24 resultados para Richards, Lyn: Handling qualitative data


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Many organizations now emphasize the use of technology that can help them get closer to consumers and build ongoing relationships with them. The ability to compile consumer data profiles has been made even easier with Internet technology. However, it is often assumed that consumers like to believe they can trust a company with their personal details. Lack of trust may cause consumers to have privacy concerns. Addressing such privacy concerns may therefore be crucial to creating stable and ultimately profitable customer relationships. Three specific privacy concerns that have been frequently identified as being of importance to consumers include unauthorized secondary use of data, invasion of privacy, and errors. Results of a survey study indicate that both errors and invasion of privacy have a significant inverse relationship with online purchase behavior. Unauthorized use of secondary data appears to have little impact. Managerial implications include the careful selection of communication channels for maximum impact, the maintenance of discrete “permission-based” contact with consumers, and accurate recording and handling of data.


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Objectives: This study investigated the effect of a pre-clinical fieldwork subject on the confidence and professional skills of undergraduate occupational therapy students during their first full-time clinical fieldwork placement. Methods: Participants were 31 third year students enrolled in the pre-clinical fieldwork subject (experimental group), and 25 students not enrolled in the subject (control group). Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were employed to address the research question. Student anxiety levels were measured using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and compared at three different intervals - prior to commencing the university semester, prior to commencing full-time practical placement, and following this full-time placement. Individual interviews were conducted with six students (three from the experimental group, three from the control group) to explore their perceptions regarding confidence levels and skill proficiencies during full-time placement. At each data analysis interval, responses for both groups were compared using independent samples t-tests. Responses were compared over time using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The qualitative data were subjected to thematic and content analysis. Results and Conclusions: In general, student anxiety levels did not differ between the experimental and control groups over time. However, qualitative results suggest that students who were enrolled in the pre-clinical subject have greater confidence and competence with occupational therapy skills, and have heightened awareness of the expectations on full-time placement.


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While questions of children's engagement in physical activity are being widely debated, little is known about how physical activity is valued and managed within families. This paper reports on qualitative data from a multi-method study on lower primary aged children. The focus of the broader study was to determine the relationships between young children's physical activity patterns, skills, and recreational interests, and their families' location, income, commitment to physical activity, and other responsibilities. Drawing on interviews with 12 purposively selected families, it was found that physical activity was highly valued across different family contexts, that children's engagement was shaped by their interests, friendships, and safety, and that issues such as income, family configuration, parental work commitments, and transport were potential barriers to further engagement.


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Background: Postnatal breastfeeding support in the form of home visits is difficult to accommodate in regional Australia, where hospitals often deal with harsh economic constraints in a context where they are required to provide services to geographically, dispersed consumers. This study evaluated a predominately telephone-based support service called the Infant Feeding Support Service. Methods: A prospective cohort design was used to compare data for 696 women giving birth in two regional hospitals (one public, one private) and participating in the support service between January and July 2003 with data from a cohort of 625 women who gave birth in those hospitals before the introduction of the support service. Each mother participating in the support service was assigned a lactation consultant. First contact occurred 48 hours after discharge, and approximately it weekly thereafter for 4 it weeks. Breastfeeding duration was measured at 3 months postpartum. Results: For women from the private hospital, the support service improved exclusive breastfeeding duration to 4.5 weeks postpartum, but these improvements were not evident at 3 months postpartum. No effects were observed for mothers from the public hospital. Quantitative and qualitative data demonstrated high levels of client satisfaction with the support service. Conclusions: This small-scale, predominately telephone-based intervention provided significant, although apparently context-sensitive, improvements to exclusive breastfeeding duration.


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Purpose. This study examined benefit finding in MS carers including the dimensionality of benefit finding, relations between carer and care recipient benefit finding, and the effects of carer benefit finding on carer positive and negative adjustment domains. Method. A total of 267 carers and their care recipients completed questionnaires at Time 1 and 3 months later, Time 2 (n=155). Illness data were collected at Time 1, and number of problems, stress appraisal, benefit finding, negative (global distress, negative affect) and positive (life satisfaction, positive affect, dyadic adjustment) adjustment domains were measured at Time 2. Results. Qualitative data revealed seven benefit finding themes, two of which were adequately represented by the Benefit Finding Scale (BFS) [1] (Mohr et al. Health Psychology 1999; 18: 376). Factor analyses indicated two factors (Personal Growth, Family Relations Growth) which were psychometrically sound and showed differential relations with illness and adjustment domains. Although care recipients reported higher levels of benefit finding than carers, their benefit finding reports regarding personal growth were correlated. The carer BFS factors were positively related to carer and care recipient dyadic adjustment. Care recipient benefit finding was unrelated to carer adjustment domains. After controlling for the effects of demographics, care recipient characteristics, problems and appraisal, carer benefit finding was related to carer positive adjustment domains and unrelated to carer negative adjustment domains. Conclusion. Findings support the role of benefit finding in sustaining positive psychological states and the communal search for meaning within carer-care recipient dyads.


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The article adopts a developmental approach to successful human aging by exploring the concept of generativity in relation to a study of older Australians' lived experiences of involvement in the family and community. Qualitative data, collected through focus group interviews, were analyzed interpretively using recent developments in Erikson's theory of generativity as a framework. As a result, the present study contributes an in-depth understanding of the role of generative acts to the lives of older people. The data provide illustrative support for Erikson's contention of a generativity/stagnation crisis in later life. Involvement in the family and community is seen as a productive and generative activity, which promotes a positive experience of aging. Two further emergent themes are also explored. First, the experiences of study participants illustrate the reciprocal and cyclical nature of grand-generativity, and the importance of intergenerational relationships. Finally, the data contribute to our knowledge of cultural generativity, and in particular the passing on of cultural knowledge through narratives and modeling.


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This study investigated issues raised in qualitative data from our previous studies of health professionals and community members, which suggested that being opposed to euthanasia legislation did not necessarily equate to being anti-euthanasia per se. A postal survey of 1002 medical practitioners, 1000 nurses and 1200 community members was undertaken. In addition to a direct question on changing the law to allow active voluntary euthanasia (AVE), four statements assessed attitudes to euthanasia with or without a change in legislation. Responses were received from 405 doctors (43%), 429 nurses (45%) and 405 community members (38%). Compared with previous studies there was a slight increase in support for a change in the law from medical practitioners, a slight decrease in support from community members and almost no change among nurses. Different interpretations of the results of the four attitude questions are possible, depending on the perspective of the interpreter.


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This study used ‘sense of place’ as a research tool to help understand the relationship between a community and their local protected area, Brisbane Forest Park. To establish an indication of the community’s relative degree of sense of place, we considered and measured both the strength (intensity) and orientation (focus) of sense of place. We developed a new method to measure sense of place that considers and measures the elements constituting sense of place, independent of one another, utilising qualitative data collected in in-depth semi-structured interviews. Exploring both the strength and orientation of an individual's sense of place provides a way of exploring the desired nature of community involvement in the management of the Park. It was found that the stronger an individuals’ sense of place, the greater their place dependence and commitment, and the greater their desire to be involved in management. Analysing the strength and orientation of sense of place illustrated that there is a high degree of diversity in how individuals perceive and feel about area, and their desire to be involved in management. The type of information obtained in this study is important and useful to the management agencies if they are to successfully engage the community in meaningful ways.


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Tapasin is critical for efficient loading and surface expression of most HLA class I molecules. The high level surface expression of HLA-B*2705 on tapasin-deficient 721.220 cells allowed the influence of this chaperone on peptide repertoire to be examined. Comparison of peptides bound to HLA-B*2705 expressed on tapasin-deficient and -proficient cells by mass spectrometry revealed an overall reduction in the recovery of B*2705-bound peptides isolated from tapasin-deficient cells despite similar yields of B27 heavy chain and beta (2)-microglobulin. This indicated that a proportion of suboptimal ligands were associated with B27, and they were lost during the purification process. Notwithstanding this failure to recover these suboptimal peptides, there was substantial overlap in the repertoire and biochemical properties of peptides recovered from B27 complexes derived from tapasin-positive and -negative cells. Although many peptides were preferentially or uniquely isolated from B*2705 in tapasin-positive cells, a number of species were preferentially recovered in the absence of tapasin, and some of these peptide ligands have been sequenced. In general, these ligands did not exhibit exceptional binding affinity, and we invoke an argument based on lumenal availability and affinity to explain their tapasin independence. The differential display of peptides in tapasin-negative and -positive cells was also apparent in the reactivity of peptide-sensitive alloreactive CTL raised against tapasin-positive and -negative targets, demonstrating the functional relevance of the biochemical observation of changes in peptide repertoire in the tapasin-deficient APC. Overall, the data reveal that tapasin quantitatively and qualitatively influences ligand selection by class I molecules.