27 resultados para Weights and measures.


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Primary objective: To describe a prospective memory rehabilitation programme based on a compensatory training approach and report the results of three case studies. Research design: Programme evaluation using pre-and post-intervention assessments and telephone follow-up. Methods and procedures: Three participants with traumatic brain injury completed 8 weeks of training with 1 - 2 hour individual sessions. Assessments were formal prospective memory assessment, self-report and measures of diary use. Experimental interventions: Intervention aimed to identify potential barriers, establish self-awareness of memory deficits, introduce a customized compensatory tool, a cueing system and organizational strategies. A significant other was involved in training to assist generalization. Main outcomes and results: All three participants improved on formal prospective memory assessment and demonstrated successful diary use after the programme. Self-report of prospective memory failure fluctuated and may reflect increased self-awareness. Conclusion: A compensatory approach may be useful in improving prospective memory performance following TBI.


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The advent of novel biological therapies for the treatment of rheumatic disease has renewed interest in the seronegative spondyloarthropathies (SpAs). International efforts are redefining disease classification and measures of disease activity, outcome, metrology, and imaging. However, opinion is divided between those who propose that the SpA group represents the same disease with variable expression (the lumpers) and those who consider these to be separate diseases with shared clinical features (the splitters). This review presents the evidence for both approaches.


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Using a multi-perspective vignette design, we explored predictors of young peoples' (N = 119) propensity to engage in unfaithful activities while dating. Demographic measures, a datding investment model, and measures of functional and dysfunctional impulsivity were used to predict inclination to engage in each of two extradyadic activities (kissing and sexual activity). The results of moderated multiple regression analyses revealed that a respondent's number of sexual partners, level of dysfunctional impulsivity, satisfaction with current relationship, and quality of relationship alternatives significantly predicted inclination to engage in both of the extradyadic activities. Consistent with previous findings, gender only showed significant predictive value in relation to extradyadic sex inclination. Moreover, the association between sex, love, and marriage interacted with gender in the prediction of both extradyadic activities and interacted with commitment in the prediction of extradyadic sex inclination. Suggestions for future research in this area are offered in light of these new findings.


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A questionnaire was distributed on the Australian republic issue to examine the interplay between norms and relevance of the issue to the group on voting intentions. Supporters of an Australian republic (N = 188) indicated the level of support for a republic within their peer Group, the relevance of the republic issue to the group, and measures designed to assess voting intentions and other attitude outcomes. Analysis revealed an interaction between normative support and relevance of the issue to the group. On the measure of intention, increasing normative support was associated with increased intention to vote in an attitude-consistent way at both relevance levels, but the effect was heightened when the issue was highly relevant to the group. On the outcomes of willingness to express opinion and perceived personal importance of the republic issue, normative support had a positive effect only when the issue was highly relevant to the group. Mediation analyses revealed that the impact of normative support and group relevance on intention were mediated through perceived personal importance of the republic issue.


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Study Objective: Community-based models for injury prevention have become an accepted part of the overall injury control strategy. This systematic review of the scientific literature examines the evidence for their effectiveness in reducing injury due to inadequate car seat restraint use in children 0-16 years of age. Methods: A comprehensive search of the literature was performed using the following study selection criteria: community-based intervention study: target population was children aged 0-16 years of age; outcome measure was either injury rates due to motor vehicle crashes or observed changes in child restraint use; and use of community control or historical control in the study design. Quality assessment and data abstraction was guided by a standardized procedure and performed independently by two authors. Data synthesis was in tabular and text form with meta-analysis not being possible due to the discrepancy in methods and measures between the studies. Results: This review found eight studies, that met all the inclusion criteria. In the studies that measured injury outcomes, significant reductions in risk of motor vehicle occupant injury (33-55%) were reported in the study communities. For those studies reporting observed car seat restraint use the community-based programs were successful in increasing toddler restraint use in 1-5 year aged children by up to 11%; child booster seat use in 4-8 year aged children by up to 13%; rear restraint use in children aged 0-15 years by 8%; a 50% increase in restraint use in pre-school aged children in a high-risk community; and a 44% increase in children aged 5-11 years. Conclusion: While this review highlights that there is some evidence to support the effectiveness of community-based programs to promote car restraint use and/or motor vehicle occupant injury, limitations in the evaluation methodologies of the studies requires the results to be interpreted with caution. There is clearly a need for further high quality program evaluation research to develop an evidence base. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Objective: To determine if the provision of visual biofeedback using real-time ultrasound imaging enhances the ability to activate the multifidus muscle. Background: Increasingly clinicians are using real-time ultrasound as a form of biofeedback when re-educating muscle activation. The effectiveness of this form of biofeedback for the multifidus muscle has not been reported. Methods and Measures: Healthy subjects were randomly divided into groups that received different forms of biofeedback. All subjects received clinical instruction on how to activate the multifidus muscle isometrically prior to testing and verbal feedback regarding the amount of multifidus contraction, which occurred during 10 repetitions (acquisition phase). In addition, 1 group received visual biofeedback (watched the multifidus muscle contract) using real-time ultrasound imaging. All subjects were reassessed a week later (retention phase). Results: Subjects from both groups improved their voluntary contraction of the multifidus muscle in the acquisition phase (P


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Male Satin Bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus) build stick structures known as bowers that serve as the focus for courtships and matings. Males decorate their bowers with numerous coloured decorations and are known to steal these decorations from one another. We investigated the stealing of bower decorations among males at the Bunya Mountains in Queensland, Australia. We aimed to (1) determine which classes of decorations were targets for theft in the studied population, and (2) examine whether the frequency at which individual decorations were stolen related to their intrinsic properties. To address our first aim, all decorations on the bowers of 21 adult males were labelled and their movements tracked throughout one mating season. To address our second aim, decorations stolen at least three times during the season were collected and their morphological and reflectance properties compared to those of decorations that were not stolen. In terms of the classes of decorations, tail feathers of Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans) were stolen more than any other class of decoration, but blue plastic bottletops were the most popular decorations relative to their availability on bowers. Frequently stolen individual decorations were similar to non-stolen items in their weights and surface areas, but were darker blue in colour than the decorations never stolen. Both bottletops and feathers reflected higher levels of ultraviolet (UV) light than did all other classes of bower decorations tested, thus suggesting that males may be using UV reflectance in sexual signalling. The darker blue, stolen decorations may increase contrast between the decoration collection and the platform, while the UV-reflecting subset of most frequently stolen decorations (bottletops and feathers) may increase contrast within the decoration collection. This in turn may increase the attractiveness of the display to females.


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Goat meat is an important source of animal protein and Boer goats are the most widespread breed of meat goats. Cholesterol in meat is a potential cause of human disease and little is known about the cholesterol concentration in different goat muscles. As animals gain bodyweight the amount of cholesterol in their tissues generally increases and can vary for different tissues. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of slaughter weight and muscle type on total cholesterol concentrations in three muscles (longissimus thoracic, infraspinatus and biceps femoris) taken from castrated male Boer goats in Australia. The goats were grazed on a mixture of native pasture and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) and had access to lucerne and commercial goat pellets (CP 18%; ME 12.3 MJ/kg DM). The muscles were dissected from 24 goats slaughtered in groups of 4 or 5 animals at 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 kg liveweight. Total cholesterol concentrations were then determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Total cholesterol concentrations decreased (P < 0.01) with an increase in slaughter weight for the longissimus thoracic, infraspinatus and biceps femoris muscles. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were recorded in the total cholesterol concentrations for the three muscles studied. The average total cholesterol concentrations ranged from 55 to 60 mg/100 g for the longissimus thoracic, 69 to 88 mg/100g for infraspinatus and 65 to 82 mg/100 g for the biceps femoris muscles. These results are important for consumers of goat meat as total cholesterol concentrations vary between different muscles taken from animals slaughtered at different weights and the concentrations are higher in muscles taken from lighter and younger animals. Therefore, health conscious consumers of meat, concerned about the cholesterol content of their diet, should consume meat from the longissimus thoracic muscles of heavier or older goats. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that, although there are some unique features associated with mental illness, such special features do not preclude economic analysis. As a mechanism for understanding how individual economic studies fit into the mental health sector, a conceptual framework of the components of mental health service provision is outlined. Emphasis is placed on, not simply institutional and market resources, but also on the services provided by relatives, self-help groups, etc. Australian data on parts of the mental health sector are employed to illustrate that some (and different) economic analyses can be undertaken in mental health. First, time-series data on public psychiatric hospitals are employed to demonstrate trends associated with deinstitutionalisation. Other data (for Queensland alone) indicate that there are state-based differences in the provision of such services. Second, attention is then directed to the analysis of time-series data on private fee-for-service psychiatric services. Various concepts and measures from industrial economics are applied to analyse the relative size of this service industry, the pricing behaviour of the profession, the service-mix of "the psychiatry firms" operating in Australia.


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Due to the growing popularity of goal setting programs within organisations, an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the dynamic regulation of performance is paramount (Williams, Donovan, & Dodge, 2000). Goals serve as standards or referents by which behaviour is directed and evaluated. Whilst their importance is well established in the existing literature (e.g. Locke & Latham, 1990), more recent research has highlighted the potential importance of goal-performance discrepancies. Moreover, the relationship between goal-performance discrepancies and outcomes such as self-efficacy and personal goals appears to vary between people (Schmidt & Chambers, 2002). Of interest in the current study was how these relationships were impacted by goal orientation. Ninety-seven participants completed 30 two-minute trials of an Air Traffic Control task. Task specific goal orientation was measured prior to commencement of the task and measures of self-efficacy and personal task goals were taken at each trial to assess the within-person relationships between goal performance discrepancies and each of these dependant variables, as well as the moderating effects of goal orientations on these relationships. Analysis supported the existence of a positive relationship between goal-performance discrepancies and outcome variables, with performance-approach and –avoidance orientations significantly moderating these associations. Implications and future directions are discussed.


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Fast Classification (FC) networks were inspired by a biologically plausible mechanism for short term memory where learning occurs instantaneously. Both weights and the topology for an FC network are mapped directly from the training samples by using a prescriptive training scheme. Only two presentations of the training data are required to train an FC network. Compared with iterative learning algorithms such as Back-propagation (which may require many hundreds of presentations of the training data), the training of FC networks is extremely fast and learning convergence is always guaranteed. Thus FC networks may be suitable for applications where real-time classification is needed. In this paper, the FC networks are applied for the real-time extraction of gene expressions for Chlamydia microarray data. Both the classification performance and learning time of the FC networks are compared with the Multi-Layer Proceptron (MLP) networks and support-vector-machines (SVM) in the same classification task. The FC networks are shown to have extremely fast learning time and comparable classification accuracy.


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This study used ‘sense of place’ as a research tool to help understand the relationship between a community and their local protected area, Brisbane Forest Park. To establish an indication of the community’s relative degree of sense of place, we considered and measured both the strength (intensity) and orientation (focus) of sense of place. We developed a new method to measure sense of place that considers and measures the elements constituting sense of place, independent of one another, utilising qualitative data collected in in-depth semi-structured interviews. Exploring both the strength and orientation of an individual's sense of place provides a way of exploring the desired nature of community involvement in the management of the Park. It was found that the stronger an individuals’ sense of place, the greater their place dependence and commitment, and the greater their desire to be involved in management. Analysing the strength and orientation of sense of place illustrated that there is a high degree of diversity in how individuals perceive and feel about area, and their desire to be involved in management. The type of information obtained in this study is important and useful to the management agencies if they are to successfully engage the community in meaningful ways.