31 resultados para Sliding Conjunctival Flap


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Nerve and tendon gliding exercises are advocated in the conservative and postoperative management of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). However, traditionally advocated exercises elongate the nerve bedding substantially, which may induce a potentially deleterious strain in the median nerve with the risk of symptom exacerbation in some patients and reduced benefits from nerve gliding. This study aimed to evaluate various nerve gliding exercises, including novel techniques that aim to slide the nerve through the carpal tunnel while minimizing strain (sliding techniques). With these sliding techniques, it is assumed that an increase in nerve strain due to nerve bed elongation at one joint (e.g., wrist extension) is simultaneously counterbalanced by a decrease in nerve bed length at an adjacent joint (e.g., elbow flexion). Excursion and strain in the median nerve at the wrist were measured with a digital calliper and miniature strain gauge in six human cadavers during six mobilization techniques. The sliding technique resulted in an excursion of 12.4 mm, which was 30% larger than any other technique (p 0.0002). Strain also differed between techniques (p 0.00001), with minimal peak values for the sliding technique. Nerve gliding associated with wrist movements can be considerably increased and nerve strain substantially reduced by simultaneously moving neighboring joints. These novel nerve sliding techniques are biologically plausible exercises for CTS that deserve further clinical evaluation. © 2007 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 25:972-980, 2007


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View to side entrance opening and window detail with sliding timber shutters above, from exterior.


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View to elevation with timber sliding shutters, aluminium double hung sash windows and brick venting.


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Timber deck with sliding timber shutters off the master bedroom


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Field collected flies were screened for the presence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) by applying reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in which primers specific to the capsid protein of the virus were used. The virus was detected in flies from locations where rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) was reported and also soon after the release of RHDV in a 'clean' area. Oral and/or anal excretions of flies (flyspots) were found to contain viable virus and oral inoculation of rabbits revealed that a single flyspot was able to cause RHD. We conclude that flyspots are a major potential source of the virus for oral or conjunctival transmission of the virus to rabbits. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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High-resolution crystal structures are described for seven macrocycles complexed with HIV-1 protease (HIVPR). The macrocycles possess two amides and an aromatic group within 15-17 membered rings designed to replace N- or C-terminal tripeptides from peptidic inhibitors of HIVPR. Appended to each macrocycle is a transition state isostere and either an acyclic peptide, nonpeptide, or another macrocycle. These cyclic analogues are potent inhibitors of HIVPR, and the crystal structures show them to be structural mimics of acyclic peptides, binding in the active site of HIVPR via the same interactions. Each macrocycle is restrained to adopt a P-strand conformation which is preorganized for protease binding. An unusual feature of the binding of C-terminal macrocyclic inhibitors is the interaction between a positively charged secondary amine and a catalytic aspartate of HIVPR. A bicyclic inhibitor binds similarly through its secondary amine that lies between its component N-terminal and C-terminal macrocycles. In contrast, the corresponding tertiary amine of the N-terminal macrocycles does not interact with the catalytic aspartates. The amine-aspartate interaction induces a 1.5 Angstrom N-terminal translation of the inhibitors in the active site and is accompanied by weakened interactions with a water molecule that bridges the ligand to the enzyme, as well as static disorder in enzyme flap residues. This flexibility may facilitate peptide cleavage and product dissociation during catalysis. Proteases [Aba(67,95)]HIVPR and [Lys(7),Ile(33),Aba(67,95)]- HIVPR used in this work were shown to have very similar crystal structures.


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This paper describes the ocular morphology of young adults of the southern hemisphere lamprey Geotria australis, the sole representative of the Geotriidae, and makes comparisons with those of holarctic lampreys (Petromyzontidae). As previously reported for the holarctic lamprey Ichthyomyzon unicuspis [Collin and Fritzsch, 1993], the lens of G. australis is non-spherical and possesses a cone-shaped posterior that may be capable of mediating variable focus. The avascular retina of G. australis is well differentiated, containing three retinal ganglion cell populations, three layers of horizontal cells and three photoreceptor types, in contrast to petromyzontids that contain only two photoreceptor types (short and long), G. australis possesses one rod-like (R1) and two cone-like (C1 and C2) photoreceptors. Although the rodlike receptor in G. australis may be homologous with the short receptors of holarctic lampreys, the two cone-like receptors have morphological characteristics that differ markedly from those of the long receptors of their holarctic counterparts. The features which distinguish the two cone-like receptors from those of the long receptor type in holarctic lampreys are the characteristics of the mitochondria and the presence of large amounts of two different types of stored secretory material in the endoplasmic reticulum of the myoid (refractile bodies). The endoplasmic reticulum of each receptor type has a different shape and staining profile and is polymorphic, each showing a continuum of distension. It is proposed that the presence of two cone-like photoreceptors with different characteristics would increase the spectral range of G. australis and thus be of value during the parasitic phase, when this lamprey lives in the surface marine waters. The irideal flap, present in G. australis but not petromyzontids, would assist in reducing intraocular flare during life in surface waters. The results of this study, which are discussed in the context of the proposed evolution of lampreys, emphasise that it is important to take into account the characteristics of the eyes of southern hemisphere lampreys when making generalizations about the eyes of lampreys as a whole.


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A diagnosis is given for the lecithasterid genus Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934, which is now found to have two to six (possibly seven) vitelline masses. The species H. frontilatus (Manter, 1969) is returned to the genus, having been considered a member of the bunocotylid genus Neotheletrum by recent authors. It is redescribed from Siganus nebulosus, Moreton Bay, and S. doliatus, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, with emphasis on the presence of Juel's organ, a uterine seminal receptacle and the blind sac associated with the genital atrium. It differs from its congeners in the trajectory of the pars prostatica which recurves dorsally to the sinus-sac. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982 is synonymised with Hysterolecithoides and O. trilobatus Shen, 1982 is synomised with H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934. Machidatrema Leon-Regagnon, 1998 is diagnosed, and found to be close to Hysterolecithoides, but differs in the lack of a blind-sac projecting from the dorsal genital atrium, by its tandem testes, the coiling of the uterus between the testes and the ovary, and the ventral excretory pore. M. leonae n. sp. is described from Siganus fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. doliatus, S. corallinus, S. vulpinus and Scarus globiceps at Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its closest congener, M. akeh, in the muscular and tegumental flap over the genital pore and details of the terminal genitalia. M. chilostoma (Machida, 1980) and M. kyphosi (Yamaguti, 1970) are redescribed from Kyphosus vaigiensis from Heron Island. Neotheletrum Gibson & Bray, 1979 is diagnosed: it differs from Hysterolecithoides in its confluent excretory arms, blind seminal receptacle (no Juel's organ) and uniformly tripartite vitellarium. A cladistic analysis suggests that M. chilostoma and M. kyphosi are not best accommodated in Machidatrema, that Machidatrema (sensu stricto) is monophyletic and that Hysterolecithoides is paraphyletic. Hysterolecithoides and Machidatrema are considered hysterolecithine lecithasterids, whilst Neotheletrum is retained as an opisthadenine bunocotylid.


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A continuum model for regular block structures is derived by replacing the difference quotients of the discrete equations by corresponding differential quotients. The homogenization procedure leads to an anisotropic Cosserat Continuum. For elastic block interactions the dispersion relations of the discrete and the continuous models are derived and compared. Yield criteria for block tilting and sliding are formulated. An extension of the theory for large deformation is proposed. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Skin flaps are useful where a lesion cannot be removed by simple excision without excessive tension being placed on the wound or surrounding tissues may be distorted. The H-flap and the island advancement flap are described. (non-author abstract)


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This article examines the current status of fetal pulse oximetry (FPO) as a means of intrapartum assessment of fetal wellbeing. FPO has been developed to a stage where it is a safe and accurate indicator of intrapartum fetal oxygenation. In general, sliding the FPO sensor along the examiner's fingers and through the cervix, to lie alongside the fetal cheek or temple is easy The recent publication of a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of FPO versus conventional intrapartum monitoring has validated its use to reduce caesarean section rates for nonreassuring fetal status. An Australian multicentre RCT is currently underway. Maternal satisfaction rates with FPO are high. FPO may be used during labour when the electronic fetal heart rate trace is nonreassuring or when conventional monitoring is unreliable, such as with fetal arrhythmias. If the fetal oxygen saturation (FSpO(2)) values are < 30%, prompt obstetric intervention is indicated, such as fetal scalp blood sampling or delivery FSpO(2) monitoring should not form the sole basis of intrapartum fetal welfare assessment. Rather, the whole clinical picture should be considered.


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This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the contents of the normal koala orbit, excluding the bulbus oculi. Baseline data were established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The anatomy of the orbital contents of the koala were examined and described from animals that presented dead or were euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) casts of the nasolacrimal system and the vascular supply of the orbit were also made in order to study these systems. The superficial lymphatic drainage of the conjunctival tissues was studied by subcutaneous injection of Evan's Blue into the palpebral conjunctiva of a freshly deceased animal, and by Microfil casts of the efferent lymphatics. In general, the orbital contents of the koala are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.


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To define the location of potential oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in ocular melanoma we carried out comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis on a population-based series of 25 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumors comprising 17 choroidal, 2 ciliary body, 4 iris, and 2 conjunctival melanomas. Twelve (48%) of the 25 melanomas showed no chromosomal changes and 13 (52%) had at least one chromosomal gain or loss. The mean number of CGH changes in all tumors was 3.3, with similar mean numbers of chromosomal gains (1.5) and losses (1.8). The highest number of chromosomal changes (i.e., nine) occurred in a conjunctival melanoma and included four changes not observed in tumors at any other ocular site (gains in 22q and 11p and losses in 6p and 17p). The most frequent gains in all primary ocular melanomas were on chromosome arm 8q (69%), 6p (31%) and 8p (23%) and the most frequent losses were on 6q (38%), 10q (23%), and 16q (23%). The most common pairing was gain in 8p and gain in 8q, implying a whole chromosome copy number increase; gains in 8p occurred only in conjunction with gains in 8q. The smallest regions of copy number alteration were mapped to gain of 8q21 and loss of 6q21, 10q21, and 16q22. Sublocalization of these chromosomal changes to single-band resolution should accelerate the identification of genes involved in the genesis of ocular melanoma.