88 resultados para Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon
We analyze the dynamics of a dilute, trapped Bose-condensed atomic gas coupled to a diatomic molecular Bose gas by coherent Raman transitions. This system is shown to result in a new type of “superchemistry,” in which giant collective oscillations between the atomic and the molecular gas can occur. The phenomenon is caused by stimulated emission of bosonic atoms or molecules into their condensate phases.
Unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility is seen when certain Wolbachia-infected insect populations are crossed. Two hypotheses might explain this phenomenon: superinfections with mutually incompatible strains of Wolbachia producing incompatibility when crossed to individuals infected with only a single bacterial strain or, alternatively, a bacterial dosage model, with differences in Wolbachia densities responsible for the incompatibility. A quantitative PCR assay was set up as a general method to compare Wolbachia densities between populations. Using this assay in unidirectionally incompatible stocks of the mosquito Aedes albopictus, we have determined that densities are significantly higher in Houston than in the Mauritius and Koh Samui stocks. This is consistent with a dosage model for the observed crossing patterns, but does not rule out the possibility that superinfection is the primary cause of the incompatibility.
Bacterial endosymbionts of insects have long been implicated in the phenomenon of cytoplasmic incompatibility, in which certain crosses between symbiont-infected individuals lead to embryonic death or sex ratio distortion. The taxonomic position of these bacteria has, however, not been known with any certainty. Similarly, the relatedness of the bacteria infecting various insect hosts has been unclear. The inability to grow these bacteria on defined cell-free medium has been the major factor underlying these uncertainties. We circumvented this problem by selective PCR amplification and subsequent sequencing of the symbiont 16S rRNA genes directly from infected insect tissue. Maximum parsimony analysis of these sequences indicates that the symbionts belong in the α-subdivision of the Proteobacteria, where they are most closely related to the Rickettsia and their relatives. They are all closely related to each other and are assigned to the type species Wolbachia pipientis. Lack of congruence between the phylogeny of the symbionts and their insect hosts suggests that horizontal transfer of symbionts between insect species may occur. Comparison of the sequences for W. pipientis and for Wolbachia persica, an endosymbiont of ticks, shows that the genus Wolbachia is polyphyletic. A PCR assay based on 16S primers was designed for the detection of W. pipientis in insect tissue, and initial screening of insects indicates that cytoplasmic incompatibility may be a more general phenomenon in insects than is currently recognized.
Cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) describes the phenomenon whereby eggs fertilized by sperm from insects infected with a rickettsial endosymbiont fail to hatch. Unidirectional CI between conspecific populations of insects is a well documented phenomenon. Bidirectional CI has, however, only been described in mosquito populations, and recently between closely related species of parasitic wasps, where it is of interest as both an unusual form of reproductive isolation and as a potential means of insect population suppression. Here we report on the first known example of bidirectional CI between conspecific populations of Drosophila simulans. Further, we show that defects as early as the first cleavage division are associated with CI. This observation suggests that the cellular basis of CI involves disruption of processes before or during zygote formation and that CI arises from defects in the structure and/or function of the sperm during fertilization.
Accumulating evidence suggests that Team-member exchange (TMX) influences employee work attitudes and behaviours separately from the effects of leader-member exchange (LMX). In particular, little is known of the effect of LMX differentiation (in-group versus out-group) as a process of social exhange that can, in turn, affect TMX quality. To explore this phenomenon, this chapter presents a multi-level model of TMX in organizations, which incorporates LMX differentiation, team identification, team member affect at the individual level, and fairness of LMX differentiation and affective climate at the group-level. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our model for theory, research, and practice.
We study the interaction of a two-level atom with two intense lasers: a strong laser of Rabi frequency 2 Ohm on resonance with the atomic transition, and a weaker laser detuned by 7 Ohm/n. i.e. by a subharmonic of the Rabi frequency of the first. The second laser dresses the dressed states created by the first in an n-photon process. We calculate the energy levels and eigenstates of this doubly-dressed atom, and find a new phenomenon: the splitting of the energy levels due to an n-photon coupling between them, resulting in a multiphoton AC Stark effect. We illustrate this effect in the fluorescence spectrum, and show that the spectrum contains triplets at the subharmonic as well as harmonic resonance frequencies with a clear dependence on the order n of the resonance and the ratio a of the Rabi frequencies of the lasers. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The phenomenon of probability backflow, previously quantified for a free nonrelativistic particle, is considered for a free particle obeying Dirac's equation. It is known that probability backflow can occur in the opposite direction to the momentum; that is to say, there exist positive-energy states in which the particle certainly has a positive momentum in a given direction, but for which the component of the probability flux vector in that direction is negative. It is shown thar the maximum possible amount of probability that can flow backwards, over a given time interval of duration T, depends on the dimensionless parameter epsilon = root 4h/mc(2)T, where m is the mass of the particle and c is the speed of light. At epsilon = 0, the nonrelativistic value of approximately 0.039 for this maximum is recovered. Numerical studies suggest that the maximum decreases monotonically as epsilon increases from 0, and show that it depends on the size of m, h, and T, unlike the nonrelativistic case.
Coset enumeration is a most important procedure for investigating finitely presented groups. We present a practical parallel procedure for coset enumeration on shared memory processors. The shared memory architecture is particularly interesting because such parallel computation is both faster and cheaper. The lower cost comes when the program requires large amounts of memory, and additional CPU's. allow us to lower the time that the expensive memory is being used. Rather than report on a suite of test cases, we take a single, typical case, and analyze the performance factors in-depth. The parallelization is achieved through a master-slave architecture. This results in an interesting phenomenon, whereby the CPU time is divided into a sequential and a parallel portion, and the parallel part demonstrates a speedup that is linear in the number of processors. We describe an early version for which only 40% of the program was parallelized, and we describe how this was modified to achieve 90% parallelization while using 15 slave processors and a master. In the latter case, a sequential time of 158 seconds was reduced to 29 seconds using 15 slaves.
PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k-ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near-sequence identity To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify, wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For kras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerases. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.
In his study of the 'time of arrival' problem in the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics of a single particle, Allcock [1] noted that the direction of the probability flux vector is not necessarily the same as that of the mean momentum of a wave packet, even when the packet is composed entirely of plane waves with a common direction of momentum. Packets can be constructed, for example for a particle moving under a constant force, in which probability flows for a finite time in the opposite direction to the momentum. A similar phenomenon occurs for the Dirac electron. The maximum amount of probabilitiy backflow which can occur over a given time interval can be calculated in each case.
A variable-density groundwater model is used to analyse the effects of tidal fluctuations on sea-water intrusion in an unconfined aquifer. It is shown that the tidal activity forces the sea-water to intrude further inland and it also creates a thicker interface than would occur without tidal effects. Moreover, the configuration of the interface is radically changed when the tidal fluctuations are included. This is because of the dramatic changes in the flow pattern and velocity of the groundwater near the shoreline. For aquifer depths much larger than tidal amplitudes, the tidal fluctuation does not have much effect on how far the sea-water intrudes into the aquifer; nevertheless, a significant change in the configuration of concentration contours because of the effect of tidal fluctuations is observed. This change is more noticeable at the top of the aquifer, near the water table, than at the bottom of the aquifer, and is caused by the infiltration of salt water into the top of the aquifer at higher tidal levels. A flatter beach slope, therefore, intensifies this phenomenon. The interface configurations do not change noticeably over the course of a tidal cycle. Neglecting tidal fluctuation effects results in an inaccurate evaluation of the water table elevation at the land end of the aquifer, although no distinguishable difference is seen between the water tables near the shoreline. Where the landward boundary condition is a constant head, the effects of tidal fluctuations on sea-water intrusion are more pronounced than for cases where the landward boundary condition is a specified flux. Also it is shown that the effects of tidal fluctuations are more significant for a sloping beach than for a vertical shoreline and the salt water intrudes further inland for the sloping case. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Enamel-producing cells (ameloblasts) pass through several phenotypic and functional stages during enamel formation. In the transition between secretory and maturation stages, about one quarter of the ameloblasts suddenly undergo apoptosis. We have studied this phenomenon using the continuously erupting rat incisor model. A special feature of this model is that all stages of ameloblast differentiation are presented within a single longitudinal section of the developing tooth. This permits investigation of the temporal sequence of gene and growth factor receptor expression during ameloblast differentiation and apoptosis. We describe the light and electron microscopic morphology of ameloblast apoptosis and the pattern of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression by ameloblasts in the continuously erupting rat incisor model. In the developing rat incisor, ameloblast apoptosis is associated with downregulated expression of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that ameloblasts are hard wired for apoptosis and that insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor expression is required to block the default apoptotic pathway. Possible mechanisms of insulin-like growth factor-1 inhibition of ameloblast apoptosis are presented. The rat incisor model may be useful in studies of physiological apoptosis as it presents apoptosis in a predictable pattern in adult tissues.
Sodium cyanide is being used on reefs in the Asia-Pacific region to capture live fish for the aquarium industry, and to supply a rapidly growing, restaurant-based demand, The effects of cyanide on reef biota have not been fully explored. To investigate its effect on hard corals, we exposed small branch lips of Stylophora pistillata and Acropora aspera to cyanide concentrations estimated to occur during cyanide fishing. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine photoinhibition and photosynthetic electron transport in the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in the tissues of the corals, These measurements were made in situ and in real time using a recently developed submersible PAM fluorometer. In S. pistillata. exposure to cyanide resulted in an almost complete cessation in photosynthetic electron transport rate. Both species displayed marked decreases in the ratio of variable fluorescence (F-v) to maximal fluorescence (F-m) (dark-adapted F-v/F-m), following exposure to cyanide, signifying a decrease in photochemical efficiency. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m recovered to normal levels in similar to 6 d, although intense tissue discolouration, a phenomenon well-recognised as coral 'bleaching' was observed during this period, Bleaching was caused by loss of zooxanthellae from the coral tissues, a well-recognised sub-lethal stress response of corals. Using the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis, corals exposed to cyanide did not show light activation of Calvin cycle enzymes and developed high levels of non-photochemical quenching (q(N)), signifying the photoprotective dissipation of excess light as heat, These features are symptomatic of the known properties of cyanide as an inhibitor of enzymes of the Calvin cycle. The results of this in situ study show that an impairment of zooxanthellar photosynthesis is; the site of cyanide-mediated toxicity, and is the cue that causes corals to release their symbiotic zooxanthellac following cyanide exposure. This study demonstrates the efficacy of PBM fluorometry as a new tool for in situ stress assessment in zooxanthellate scleractinian corals. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Groundwater waves, that is, water table fluctuations, are a natural phenomenon in coastal aquifers. They represent an important part of the interaction between the ocean and aquifer and affect the mass exchange between them. This paper presents a new groundwater wave equation. Because it includes the effects of vertical flows and capillarity, the new equation is applicable to both intermediate-depth aquifers and high-frequency waves. Compared with the wave equation derived by Nielsen ed al. [1997], the present equation provides a closer representation of groundwater waves. In particular, it predicts high-frequency water table fluctuations as observed in the field. A validation of the new equation has been carried out by comparing the analytical solutions to it with predictions from direct simulations using the numerical model SUTRA. The effects of various physical parameters and their relative importance are also discussed.
Recent research (Kuhl, 1991) has suggested that the internal structure of vowel categories is graded in terms of stimulus goodness. It has been proposed that a best instance stimulus reflects a central point or prototype, which effectively renders within-category members perceptually more similar. Discrimination experiments suggest a nonlinear relationship between acoustic and perceptual space near category centers (Iverson & Kuhl, 1995b). This phenomenon has been described as the perceptual magnet effect. The present study investigated the presence of the perceptual magnet effect in five Australian vowel categories. Australian English speakers identified, rated, and discriminated between a pool of 32 vowel stimuli that varied in F1 and F2 values. The results from Experiments 1 and 2 showed that subjects were able to judge the quality and identity of each stimulus and that a general grading of stimulus quality was reported. This was not symmetrical, and the subjects' responses varied considerably. In Experiment 3, closer control of the methodology in the discrimination task and of contextual factors influencing the test materials was exercised. Despite this, evidence of the warping of perceptual space in discrimination data was not found. In general, these results do not provide support for the existence of the perceptual magnet effect, and explanations for this finding are discussed.