70 resultados para crop modeling


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L-studio/cpfg is a plant modeling software system designed for Windows 95/98/NT platforms. Its key components are the L-system-based plant simulator cpfg and the modeling environment called L-studio. We overview version 1.0 of this system from the user's perspective.


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A numerical model of heat transfer in fluidized-bed coating of solid cylinders is presented. By defining suitable dimensionless parameters, the governing equations and its associated initial and boundary conditions are discretized using the method of orthogonal collocation and the resulting ordinary differential equations simultaneously solved for the dimensionless coating thickness and wall temperatures. Parametric Studies showed that the dimensionless coating thickness and wall temperature depend on the relative heat capacities of the polymer powder and object, the latent heat of fusion and the size of the cylinder. Model predictions for the coating thickness and wall temperature compare reasonably well with numerical predictions and experimental coating data in the literature and with our own coating experiments using copper cylinders immersed in nylon-11 and polyethylene powders. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The earth's tectonic plates are strong, viscoelastic shells which make up the outermost part of a thermally convecting, predominantly viscous layer. Brittle failure of the lithosphere occurs when stresses are high. In order to build a realistic simulation of the planet's evolution, the complete viscoelastic/brittle convection system needs to be considered. A particle-in-cell finite element method is demonstrated which can simulate very large deformation viscoelasticity with a strain-dependent yield stress. This is applied to a plate-deformation problem. Numerical accuracy is demonstrated relative to analytic benchmarks, and the characteristics of the method are discussed.


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The effect of hydration (priming) treatment on dormancy release in annual ryegrass seeds from two populations was investigated. Hydration duration, number, and timing with respect to after-ripening were compared in an experiment involving 15 treatment regimens for 12 wk. Seeds were hydrated at 100% relative humidity for 0, 2, or 10 d at Weeks 1, 6, or 12 of after-ripening. Dormancy status was assessed after each hydration treatment by measuring seed germination at 12-hourly alternating 25/15 C (light/dark) periods using seeds directly from the hydration treatment and seeds subjected to 4 d postpriming desiccation. Seeds exposed to one or more hydration events during the 12 wk were less dormant than seeds that remained dry throughout after-ripening. The longer hydration of 10 d promoted greater dormancy loss than either a 2-d hydration or no hydration. For the seed lot that was most dormant at the start of the experiment, two or three rather than one hydration event or a hydration event earlier rather than later during after-ripening promoted greater dormancy release. These effects were not significant for the less-dormant seed lot. For both seed lots, the effect of a single hydration for 2 d at Week 1 or 6 of after-ripening was not manifested until the test at Week 12 of the experiment, suggesting that the hydration events alter the rate of dormancy release during subsequent after-ripening. A hydrothermal priming time model, usually used for modeling the effect of priming on germination rate of nondormant seeds, was successfully applied to dormancy release resulting from the hydration treatments.


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A Cellular-Automaton Finite-Volume-Method (CAFVM) algorithm has been developed, coupling with macroscopic model for heat transfer calculation and microscopic models for nucleation and growth. The solution equations have been solved to determine the time-dependent constitutional undercooling and interface retardation during solidification. The constitutional undercooling is then coupled into the CAFVM algorithm to investigate both the effects of thermal and constitutional undercooling on columnar growth and crystal selection in the columnar zone, and formation of equiaxed crystals in the bulk liquid. The model cannot only simulate microstructures of alloys but also investigates nucleation mechanisms and growth kinetics of alloys solidified with various solute concentrations and solidification morphologies.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a specific cognitive race plan on 100 m sprint performance, Twelve elite sprinters (11 male and 1 female) performed 100 m time trials under normal (control) conditions and then under experimental conditions (use of race cues). In the experimental condition, participants were asked to think about specific thought content in each of three segments of the 100 m. A multiple baseline design was employed. A mean improvement of 0.26 s was found. Eleven of the 12 participants showed improvement using the specific cognitive race plan (p < .005). Participants also produced more consistent sprint performances when using the cues (p < .01). Subjective evaluations made by the participants unanimously supported the use of the race plan for optimizing sprint performance. Environmental conditions, effort, and practice effects were considered as possible influences on the results.


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The acceptance-probability-controlled simulated annealing with an adaptive move generation procedure, an optimization technique derived from the simulated annealing algorithm, is presented. The adaptive move generation procedure was compared against the random move generation procedure on seven multiminima test functions, as well as on the synthetic data, resembling the optical constants of a metal. In all cases the algorithm proved to have faster convergence and superior escaping from local minima. This algorithm was then applied to fit the model dielectric function to data for platinum and aluminum.


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Using peanuts as an example, a generic methodology is presented to forward-estimate regional crop production and associated climatic risks based on phases of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Yield fluctuations caused by a highly variable rainfall environment are of concern to peanut processing and marketing bodies. The industry could profitably use forecasts of likely production to adjust their operations strategically. Significant, physically based lag-relationships exist between an index of ocean/atmosphere El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon and future rainfall in Australia and elsewhere. Combining knowledge of SOI phases in November and December with output from a dynamic simulation model allows the derivation of yield probability distributions based on historic rainfall data. This information is available shortly after planting a crop and at least 3-5 months prior to harvest. The study shows that in years when the November-December SOI phase is positive there is an 80% chance of exceeding average district yields. Conversely, in years when the November-December SOI phase is either negative or rapidly falling there is only a 5% chance of exceeding average district yields, but a 95% chance of below average yields. This information allows the industry to adjust strategically for the expected volume of production. The study shows that simulation models can enhance SOI signals contained in rainfall distributions by discriminating between useful and damaging rainfall events. The methodology can be applied to other industries and regions.


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We propose a simulated-annealing-based genetic algorithm for solving model parameter estimation problems. The algorithm incorporates advantages of both genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Tests on computer-generated synthetic data that closely resemble optical constants of a metal were performed to compare the efficiency of plain genetic algorithms against the simulated-annealing-based genetic algorithms. These tests assess the ability of the algorithms to and the global minimum and the accuracy of values obtained for model parameters. Finally, the algorithm with the best performance is used to fit the model dielectric function to data for platinum and aluminum. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Absorption kinetics of solutes given with the subcutaneous administration of fluids is ill-defined. The gamma emitter, technitium pertechnetate, enabled estimates of absorption rate to be estimated independently using two approaches. In the first approach, the counts remaining at the site were estimated by imaging above the subcutaneous administration site, whereas in the second approach, the plasma technetium concentration-time profiles were monitored up to 8 hr after technetium administration. Boluses of technetium pertechnetate were given both intravenously and subcutaneously on separate occasions with a multiple dosing regimen using three doses on each occasion. The disposition of technetium after iv administration was best described by biexponential kinetics with a V-ss of 0.30 +/- 0.11 L/kg and a clearance of 30.0 +/- 13.1 ml/min. The subcutaneous absorption kinetics was best described as a single exponential process with a half-life of 18.16 +/- 3.97 min by image analysis and a half-life of 11.58 +/- 2.48 min using plasma technetium time data. The bioavailability of technetium by the subcutaneous route was estimated to be 0.96 +/- 0.12. The absorption half-life showed no consistent change with the duration of the subcutaneous infusion. The amount remaining at the absorption site with time was similar when analyzed using image analysis, and plasma concentrations assuming multiexponential disposition kinetics and a first-order absorption process. Profiles of fraction remaining at the absorption sire generated by deconvolution analysis, image analysis, and assumption of a constant first-order absorption process were similar. Slowing of absorption from the subcutaneous administration site is apparent after the last bolus dose in three of the subjects and can De associated with the stopping of the infusion. In a fourth subject, the retention of technetium at the subcutaneous site is more consistent with accumulation of technetium near the absorption site as a result of systemic recirculation.