42 resultados para chemical waste management


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The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) is a modular modelling framework that has been developed by the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit in Australia. APSIM was developed to simulate biophysical process in farming systems, in particular where there is interest in the economic and ecological outcomes of management practice in the face of climatic risk. The paper outlines APSIM's structure and provides details of the concepts behind the different plant, soil and management modules. These modules include a diverse range of crops, pastures and trees, soil processes including water balance, N and P transformations, soil pH, erosion and a full range of management controls. Reports of APSIM testing in a diverse range of systems and environments are summarised. An example of model performance in a long-term cropping systems trial is provided. APSIM has been used in a broad range of applications, including support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or resource management objectives, assessment of the value of seasonal climate forecasting, analysis of supply chain issues in agribusiness activities, development of waste management guidelines, risk assessment for government policy making and as a guide to research and education activity. An extensive citation list for these model testing and application studies is provided. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reductive dechlorination (RD) of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to vinyl chloride (VC) and, to a lesser extent, to ethene (ETH) by an anaerobic microbial community has been investigated by studying the processes and kinetics of the main physiological components of the consortium. Molecular hydrogen, produced by methanol-utilizing acetogens, was the electron donor for the PCE RD to VC and ETH without forming any appreciable amount of other chlorinated intermediates and in the near absence of methanogenic activity. The microbial community structure of the consortium was investigated by preparing a 1 6S rDNA clone library and by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The PCR primers used in the clone library allowed the harvest of 16SrDNA from both bacterial and archaeal members in the community. A total of 616 clones were screened by RFLP analysis of the clone inserts followed by the sequencing of RFLP group representatives and phylogenetic analysis. The clone library contained sequences mostly from hitherto undescribed bacteria. No sequences similar to those of the known RD bacteria like 'Dehalococcoides ethenogenes' or Dehalobacter restrictus were found in the clone library, and none of these bacteria was present in the RD consortium according to FISH. Almost all clones fell into six previously described phyla of the bacterial domain, with the majority (56(.)6%) being deep-branching members of the Spirochaetes phylum. Other clones were in the Firmicutes phylum (18(.)5%), the Chloroflexi phylum (16(.)4%), the Bacteroidetes phylum (6(.)3%), the Synergistes genus (11(.)1%) and a lineage that could not be affiliated with existing phyla (11(.)1%). No archaeal clones were found in the clone library. Owing to the phylogenetic novelty of the microbial community with regard to previously cultured microorganisms, no specific microbial component(s) could be hypothetically affiliated with the RD phenotype. The predominance of Spirochaetes in the microbial consortium, the main group revealed by clone library analysis, was confirmed by FISH using a purposely developed probe.


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The 23S rRNA-targeted probes GAM42a and BET42a provided equivocal results with the uncultured gammaproteobacterium 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis' where some cells bound GAM42a and other cells bound BET42a in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments. Probes GAM42a and BET42a span positions 1027-1043 in the 23S rRNAand differ from each other by one nucleotide at position 1033. Clone libraries were prepared from PCR products spanning the 16S rRNA genes, intergenic spacer region and 23S rRNA genes from two mixed cultures enriched in 'Candidatus C. phosphatis'. With individual clone inserts, the 16S rDNA portion was used to confirm the source organism as 'Candidatus C. phosphatis' and the 23S rDNA portion was used to determine the sequence of the GAM42a/BET42a probe target region. Of the 19 clones sequenced, 8 had the GAM42a probe target (T at position 1033) and 11 had G at position 1033, the only mismatch with GAM42a. However, none of the clones had the BET42a probe target (A at 1033). Non-canonical base-pairing between the 23S rRNA of 'Candidatus C. phosphatis' with G at position 1033 and GAM42a (G-A) or BET42a (G-T) is likely to explain the probing anomalies. A probe (GAM42_C1033) was optimized for use in FISH, targeting cells with G at position 1033, and was found to highlight not only some 'Candidatus C. phosphatis' cells, but also other bacteria. This demonstrates that there are bacteria in addition to 'Candidatus C. phosphatis' with the GAM42_C1033 probe target and not the BET42a or GAM42a probe target.


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The sheathed filamentous bacterium known as strain CT3, isolated by micromanipulation from an activated sludge treatment plant in Italy, is a member of the genus Thiothrix in the gamma-Proteobacteria according to 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The closest phylogenetic neighbours of strain CT3 are strains I and Q(T), which were also isolated from activated sludge and belong to the species Thiothrix fructosivorans. These strains have respectively 99.2 and 99.4 % similarity to CT3 by 16S rDNA sequence comparison. CT3 shows 63-67 % DNA-DNA hybridization with strain I, which is the only currently viable strain of T. fructosivorans. CT3 is the second strain in the genus Thiothrix that has been shown to be capable of growing autotrophically with reduced sulfur compounds as the sole energy source; autotrophy was also confirmed in strain I. The first reported chemolithoautotrophic isolate of this genus was a strain of 'Thiothrix ramosa' that was isolated from a hydrogen sulfide spring and is morphologically distinguishable from all other described strains of Thiothrix, including CT3. CT3 is an aerobic organism that is non-fermentative, not capable of denitrification and able to grow heterotrophically. Autotrophy in the genus Thiothrix should be investigated more fully to better define the taxonomy of this genus.


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This paper examines the influence of the chemical constituents of activated sludge and extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on the surface properties, hydrophobicity, surface charge (SC) and flocculating ability (FA) of activated sludge floes. Activated sludge samples from 7 different full-scale wastewater treatment plants were examined. Protein and humic substances were found to be the dominant polymeric compounds in the activated sludges and the extracted EPS, and they significantly affected the FA and surface properties, hydrophobicity and SC, of the sludge floes. The polymeric compounds proteins, humic substances and carbohydrates in the sludge floes and the extracted EPS contributed to the negative SC, but correlated negatively to the hydrophobicity of sludge floes. The quantity of protein and carbohydrate within the sludge and the extracted EPS was correlated positively to the FA of the sludge floes, while increased amounts of humic substances resulted in lower FA. In contrast, increased amounts of total extracted EPS had a negative correlation to FA. The results reveal that the quality and quantity of the polymeric compounds within the sludge floes is more informative, with respect to understanding the mechanisms involved in flocculation, than if only the extracted EPS are considered. This is an important finding as it indicates that extracting EPS may be insufficient to characterise the EPS. This is due to the low extraction efficiency and difficulties involved in the separation of EPS from other organic compounds. Correlations were observed between the surface properties and FA of the sludge floes., This confirms that the surface properties of the, sludge flocs play an important role in the bioflocculation process but that also other interactions like polymer entanglement are important. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Significant acetylene reduction and therefore N-2 fixation was observed for Lyngbya majuscula only during dark periods, which suggests that oxygenic photosynthesis and N-2 fixation are incompatible processes for this species. Results from a series of batch and continuous-flow-culture reactor studies showed that the specific growth rate and N-2 fixation rate of L, majuscula increased with phosphate (P-PO4) concentration up to a maximum value and thereafter remained constant. The P-PO4 concentrations corresponding to the maximum N-2 fixation and maximum growth rates were -0.27 and -0.18 muM respectively and these values are denoted as the saturation values for N-2 fixation and growth respectively. Regular monitoring studies in Moreton Bay, Queensland, show that concentrations Of P-PO4 generally exceed these saturation values over a large portion of the Bay and therefore, the growth of the bloom-forming L, majuscula is potentially maximised throughout much of the Bay by the elevated P-PO4 concentrations. Results from other studies suggest that the elevated P-PO4 concentrations in the Bay can be largely attributed to discharges from waste-water treatment plants (WWTPs), and thus it is proposed that the control of the growth of L. majuscula in Moreton Bay will require a significant reduction in the P load from the WWTP discharges. If the current strategy of N load reduction for these discharges is maintained in the absence of substantial P load reduction, it is hypothesised that the growth of L, majuscula and other diazotrophs in Moreton Bay will increase in the future.


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Vermicompost filtration is a new on-site waste treatment system. Consequently, little is known about the filter medium properties. The aim of this preliminary study was to quantify physical and compositional properties of vermicompost filter beds that had been used to treat domestic solid organic waste and wastewater. This paper presents the trials performed on pilot-scale reactors filled with vermicompost from a full-scale vermicompost filtration system. Household solid organic waste and raw wastewater at the rate of 130 L/m(2)/d was applied to the reactor bed surface over a four-month period. It was found that fresh casts laid on the bed surface had a BOD of 1290 mg/g VS while casts buried to a depth of 10 cm had a BOD of 605 mg/g VS. Below this depth there was little further biodegradation of earthworm casts despite cast ages of up to five years. Solid material in the reactor accounted for only 7-10% of the reactor volume. The total voidage comprised of large free-draining pores, which accounted for 15-20% of the reactor volume and 60-70% micropores, able to hold up water against gravity. It was shown that water could flow through the medium micropores and macropores following a wastewater application. The wastewater flow characteristics were modeled by a two-region model based on the Richards Equation, an equation used to describe porous spatially heterogeneous materials.