36 resultados para Vanhanen, Tatu: IQ
A genome-wide linkage scan of 795 microsatellite markers (761 autosomal, 34 X chromosome) was performed on Multidimensional Aptitude Battery subtests and verbal, performance and full scale scores, the WAIS-R Digit Symbol subtest, and two word-recognition tests (Schonell Graded Word Reading Test, Cambridge Contextual Reading Test) highly predictive of IQ. The sample included 361 families comprising 2-5 siblings who ranged in age from 15.7 to 22.2 years; genotype, but not phenotype, data were available for 81% of parents. A variance components analysis which controlled for age and sex effects showed significant linkage for the Cambridge reading test and performance IQ to the same region on chromosome 2, with respective LOD scores of 4.15 and 3.68. Suggestive linkage (LOD score > 2.2) for various measures was further supported on chromosomes 6, 7, 11, 14, 21 and 22. Where location of linkage peaks converged for IQ subtests within the same scale, the overall scale score provided increased evidence for linkage to that region over any individual subtest. Association studies of candidate genes, particularly those involved in neural transmission and development, will be directed to genes located under the linkage peaks identified in this study.
We report first-principles density-functional calculations for hydroquinone (HQ), indolequinone (IQ), and semiquinone (SQ). These molecules are believed to be the basic building blocks of the eumelanins, a class of biomacromolecules with important biological functions (including photoprotection) and with the potential for certain bioengineering applications. We have used the difference of self-consistent fields method to study the energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, HL. We show that HL is similar in IQ and SQ, but approximately twice as large in HQ. This may have important implications for our understanding of the observed broadband optical absorption of the eumelanins. The possibility of using this difference in HL to molecularly engineer the electronic properties of eumelanins is discussed. We calculate the infrared and Raman spectra of the three redox forms from first principles. Each of the molecules have significantly different infrared and Raman signatures, and so these spectra could be used in situ to nondestructively identify the monomeric content of macromolecules. It is hoped that this may be a helpful analytical tool in determining the structure of eumelanin macromolecules and hence in helping to determine the structure-property-function relationships that control the behavior of the eumelanins.
Recent reports have shown neurodegenerative disorders to be associated with abnormal expansions of a CAG trinucleotide repeat allele at various autosomal loci. While normal chromosomes have 14 to 44 repeats, disease chromosomes may have 60 to 84 repeats. The number of CAG repeats on mutant chromosomes correlates with increasing severity of disease or decreasing age at onset of symptoms. Since we are interested in identifying the many quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing brain functioning, we examined the possibility that the number of CAG repeats in the normal size range at these loci are relevant to "normal" neural functioning. We have used 150 pairs of adolescent (aged 16 years) twins and their parents to examine allele size at the MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA loci in heterozygous normal individuals. These are part of a large ongoing project using cognitive and physiological measures to investigate the genetie influences on cognition, and an extensive protocol of tests is employed to assess some of the key components of intellectual functioning. This study selected to examine full-scale psychometric IQ (FSIQ) and a measure of information processing (choice reaction time) and working memory (slow wave amplitude). CAG repeat size was determined on an ABI Genescan system following multiplex PCR amplification. Quantitative genetic analyses were performed to determine QTL effects of MJD, SCA1, and DRPLA on cognitive functioning. Analyses are in progress and will be discussed.
2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) is one of several mutagenic and carcinogenic heterocyclic amines formed during the cooking process of protein-rich foods, These compounds are highly mutagenic and have been shown to produce tumours in various tissues in rodents and non-human primates. Metabolic activation of IQ is a two-step process involving N-hydroxylation by CYP1A2 followed by esterification to a more reactive species capable of forming adducts with DNA, To date, acetylation and sulphation have been proposed as important pathways in the formation of N-hydroxy esters, In this study we have demonstrated the presence of an ATP-dependent activation pathway for N-hydroxy-IQ (N-OH-IQ) leading to DNA adduct formation measured by covalent binding of [H-3]N-OH-IQ to DNA, ATP-dependent DNA binding of N-OH-IQ was greatest in the cytosolic fraction of rat liver, although significant activity was also seen in colon, pancreas and lung. ATP was able to activate N-OH-IQ almost 10 times faster than N-hydroxy-2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (7.7 +/- 0.3 and 0.9 +/- 0.1 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively). Using reported intracellular concentrations of cofactor, the ability of ATP to support DNA binding was similar to that seen with 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate and similar to 50% of that seen with acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA), In addition to DNA binding, HPLC analysis of the reaction mixtures using ATP as co-factor showed the presence of two stable, polar metabolites, With AcCoA, only one metabolite was seen. The kinase inhibitors genistein, tyrphostin A25 and rottlerin significantly inhibited both DNA binding and metabolite formation with ATP. However, inhibition was unlikely to be due to effects on enzyme activity since the broad spectrum kinase inhibitor staurosporine had no effect and the inactive analogue of genistein, daidzein, was as potent as genistein, The effects of genistein and daidzein, which are naturally occurring isoflavones from soy and other food products, on DNA adduct formation may potentially be useful in the prevention of heterocyclic amine-induced carcinogenesis.
Intelligence (IQ) can be seen as the efficiency of mental processes or cognition, as can basic information processing (IP) tasks like those used in our ongoing Memory, Attention and Problem Solving (MAPS) study. Measures of IQ and IP are correlated and both have a genetic component, so we are studying how the genetic variance in IQ is related to the genetic variance in IP. We measured intelligence with five subscales of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). The IP tasks included four variants of choice reaction time (CRT) and a visual inspection time (IT). The influence of genetic factors on the variances in each of the IQ, IP, and IT tasks was investigated in 250 identical and nonidentical twin pairs aged 16 years. For a subset of 50 pairs we have test–retest data that allow us to estimate the stability of the measures. MX was used for a multivariate genetic analysis that addresses whether the variance in IQ and IP measures is possibly mediated by common genetic factors. Analyses that show the modeled genetic and environmental influences on these measures of cognitive efficiency will be presented and their relevance to ideas on intelligence will be discussed.
As part of a large ongoing project, the Memory, Attention and Problem Solving (MAPS) study, we investigated whether genetic variability explains some of the variance in psychophysiological correlates of brain function, namely, the P3 and SW components of event-related potentials (ERPs). These ERP measures are minute time recordings of brain processes and, because they reflect fundamental cognitive processing, provide a unique window on the millisecondto- millisecond transactions that occur at the cognitive level and taking place in the human brain. The extent to which the variance in P3 and SW components is influenced by genetic factors was examined in 350 identical and nonidentical twin pairs aged 16 years. ERPs were recorded from 15 scalp electrodes during the performance of a visuospatial delayed response task that engages working memory. Multivariate genetic analyses using MX were used to estimate genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in brain functioning and to identify putative genetic factors common to the ERP measures and psychometric IQ. For each of the ERP measures, correlation among electrode sites was high, a spatial pattern was evident, and a large part of the genetic variation in the ERPs appeared to be mediated by a common genetic factor. Moderate within-pair concordance in MZ pairs was found for all ERP measures, with higher correlations found for P3 than SW, and the MZ twin pair correlations were approximately twice the DZ correlations, suggesting a genetic influence. Correlations between ERP measures and psychometric IQ were found and, although moderately low, were evident across electrode site. The analyses show that the ERP components, P3 and SW, are promising phenotypes of the neuroelectrical activity of the brain and have the potential to be used in linkage and association analysis in the search for QTLs influencing cognitive function.
Four experiments tested the hypothesis that people who are concerned with impression management cope with stereotype threat through denial. Consistent with this hypothesis, temporary employees threatened by a stereotype of incompetence (Study 1) and hostel-dwelling older adults (Study 2) were more likely to deny incompetence if they were high in impression management. African Americans (Study 3) showed a similar pattern of denying cognitive incompetence, which emerged primarily when they were interviewed by a White experimenter and had attended a predominantly Black high school. In Study 4, White students who expected to take an IQ test and were threatened by a stereotype of being less intelligent than Asians were more likely to deny that intelligence is important if they were high in impression management.
A functional magnetic resonance imaging mental rotation paradigm was used to investigate the patterns of activation of fronto-parietal brain areas in male adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-CT) compared with age-, gender-, handedness- and performance IQ-matched healthy controls. The ADHD-CT group had (a) decreased activation of the 'action-attentional' system (including Brodmann's areas (BA) 46, 39,40) and the superior parietal (BA7) and middle frontal (BA10) areas and (b) increased activation of the posterior midline attentional system. These different neuroactivation patterns indicate widespread frontal, striatal and parietal dysfunction in adolescents with ADHD-CT. Declaration of interest None.
Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are generally thought to have impaired attentional and executive function upon which all their cognitive and behaviour functions are based. Mental Rotation is a recognized visuo-spatial task, involving spatial working memory, known to involve activation in the fronto-parietal networks. To elucidate the functioning of fronto-parietal networks in ASD, the aim of this study was to use fMRI techniques with a mental rotation task, to characterize the underlying functional neural system. Sixteen male participants (seven highfunctioning autism or Asperger's syndrome; nine ageand performance IQ-matched controls) underwent fMRI. Participants were presented with 18 baseline and 18 rotation trials, with stimuli rotated 3- dimensionaUy (45°-180°). Data were acquired on a 3- Tesla scanner. The most widely accepted area reported to be involved in processing of visuo-spatial information. Posterior Parietal Cortex, was found to be activated in both groups, however, the ASD group showed decreased activation in cortical and subcortical frontal structures that are highly interconnected, including lateral and medial Brodmann area 6, frontal eye fields, caudate, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate. The suggested connectivity between these regions indicates that one or more circuits are impaired as a result of the disorder. In future it is hoped that we are able to identify the possible point of origin of this dysfunction, or indeed if the entire network is dysfunctional.
Objective: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders typically have normal visuospatial abilities but impaired executive functioning, particularly in abilities related to working memory and attention. The aim of this study was to elucidate the functioning of frontoparietal networks underlying spatial working memory processes during mental rotation in persons with autism spectrum disorders. Method: Seven adolescent males with normal IQ with an autism spectrum disorder and nine age- and IQ-matched male comparison subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging scans while performing a mental rotation task. Results: The autism spectrum disorders group showed less activation in lateral and medial premotor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, and caudate nucleus. Conclusions: The finding of less activation in prefrontal regions but not in parietal regions supports a model of dysfunction of frontostriatal networks in autism spectrum disorders.
Background Research using neuropsychological testing has demonstrated that patients with schizophrenia show deficits in multiple neurocognitive domains. The aim of this study is to identify cognitive deficits that correlate with length of illness and symptom severity. Method Twenty clinically stable outpatients with chronic schizophrenia (18M : 2F) and 14 healthy controls (13M : 1F), matched on age, gender and parental education, were administered a neuropsychological battery consisting of the Hayling Sentence Completion Test (HSCT), WMS-III Verbal Paired Associates & Letter Number Sequencing, Modified Card Sort Test (MCST), Pyramids & Palm Trees Test, National Adult Reading Test (NART), Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), and WAIS-III. Severity of symptoms was rated with the Structured Clinical Interview – Positive and Negative Syndromes Scale (SCI-PANSS). Results In comparison to controls, patients showed significant deficits on all of the neuropsychological tasks except for the COWAT. MCST total categories, NART, Verbal IQ and arithmetic, similarities & digit symbol of the WAIS-III had the largest effect size between the groups. The longer the illness duration, the poorer the performance on WAISIII block design and the lower the performance IQ score. The poorer the performance on WMS-III letter number sequencing, the greater the positive symptoms, negative symptoms and general psychopathology. Conclusion Compared to controls, patients showed large effect sizes on measures of executive functioning, intelligence, working memory, verbal comprehension and speed of processing. The findings suggest that impairment in executive functioning and performance IQ is associated with length of illness, while impairment in working memory is associated with heightened symptom severity.
A 74 year old patient, EW, with dorsolateral frontal cortical compression due to hyperostosis frontalis interna, in the absence of the Morgagni or Stewart-Morel syndromes, is described. In addition to conventional neuropsychological measures EW was administered one nonspatial and two spatial self ordered working memory tasks, as well as a standard measure of fluid intelligence or g. She showed impaired performance on all three self ordered working memory tasks compared with a normal control group of 10 subjects matched for age, education, sex, and IQ. By contrast, her performance on the fluid intelligence test was comparable with that of the controls. It is concluded that the compression of dorsolateral frontal cortex accompanying hyperostosis frontalis interna may produce selective cognitive impairment.