22 resultados para Single dose


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The difficulty of establishing a diagnosis and confirming cure of strongyloidiasis is widely appreciated. As parasitological diagnosis is often unsatisfactory, serodiagnosis is frequently relied upon. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in Strongyloides-specific antibody levels among a group of 79 seropositive Indigenous Australians living in a Strongyloides-endemic region. Testing before and after treatment revealed that seroreversion occurred most commonly after multiple courses of ivermectin therapy, with antibody titres of 35/42 (83%) subjects becoming negative. Seroreversion was also common following a single course of ivermectin or multiple courses of a 3-day regimen of albendazole, with seroreversion occurring in 13/19 (68%) and 7/10 (70%) subjects respectively. One 3-day course of albendazole was less effective with 4/10 (40%) subjects seroreverting, whereas none of the five subjects receiving a single dose of albendazole and 1/10 (10%) of subjects receiving no therapy seroreverted. These results support the use of serological follow-up for strongyloidiasis, and indicate that reversion to negative serostatus after ivermectin therapy is frequent.


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A randomized double-blind Phase I Trial was conducted to evaluate safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of a yellow fever (YF)-dengue 2 (DEN2) chimera (ChimeriVax™-DEN2) in comparison to that of YF vaccine (YF-VAX®). Forty-two healthy YF naïve adults randomly received a single dose of either ChimeriVax™-DEN2 (high dose, 5 log plaque forming units [PFU] or low dose, 3 log PFU) or YF-VAXâ by the subcutaneous route (SC). To determine the effect of YF pre-immunity on the ChimeriVaxTM-DEN2 vaccine, 14 subjects previously vaccinated against YF received a high dose of ChimeriVax™-DEN2 as an open-label vaccine. Most adverse events were similar to YF-VAX® and of mild to moderate intensity, with no serious side-effects. One hundred percent and 92.3% of YF naïve subjects inoculated with 5.0 and 3.0 log10 PFU of ChimeriVaxTM-DEN2, respectively, seroconverted to wt DEN2 (strain 16681); 92% of subjects inoculated with YF-VAX® seroconverted to YF 17D virus but none of YF naïve subjects inoculated with ChimeriVax-DEN2 seroconverted to YF 17D virus. Low seroconversion rates to heterologous DEN serotypes 1, 3, and 4 were observed in YF naïve subjects inoculated with either ChimeriVax™-DEN2 or YF-VAX®. In contrast, 100% of YF immune subjects inoculated with ChimeriVax™-DEN2 seroconverted to all 4 DEN serotypes. Surprisingly, levels of neutralizing antibodies to DEN 1, 2, and 3 viruses in YF immune subjects persisted after 1 year. These data demonstrated that 1) the safety and immunogenicity profile of the ChimeriVax™-DEN2 vaccine is consistent with that of YF-VAX®, and 2) pre-immunity to YF virus does not interfere with ChimeriVaxTM-DEN2 immunization, but induces a long lasting and cross neutralizing antibody response to all 4 DEN serotypes. The latter observation can have practical implications toward development of a dengue vaccine.


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Neonatal X-irradiation of central nervous system (CNS) tissue markedly reduces the glial population in the irradiated area. Previous in vivo studies have demonstrated regenerative success of adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons into the neonatally-irradiated spinal cord. The present study was undertaken to determine whether these results could be replicated in an in vitro environment. The lumbosacral spinal cord of anaesthetised Wistar rat pups, aged between 1 and 5 days, was subjected to a single dose (40 Gray) of X-irradiation. A sham-irradiated group acted as controls. Rats were allowed to reach adulthood before being killed. Their lumbosacral spinal cords were dissected out and processed for sectioning in a cryostat. Cryosections (10 mum-thick) of the spinal cord tissue were picked up on sterile glass coverslips and used as substrates for culturing dissociated adult DRG neurons. After an appropriate incubation period, cultures were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde and immunolabelled to visualise both the spinal cord substrate using anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and the growing DRG neurons using anti-growth associated protein (GAP-43). Successful growth of DRG neurites was observed on irradiated, but not on non-irradiated, sections of spinal cord. Thus, neonatal X-irradiation of spinal cord tissue appears to alter its environment such that it can later support, rather than inhibit, axonal regeneration. It is suggested that this alteration may be due, at least in part, to depletion in the number of and/or a change in the characteristics of the glial cells. (C) 2000 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cylindrospermopsin (CYN), a potent cyanobacterial hepatotoxin produced by Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and other cyanobacteria, is regularly found in water supplies in many parts of the world and has been associated with the intoxication of humans and livestock.Water treatment via chlorination can degrade the toxin effectively but result in the production of several byproducts. In this study, male and female Balb/c mice were injected via the intraperitoneal (IP) route with a single dose of 10 mg/kg 5-chlorouracil and 10 mg/kg 5-chloro-6-hydroxymethyluracil; these two compounds are the predicted chlorinated degradation products of CYN.DNA was isolated from the mouse livers and examined for strand breakage by alkaline gel electrophoresis (pH 12). The median molecular length (MML) of the DNA distributed in the gel was determined by estimating the midpoint of the DNA size distribution by densitometry. The toxicity of 5-chlorouracil (as measured by DNA strand breakage) was significantly influenced by time from dosing. There was no significant difference in MML between mice dosed with 5-chloro-6-hydroxymethyluracil and the controls. In another experiment, mice were dosed with 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/kg body weight 5-chlorouracil and 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 20 mg/kg 5-chloro-6-hydroxymethyluracil via IP injection. The heart, liver, kidney, lung and spleen were removed, fixed and examined under electron microscopy. Liver was the main target organ. The EM results revealed marked distortion on the nuclear membrane of liver cells in mice dosed with 1.0 mg/kg 5-chlorouracil or 10 mg/kg 5-chloro-6-hydroxymethyluracil, or higher.


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OBJECTIVES We sought to determine whether the transmural extent of scar (TES) explains discordances between dobutamine echocardiography (DbE) and thallium single-photon emission computed tomography (Tl-SPECT) in the detection of viable myocardium (VM). BACKGROUND Discrepancies between DbE and Tl-SPECT are often attributed to differences between contractile reserve and membrane integrity, but may also reflect a disproportionate influence of nontransmural scar on thickening at DbE. METHODS Sixty patients (age 62 +/- 12 years; 10 women and 50 men) with postinfarction left ventricular dysfunction underwent standard rest-late redistribution Tl-SPECT and DbE. Viable myocardium was identified when dysfunctional segments showed Tl activity >60% on the late-redistribution image or by low-dose augmentation at DbE. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (ceMRI) was used to divide TES into five groups: 0%, 75% of the wall thickness replaced by scar. RESULTS As TES increased, both the mean Tl uptake and change in wall motion score decreased significantly (both p < 0.001). However, the presence of subendocardial scar was insufficient to prevent thickening; >50% of segments still showed contractile function with TES of 25% to 75%, although residual function was uncommon with TES >75%. The relationship of both tests to increasing TES was similar, but Tl-SPECT identified VM more frequently than DbE in all groups. Among segments without scar or with small amounts of scar (50% were viable by SPECT. CONCLUSIONS Both contractile reserve and perfusion are sensitive to the extent of scar. However, contractile reserve may be impaired in the face of no or minor scar, and thickening may still occur with extensive scar. (C) 2004 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


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Background: Renal transplant recipients were noted to appear cushingoid while on low doses of steroid as part of a triple therapy immunosuppression of cyclosporin A (CsA), prednisolone, and azathioprine. Methods: The study group comprised adult renal transplant recipients with stable graft function who had received their renal allograft a minimum of 1 year previously (43 studies undertaken in 22 men and 20 women) with median daily prednisone dose of 7 mg (range 3-10). The control group was healthy nontransplant subjects [median dose 10 mg (10-30)]. Prednisolone bioavailability was measured using a limited 6-hour area under the curve (AUC), with prednisolone measured using specific HPLC assay. Results: The median prednisolone AUC/mg dose for all transplant recipients was significantly greater than the control group by approximately 50% (316 nmol(.)h/L/mg prednisolone versus 218). AUC was significantly higher in female recipients (median 415 versus 297 for men) and in recipients receiving cyclospotin (348 versus 285). The highest AUC was in women on estrogen supplements who were receiving cyclosporin (median 595). A significantly higher proportion of patients on triple therapy had steroid side effects compared with those on steroid and azathioprine (17/27 versus 4/15), more women than men had side effects (14/16 versus 7/22), and the AUC/mg prednisone was greater in those with side effects than without (median 377 versus 288 nmol-h/L/mg). Discussion: The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CsA increases the bioavailability of prednisolone, most likely through inhibition of beta-glycoprotein. The increased exposure to steroid increased the side-effect profile of steroids in the majority of patients. Because the major contributor to AUC is the maximum postdose concentration, it may be possible to use single-point monitoring (2 hours postdose) for routine clinical studies.


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It is unclear whether a random plasma cortisol measurement and the corticotropin (ACTH) test adequately reflect glucocorticoid secretory capacity in critical illness. This study aimed to determine whether these tests provide information representative of the 24 hour period. Plasma cortisol was measured hourly for 24 hours in 21 critically ill septic patients followed by a corticotropin test with 1 μ g dose administered intravenously. Serum and urine were analysed for ACTH and free cortisol respectively. Marked hourly variability in plasma cortisol was evident (coefficient of variation 8-30%) with no demonstrable circadian rhythm. The individual mean plasma cortisol concentrations ranged from 286 59 nmol/l to 796 &PLUSMN; 83 nmol/l. The 24 hour mean plasma cortisol was strongly correlated with both random plasma cortisol (r(2) 0.9, P< 0.0001) and the cortisol response to corticotropin (r(2) 0.72, P< 0.001). Only nine percent of patients increased their plasma cortisol by 250 nmol/l after corticotropin (euadrenal response). However, 35% of non-responders had spontaneous hourly rises > 250 nmol/l thus highlighting the limitations of a single point corticotropin test. Urinary free cortisol was elevated (865&PLUSMN; 937 nmol) in both corticotropin responders and non-responders suggesting elevated plasma free cortisol. No significant relationship was demonstrable between plasma cortisol and ACTH. We conclude that although random cortisol measurements and the low dose corticotropin tests reliably reflect the 24 hour mean cortisol in critical illness, they do not take into account the pulsatile nature of cortisol secretion. Consequently, there is the potential for erroneous conclusions about adrenal function based on a single measurement. We suggest that caution be exercised when drawing conclusions on the adequacy of adrenal function based on a single random plasma cortisol or the corticotropin test.