62 resultados para Zurich Route
The process of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) provides a possible route for the generation of a coherent molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) from an atomic BEC. We analyze this process in a three-dimensional mean-field theory, including atom-atom interactions and nonresonant intermediate levels. We find that the process is feasible, but at larger Rabi frequencies than anticipated from a crude single-mode lossless analysis, due to two-photon dephasing caused by the atomic interactions. We then identify optimal strategies in STIRAP allowing one to maintain high conversion efficiencies with smaller Rabi frequencies and under experimentally less demanding conditions.
Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developed countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.
This investigation was designed to examine the antinociceptive activity in rats of 3-O-acyl prodrugs of M6S relative to the parent drug, after intravenous and intramuscular injection, using the tail flick latency test of antinociception. M6S, 3-acetylmorphine-6-sulfate (3AcM6S), 3-propionylmorphine-6-sulfate (3PrM6S), 3-butanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3BuM6S) and 3-heptanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3HpM6S) were administered by the IV route in a dose of 4.10 mu mol/kg. Relatively high levels of antinociception (>40% Maximum Possible Effect) were achieved following administration of M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S, whereas insignificant antinociception (<20%MPE) was achieved following administration of 3BuM6S or 3HpM6S. Although the mean duration of action for 3AcM6S (6 h) was longer than for M6S or 3PrM6S (4 h), the mean area (+/- S.E.M.) under the degree of antinociception versus time curve (AUG) for 3AcM6S (151.6 +/- 6.9%MPE h) was not significantly different (p <0.05) from that for M6S (120.8 +/- 32.7%MPE h) or for 3PrM6S (106.0 +/- 21.3%MPE h). The mean ED50 (range) doses for M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S were calculated to be 4.16 (3.61-4.48), 4.32 (3.55-5.09) and 4.54 (4.21-4.79) mu mol/kg, respectively. Preliminary studies were conducted on potential long-acting formulations containing 8 x ED50 doses of M6S and the 3-acetyl and 3-propionyl esters suspended in soybean oil. These showed that 3PrM6S gave a greater AUC (mean + S.E.M.) (1087.4 +/- 97.4%MPE h) and longer duration of action (20 h) than did M6S (613.1 +/- 155.9%MPE h; 10 h duration) or 3AcM6S (379.3 + 114.2%MPE h: 8 h duration). Further studies are needed to more fully investigate these findings. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Primary sensory olfactory axons arise from the olfactory neuroepithelium that lines the nasal cavity and then project via the olfactory nerve into the olfactory bulb. The P-galactoside binding lectin, galectin-1,and its laminin ligand have been implicated in the growth of these axons along this pathway. In galectin-1 null mutant mice, a subpopulation of primary sensory olfactory axons fails to reach its targets in the olfactory bulb. In the present study we examined the spatiotemporal expression pattern of galectin-1 in normal mice in order to understand its role in the development of the olfactory nerve pathway. At E15.5, when olfactory axons have already contacted the olfactory bulb, galectin-1 was expressed in the cartilage and mesenchyme surrounding the nasal cavity but was absent from the olfactory neuroepithelium, nerve and bulb. Between E16.5 and birth galectin-1 began to be expressed by olfactory nerve ensheathing cells in the lamina propria of the neuroepithelium and nerve fibre layer. Galectin-1 was neither expressed by primary sensory neurons in the olfactory neuroepithelium nor by their axons in the olfactory nerve. Laminin, a galectin-1 ligand, also exhibited a similar expression pattern in the embryonic olfactory nerve pathway. Our results reveal that galectin-1 is dynamically expressed by glial elements within the nerve fibre layer during a discrete period in the developing olfactory nerve pathway. Previous studies have reported galectin-1 acts as a substrate adhesion molecule by cross-linking primary sensory olfactory neurons to laminin. Thus, the coordinate expression of galectin-1 and laminin in the embryonic nerve fibre layer suggests that these molecules support the adhesion and fasciculation of axons en route to their glomerular targets.
At the present time, it is clear that Th1 responses afford protection against the fungi; however, the development, maintenance and function of the protective immune responses are complex mechanisms and are influenced by multiple factors. The route of infection has been shown to affect initial cytokine production and, consequently, the induction of protective Th1 responses. The ability of different isolates of the same fungal agent to induce and sustain a protective response has also been emphasized. Protective immune responses have been shown to vary in genetically different mouse strains after infection. In addition, these protective responses, such as cellular influx and cytokine production, also vary within the same animal depending on the tissue infected. The functional dominance of certain cytokines over others in influencing development and maintenance of protective responses has been discussed. Certain cytokines may act differently in hosts lacking important components of their innate or immune repertoire. It is evident from these presentations that a more comprehensive understanding of the protective mechanisms against different fungal agents is emerging. However, there is still much to learn before cytokine modulatory therapy can be used effectively without risk in the human host.
Bracken fern (Pteridium spp.) produces cancer of the urinary bladder and oesophagus in grazing animals and is a suspected human carcinogen, The carcinogenic principle ptaquiloside (PT), when activated to a dienone (APT), forms DNA adducts which eventually leads to tumor. Two groups of female Sprague-Dawley rats were given a chronic dose of 3 mg APT weekly for 10 weeks either by intravenous (iv) tail vein or by intragastric (ig) route, A third group was given a weekly dose of 6 mg of APT for 3 weeks by the ig route corresponding to acute dosing. Both chronic iv and ig dosed animals showed ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but only iv dosed animals developed adenocarcinomas of the mammary glands. Acutely dosed ig animals produced apoptotic bodies in the liver, necrosis of blood cell precursors in the bone marrow and ischemic tubular necrosis in the kidney but they did not develop tumors, No mutations were found in the H-ras and p53 genes in the mammary glands of either the ig rats or the tumor-bearing iv rats. However, the mammary glands of a fourth group of rats, which received APT by iv and killed before tumor development, carried Pu to Pu and Pu to Py double mutations in codons 58 and 59 of H-ras. This study indicates that the route of administration plays a role in the nature of the disease expression from ptaquiloside exposure. In addition to confirming the role of APT in the PT-induced carcinogenesis our finding suggests that activation of H-ras is an early event in the PT-carcinogenesis model. (C) 1998 Academic Press.
Carbon formation on Ni/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts and its kinetics during methane reforming with carbon dioxide was studied in the temperature range of 500-700 degrees C using a thermogravimetric analysis technique. The activation energies of methane cracking, carbon gasification in CO2, as well as carbon deposition in CO2-CH4 reforming were obtained. The results show that the activation energy for carbon gasification is larger than that of carbon formation in methane cracking and that the activation energy of coking in CO2-CH4 reforming is also larger than that of methane decomposition to carbon. The dependencies of coking rate on partial pressures of CH4 and CO2 indicate that methane decomposition is the main route for carbon deposition. A mechanism and kinetic model for carbon deposition is proposed.
Two hundred long-term cannabis users (58% male) were interviewed on their characteristics and experience of use. Respondents had been regularly using cannabis for an average of 11 years and more than half used daily (56%). The most common route of administration was in a waterpipe, and nearly all (93%) smoked the flowering heads ot the plant. One in 5 (21%) had a cannabis-related conviction. The benefits of use were perceived to be its relaxing, mood-enhancing effects, and its ability to alter consciousness. The most commonly cited negative aspects of use were cost, negative psychological effects and legal status. Polydrug use was common, with alcohol and tobacco almost universally used on a regular basis. More than half the drinkers in the sample were consuming alcohol at hazardous or harmful levels.
Chloramphenicol, an in vitro inhibitor of the glucuronidation of morphine to its putative antianalgesic metabolite, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), was coadministered with morphine in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats to determine whether it inhibited the in vivo metabolism of morphine to M3G, thereby enhancing morphine antinociception and/or delaying the development of antinociceptive tolerance. Parenteral chloramphenicol was given acutely (3-h studies) or chronically (48-h studies). Morphine was administered by the i.v. or i.c.v. route. Control rats received chloramphenicol and/or vehicle. Antinociception was quantified using the hotplate latency test. Coadministration of chloramphenicol with i.v. but not i.cv. morphine increased the extent and duration of morphine antinociception by approximate to 5.5-fold relative to rats that received i.v. morphine alone. Thus, the mechanism through which chloramphenicol enhances i.v. morphine antinociception in the rat does not directly involve supraspinal opioid receptors. Acutely, parenteral coadministration of chloramphenicol and morphine resulted in an approximate to 75% increase in the mean area under the serum morphine concentration-time curve but for chronic dosing there was no significant change in this curve, indicating that factors other than morphine concentrations contribute significantly to antinociception. Antinociceptive tolerance to morphine developed more slowly in rats coadministered chloramphenicol, consistent with our proposal that in vivo inhibition of M3G formation would result in increased antinociception and delayed development of tolerance. However, our data also indicate that chloramphenicol inhibited the biliary secretion of M3G. Whether chloramphenicol altered the passage of M3G and morphine across the blood-brain barrier remains to be investigated.
A conformationally biased decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin (YSPKPMPLaR) was used as a molecular adjuvant in stimulating an Ag-specific CTL response against murine P815S target cells expressing an Ld-restricted CTL epitope of the hepatitis B surface Ag (HBsAg), Groups of BALB/c mice (H-2(d)) were immunized with aqueous solutions of the HBsAg CTL epitopes (IPQSLDSWWTSL and IPQSLDSTaVTSLRR); the C5a agonist (YSFKPMPLaR); the C5a agonist and HBsAg CTL epitopes admired (IPQSLDSWWTSL and IPQSLDSWWTSLRR + YSFKPMPLaR); the C5a-active, HBsAg CTL epitope-C5a agonist constructs (IPQSLDSWWTSLYSFKPMPLaR, IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaR, and IPQSLDSWWTSLRVRRYSFPMPLaR); a C5a-inactive, reverse-moiety construct (YSFKPMPLaRRRIPQSLDSWWTSL); and a C5a-attenuated, carboxyl-terminal-blocked construct (IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaRG). Ag-specific CD8(+) CTL responses were observed after the secondary boost in the absence of any added adjuvant only in mice that were immunized with C5a-active contructs, IPQSLDSWWTSLRRYSFKPMPLaR and IPQSLDSWWTSLRVRRYSFKPMPLaR. These two C5a-active immunogens contained potential subtilisin-sensitive linker sequences between the HBsAg CTL epitope and the C5a agonist; i.e., a double-Arg (RR) and a furin protease sensitive sequence (RVRR), The introduction of these potentially cleavable sequences may be a method of increasing the likelihood of liberating the CTL epitope from the C5a agonist by intracellular proteases, thereby facilitating entry of the epitope into Ag-processing pathways via an exogenous route.