41 resultados para Rod


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Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) involves the acceleration of opioid withdrawal hv administering thp opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone under general anaesthesia. There is evidence from uncontrolled and a few controlled studies that UROD accelerates opioid withdrawal and that it achieves high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. However, there is clear evidence that the use of a general anaesthetic is not required to accelerate withdrawal or to achieve high rates of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. These goals can be achieved by using naltrexone or naloxone to accelerate withdrawal under light sedation, a procedure known as rapid opioid detoxification under sedation (ROD). There is also evidence that use of an opioid antagonist is not required to achieve a high rate of completion of acute opioid withdrawal. The mixed agonist-antagonist buprenorphine has achieved comparable rates of completion in similarly selected patients with fewer withdrawal symptoms. There is no evidence from controlled trials that either UROD or ROD increases the rate of abstinence from opioids 6 or 12 months after withdrawal. UROD and ROD may increase the number of patients who are inducted onto naltrexone maintenance (NM) therapy but extensive experience with NM therapy suggests that it only has a limited role in selected patients. Given the lack of evidence of substantially increased rates of abstinence, and the need for anaesthetists and high dependency beds, UROD has at best a very minor role in the treatment of a handful of opioid dependent patients who are unable to complete withdraw in any other way. ROD may have more of a role as one option for opioid withdrawal in well motivated patients who want to be rapidly inducted onto NM therapy or who want to enter other types of abstinence-oriented treatment.


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OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to estimate the associations between outdoor air pollution and cardiovascular hospital admissions for the elderly. DESIGN: Associations were assessed using the case-crossover method for seven cities: Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand; and Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney Australia. Results were combined across cities using a random-effects meta-analysis and stratified for two adult age groups: 15-64 years and >= 65 years of age (elderly). Pollutants considered were nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, daily measures of particulate matter (PM) and ozone. Where multiple pollutant associations were found, a matched case-control analysis was used to identify the most consistent association. RESULTS: In the elderly, all pollutants except 03 were significantly associated with five categories or cardiovascular disease admissions. No associations were found for arrhythmia and stroke. For a 0.9-ppm increase in CO, there were significant increases in elderly hospital admissions for total cardiovascular disease (2.2%), all cardiac disease (2.8%), cardiac failure (6.0%), ischemic heart disease (2.3%), and myocardial infarction (2.9%). There was some heterogeneity between cities, possibly due to differences in humidity and the percentage of elderly people. In matched analyses, CO had the most consistent association. CONCLUSIONS. The results suggest that air pollution arising from common emission sources for CO, NO2, and PM (e.g., motor vehicle exhausts) has significant associations with adult cardiovascular hospital admissions, especially in the elderly, at air pollution concentrations below normal health guidelines. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Elderly populations in Australia need to be protected from air pollution arising from outdoor sources to reduce cardiovascular disease.


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The report was commissioned by the Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programmes in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes, especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. These target groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, students with a language background other than English, rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years. The project involved large scale national and international literature reviews on Australian and international middle years approaches as well as an analysis of key literacy and numeracy teaching and learning strategies being used. In the report, there is emergent evidence of the relative efficacy of a combination of explicit state policy, dedicated funding and curriculum and professional development frameworks that are focused on the improvement of classroom pedagogy in the middle years. The programs that evidenced the greatest current and potential value for target group students tended to have developed in state policy environments that encouraged a structural rather than adjunct approach to middle years innovations. The authors conclude that in order to translate the gains made into sustainable improvement of educational results in literacy and numeracy for target groups, there is a need for a second generation of middle years theorising, research, development and practice.


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This research project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training to investigate the perceived efficacy of middle years programs in all States and Territories in improving the quality of teaching, learning and student outcomes - especially in literacy and numeracy and for student members of particular target groups. The latter groups included students from lower socio-economic communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities, students with a Language Background Other than English (hereafter LBOTE), rural and remote students, and students struggling with the transition from middle/upper primary to the junior secondary years.


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A pilot survey was undertaken of injury presentations to a public hospital emergency department to determine patterns of alcohol use in this population. Of the 402 injury presentations in the study period, a total of 236 injury cases were interviewed, of whom 45% (n=107) and 29% (n=69) had consumed alcohol 24 and 6 hours prior to injury. Mean age for all injury presentations was 35.1 years, and 32.6 years for alcohol injury cases. For both injury groups, males were significantly younger than females. Recent alcohol ingestion was three times more common among male than female injury presentations, but with females drinking at significantly lower levels. Of males who had consumed alcohol 6 hours prior to injury, nearly 70% were drinking at NHMRC harmful levels and 61% had drunk more than eight standard drinks. Overall, alcohol-involved injury cases commonly occurred among low-income, single males around 30 years of age who were regular heavy drinkers who were drinking heavily in licensed premises prior to their injury, and who sustained injury through intentional harm. In addition, one in five of the alcohol-involved injury cases were aged 15-18 years, i.e. below the legal age of purchase. The high proportion of hazardous and harmful drinkers among those who had consumed alcohol within the last 6 hours, and the injury sample overall, highlights the need for further research to explore the relationship between the occurrence of injury and the drinking patterns and environments associated with injury. Further research is also required to assess the efficacy of early and brief interventions for alcohol and drug use within the emergency ward setting. This information would enable appropriate public health interventions to be initiated.


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This study continues the collection of data on the anterior adhesive areas and secretions of monopisthocotylean monogenean (flatworm) parasites and begins an investigation of their phylogenetic usefulness. Here, two species of parasitic worms from an elasmobranch, Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Dasybatotreminae) and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis (Monocotylidae: Heterocotylinae), are compared and contrasted. It has been suggested in recent literature that these two taxa are more closely related than is currently recognised. Our data support this view. Both species have multiple apertures on the ventral anterior margin through which adhesive is secreted. Two types of secretion exit from multiple adjacent duct endings terminating in each aperture: rod-shaped (S1) and spherical-shaped (S2) bodies. S1 bodies of both species show nano-banding of similar size and are membrane bound. Ultrastructure of the glands, ducts, duct endings and secreted adhesive is similar for both species, but aperture shape differs. Away from the adhesive areas, tegumental inclusions are found to differ between the two species and another, apparently non-adhesive, secretion is found in N. rhinobatidis.


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Recent advances in several experimental techniques have enabled detailed structural information to be obtained for floating (Langmuir) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films. These techniques are described briefly and their application to the study of films of fatty acids and their salts is discussed. Floating monolayers on aqueous subphases have been shown to possess a complex polymorphism with phases whose structures may be compared to those of smectic mesophases. However, only those phases that exist at high surface pressures are normally used in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition. In single LB monolayers of fatty acids and fatty acid salts the acyl chains are in the all-cans conformation with their long axes normal to the substrate. The in-plane molecular packing is hexagonal with long-range bond orientational order and short-range positional order: known as the hexatic-B structure. This structure is found irrespective of the phase of the parent floating monolayer. The structures of multilayer LB films are similar to the structures of their bulk crystals, consisting of stacked bilayer lamellae. Each lamella is formed from two monolayers of fatty acid molecules or ions arranged head to head and held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of acids or ionic bonding through the divalent cations. With acids the acyl chains are tilted with respect to the substrate normal and have a monoclinic structure, whereas the salts with divalent cations may have the chains normal to the substrate or tilted. The in-plane structures are usually centred rectangular with the chains in the trans conformation and packed in a herringbone pattern, Multilayer films of the acids show only a single-step order-disorder transition at the malting point, This temperature tends to rise as the number of layers increases. Complex changes occur when multilayer films of the salts are heated. Disorder of the chains begins at low temperatures but the arrangement of the head groups does not alter until the melting temperature is reached, Slow heating to a temperature just below the melting temperature gives, with some salts, a radical change in phase. The lamellar structure disappears and a new phase consisting of cylindrical rods lying parallel to the substrate surface and stacked in a hexagonal pattern is formed, In each rod the cations are aligned along the central axis surrounded by the disordered acyl chains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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Sperm ultrastructure in three representative species of the marine bivalve family Spondylidae (spiny or thorny oysters) is examined and compared with available data on other bivalves, especially other families of the subclass Pteriomorphia. Spondylid spermatozoa are of the externally fertilizing aquasperm. type (ect-aquasperm). The acrosomal vesicle is conical with a deep basal invagination extending almost the full length of the vesicle. Vesicle contents are divisible into an inner, highly electron-dense anterior layer and a less dense posterior layer. The anterior layer is folded back on itself posteriorly and exhibits radiating plates (best developed peripherally). The vesicle rests on, and is partially embedded in, an extensive granular deposit of subacrosomal. material at the nuclear apex. This deposit extends partly into acrosomal vesicle invagination and also fills a broad depression in the anterior of the nucleus. No pre-formed axial rod (perforatorium) is present. The nucleus is round-pyriform and its contents coarsely fibrogranular. At the base of the nucleus, four broad depressions partially accommodate the midpiece mitochondria. The midpiece consists the four spherical mitochondria and the proximal and distal centrioles. The centrioles are arranged at approximately 90degrees to each other, and each consists of nine, angularly-oriented, microtubular triplets embedded in a granular matrix. A short, periodically banded rootlet connects the proximal centriole to the nuclear fossa, whereas the distal centriole, which forms the basal body to the flagellar axoneme, is anchored to the plasma membrane by nine terminally forked satellite fibres. Extensive deposits of putative glycogen rosettes surround the centrioles and mitochondria. The flagellum consists of a 9+2 axoneme sheathed by the plasma membrane. Spondylid spermatozoa strongly resemble those of the Pectinidae, further confirming the traditional view (based on comparative anatomy and shell morphology) of a close relationship between the Spondylidae and the Pectinidae. Differences in acrosomal shape and dimensions were noted between the three species examined, indicating potential taxonomic utility for comparative sperm ultrastructure within the Spondylidae.


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The University of Queensland's School of Political Science and International Studies organised a round table in Canberra on 27 June 2001 that brought together a select group of government policy-makers and academic specialists to discuss the issue of ballistic missile defence (BMD). The round table provided useful insights into Australian thinking on the issue. This report seeks to summarise the essence of those discussions in order to contribute to the broader national debate.(1)


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Reviews the book 'Asia Pacific Security Outlook 2000,' edited by Richard W. Baker and Charles M. Morrison.


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In its first term, the Howard government hired Australasian Research Strategies (ARS), headed by pollster Mark Textor, to conduct market research for several Commonwealth departments and agencies. This was, the Labor Opposition claimed, a case of the Liberals handing jobs to their 'mates'. Textor played a key role in the Liberals' 1996 and 1998 federal election campaigns. However, Labor's attack rings hollow since in the 1980s the Hawke government similarly contracted Rod Cameron's ANOP to conduct opinion research for Commonwealth departments and agencies. At the time Cameron was Labor's strategic pollster and centrally involved in planning Labor election campaigns. On both sides of Australian politics, governments have begun to channel patronage towards their party's pollsters. In this research note, we suggest that this development cannot be explained as 'jobs for the boys'. Instead, this new form of patronage has its roots in the vital role that pollsters now play in guiding election campaigns, and in the commercial reality that Australian politics provides too little work to sustain specialist political pollsters. Parties in government now appear to utilise incumbency to sustain an ongoing relationship with the commercial polling organisations like ANOP and ARS to whom they will entrust much of the planning of their campaign for re-election.


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