chaetodon subgenera sampled, all were monophyletic but their interrelationships differed significantly from that inferred from morphological characters. Lepidochaetodon was the most basal subgenus followed by Exornator and the remaining subgenera. Molecular data support the sister group relationship between Corallochaetodon and Citharoedus suggested by morphology, but major differences occur among the remaining more derived taxa. Chaetodon trifascialis and C. oligacanthus were resolved as sister taxa adding weight to the inclusion of the latter in C. Megaprotodon. Of those pairs of taxa known to hybridize and sampled with molecular data, all were closely related phylogenetically, except those hybrids known to occur in the Rabdophorus subgenus. Two base changes separated C. pelewensis from C. paucifasciatus which have been regarded previously as a single species. Cytb provided greater resolution than rrnS and will likely provide additional resolution with greater taxon sampling.
Background: Periodontal wound healing and regeneration require that new matrix be synthesized, creating an environment into which cells can migrate. One agent which has been described as promoting periodontal regeneration is an enamel matrix protein derivative (EMD). Since no specific growth factors have been identified in EMD preparations, it is postulated that EMD acts as a matrix enhancement factor. This study was designed to investigate the effect of EMD in vitro on matrix synthesis by cultured periodontal fibroblasts. Methods: The matrix response of the cells was evaluated by determination of the total proteoglycan synthesis, glycosaminoglycan profile, and hyaluronan synthesis by the uptake of radiolabeled precursors. The response of the individual proteoglycans, versican, decorin, and biglycan were examined at the mRNA level by Northern blot analysis. Hyaluronan synthesis was probed by identifying the isotypes of hyaluronan synthase (HAS) expressed in periodontal fibroblasts as HAS-2 and HAS-3 and the effect of EMD on the levels of mRNA for each enzyme was monitored by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Comparisons were made between gingival fibroblast (GF) cells and periodontal ligament (PDLF) cells. Results: EMD was found to significantly affect the synthesis of the mRNAs for the matrix proteoglycans versican, biglycan, and decorin, producing a response similar to, but potentially greater than, mitogenic cytokines. EMD also stimulated hyaluronan synthesis in both GF and PDLF cells. Although mRNA for HAS-2 was elevated in GF after exposure to EMD, the PDLF did not show a similar response. Therefore, the point at which the stimulation of hyaluronan becomes effective may not be at the level of stimulation of the mRNA for hyaluronan synthase, but, rather, at a later point in the pathway of regulation of hyaluronan synthesis. In all cases, GF cells appeared to be more responsive to EMD than PDLF cells in vitro. Conclusions: EMD has the potential to significantly modulate matrix synthesis in a manner consistent with early regenerative events.
Most lungfish tooth plates, that are arranged in radiating ridges derived from the fusion of separate cusps in young juveniles, are based on a framework of enamel, mantle dentine and bone that encloses a mass of specialized dentines forming the occlusal surface. In most taxa, the specialized dentines are interdenteonal and circumdenteonal dentine, but a few derived genera have petrodentine as well. Petrodentine, as originally defined, describes a specific form of hypermineralized dentine in adult tooth plates of the Recent African lungfish Protopterus. The ontogeny of fossil and Recent lungfish tooth plates demonstrates that petrodentine is derived by continuous enhancement of the hard tissue of the primary core of the initially isolated cusps of the tooth plate, and that interdenteonal dentine with denteons of circumdenteonal dentine is a secondary development in the tooth plate around and below the first formed cusps of the ridges. In dipnoans that lack petrodentine in adults the primary core of the cusps is not enhanced, but is removed by wear. The hard tissues of the dipnoan tooth plate provide useful characters for defining dipnoan taxa, as do the differing arrangements of the tissues in each species. Details of the arrangement of the enclosed specialized dentines are surprisingly variable among genera, and are significant for the structure and function of the tooth plate. Little regularity of structure is discernible in the histology of tooth plates of early dipnoans, but derived genera have more predictable structure. Consistent with other uniquely dipnoan characters, like the composition of the dermal skull, an evolutionary progression is evident within the group in the fine structure of the dentition, and, as with the bones of the dermal skull, little similarity is demonstrable between the dentines of dipnoans and tetrapods.
Partial large subunit 28S rDNA sequences were obtained for specimens of Calicotyle (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from eight different host species distributed worldwide to test the validity of some species and to address the question of host-specificity in others. Sequences obtained for Calicotyle specimens identified as C. kroyeri based on morphological methods from the type-host Raja radiata (Rajidae) and an additional host R. clavata, both from the North Sea, were identical. However, 'C. kroyeri' from the cloaca of R. naevus from Tunisia, Raja sp. A from Tasmania and R. radula from Tunisia differed from C. kroyeri from R. radiata by five (0.51%), 21 (2.13%) and 39 (3.96%) base pairs, respectively, over 984 sites. Therefore, it is likely that the specimens from Raja sp. A, R. radula and perhaps even from R. naevus are not C. kroyeri. Molecular results determined that the calicotylines from the cloaca of Urolophus cruciatus and U. paucimaculatus (Urolophidae) from southern Tasmania identified previously as C. urolophi are indeed identical. Large subunit 28S rDNA sequences of C. palombi and C. stossichi collected from the cloaca and rectal gland, respectively of Mustelus mustelus (Triakidae) from the coast of Tunisia differ sufficiently for these calicotylines to be considered separate and valid species. Our results indicate that some species of Calicotyle are not strictly host-specific, but that C. kroyeri may not be as widely distributed in rajids as was believed previously. Calicotyle specimens from rajids must be re-examined critically to determine whether there are morphological differences indicative of specific differences that may have been overlooked previously.
Three coral reef fish species, Zanclus cornutus, Chaetodon vagabundus and Naso lituratus, were collected in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. These fish species were each infected by one morphologically similar digenean species in both localities; Schistorchis Zancli Hanson, 1953 was found in Zanclus cornutus. Preptetos laguncula Bray and Cribb, 1996 in Naso lituratus and Neohypocreadium dorsoporum Machida and Uchida, 1987 in Chaetodon vagabundus. In addition, on the Great Barrier Reef P. laguncula was also found in Naso unicornis and N. dorsoporum in Chaetodon ephippium and Chaetodon flavirostris. Morphometric differences between the species from the two sites were only slight. Sequences from the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA of each worm revealed total homology or negligible divergence between samples from hosts caught in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef. These results show that across more than 6000 km these digeneans are similar in morphology and genotype. Some species of fishes and molluscs a-re considered to have distributions that encompass the entire tropical Indo-West Pacific. These findings suggest that at least some of their parasites have similarly broad distributions. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The composition of the Pyrgulidae and its relationships to other member families of the caenogastropod superfamily Rissooidea are examined after a consideration of new anatomical (including gross anatomy, sperm ultrastructure), conchological (including protoconch features), ecological, biogeographical and palaeontological data and a re-evaluation of existing literature. Pyrgulidae can be distinguished from hydrobiids unequivocally only with the aid of the radula. Sperm ultrastructural features suggest a very close relationship between the Pyrgulidae, the Hydrobiidae and the Bithyniidae (in fact no family-diagnostic sperm characters can be found to separate these three taxa). Based upon neontological and fossil evidence it is likely that pyrgulids represent a Miocene offshoot from a paratethyal hydrobiid lineage. Pyrgulids may also represent the stock from which the baicaliids arose, in which case the Pyrgulidae must be considered a paraphyletic group. The huge biogeographic gap between the Caspian Sea and Lake Baikal is to some extent bridged by the finding of a Neogene pyrgulid from the Altai Mountains. An alternative scenario for the origin of baicaliids is presented.
Short-nosed bandicoots, Isoodon, have undergone marked range contractions since European colonisation of Australia and are currently divided into many subspecies, the validity of which is debated. Discriminant function analysis of morphology and a phylogeny of Isoodon based on mtDNA control region sequences indicate a clear split between two of the three recognised species, I. macrourus and I. obesulus/auratus. However, while all previously recognised taxa within the I. obesulus/auratus group are morphologically distinct, I. auratus and I. obesulus are not phylogenetically distinct for mtDNA. The genetic divergence between I. obesulus and I. auratus (2.6%) is similar to that found among geographic isolates of the former (I. o. obesulus and I. o. peninsulae: 2.7%). Further, the divergence between geographically close populations of two different species (I. o. obesulus from Western Australia and I. a. barrowensis: 1.2%) is smaller than that among subspecies within I. auratus (I. a. barrowensis and I. auratus from northern Western Australia: 1.7%). A newly discovered population of Isoodon in the Lamb Range, far north Queensland, sympatric with a population of I. m. torosus, is shown to represent a range extension of I. o. peninsulae (350 km). It seems plausible that what is currently considered as two species, I. obesulus and I. auratus, was once one continuous species now represented by isolated populations that have diverged morphologically as a consequence of adaptation to the diverse environments that occur throughout their range. The taxonomy of these populations is discussed in relation to their morphological distinctiveness and genetic similarity.
Ancient mitochondrial DNA sequences were used for investigating the evolution of an entire clade of extinct vertebrates, the endemic tortoises (Cylindraspis) of the Mascarene Islands in the Indian Ocean. Mitochondrial DNA corroborates morphological evidence that there were five species of tortoise with the following relationships: Cylindraspis triserrata ((Cylindraspis vosmaeri and Cylindraspis peltastes) (Cylindraspis inepta and Cylindraspis indica)). Phylogeny indicates that the ancestor of the group first colonized Mauritius where speciation produced C. triserrata and the ancestor of the other species including a second sympatric Mauritian form, C. inepta. A propagule derived from this lineage colonized Rodrigues 590 km to the east, where a second within-island speciation took place producing the sympatric C. vosmaeri and C. peltastes. A recent colonization of Réunion 150 km to the southwest produced C. indica. In the virtual absence of predators, the defensive features of the shells of Mascarene tortoises were largely dismantled, apparently in two stages. 'Saddlebacked' shells with high fronts evolved independently on all three islands. This and other features, such as a derived jaw structure and small body size, may be associated with niche differentiation in sympatric species and may represent a striking example of parallel differentiation in a large terrestrial vertebrate. The history of Mascarene tortoises contrasts with that of the Galápagos, where only a single species is present and surviving populations are genetically much more similar. However, they too show some reduction in anti-predator mechanisms and multiple development of populations with saddlebacked shells.
Comparison of the ultrastructure of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements and the enamel of vertebrates provides little support for a close phylogenetic relationship between conodonts and vertebrates. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy shows that the mineralised component of the hyaline tissue of Panderodus and of Cordylodus elements consists of large, flat, oblong crystals, arranged in layers that run parallel to the long axis of the conodont. Enamel in the dentition of a living vertebrate, the lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, has crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite, arranged in layers, and extending in groups from the dentine-enamel junction; the crystals are slender, elongate spicules perpendicular to the surface of the tooth plate, Similar crystal arrangements to those of lungfish are found in other vertebrates, but none resembles the organisation of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements, The crystals of hydroxyapatite in conodont hyaline tissue are exceptionally large, perpendicular or parallel to the surface of the element, with no trace of prisms, unlike the protoprismatic radial crystallite enamel of fish teeth and scales, or the highly organised prismatic enamel of mammals.