29 resultados para University of California, Berkeley.


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To investigate the influence of physical activity on bone mineral accrual during the adolescent years, we analyzed 6 years of data from 53 girls and 60 boys. Physical activity, dietary intakes, and anthropometry were measured every 6 months and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans of the total body (TB), lumbar spine (LS), and proximal femur (Hologic 2000, array mode) were collected annually. Distance and velocity curves for height and bone mineral content (BMC) were fitted for each child at several skeletal sites using a cubic spline procedure, from which ages at peak height velocity (PHV) and peak BMC velocity (PBMCV) were identified. A mean age- and gender-specific standardized activity (Z) score was calculated for each subject based on multiple yearly activity assessments collected up until age of PHV. This score was used to identify active (top quartile), average (middle 2 quartiles), or inactive (bottom quartile) groups. Two-way analysis of covariance, with height and weight at PHV controlled for, demonstrated significant physical activity and gender main effects (but no interaction) for PBMCV, for BMC accrued for 2 years around peak velocity, and for BMC at 1 year post-PBMCV for the TB and femoral neck and for physical activity but not gender at the LS (all p < 0.05). Controlling for maturational and size differences between groups, we noted a 9% and 17% greater TB BMC for active boys and girls, respectively, over their inactive peers 1 year after the age of PBMCV. We also estimated that, on average, 26% of adult TB bone mineral was accrued during the 2 years around PBMCV.


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In this article we report on progress in high magnetic field MRI at the University of Florida in support of our new 750MHz wide bore and 11.7T/40cm MR instruments. The primary emphasis is on the associated rf technology required, particularly high frequency volume and phased array coils. Preliminary imaging results at 750MHz are presented. Our results imply that the pursuit of even higher fields seems warranted. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the Leaven of the Ancients, John Walbridge studies the appropriation of non–Peripatetic philosophical ideas by an anti–Aristotelian Islamic philosopher, Shihab al-Din al-Suhrawardi (d. 1191). He proposes a comprehensive explanation of the origin of Suhrawardi's philosophical system, a revival of the “wisdom of the Ancients” and its philosophical affiliations “grounded” in Greek philosophy (p. xiii). Walbridge attempts to uncover the reasons for Suhrawardi's rejection of the prevailing neo–Aristotelian synthesis in Islamic philosophy, Suhrawardi's knowledge and understanding of non–Aristotelian Greek philosophy, the ancient philosophers Suhrawardi was attempting to follow, the relationship between Suhrawardi's specific philosophical teachings (logic, ontology, physics, and metaphysics), and his understanding of non–Aristotelian ancient philosophy and the relationship between Suhrawardi's system and the major Greek philosophers, schools, and traditions—in particular the Presocratics, Plato, and the Stoics (p. 8). Copyright © 2003 Cambridge University Press


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A series of laboratory and glasshouse experiments were undertaken to assess the potential for incorporation of fly ash in soilless potting substrates. The physical and chemical properties of a commercially available bark based substrate, the University of California (UC) 1:1 peat:sand mix and a range uf test substrates containing fly ash were characterised. In test mixtures, fly ash was substituted for a portion of either the peat or sand component of the UC mix, at rates of 10, 20, 30 and 50% of the mix volume, Incorporation of fly ash greatly increased the plant available water capacity (10-1500 kPa) of the substrate. However, high pH, increased substrate strength and reduced air-filled porosity were considered adverse effects, particularly at ash rates > 20%. The growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), petunia (Petunia x hybrida grandiflora) and Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) in the substrates was assessed. Two watering regimes, capillary watering and irregular hosing, were used to identify effects of available water capacity on plant growth, but no effect was identified. Test mixtures containing fly ash as 20% of the substrate volume produced growth equal to that in the UC mix, with substrates containing 10% ash producing significantly greater growth of tomato and petunia. At rates of incorporation > 20% reduced plant growth was attributed to both adverse physical and chemical characteristics of the substrate. As fly ash is available at low cost and can be successfully substituted for a considerable portion of the expensive peat component, its use at low application rates in potting substrates may be desirable from an economic viewpoint.


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