50 resultados para Time in literature.
Water recovery is one of the key parameters in flotation modelling for the purposes of plant design and process control, as it determines the circulating flow and residence time in the individual process units in the plant and has a significant effect on entrainment and froth recovery. This paper reviews some of the water recovery models available in the literature, including both empirical and fundamental models. The selected models are tested using the data obtained from the experimental work conducted in an Outokumpu 3 m(3) tank cell at the Xstrata Mt Isa copper concentrator. It is found that all the models fit the experimental data reasonably well for a given flotation system. However, the empirical models are either unable to distinguish the effect of different cell operating conditions or required to determine the empirical model parameters to be derived in an existing flotation system. The model developed by [Neethling, SJ., Lee, H.T., Cilliers, J.J., 2003, Simple relationships for predicting the recovery of liquid from flowing foams and froths. Minerals Engineering 16, 1123-1130] is based on fundamental understanding of the froth structure and transfer of the water in the froth. It describes the water recovery as a function of the cell operating conditions and the froth properties which can all be determined on-line. Hence, the fundamental model can be used for process control purposes in practice. By incorporating additional models to relate the air recovery and surface bubble size directly to the cell operating conditions, the fundamental model can also be used for prediction purposes. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Beginning with the sole literary text that does figure at any length in the first volume of Foucault's history--Diderot's Les Bijoux indiscrets, which dates from 1748--Cryle examines some semiotic routines involved in that telling of secrets, and to understand more about scientia sexualis through its literary development. He tries to show that narratives of the time tended to gather the mysterious, the unknown, and the generally inscrutable in the same functional place, holding them close to a thematics of the sexual. And returns to eighteenth-century texts from time to time in order to mark this as a fundamental shift in the literary constitution of sexual knowledge.
This review will critically evaluate two recent texts by white academics working across disciplines of cultural studies, history and anthropology and published by UNSW Press, which share a focus on the relationship between Aboriginality, Philosophy, Place and Time in Australia. I write from the position of a queer white academic committed to engaging politically and intellectually with the challenge of Indigenous sovereignties in this place while also aware that my position as a middle class white woman and intellectual imposes limits on what it is possible for me to know about Indigenous epistemologies (see Moreton-Robinson, 2000). In the course of this review I will demonstrate how anthropology's tendency to fix its objects of study within a circumscribed space of 'difference' limits the capacity of texts produced within this discipline to account for racialized struggles over sovereignty. While these struggles are equally embedded in the ethnographic context and the nation's constitution and political institutions, we will see that Muecke and Bird Rose confront problems in analysing the relationship between the intimate space of the 'field', in which one's research subjects quickly become one's 'friends' and/or 'classificatory kin'—on one hand—and the public space of the nation within which statements about Aboriginality by white academics circulate and are vested with an authority that escapes individual intentions and control—on the other.
We present a novel nonparametric density estimator and a new data-driven bandwidth selection method with excellent properties. The approach is in- spired by the principles of the generalized cross entropy method. The pro- posed density estimation procedure has numerous advantages over the tra- ditional kernel density estimator methods. Firstly, for the first time in the nonparametric literature, the proposed estimator allows for a genuine incor- poration of prior information in the density estimation procedure. Secondly, the approach provides the first data-driven bandwidth selection method that is guaranteed to provide a unique bandwidth for any data. Lastly, simulation examples suggest the proposed approach outperforms the current state of the art in nonparametric density estimation in terms of accuracy and reliability.
Aim. Data were collected on tenure, mobility and retention of the nursing workforce in Queensland to aid strategic planning by the Queensland Nurses Union (QNU). Background. Shortages of nurses negatively affect the health outcomes of patients. Population rise is increasing the demand for nurses in Queensland. The supply of nurses is affected by recruitment of new and returning nurses, retention of the existing workforce and mobility within institutions. Methods. A self-reporting, postal survey was undertaken by the QNU members from the major employment sectors of aged care, public acute and community health and private acute and community health. Results. Only 60% of nurses had been with their current employer more than 5 years. In contrast 90% had been in nursing for 5 years or more and most (80%) expected to remain in nursing for at least another 5 years. Breaks from nursing were common and part-time positions in the private and aged care sectors offered flexibility. Conclusion. The study demonstrated a mobile nursing workforce in Queensland although data on tenure and future time in nursing suggested that retention in the industry was high. Concern is expressed for replacement of an ageing nursing population.
Recent studies suggest Helicobacter pylori is spread by faecal-oral or oral-oral transmission. Gastroenterologists who are exposed to gastric secretions and saliva have a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. Venous blood was obtained from 92 dentists, 40 dental nurses, 33 fifth year and 30 first year dental students. An ELISA assay was used to detect H. pylori IgG antibodies. Results were compared with an age and sex matched normal population. The prevalence of H. pylori infection in dentists, dental nurses, fifth year dental students and first year dental students were 23 per cent, 18 per cent, 18 per cent and 16 per cent, respectively. There were no significant differences when compared with the normal population controls. The prevalence of H. pylori antibody was not significantly increased with years of practice or patient contact time in dentists and dental nurses. Helicobacter pylori infection is uncommon in dental professionals working in the oral cavity.
This paper examines gender differences and trends over time in the age of initiation to heroin use. Data from two large surveys: the Sydney component of the ANAIDUS, conducted in 1989, and the ASHIDU, conducted in 1994, were used to examine this issue. Together, these studies contained information on 1,292 individuals who identified themselves as heroin users. Results indicated that, while there were no significant gender differences in age of initiation to heroin use, there was a significant (p < 0.001) time trend in the mean age at which heroin was first used. Specifically, the mean age of first heroin use among individuals born during the interval 1940-1949 was 20.5 years while among those born during 1970-1979 the mean age of first heroin use was 16.5 years. These findings were confirmed by analyses of the National Household Survey. Further analysis of the ASHIDU data indicated that younger age of initiation to heroin use was associated with polydrug use, overdose and crime after the effects of duration of heroin use had been statistically controlled. These findings suggest that there has been both an increase in the willingness of young people to experiment with heroin and an increased availability of the drug over this time. In combination with evidence that there has been an increase in the amount of heroin being imported into Australia, and an increased demand for treatment for opiate dependence, these data suggest that Australia is experiencing an increase in the use of heroin, particularly among youth.
In his study of the 'time of arrival' problem in the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics of a single particle, Allcock [1] noted that the direction of the probability flux vector is not necessarily the same as that of the mean momentum of a wave packet, even when the packet is composed entirely of plane waves with a common direction of momentum. Packets can be constructed, for example for a particle moving under a constant force, in which probability flows for a finite time in the opposite direction to the momentum. A similar phenomenon occurs for the Dirac electron. The maximum amount of probabilitiy backflow which can occur over a given time interval can be calculated in each case.
Background The introduction of community care in psychiatry is widely thought to have resulted in more offending among the seriously mentally ill. This view affects public policy towards and public perceptions of such people. We investigated the association between the introduction of community care and the pattern of offending in patients with schizophrenia in Victoria, Australia. Methods We established patterns of offending from criminal records in two groups of patients with schizophrenia over their lifetime to date and in the 10 years after their first hospital admission. One group was first admitted in 1975 before major deinstitutionalisation in Victoria, the second group in 1985 when community care was becoming the norm. Each patient was matched to a control, by age, sex, and place of residence to allow for changing patterns of offending over time in the wider community. Findings Compared with controls, significantly more of those with schizophrenia were convicted at least once for ail categories of criminal offending except sexual offences (relative risk of offending in 1975=3.5 [95% CI 2.0-5.5), p=0.001, in 1985=3.0 [1.9-4.9], p=0.001). Among men, more offences were committed in the 1985 group than the 1975 group, but this was matched by a similar increase in convictions among the community controls. Those with schizophrenia who had also received treatment for substance abuse accounted for a disproportionate amount of offending. Analysis of admission data for the patients and the total population of admissions with schizophrenia showed that although there had been an increase of 74 days per annum spent in the community for each of the study population as a whole, first admissions spent only 1 more day in the community in 1985 compared with 1975. Interpretation Increased rates in criminal conviction for those with schizophrenia over the last 20 years are consistent with change in the pattern of offending in the general community. Deinstitutionalisation does not adequately explain such change. Mental-health services should aim to reduce the raised rates of criminal offending associated with schizophrenia, but turning the clock back on community care is unlikely to contribute towards any positive outcome.
In order to use the finite element method for solving fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins effectively and efficiently, we have presented, in this paper, the new concept and numerical algorithms to deal with the fundamental issues associated with the fluid-rock interaction problems. These fundamental issues are often overlooked by some purely numerical modelers. (1) Since the fluid-rock interaction problem involves heterogeneous chemical reactions between reactive aqueous chemical species in the pore-fluid and solid minerals in the rock masses, it is necessary to develop the new concept of the generalized concentration of a solid mineral, so that two types of reactive mass transport equations, namely, the conventional mass transport equation for the aqueous chemical species in the pore-fluid and the degenerated mass transport equation for the solid minerals in the rock mass, can be solved simultaneously in computation. (2) Since the reaction area between the pore-fluid and mineral surfaces is basically a function of the generalized concentration of the solid mineral, there is a definite need to appropriately consider the dependence of the dissolution rate of a dissolving mineral on its generalized concentration in the numerical analysis. (3) Considering the direct consequence of the porosity evolution with time in the transient analysis of fluid-rock interaction problems; we have proposed the term splitting algorithm and the concept of the equivalent source/sink terms in mass transport equations so that the problem of variable mesh Peclet number and Courant number has been successfully converted into the problem of constant mesh Peclet and Courant numbers. The numerical results from an application example have demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed concepts and the robustness of the proposed numerical algorithms in dealing with fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Epilepsies affect at least 2% of the population at some time in life, and many forms have genetic determinants(1,2). We have found a mutation in a gene encoding a GABA, receptor subunit in a large family with epilepsy. The two main phenotypes were childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and febrile seizures (FS), There is a recognized genetic: relationship between FS and CAE, yet the two syndromes have different ages of onset, and the physiology of absences and convulsions is distinct. This suggests the mutation has age-dependent effects on different neuronal networks that influence the expression of these clinically distinct, but genetically related, epilepsy phenotypes. We found that the mutation in GABRG2 (encoding the gamma2-subunit) abolished in vitro sensitivity to diazepam, raising the possibility that endozepines do in fact exist and have a physiological role in preventing seizures.
We present the finite element simulations of reactive mineral carrying fluids mixing and mineralization in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. In particular we explore the mixing of reactive sulfide and sulfate fluids and the relevant patterns of mineralization for Load, zinc and iron minerals in the regime of temperature-gradient-driven convective flow. Since the mineralization and ore body formation may last quite a long period of time in a hydrothermal basin, it is commonly assumed that, in the geochemistry, the solutions of minerals are in an equilibrium state or near an equilibrium state. Therefore, the mineralization rate of a particular kind of mineral can be expressed as the product of the pore-fluid velocity and the equilibrium concentration of this particular kind of mineral Using the present mineralization rate of a mineral, the potential of the modern mineralization theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to reactive mineral-carrying fluids mixing problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock basins.