51 resultados para Trypsin inhibitor


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Cyclotides are a large family of mini-proteins that have the distinguishing features of a head-to-tail cyclised backbone and a cystine knot formed by six conserved cysteine residues. They are present in plants from the Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae families. The unique structural features of the cyclotides make them extremely resistant to chemical, thermal and proteolytic degradation. In this article we review recent Studies from our laboratory that dissect the role of the individual structural elements in defining the stability of cyclotides. The resistance of cyclotides to chemical and proteolytic degradation is in large part due to the cystine knot, whereas the thermal stability is I composite of several features including the cystine knot, the cyclic backbone and the hydrogen bonding network. A range of biological activities of cyclotides is critically dependent oil the presence of the cyclic backbone.


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The cyclotides are a family of circular proteins with a range of biological activities and potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. The biosynthetic mechanism of cyclization is unknown and the discovery of novel sequences may assist in achieving this goal. In the present study, we have isolated a new cyclotide from Oldenlandia affinis, kalata B8, which appears to be a hybrid of the two major subfamilies (Mobius and bracelet) of currently known cyclotides. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of kalata B8 and observed broadening of resonances directly involved in the cystine knot motif, suggesting flexibility in this region despite it being the core structural element of the cyclotides. The cystine knot motif is widespread throughout Nature and inherently stable, making this apparent flexibility a surprising result. Further-more, there appears to be isomerization of the peptide backbone at an Asp-Gly sequence in the region involved in the cyclization process. Interestingly, such isomerization has been previously characterized in related cyclic knottins from Momordica cochinchinensis that have no sequence similarity to kalata B8 apart from the six conserved cysteine residues and may result from a common mechanism of cyclization. Kalata B8 also provides insight into the structure-activity relationships of cyclotides as it displays anti-HIV activity but lacks haemolytic activity. The 'uncoupling' of these two activities has not previously been observed for the cyclotides and may be related to the unusual hydrophilic nature of the peptide.


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SFTI-1 is a small cyclic peptide from sunflower seeds that is one of the most potent trypsin inhibitors of any naturally occurring peptide and is related to the Bowman-Birk family of inhibitors (BBIs). BBIs are involved in the defense mechanisms of plants and also have potential as cancer chemopreventive agents. At only 14 amino acids in size, SFTI-1 is thought to be a highly optimized scaffold of the BBI active site region, and thus it is of interest to examine its important structural and functional features. In this study, a suite of 12 alanine mutants of SFTI-1 has been synthesized, and their structures and activities have been determined. SFTI-1 incorporates a binding loop that is clasped together with a disulfide bond and a secondary peptide loop making up the circular backbone. We show here that the secondary loop stabilizes the binding loop to the consequences of sequence variations. In particular, full-length BBIs have a conserved cis-proline that has been shown previously to be required for well defined structure and potent activity, but we show here that the SFTI-1 scaffold can accommodate mutation of this residue and still have a well defined native-like conformation and nanomolar activity in inhibiting trypsin. Among the Ala mutants, the most significant structural perturbation occurred when Asp(14) was mutated, and it appears that this residue is important in stabilizing the trans peptide bond preceding Pro(13) and is thus a key residue in maintaining the highly constrained structure of SFTI-1. This aspartic acid residue is thought to be involved in the cyclization mechanism associated with excision of SFTI-1 from its 58-amino acid precursor. Overall, this mutational analysis of SFTI-1 clearly defines the optimized nature of the SFTI-1 scaffold and demonstrates the importance of the secondary loop in maintaining the active conformation of the binding loop.


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The cyclotides are a recently discovered family of miniproteins that contain a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds. They are approximately 30 amino acids in size and are present in high abundance in plants from the Violaceae, Rubiaceae, and Cucurbitaceae families, with individual plants containing a suite of up to 100 cyclotides. They have a diverse range of biological activities, including uterotonic, anti-HIV, antitumor, and antimicrobial activities, although their natural function is likely that of defending their host plants from pathogens and pests. This review focuses on the structural aspects of cyclotides, which may be thought of as a natural combinatorial peptide template in which a wide range of amino acids is displayed on a compact molecular core made up of the cyclic cystine knot structural motif. Cyclotides are exceptionally stable and are resistant to denaturation via thermal, chemical, or enzymatic treatments. The struclural features that contribute to their remarkable stability are described ill this review. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The applicability of linear peptides as drugs is potentially limited by their susceptibility to proteolytic cleavage and poor bioavailability. Cyclotides are macrocyclic cystine-knotted mini-proteins that have a broad range of bioactivities and are exceptionally stable, being resistant to chemical, thermal and enzymatic degradation. The general limitations of peptides as drugs can potentially be overcome by using the cyclotide framework as a scaffold onto which new activities may be engineered. The potential use of cyclotides and related peptide scaffolds for drug design is evaluated herein, with reference to increasing knowledge of the structures and sequence diversity of natural cyclotides and the emergence of new approaches in protein engineering.


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Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a commercially important polypeptide with important diagnostic. physiological and immunomodulatory functions. Previous studies into the refolding of this macromolecule are contradictory. and variously suggest that AFP denaturation may be irreversible or that refolding may be achieved by reducing denaturant concentration through dilution but not dialysis. Importantly, these same previous studies do not provide quantitative metrics by which the Success of refolding, and the potential for bioprocess development. can be assessed. Moreover, these same studies do not optimize and control refolding redox potential - an important factor considering that AFP contains 32 cysteines which form 16 disulfide bonds. In this current study, a quantitative comparison of recombinant human AFP (rhAFP) refolding by dilution and dialysis is conducted under optimized redox conditions. rhAFP refolding yields were > 35% (dialysis refolding) and > 75% (dilution refolding) as assessed by RP-HPLC and ELISA, with structural Similarity to the native state confirmed by UV spectroscopy. Dialysis refolding yield was believed to be lower because the gradual reduction in denaturant concentration allowed extended conformational searching. enabling more time for undesirable interaction with other protein molecules and/or the dialysis membrane, leading to a Sub-optimal process outcome. Significant yield sensitivity to redox environment was also observed, emphasizing the importance of physicochemical optimization. This study demonstrates that very high refolding yields can be obtained, for a physiologically relevant protein, with optimized dilution refolding. The study also highlights the quantitative metrics and macromolecular physical spectroscopic 'fingerprints' required to facilitate transition from laboratory to process scale.


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Textilinin-1 (Txln-1), a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, is a 59-amino-acid polypeptide isolated from the venom of the Australian Common Brown snake Pseudonaja textilis textilis. This molecule has been suggested as an alternative to aprotinin, also a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, for use as an anti-bleeding agent in surgical procedures. Txln-1 shares only 47% amino-acid identity to aprotinin; however, six cysteine residues in the two peptides are in conserved locations. It is therefore expected that the overall fold of these molecules is similar but that they have contrasting surface features. Here, the crystallization of recombinant textilinin-1 (rTxln-1) as the free molecule and in complex with bovine trypsin (229 amino acids) is reported. Two organic solvents, phenol and 1,4-butanediol, were used as additives to facilitate the crystallization of free rTxln-1. Crystals of the rTxln-1-bovine trypsin complex diffracted to 2.0 angstrom resolution, while crystals of free rTxln-1 diffracted to 1.63 angstrom resolution.


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The efficacy of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) gas to prevent the adverse effects of ethylene is limited by its short-term residual activity in some plants. Development of a simple 1-MCP sustained release device that prolongs 1-MCP exposure is reported herein. Sustained release devices comprised of polyvinylchloride tubes containing 0.1 g SmartFresh(TM) powder (a.i. 3.3% 1-MCP) and 1.25 ml deionised water were used to release 1-MCP into fibreboard cartons containing cut Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) cv. CWA Pink bunches during export shipment by air (107 h) from Australia to the UK. The devices protected flowers against abscission induced by subsequent test exposures to ethylene (1011,mul l(-1), 12 h, 20 degreesC) for 3-5 days after arrival. In contrast, pre-shipment treatments with either a single application of 790 nl l(-1) 1-MCP for 14 h at 2 degreesC or a 0.2 mM Ag+ (as silver thiosulphate; STS) pulse for 14 h at 2 degreesC protected flowers against exogenous ethylene for only 1-2 days of post-export life. However, pre-shipment 1-MCP fumigation was up to about three-fold more effective than either sustained 1-MCP release or pre-shipment STS treatments in reducing floral organ and leaf abscission from bunches during export. Thus, it is suggested that a combination of pre-shipment 1-MCP fumigation before export with sustained 1-MCP release during shipment should maximise efficacy against ethylene-induced waxflower flower abscission. (C) 2004 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Human urotensin-II (hU-II) is processed from its prohormone (ProhU-II) at putative cleavage sites for furin and serine proteases such as trypsin. Although proteolysis is required for biological activity, the endogenous urotensin-converting enzyme (UCE) has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate UCE activity in cultured human cells and in blood, comparing activity with that of furin and trypsin. In a cell-free system, hU-II was detected by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry after coincubating 10 muM carboxyl terminal fragment (CTF)-ProhU-II with recombinant furin (2 U/ml, 3 h, 37degreesC) at pH 7.0 and pH 8.5, but not at pH 5.0, or when the incubating medium was depleted of Ca2+ ions and supplemented with 2 mM EDTA at pH 7.0. hU-II was readily detected in the superperfusate of permeabilized epicardial mesothelial cells incubated with CTF-ProhU-II (3 h, 37degreesC), but it was only weakly detected in the superperfusate of intact cells. Conversion of CTF-ProhU-II to hU-II was attenuated in permeabilized cells using conditions found to inhibit furin activity. In a cell-free system, trypsin (0.05 mg/ml) cleaved CTF-ProhU-II to hU-II, and this was inhibited with 35 muM aprotinin. hU-II was detected in blood samples incubated with CTF-ProhU-II (3 h, 37degreesC), and this was also inhibited with aprotinin. The findings revealed an intracellular UCE in human epicardial mesothelial cells with furin-like activity. Aprotinin-sensitive UCE activity was detected in blood, suggesting that an endogenous serine protease such as trypsin may also contribute to proteolysis of hU-II prohormone, if the prohormone is secreted into the circulation.


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Latexin, the only known mammalian carboxypeptidase inhibitor, has no detectable sequence similarity with plant and parasite inhibitors, but it is related to a human putative tumor suppressor protein, TIG1. Latexin is expressed in the developing brain, and we find that it plays a role in inflammation, as it is expressed at high levels and is inducible in macrophages in concert with other protease inhibitors and potential protease targets. The crystal structure of mouse latexin, solved at 1.83 Angstrom resolution, shows no structural relationship with other carboxypeptidase inhibitors. Furthermore, despite a lack of detectable sequence duplication, the structure incorporates two topologically analogous domains related by pseudo two-fold symmetry. Surprisingly, these domains share a cystatin fold architecture found in proteins that inhibit cysteine proteases, suggesting an evolutionary and possibly functional relationship. The structure of the tumor suppressor protein TIG1 was modeled, revealing its putative membrane binding surface.


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Ketol-acid reductoisomerase (EC catalyses the second reaction in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids. The reaction catalyzed consists of two stages, the first of which is an alkyl migration from one carbon atom to its neighbour. The likely transition state is therefore a cyclopropane derivative, and cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate(CPD) has been reported to inhibit the Escherichia coli enzyme. In addition, this compound causes the accumulation of the substrate of ketol-acid reductoisomerase in plants. Here, we investigate the inhibition of the purified rice enzyme. The cDNA was cloned, and the recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli, purified and characterized kinetically. The purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by cyclopropane-1,1-dicarboxylate, with an inhibition constant of 90 nM. The inhibition is time-dependent and this is due to the low rate constants for formation (2.63 X 10(5) M-1 min(-1)) and dissociation (2.37 x 10(-2) min(-1)) of the enzyme-inhibitor complex. Other cyclopropane derivatives are much weaker inhibitors while dimethylmalonate is moderately effective. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.