258 resultados para atomic structure
Isothermal-isobaric (NPT) molecular dynamics simulation has been performed to investigate the layering behavior and structure of nanoconfined quaternary alkylammoniums in organoclays. This work is focused on systems consisting of two clay layers and a number of alkylammoniums, and involves the use of modified Dreiding force field. The simulated basal spacings of organoclays agree satisfactorily with the experimental results in the literature. The atomic density profiles in the direction normal to the clay surface indicate that the alkyl chains within the interlayer space of montmorillonite exhibit an obvious layering behavior. The headgroups of long alkyl chains are distributed within two layers close to the clay surface, whereas the distributions of methyl and methylene groups are strongly dependent on the alkyl chain length and clay layer charge. Monolayer, bilayer, and pseudo-trilayer structures are found in organoclays modified with single long alkyl chains, which are identical to the structural models based on the measured basal spacings. A pseudo-quadrilayer structure, for the first time to our knowledge, is also identified in organoclays with double long alkyl chains. In the mixture structure of paraffin-type and multilayer, alkyl chains do not lie flat within a single layer but interlace, and also jump to the next layer in pseudo-trilayer as well as next nearest layer in pseudo-quadrilayer.
A review is given on the fundamental studies of gas-carbon reactions using electronic structure methods in the last several decades. The three types of electronic structure methods including semi-empirical, ab initio and density functional theory, methods are briefly introduced first, followed by the studies on carbon reactions with hydrogen and oxygen-containing gases (non-catalysed and catalysed). The problems yet to solve and possible promising directions are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The organic matrix surrounding bullet-shaped, cubo-octahedral, D-shaped, irregular arrowhead-shaped, and truncated hexa-octahedral magnetosomes was analysed in a variety of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria. The matrix was examined using low- (80 kV) and intermediate- (400 kV) voltage TEM. It encapsulated magnetosomes in dehydrated cells, ultraviolet-B-irradiated dehydrated cells and stained resin-embedded fixed cells, so the apparent structure of the matrix does not appear to be an artefact of specimen preparation. High-resolution images revealed lattice fringes in the matrix surrounding magnetite and greigite magnetosomes that were aligned with lattice fringes in the encapsulated magnetosomes. In all except one case, the lattice fringes had widths equal to or twice the width of the corresponding lattice fringes in the magnetosomes. The lattice fringes in the matrix were aligned with the {311}, {220}, {331}, {111} and {391} related lattice planes of magnetite and the {222} lattice plane of greigite. An unidentified material, possibly an iron hydroxide, was detected in two immature magnetosomes containing magnetite. The unidentified phase had a structure similar to that of the matrix as it contained {311}, {220} and {111} lattice fringes, which indicates that the matrix acts as a template for the spatially controlled biomineralization of the unidentified phase, which itself transforms into magnetite. The unidentified phase was thus called pre-magnetite. The presence of the magnetosomal matrix explains all of the five properties of the biosignature of the magnetosomal chain proposed previously by Friedmann et al. and supports their claim that some of the magnetite particles in the carbonate globules in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 are biogenic. Two new morphologies of magnetite magnetosomes are also reported here (i.e. tooth-shaped and hexa-octahedral magnetosomes). Tooth-shaped magnetite magnetosomes elongated in the [110] direction are reported, and are distinct from arrowhead-shaped and bullet-shaped magnetosomes. Elongation of magnetite magnetosomes in the [110] direction has not been reported previously. A Martian hexa-octahedral magnetite particle was previously characterized by Thomas-Keptra et al. and compared with truncated hexa-octahedral magnetite magnetosomes. Hexa-octahedral magnetite magnetosomes with the same morphology and similar sizes and axial ratios as those reported by Thomas-Keptra et al. are characterized here. These observations support their claim that ALH84001 contains evidence for a past Martian biota.
We have previously shown that a division of the f-shell into two subsystems gives a better understanding of the cohesive properties as well the general behavior of lanthanide systems. In this article, we present numerical computations, using the suggested method. We show that the picture is consistent with most experimental data, e.g., the equilibrium volume and electronic structure in general. Compared with standard energy band calculations and calculations based on the self-interaction correction and LIDA + U, the f-(non-f)-mixing interaction is decreased by spectral weights of the many-body states of the f-ion. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The structures of multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films of barium arachidate before and after heat treatment have been investigated using both atomic force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incidence synchrotron X-ray diffraction (GIXD). AFM gave information on surface morphology at molecular resolution while GIXD provided quantitative details of the lattice structures of the films with their crystal symmetries and lattice constants. As-prepared films contained three coexisting structures: two triclinic structures with the molecularchains tilted by about 20degrees from the film normal and with 3 x 1 or 2 x 2 super-lattice features arising from height modulation of the molecules in the films; a rectangular structure with molecules perpendicular to the film surface. Of these, the 3 x 1 structure is dominant with a loose correlation between the bilayers. In the film plane both superstructures are commensurate with the local structures, having different oblique symmetries. The lattice constants for the 3 x 1 structure are a(s) = 3a = 13.86 Angstrom, b(s) = b = 4.31 Angstrom and gamma(s) = gamma = 82.7degrees; for the 2 x 2 structure a(s) = 2a = 16.54 Angstrom, b(s) = 2b = 9.67 Angstrom, gamma(s) = gamma = 88degrees. For the rectangular structure the lattice constants are a = 7.39 Angstrom, b = 4.96 Angstrom and gamma = 90degrees. After annealing, the 2 x 2 and rectangular structures were not observed, while the 3 x 1 structure had developed over the entire film. For the annealed films the correlation length in the film plane is about twice that in the unheated films, and in the out-of-plane direction covers two bilayers. The above lattice parameters, determined by GIXD, differed significantly from the values obtained by AFM, due possibly to distortion of the films by the scanning action of the AFM tip. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Grazing incidence x-ray-diffraction investigations of the structures of Langmuir-Blodgett films of cadmium behenate with 1, 2, 3, 5, and 21 monolayers are reported. The single monolayer film, deposited on a hydrophilic substrate, showed a hexagonal structure, whereas the bilayer film, deposited on a hydrophobic substrate, had a rectangular structure with herringbone orientation of the acyl chains. With multilayer films formed on a hydrophilic substrate, it was possible to detect that the hexagonal structure of the first layer was retained when additional layers were deposited and that the additional layers had the same rectangular structure as the bilayer. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
We present results of the reconstruction of a saccharose-based activated carbon (CS1000a) using hybrid reverse Monte Carlo (HRMC) simulation, recently proposed by Opletal et al. [1]. Interaction between carbon atoms in the simulation is modeled by an environment dependent interaction potential (EDIP) [2,3]. The reconstructed structure shows predominance of sp(2) over sp bonding, while a significant proportion of sp(3) hybrid bonding is also observed. We also calculated a ring distribution and geometrical pore size distribution of the model developed. The latter is compared with that obtained from argon adsorption at 87 K using our recently proposed characterization procedure [4], the finite wall thickness (FWT) model. Further, we determine self-diffusivities of argon and nitrogen in the constructed carbon as functions of loading. It is found that while there is a maximum in the diffusivity with respect to loading, as previously observed by Pikunic et al. [5], diffusivities in the present work are 10 times larger than those obtained in the prior work, consistent with the larger pore size as well as higher porosity of the activated saccharose carbon studied here.
Doped ceria (CeO2) compounds are fluorite related oxides which show oxide ionic conductivity higher than yttria-stabilized zirconia in oxidizing atmosphere. As a consequence of this, a considerable interest has been shown in application of these materials for low (400-650 degrees C) temperature operation of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). In this paper, our experimental data about the influence of microstructure at the atomic level on electrochemical properties were reviewed in order to develop high quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in fuel cell applications. Using this data in the present paper, our original idea for a design of nanodomain structure in doped CeO2 electrolytes was suggested. The nanosized powders and dense sintered bodies of M doped CeO2 (M:Sm,Gd,La,Y,Yb, and Dy) compounds were fabricated. Also nanostiructural features in these specimens were introduced for conclusion of relationship between electrolytic properties and domain structure in doped CeO2. It is essential that the electrolytic properties in doped CeO2 solid electrolytes reflect in changes of microstructure even down to the atomic scale. Accordingly, a combined approach of nanostructure fabrication, electrical measurement and structure characterization was required to develop superior quality doped CeO2 electrolytes in the fuel cells.
In an open channel, a hydraulic jump is the rapid transition from super- to sub-critical flow associated with strong turbulence and air bubble entrainment in the mixing layer. New experiments were performed at relatively large Reynolds numbers using phase-detection probes. Some new signal analysis provided characteristic air-water time and length scales of the vortical structures advecting the air bubbles in the developing shear flow. An analysis of the longitudinal air-water flow structure suggested little bubble clustering in the mixing layer, although an interparticle arrival time analysis showed some preferential bubble clustering for small bubbles with chord times below 3 ms. Correlation analyses yielded longitudinal air-water time scales Txx*V1/d1 of about 0.8 in average. The transverse integral length scale Z/d1 of the eddies advecting entrained bubbles was typically between 0.25 and 0.4, irrespective of the inflow conditions within the range of the investigations. Overall the findings highlighted the complicated nature of the air-water flow
A Latin square is pan-Hamiltonian if the permutation which defines row i relative to row j consists of a single cycle for every i j. A Latin square is atomic if all of its conjugates are pan-Hamiltonian. We give a complete enumeration of atomic squares for order 11, the smallest order for which there are examples distinct from the cyclic group. We find that there are seven main classes, including the three that were previously known. A perfect 1-factorization of a graph is a decomposition of that graph into matchings such that the union of any two matchings is a Hamiltonian cycle. Each pan-Hamiltonian Latin square of order n describes a perfect 1-factorization of Kn,n, and vice versa. Perfect 1-factorizations of Kn,n can be constructed from a perfect 1-factorization of Kn+1. Six of the seven main classes of atomic squares of order 11 can be obtained in this way. For each atomic square of order 11, we find the largest set of Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares (MOLS) involving that square. We discuss algorithms for counting orthogonal mates, and discover the number of orthogonal mates possessed by the cyclic squares of orders up to 11 and by Parker's famous turn-square. We find that the number of atomic orthogonal mates possessed by a Latin square is not a main class invariant. We also define a new sort of Latin square, called a pairing square, which is mapped to its transpose by an involution acting on the symbols. We show that pairing squares are often orthogonal mates for symmetric Latin squares. Finally, we discover connections between our atomic squares and Franklin's diagonally cyclic self-orthogonal squares, and we correct a theorem of Longyear which uses tactical representations to identify self-orthogonal Latin squares in the same main class as a given Latin square.
View of carved king post.
View to underside of roof with steel beam and insulation.
We analyze the dynamics of a dilute, trapped Bose-condensed atomic gas coupled to a diatomic molecular Bose gas by coherent Raman transitions. This system is shown to result in a new type of “superchemistry,” in which giant collective oscillations between the atomic and the molecular gas can occur. The phenomenon is caused by stimulated emission of bosonic atoms or molecules into their condensate phases.
The process of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) provides a possible route for the generation of a coherent molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) from an atomic BEC. We analyze this process in a three-dimensional mean-field theory, including atom-atom interactions and nonresonant intermediate levels. We find that the process is feasible, but at larger Rabi frequencies than anticipated from a crude single-mode lossless analysis, due to two-photon dephasing caused by the atomic interactions. We then identify optimal strategies in STIRAP allowing one to maintain high conversion efficiencies with smaller Rabi frequencies and under experimentally less demanding conditions.