51 resultados para electrical impedance spectroscopy
The electrochemical behaviour of magnesium was studied in representative chloride and sulphate solutions including NaCl, Na2SO4, NaOH and their mixed solutions, HCl, and H2SO4: (1) by measuring electrochemical polarisation curves, (2) by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and (3) by simultaneous measurement of hydrogen gas evolution and measurement of magnesium dissolution rates using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICPEAS). These experiments showed that a partially protective surface film played an important role in the dissolution of magnesium in chloride and sulphate solutions. Furthermore, the experimental data were consistent with the involvement of the intermediate species Mg+ in magnesium dissolution at film imperfections or on a film-free surface. At such sites, magnesium first oxidised electrochemically to the intermediate species Mg+, and then the intermediate species chemically reacted with water to produce hydrogen and Mg2+. The presence of Cl- ions increased the film free area, and accelerated the electrochemical reaction rate from magnesium metal to Mg+. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
The corrosion behaviour of AZ21, AZ501 and AZ91 was studied in 1 N NaCl at pH 11 by measuring electrochemical polarization curves, electrochemical AC impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and simultaneously measuring the hydrogen evolution rate and the: magnesium dissolution rate. The corrosion rates increased in the following order: AZ501 < AZ21 < AZ91. The: corrosion behaviour was related to alloy microstructure as revealed by optical and electron microscopy. The beta phase was very stable in the test solution and was an effective cathode. The beta phase served two roles, as a barrier and as a galvanic cathode. If the beta phase is present in the alpha matrix as intergranular precipitates with a small volume fraction, then the beta phase mainly serves as a galvanic cathode, and accelerates the corrosion of the alpha matrix. If the beta Fraction is high, then the beta phase may mainly act as an anodic barrier to inhibit the overall corrosion of the alloy. The composition and compositional distribution in the alpha phase is also crucial to the overall corrosion performance of dual phase alloys. Increasing the aluminum concentration in the alpha phase increases the anodic dissolution rate and also increases the cathodic hydrogen evolution rate. Increasing the zinc concentration in the alpha phase may have the opposite effect. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and Objectives: This pilot project assessed the acceptability of a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise programme following breast cancer treatment, and the impact on presence of lymphoedema, fitness, body composition, fatigue, mood and quality of life. Methods: Ten women completed the programme and measures of fitness (submaximal ergometer test), body composition (bio-electrical impedance), lympoedema (bio-electrical impedance and arm circumferences), fatigue (revised Piper Fatigue Scale), mood (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), quality of life (FACT-B) and general well-being, at baseline, completion of the programme, and 6-week and 3-month follow-up. Results: Participation in the programme caused no adverse effect on the presence of lymphoedema. There was a trend towards reduction in fatigue and improved quality of life across the testing phases. Women rated the programme extremely favourably, citing benefits of the support of other women, trained guidance, and the opportunity to experience different types of exercise. Conclusions: A mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program in a group format is acceptable to women following breast cancer treatment, with the potential to reduce fatigue and improve quality of life, without exacerbating or precipitating lymphoedema. This pilot work needs to be confirmed in larger randomised studies. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Smoke inhalation injuries are the leading cause of mortality from burn injury. Airway obstruction due to mucus plugging and bronchoconstriction can cause severe ventilation inhomogeneity and worsen hypoxia. Studies describing changes of viscoelastic characteristics of the lung after smoke inhalation are missing. We present results of a new smoke inhalation device in sheep and describe pathophysiological changes after smoke exposure. Fifteen female Merino ewes were anesthetized and intubated. Baseline data using electrical impedance tomography and multiple-breath inert-gas washout were obtained by measuring ventilation distribution, functional residual capacity, lung clearance index, dynamic compliance, and stress index. Ten sheep were exposed to standardized cotton smoke insufflations and five sheep to sham smoke insufflations. Measured carboxyhemoglobin before inhalation was 3.87 +/- 0.28% and 5 min after smoke was 61.5 +/- 2.1%, range 50-69.4% ( P < 0.001). Two hours after smoke functional residual capacity decreased from 1,773 +/- 226 to 1,006 +/- 129 ml and lung clearance index increased from 10.4 +/- 0.4 to 14.2 +/- 0.9. Dynamic compliance decreased from 56.6 +/- 5.5 to 32.8 +/- 3.2 ml/ cmH(2)O. Stress index increased from 0.994 +/- 0.009 to 1.081 +/- 0.011 ( P < 0.01) ( all means +/- SE, P < 0.05). Electrical impedance tomography showed a shift of ventilation from the dependent to the independent lung after smoke exposure. No significant change was seen in the sham group. Smoke inhalation caused immediate onset in pulmonary dysfunction and significant ventilation inhomogeneity. The smoke inhalation device as presented may be useful for interventional studies.
Ordered mesoporous materials show great importance in energy, environmental, and chemical engineering. The diffusion of guest species in mesoporous networks plays an important role in these applications, especially for energy storage, such as supercapacitors based on ordered mesoporous carbons ( OMCs). The ion diffusion behavior in two different 2-D hexagonal OMCs was investigated by using cyclic voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen cryosorption methods were used to study the pore structure variations of these two OMCs. It was found that, for the OMC with defective pore channels ( termed as pore packing defects), the gravimetric capacitance was greatly decayed when the voltage scan rate was increased. The experimental results suggest that, for the ion diffusion in 2-D hexagonal OMCs with similar mesopore size distribution, the pore packing defect is a dominant dynamic factor.
Oxidoreductase enzymes catalyze single- or multi-electron reduction/oxidation reactions of small molecule inorganic or organic substrates, and they are integral to a wide variety of biological processes including respiration, energy production, biosynthesis, metabolism, and detoxification. All redox enzymes require a natural redox partner such as an electron-transfer protein ( e. g. cytochrome, ferredoxin, flavoprotein) or a small molecule cosubstrate ( e. g. NAD(P)H, dioxygen) to sustain catalysis, in effect to balance the substrate/product redox half-reaction. In principle, the natural electron-transfer partner may be replaced by an electrochemical working electrode. One of the great strengths of this approach is that the rate of catalysis ( equivalent to the observed electrochemical current) may be probed as a function of applied potential through linear sweep and cyclic voltammetry, and insight to the overall catalytic mechanism may be gained by a systematic electrochemical study coupled with theoretical analysis. In this review, the various approaches to enzyme electrochemistry will be discussed, including direct and indirect ( mediated) experiments, and a brief coverage of the theory relevant to these techniques will be presented. The importance of immobilizing enzymes on the electrode surface will be presented and the variety of ways that this may be done will be reviewed. The importance of chemical modification of the electrode surface in ensuring an environment conducive to a stable and active enzyme capable of functioning natively will be illustrated. Fundamental research into electrochemically driven enzyme catalysis has led to some remarkable practical applications. The glucose oxidase enzyme electrode is a spectacularly successful application of enzyme electrochemistry. Biosensors based on this technology are used worldwide by sufferers of diabetes to provide rapid and accurate analysis of blood glucose concentrations. Other applications of enzyme electrochemistry are in the sensing of macromolecular complexation events such as antigen - antibody binding and DNA hybridization. The review will include a selection of enzymes that have been successfully investigated by electrochemistry and, where appropriate, discuss their development towards practical biotechnological applications.
A novel apparatus, high-pressure/high-temperature nickel flow loop, was constructed to study the effect of the flow on the rate of erosion-corrosion of mild steel in hot caustic. It has been successfully used to measure the corrosion rate of 1020 steel in 2.75 M NaOH solution at a temperature of 160 degrees C and velocities of 0.32 and 2.5 m/s. In situ electrochemical methods were used to measure the corrosion rate such as the potentiodynamic sweep, the polarization resistance method, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Also used were the weight-loss method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Eight electrodes/coupons were used to monitor the metal loss rate, four were placed at the low velocity section, while the other four were placed in the high velocity section. The first three coupons in each section were placed within the disturbed flow region, while the fourth was placed in a fully developed flow region. The corrosion rate of the coupons in the high velocity section was generally higher than that of the coupons in the low velocity section. One coupon in the disturbed flow region had a significantly higher corrosion rate than the others. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Potential errors in the application of mixture theory to the analysis of multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance data for the determination of body fluid volumes are assessed. Potential sources of error include: conductive length; tissue fluid resistivity; body density; weight and technical errors of measurement. Inclusion of inaccurate estimates of body density and weight introduce errors of typically < +/-3% but incorrect assumptions regarding conductive length or fluid resistivities may each incur errors of up to 20%.
Co-sintering aid has been added to Ce1.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) by treating a commercial powder with Co(NO3)(2) (COCGO), X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of lattice parameter indicated that the Co was located on the CGO particle surface after calcination at 650 degreesC. After heat treatment at temperatures above 650 degreesC, the room temperature lattice parameter of CGO was found to increase, indicating redistribution of the Gd. Compared to CGO, the lattice parameter of CGO + 2 cation% Co (2CoCGO) was lower for a given temperature (650-1100 degreesC), A.C. impedance revealed that the lattice conductivity of 2CoCGO was enhanced when densified at lower temperatures, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed that, even after sintering for 4 h at 980 degreesC, most of the Co was located at grain boundaries. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Well-densified 10 mol% Dy2O3-doped CeO2 (20DDC) ceramics with average grain sizes of similar to 0.12-1.5 mu m were fabricated by pressureless sintering at 950-1550 degrees C using a reactive powder thermally decomposed from a carbonate precursor, which was synthesized via a carbonate coprecipitation method employing nitrates as the starting salts and ammonium carbonate as the precipitant. Electrical conductivity of the ceramics, measured by the dc three-point impedance method, shows a V-shape curve against the average grain size. The sample with the smallest grain size of 0.12 mu m exhibits a high conductivity of similar to 10(-1.74) S/cm at the measurement temperature of 700 degrees C, which is about the same conduction level of the micro-grained 10 mol% Sm2O3- or Gd2O3-doped CeO2, two leading electrolyte materials. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conventional bioimpedance spectrometers measure resistance and reactance over a range of frequencies and, by application of a mathematical model for an equivalent circuit (the Cole model), estimate resistance at zero and infinite frequencies. Fitting of the experimental data to the model is accomplished by iterative, nonlinear curve fitting. An alternative fitting method is described that uses only the magnitude of the measured impedances at four selected frequencies. The two methods showed excellent agreement when compared using data obtained both from measurements of equivalent circuits and of humans. These results suggest that operational equivalence to a technically complex, frequency-scanning, phase-sensitive BIS analyser could be achieved from a simple four-frequency, impedance-only analyser.
A new mutual impedance - the receiving mutual impedance - between two normal-mode helical antennas is defined, measured, and theoretically calculated. The variations of the receiving mutual impedance with antenna separation, with frequency, and with excitation source direction are critically investigated. An application of the receiving mutual impedance in direction finding demonstrates its more accurate description of the mutual coupling effect than that using the conventional mutual impedance.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to assess body composition in rats fed on either standard laboratory diet or on a high-fat diet designed to induce obesity. Bioelectrical impedance analysis predictions of total body water and thus fat-free mass (FFM) for the group mean values were generally within 5% of the measured values by tritiated water ((H2O)-H-3) dilution. The limits of agreement for the procedure were, however, large, approximately +/-25%, limiting the applicability of the technique for measurement of body composition in individual animals.