118 resultados para Strength Training


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It has long been believed that resistance training is accompanied by changes within the nervous system that play an important role in the development of strength. Many elements of the nervous system exhibit the potential for adaptation in response to resistance training, including supraspinal centres, descending neural tracts, spinal circuitry and the motor end plate connections between motoneurons and muscle fibres. Yet the specific sites of adaptation along the neuraxis have seldom been identified experimentally, and much of the evidence for neural adaptations following resistance training remains indirect. As a consequence of this current lack of knowledge, there exists uncertainty regarding the manner in which resistance training impacts upon the control and execution of functional movements. We aim to demonstrate that resistance training is likely to cause adaptations to many neural elements that are involved in the control of movement, and is therefore likely to affect movement execution during a wide range of tasks. We review a small number of experiments that provide evidence that resistance training affects the way in which muscles that have been engaged during training are recruited during related movement tasks. The concepts addressed in this article represent an important new approach to research on the effects of resistance training. They are also of considerable practical importance, since most individuals perform resistance training in the expectation that it will enhance their performance in-related functional tasks.


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Background and Purpose Previous research regarding the symmetry of trans-tibial amputees has examined weight distribution and various gait parameters between prosthetic and sound limbs. However, to date, no known research has determined if asymmetry is present in the strength of the hip abductor muscles or if correlations exist between these categories of symmetry. The purpose of the present study was, therefore, to document asymmetry present in stance, strength and gait measures, and to determine the relationship between these variables. Method Twenty-three elderly, unilateral trans-tibial amputees stood on two adjacent forceplates whilst the weight distribution and standard deviation (SD) of the anterior-posterior and the medio-lateral centre of pressure excursion (COPE) under each limb was recorded during four 40 s trials: quiet stance (QS), with eyes open and eyes closed; and even stance (ES), with eyes open and eyes closed. Gait measures (velocity, cadence, step and stride lengths, stance:swing ratio and period of double support) over 10 m of fast, yet safe walking and measures of the strength of hip abductor muscles were also obtained by use of a stride analyser and a dynamometer, respectively. Results No significant differences were found between QS and ES measures. However, significantly more weight was taken on the sound limb than on the amputated limb. Notably, more anterior-posterior movement occurred under the sound limb than the amputated limb, with this becoming more apparent with the eyes closed. Movement in the medio-lateral direction was found to be the same between sides. No differences in muscle strength or gait measures between limbs were demonstrated. However. strong hip abductor muscles were correlated with increased weight-bearing on the amputated limb, improved gait parameters and reduced medio-lateral COPE under the amputated limb. Conclusions This research confirms the asymmetrical nature of amputee stance and demonstrates symmetry of strength and gait measures between limbs. The correlations between hip abductor muscle strength, weight distribution and gait measures illustrates the importance of pre- and postoperative training of these muscles. Copyright © 2002 Whurr Publishers Ltd.


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Introduction/Purpose: The role of impact loading activity on bone mass is well established; however, there are little data on the effects of exercise on bone geometry and indices of bone strength. The primary purpose of this study was to compare indices of bone strength at the proximal femur (PF) between elite premenarcheal gymnasts (N = 30) and age-matched controls (N = 30). Methods: Structural properties of the proximal femur were derived from the hip analyses program and included measurement of subperiosteal width, endosteal diameter, cross-sectional area, bone mineral density, cross-section moment of inertia (CSMI), and section modulus (Z). These parameters were measured for two regions of the PF: the narrow neck (NN), and the shaft (S). In addition, a strength index (S-SI) was calculated at the shaft by dividing the Z at the shaft by the femur length. A secondary purpose was to compare bone mineral content (BMC) values at the total body, lumbar spine, and three sites at the PF (neck, trochanter, and total) between the groups. All dependent values were compared adjusting for height and weight using an ANCOVA procedure and for relative lean body mass post hoc. Results: The gymnasts had significantly greater size-adjusted strength indices (CSMI, Z, and SI) at the NN and S. Gymnasts also had significantly greater size-adjusted BMC at all sites investigated. However, these differences disappeared when adjusted for relative lean body mass. Conclusion: When adjusted for body size, gymnasts had significantly greater indices of both axial strength and bending strength at the NN region of the PF and S, as well as a greater bone SI at the femoral shaft. These differences may be related to greater relative lean body mass attained in gymnastics training.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the capacity of resistance training to enhance the rapid and coordinated production of force by older people. Thirty adults (greater than or equal to 60 years) completed a visually guided aiming task that required the generation of isometric torque in 2 df about the elbow prior to and following a 4-week training period. Groups of six participants were allocated to two progressive ( 40 - 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) resistance-training (PRT) groups, to two constant low-load (10% MVC) training groups (CLO) and to one no-training control group. Training movements required the generation of either combined flexion and supination (FLESUP), or combined extension and supination (EXTSUP). In response to training, target acquisition times in the aiming task decreased for all groups; however, both the nature of the training load and the training movement influenced the pattern and magnitude of improvements (EXTSUP_ CLO: 36%, FLESUP_ PRT 26%, EXTSUP_ PRT 22%, FLESUP_ CLO 20%, CONTROL 15%). For one group that trained with progressively increasing loads, there arose a subsequent decrease in performance in one condition of the transfer task. For each group, these adaptations were accompanied by systematic changes in the coordination of muscles about the elbow joint, particularly the biceps brachii.


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Resistance training has been shown to be the most effective exercise mode to induce anabolic adaptations in older men and women. Advances in imaging techniques and histochemistry have increased the ability to detect such changes, confirming the high level of adaptability that remains in aging skeletal muscle. This brief review presents a summary of the resistance-training studies that directly compare chronic anabolic responses to training in older (> 60 years) men and women. Sixteen studies are summarized, most of which indicate similar relative anabolic responses between older men and women after resistance training. Relatively small sample sizes in most of the interventions limited their ability to detect significant sex differences and should be considered when interpreting these studies. Future research should incorporate larger sample sizes with multiple measurement time points for anabolic responses.


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In young adults, improvements in the rate of force development as a result of resistance training are accompanied by increases in neural drive in the very initial phase of muscle activation. The purpose of this experiment was to determine if older adults also exhibit similar adaptations in response to rate of force development (RFD) training. Eight young (21-35 years) and eight older (60-79 years) adults were assessed during the production of maximum rapid contractions, before and after four weeks of progressive resistance training for the elbow flexors. Young and older adults exhibited significant increases (P< 0.01) in peak RFD, of 25.6% and 28.6% respectively. For both groups the increase in RFD was accompanied by an increase in the root mean square (RMS) amplitude and in the rate of rise (RER) in the electromyogram (EMG) throughout the initial 100 ms of activation. For older adults, however, this training response was only apparent in the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. This response was not observed in surface EMG recorded from the biceps brachii muscle during either RFD testing or throughout training, nor was it observed in the pronator teres muscle. The minimal adaptations observed for older adults in the bifunctional muscles biceps brachii and pronator teres are considered to indicate a compromise of the neural adaptations older adults might experience in response to resistance training.


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Background: The age-related loss of muscle power in older adults is greater than that of muscle strength and is associated with a decline in physical performance. Objective: To investigate the effects of a short-term high-velocity varied resistance training programme on physical performance in healthy community-dwelling adults aged 60-80 years. Methods: Subjects undertook exercise (EX; n = 15) or maintained customary activity (controls, CON; n = 10) for 8 weeks. The EX group trained 2 days/week using machine weights for three sets of eight repetitions at 35, 55, and 75% of their one-repetition maximum (the maximal weight that an individual can lift once with acceptable form) for seven upper- and lower-body exercises using explosive concentric movements. Results: Fourteen EX and 10 CON subjects completed the study. Dynamic muscle strength significantly increased (p = 0.001) in the EX group for all exercises (from 21.4 +/- 9.6 to 82.0 +/- 59.2%, mean +/- SD) following training, as did knee extension power (p < 0.01). Significant improvement occurred for the EX group in the floor rise to standing (10.4 &PLUSMN; 11.5%, p = 0.004), usual 6-metre walk (6.6 &PLUSMN; 8.2%, p = 0.010), repeated chair rise (10.4 &PLUSMN; 15.6%, p = 0.013), and lift and reach (25.6 &PLUSMN; 12.1%, p = 0.002) performance tasks but not in the CON group. Conclusions: Progressive resistance training that incorporates rapid rate-of-force development movements may be safely undertaken in healthy older adults and results in significant gains in muscle strength, muscle power, and physical performance. Such improvements could prolong functional independence and improve the quality of life. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Reports on the efficacy of physical activity intervention trials usually only include discussion of the primary outcomes. However, assessing factors such as participant retention, adherence and compliance can assist in the accurate interpretation of the overall impact of a program in terms of reach and appeal. A quasi-randomised trial was carried out to assess and compare retention and adherence rates, and compliance with, a twice weekly resistance training program provided either individually at home or in a group format. Retirement villages (n=6) were assigned to either 'Have A Try' (HAT, home-based) or 'Come Have A Try' (CHAT, group-based); both programs included nine strength and two balance exercises. The program involved a 20-week Intervention Phase a 24-week Maintenance Phase and a 20-week On-going Maintenance Phase. One hundred and nineteen participants (mean age 80 +/- 6 years) were recruited (HAT = 38, CHAT = 81). There was no difference in retention rates at the end of the Intervention Phase, but significantly more HAT than CHAT participants had dropped out of the study (p < 0.01) after the Maintenance Phase and the On-going Maintenance Phase. During the Intervention Phase, over half the HAT and CHAT participants completed >= 75% of the prescribed activity sessions, but adherence was significantly greater in CHAT than HAT during the Maintenance Phase (p < 0.01). Participants in CHAT were significantly more compliant than HAT participants (p < 0.05). Both home- and group-based formats were successful over the short-term, but, in retirement villages, the group program had better adherence and compliance in the longer-term. (c) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three different weight training protocols, that varied in the way training volume was measured, on acute muscular fatigue. Ten resistance-trained males performed all three protocols which involved dynamic constant resistance exercise of the elbow flexors. Protocol A provided a standard for the time the muscle group was under tension (TUT) and volume load (VL), expressed as the product of the total number of repetitions and the load that was lifted. Protocol B involved 40% of the TUT but the same VL compared to protocol A; protocol C was equated with protocol A for TUT but only involved 50% of the VL. Fatigue was assessed by changes in maximum voluntary isometric force and integrated electromyography (iEMG) between the pre- and post-training protocols. The results of the study showed that, when equated for VL, greater TUT produced greater overall muscular fatigue ( p


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Background: Currently 1 in 11 women over the age of 60 in Australia are diagnosed with breast cancer. Following treatment, most breast cancer patients are left with shoulder and arm impairments which can impact significantly on quality of life and interfere substantially with activities of daily living. The primary aim of the proposed study is to determine whether upper limb impairments can be prevented by undertaking an exercise program of prolonged stretching and resistance training, commencing soon after surgery. Methods/design: We will recruit 180 women who have had surgery for early stage breast cancer to a multicenter single-blind randomized controlled trial. At 4 weeks post surgery, women will be randomly assigned to either an exercise group or a usual care ( control) group. Women allocated to the exercise group will perform exercises daily, and will be supervised once a week for 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, women will be given a home-based training program to continue indefinitely. Women in the usual care group will receive the same care as is now typically provided, i.e. a visit by the physiotherapist and occupational therapist while an inpatient, and receipt of pamphlets. All subjects will be assessed at baseline, 8 weeks, and 6 months later. The primary measure is arm symptoms, derived from a breast cancer specific questionnaire (BR23). In addition, range of motion, strength, swelling, pain and quality of life will be assessed. Discussion: This study will determine whether exercise commencing soon after surgery can prevent secondary problems associated with treatment of breast cancer, and will thus provide the basis for successful rehabilitation and reduction in ongoing problems and health care use. Additionally, it will identify whether strengthening exercises reduce the incidence of arm swelling. Trial Registration: The protocol for this study is registered with the Australian Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN012606000050550).


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Purpose: To examine the effect of progressive resistance training on muscle function, functional performance, balance, body composition, and muscle thickness in men receiving androgen deprivation for prostate cancer. Methods: Ten men aged 59-82 yr on androgen deprivation for localized prostate cancer undertook progressive resistance training for 20 wk at 6- to 12-repetition maximum (RM) for 12 upper- and lower-body exercises in a university exercise rehabilitation clinic. Outcome measures included muscle strength and muscle endurance for the upper and lower body, functional performance (repeated chair rise, usual and fast 6-m walk, 6-m backwards walk, stair climb, and 400-m walk time), and balance by sensory organization test. Body composition was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and muscle thickness at four anatomical sites by B-mode ultrasound. Blood samples were assessed for prostate specific antigen (PSA), testosterone, growth hormone (GH), cortisol, and hemoglobin. Results: Muscle strength (chest press, 40.5%; seated row, 41.9%; leg press, 96.3%; P < 0.001) and muscle endurance (chest press, 114.9%; leg press, 167.1%; P < 0.001) increased significantly after training. Significant improvement (P < 0.05) occurred in the 6-m usual walk (14.1%), 6-m backwards walk (22.3%), chair rise (26.8%), stair climbing (10.4%), 400-m walk (7.4%), and balance (7.8%). Muscle thickness increased (P < 0.05) by 15.7% at the quadriceps site. Whole-body lean mass was preserved with no change in fat mass. There were no significant changes in PSA, testosterone, GH, cortisol, or hemoglobin. Conclusions: Progressive resistance exercise has beneficial effects on muscle strength, functional performance and balance in older men receiving androgen deprivation for prostate cancer and should be considered to preserve body composition and reduce treatment side effects.


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The aim was to investigate whether the addition of supervised high intensity progressive resistance training to a moderate weight loss program (RT+WLoss) could maintain bone mineral density (BMD) and lean mass compared to moderate weight loss (WLoss) alone in older overweight adults with type 2 diabetes. We also investigated whether any benefits derived from a supervised RT program could be sustained through an additional home-based program. This was a 12-month trial in which 36 sedentary, overweight adults aged 60 to 80 years with type 2 diabetes were randomized to either a supervised gymnasium-based RT+WLoss or WLoss program for 6 months (phase 1). Thereafter, all participants completed an additional 6-month home-based training without further dietary modification (phase 2). Total body and regional BMD and bone mineral content (BMC), fat mass (FM) and lean mass (LM) were assessed by DXA every 6 months. Diet, muscle strength (1-RM) and serum total testosterone, estradiol, SHBG, insulin and IGF-1 were measured every 3 months. No between group differences were detected for changes in any of the hormonal parameters at any measurement point. In phase 1, after 6 months of gymnasium-based training, weight and FM decreased similarly in both groups (P < 0.01), but LM tended to increase in the RT+WLoss (n=16) relative to the WLoss (n = 13) group [net difference (95% CI), 1.8% (0.2, 3.5), P < 0.05]. Total body BMD and BMC remained unchanged in the RT+WLoss group, but decreased by 0.9 and 1.5%, respectively, in the WLoss group (interaction, P < 0.05). Similar, though non-significant, changes were detected at the femoral neck and lumbar spine (L2-L4). In phase 2, after a further 6 months of home-based training, weight and FM increased significantly in both the RT+WLoss (n = 14) and WLoss (n = 12) group, but there were no significant changes in LM or total body or regional BMD or BMC in either group from 6 to 12 months. These results indicate that in older, overweight adults with type 2 diabetes, dietary modification should be combined with progressive resistance training to optimize the effects on body composition without having a negative effect on bone health.


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It is well known that resistance training improves muscle strength in older adults and may enhance or preserve functional performance. However, it is unclear if the volume of work undertaken in the elderly alters the response in functional performance. PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of a high- versus low-volume resistance training program on functional performance in older adults. METHODS: Thirty-two healthy men and women aged 65-78 years were randomly assigned to either a single-set (SS, n = 16) or 3-set (MS, n = 16) progressive resistance training program for 20 weeks. Groups trained 2 days per week using machine weights at 8 repetitions maximum (8-RM) for 7 upper and lower body exercises. Muscle strength was assessed by the 1-RM and functional performance by a battery of tests (repeated chair rise, usual and fast 6-m walk, 6-m backwards walk, floor rise to standing, stair climb, and 400-m walk time). RESULTS: Twenty-eight subjects completed the study. There was no difference between groups at baseline in muscle strength or functional performance. Whole body muscle strength significantly increased in both groups with greater gains in the 3-set group (MS 32.9 ± 3.1%; SS 18.6 ± 2.7%, mean ± SE; P < 0.01). Significant improvement (time effect, P < 0.01) occurred for both groups in the chair rise (MS 13.6 ± 3.2%; SS 10.2 ± 3.0%), 6-m backwards walk (MS 14.9 ± 3.3%; SS 14.3 ± 4.2%), stair climb (MS 6.4 ± 2.8%; SS 7.7 ± 3.1%) and 400-m walk (MS 7.4 ± 1.4%; SS 3.9 ± 1.2%). There were no interaction (group × time) effects for functional performance and no differences by sex. CONCLUSION: Resistance training that utilizes either a singleset or 3-set regimen may significantly and similarly improve functional performance in community-dwelling older adults. Enhancement of functional performance may prolong independence and improve quality of life. ©2004The American College of Sports Medicine


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Although it has long been supposed that resistance training causes adaptive changes in the CNS, the sites and nature of these adaptations have not previously been identified. In order to determine whether the neural adaptations to resistance training occur to a greater extent at cortical or subcortical sites in the CNS, we compared the effects of resistance training on the electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of 16 individuals before and after 4 weeks of resistance training for the index finger abductors (n = 8), or training involving finger abduction-adduction without external resistance (n = 8). TMS was delivered at rest at intensities from 5 % below the passive threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. TMS and TES were also delivered at the active threshold intensity while the participants exerted torques ranging from 5 to 60 % of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The average latency of MEPs elicited by TES was significantly shorter than that of TMS MEPs (TES latency = 21.5 ± 1.4 ms; TMS latency = 23.4 ± 1.4 ms; P < 0.05), which indicates that the site of activation differed between the two forms of stimulation. Training resulted in a significant increase in MVC torque for the resistance-training group, but not the control group. There were no statistically significant changes in the corticospinal properties measured at rest for either group. For the active trials involving both TMS and TES, however, the slope of the relationship between MEP size and the torque exerted was significantly lower after training for the resistance-training group (P < 0.05). Thus, for a specific level of muscle activity, the magnitude of the EMG responses to both forms of transcranial stimulation were smaller following resistance training. These results suggest that resistance training changes the functional properties of spinal cord circuitry in humans, but does not substantially affect the organisation of the motor cortex.