17 resultados para caffeine


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Phenolic compounds constitute 50-70% of tea water extract and are the main quality parameters for teas. Theaflavins (TF), thearubigins (TR) and theabrownins (TB) are the major polyphenols that determine the quality of black tea. These compounds were measured in 56 leaf teas and teabags sampled from Australian supermarkets in Queensland. The various quantities of TF, ranging from 0.29% to 1.25%, indicate a quality difference that exists among the teas studied. Low TF content in black tea may be due to over-fermenting and/or long periods of storage. The solubility of TR and TB from teabags ranged from 82% to 92%, indicating that the permeability of teabags was variable. Variable quantities of TF in Australian teas show instability and a tendency of TF to oxidize during storage. Total polyphenols in green teas ranged from 14% to 34%, indicating a large variation, which was not reflected in price. The solubility of total polyphenols from teabags has been proposed as a useful quality index of the filtering paper used for the teabags. This chemical analysis of phenolic compounds in commercial teas may be a potential tool for the quality control of Australian manufactured and imported teas in Australian markets. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Caffeine, total amino acids, water extract and moisture content are considered to be quality indicators for leaf teas and teabags. These analyses were examined in 20 leaf teas and 36 teabags sampled from Australian supermarkets. About 70% of the analysed samples showed a moisture content higher than Vie maximum accepted level, 6.5%, for tea storage and marketing by the tea industries and traders. Water appropriate extract of 15 samples out of 36 teabags was lower than that of the teas without teabags, which indicates that the quality of the paper used for teabags needs to be evaluated. Moreover, one of the black leaf tea samples was found to have a water extract below the lower limit of international standards. Four green and black teas of the same brand, claimed to contain less than 3% caffeine, were found to have 3-4%, the same as the other samples analysed in this study. The mean total contents of amino acids were 2.50% and 1.76% in black leaf teas and the teabags, respectively, whereas they were 3.44% and 2.28% in green leaf teas and the teabags, respectively. Furthermore, the weights of 28 teabags out of 36 samples were found to lie outside of the proposed +/- 2% variation accepted by the tea industries and traders, and 4 samples showed even larger variation, 10% being out of the proposed weights. This investigation also showed that the solubility of caffeine and water extract was affected by the permeability of teabags, whereas total amino acids were very variable. These results suggest that an efficient and practical quality control system for both imported and Australian-made teas in the Australian supermarkets should be developed, implemented and enforced. Chemical analysis should be a part of the system for establishing an objective assessment for the quality control. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.