26 resultados para Toll-like receptor


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Background Chaperonin 10 (heat shock protein 10, XToll(TM)) has anti-inflammatory properties related to the inhibition of Toll-like receptor signalling pathways. Our aim was to establish whether chaperonin 10 is safe and effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods in this randomised, double-blind, multicentre study, 23 patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis receiving disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs were randomly allocated to three treatment groups receiving intravenous chaperonin 10 twice weekly for 12 weeks at doses of 5 mg (n=8), 7.5 mg (8), or 10 mg (7). The primary outcomes were change in disease activity score (DAS28) and improvement of core disease measures (American College of Rheumatology response score) from baseline to week 12. All analyses were done by intention to treat. This study is registered with the Australian Clinical Trials Registry, number ACTRNO12606000041550. Findings Primary endpoint measures improved from day 14 in all groups and continued to improve to day 84. By end of study, a 20% improvement of core disease measures was seen in six (86%, 95% Cl 43-100), a 50% improvement in four (57%, 14-86), and a 70% improvement in two (29%, 0-57) patients given the highest dose of chaperonin 10. Clinical remission (as defined by a DAS28


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Immune cells respond to bacterial DNA containing unmethylated CpG motifs via Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9). Given the apparent role of TLR9 in development of systemic lupus erythernatosus (SLE), there is interest in the development of TLR9 inhibitors. TLR9-mediated responses are reported to be inhibited by a confusing variety of different DNA sequences and structures. To aid characterization, we have provisionally categorized TLR9-inhibitory oligodeoxynucleoti des (ODN) into 4 classes, on the basis of sequence and probable mode of action. Class I are short G-rich ODN, which show sequence-specific inhibition of all TLR9 responses, and may be direct competitive inhibitors for DNA binding to TLR9. Class II are telomeric repeat motifs that inhibit STAT signaling, and thus are not specific to TLR9 responses. Because Class II ODN are generally made as 24-base phosphorothioate-modified ODN (PS-ODN), they also fall into Class IV, defined as long PS-ODN, which inhibit TLR9 responses in a sequence-nonspecific manner. Class III includes oligo (dG) that forms a 4-stranded structure and inhibits DNA uptake. The Class I G-rich motifs show the most promise as selective and potent TLR9 inhibitors for therapeutic applications.


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Macrophage activation is a key determinant of susceptibility and pathology in a variety of inflammatory diseases. The extent of macrophage activation is tightly regulated by a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IFN-gamma, IL-2, GM-CSF, IL-3) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g. IL-4, IL-10, TGF-beta). Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1/M-CSF) is a key differentiation, growth and survival factor for monocytes/macrophages and osteoclasts. The role of this factor in regulating macrophage activation is often overlooked. This review will summarize our current understanding of the effects of CSF-1 on the activation state of mature macrophages and its role in regulating immune responses.


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Mouse follicular B cells express TLR9 and respond vigorously to stimulation with single-stranded CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN). Surprisingly, follicular B cells do not respond to direct stimulation with other TLR9 ligands, such as bacterial DNA or class A(D) CpG-ODN capable of forming higher-order structures, unless other cell types are present. Here, we show that priming with interferons or with B cell-activating factor, or simultaneous co-engagement of the B cell receptor for antigen (BCR), can overcome this unresponsiveness. The effect of interferons occurs at the transcriptional level and is mediated through an autocrine/paracrine loop, which is dependent on IRF-1, IL-6 and IL-12 p40. We hypothesize that the lack of bystander activation of follicular B cells with more complex CpG ligands may be an important safety mechanism for avoiding autoimmunity. This will prevent resting B cells from responding to foreign or self-derived hypomethylated double-stranded CpG ligands unless these ligands are either delivered through the B cell receptor or under conditions where B cells are simultaneously co-engaged by activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells or TH1 cells. A corollary is that the heightened responsiveness of lupus B cells to TLR9-induced stimulation cannot be ascribed to unprimed follicular B cells, but is rather mediated by hypersensitive marginal zone B cells.


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A problem facing the use of subunit peptide and protein vaccines is their inability to stimulate protective immune responses. Many different approaches have been utilized to overcome this inefficient immune activation. The approach we have taken is to modify the vaccine antigen so that it now has adjuvant properties. To do this, multiple copies of minimal CD8 T cell epitopes were attached to a poly lysine lipid core. These constructs are known as lipid-core-peptides (LCP). The research presented here examines the adjuvant activity of LCP. Using mouse models, we were able to show that LCP were indeed able to activate antigen-presenting cells in vitro and to activate cytotoxic T-cell responses in vivo. More importantly, LCP were able to stimulate the development of a protective antitumour immune response.


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Bacterial LPS triggers dramatic changes in gene expression in macrophages. We show here that LPS regulated several members of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) family at the mRNA level in murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM). LPS transiently repressed, then induced a number of HDACs (Hdac-4, 5, 7) in BMM, whereas Hdac-1 mRNA was induced more rapidly. Treatment of BMM with trichostatin A (TSA), an inhibitor of HDACs, enhanced LPS-induced expression of the Cox-2, Cxcl2, and Ifit2 genes. In the case of Cox-2, this effect was also apparent at the promoter level. Overexpression of Hdac-8 in RAW264 murine macrophages blocked the ability of LPS to induce Cox-2 mRNA. Another class of LPS-inducible genes, which included Ccl2, Ccl7, and Edn1, was suppressed by TSA, an effect most likely mediated by PU.1 degradation. Hence, HDACs act as potent and selective negative regulators of proinflammatory gene expression and act to prevent excessive inflammatory responses in macrophages.


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Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and its receptor, the IGF-II/mannose-6-phosphate (IGF-II/M6P) receptor, are first expressed from the zygotic genome at the two-cell stage of mouse development. However, their role is not clearly defined. Insulin-like growth factor II is believed to mediate growth through the heterologous type 1 IGF and insulin receptors, whereas the IGF-II/M6P receptor is believed to act as a negative regulator of somatic growth by limiting the availability of excess levels of IGF-II. These studies demonstrate that IGF-II does have a role in growth regulation in the early embryo through the IGF-II/M6P receptor. Insulin-like growth factor II stimulated cleavage rate in two-cell embryos in vitro. Moreover, this receptor is required for the glycaemic response of two-cell embryos to IGF-II and for normal progression of early embryos to the blastocyst stage. Improved development of embryos in crowded culture supports the concept of an endogenous embryonic paracrine activity that enhances cell proliferation. These responses indicate that the IGF-II/M6P receptor is functional and likely to participate in such a regulatory circuit. The functional role of IGF-II and its receptor is discussed with reference to regulation of early development.


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Th2-associated factors such as IL-4 are involved in both the development of Th2 responses (via modulating Th2 cell differentiation) and in the effector phase of Th2 responses (via modulating macrophage activation). The IL-1 receptor-like protein ST2 (T1, Fit-1, or DER4) is expressed as a membrane-bound (ST2L) or secreted form (sST2), and has been clearly implicated as a regulator of both the development and effector phases of Th2-type responses. Here we analyze the mechanisms and therapeutic implications of the unique ability of ST2 to promote development and function of type 2 helper T cells through a positive feedback loop, as well as to act as a negative feedback modulator of macrophage pro-inflammatory function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a member of the relaxin peptide family, is produced in testicular Leydig cells and ovarian thecal cells. Gene knock-out experiments have identified a key biological role in initiating testes descent during fetal development. Additionally, INSL3 has an important function in mediating male and female germ cell function. These actions are elicited via its recently identified receptor, LGR8, a member of the leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein- coupled receptor family. To identify the structural features that are responsible for the interaction of INSL3 with its receptor, its solution structure was determined by NMR spectroscopy together with in vitro assays of a series of B-chain alanine-substituted analogs. Synthetic human INSL3 was found to adopt a characteristic relaxin/ insulin-like fold in solution but is a highly dynamic molecule. The four termini of this two-chain peptide are disordered, and additional conformational exchange is evident in the molecular core. Alanine-substituted analogs were used to identify the key residues of INSL3 that are responsible for the interaction with the ectodomain of LGR8. These include Arg(B16) and Val(B19), with His(B12) and Arg(B20) playing a secondary role, as evident from the synergistic effect on the activity in double and triple mutants involving these residues. Together, these amino acids combine with the previously identified critical residue, Trp(B27), to form the receptor binding surface. The current results provide clear direction for the design of novel specific agonists and antagonists of this receptor.