97 resultados para Repeat
A newly described non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposon element was isolated from the genome of the Oriental schistosome, Schistosoma japonicum. At least 1000 partial copies of the element, which was named pido, were dispersed throughout the genome of S. japonicum. As is usual with non-LTR retrotransposons, it is expected that many pido elements will be 5'-truncated. A consensus sequence of 3564 bp of the truncated pido element was assembled from several genomic fragments that contained pido-hybridizing sequences. The sequence encoded part of the first open reading frame (ORF), the entire second ORF and, at its 3'-terminus, a tandemly repetitive, A-rich (TA(6)TA(5)TA(8)) tail, The ORF1 of pido encoded a nucleic acid binding protein and ORF2 encoded a retroviral-like polyprotein that included apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (EN) and reverse transcriptase (RT) domains, in that order. Based on its sequence and structure, and phylogenetic analyses of both the RT and EN domains, pido belongs to the chicken repeat 1 (CR1)-like lineage of elements known from the chicken, turtle, puffer fish, mosquitoes and other taxa. pido shared equal similarity with CRI from chicken, an uncharacterized retrotransposon from Caenorhabditis elegans and SR1 (a non-LTR retrotransposon) from the related blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni; the level of similarity between pido and SR1 indicated that these two schistosome retrotransposons were related but not orthologous. The findings indicate that schistosomes have been colonized by at least two discrete CRI-like elements. Whereas pido did not appear to have a tight target site specificity, at least one copy of pido has inserted into the 3'-untranslated region of a protein-encoding gene (GeriBank AW736757) of as yet unknown identity. mRNA encoding the RT of pido was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in the egg, miracidium. and adult developmental stages of S. japonicum, indicating that the RT domain was transcribed and suggesting that pido was replicating actively and mobile within the S. japonicum genome. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new RTE-like, non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon, termed SjR2, from the human blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, is described. SjR2 is similar to3.9 kb in length and is constituted of a single open reading frame encoding a polyprotein with apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and reverse transcriptase domains. The open reading frame is bounded by 5'- and 3'-terininal untranslated regions and, at its 3-terminus, SjR2 bears a short (TGAC)(3) repeat. Phylogenetic analyses based on conserved domains of reverse transcriptase or endonuclease revealed that SjR2 belonged to the RTE clade of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons. Further, SjR2 was homologous, but probably not orthologous, to SR2 front the African blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni; this RTE-like family of non-long terminal repeat retrotransposons appears to have arisen before the divergence of the extant schistosome species. Hybridisation analyses indicated that similar to 10,000 copies of SjR2 were dispersed throughout the S. japonicum chromosomes, accounting for up to 14% of the nuclear genome. Messenger RNAs encoding the reverse transcriptase and endonuclease domains of SjR2 were detected in several developmental stages of the schistosome, indicating that the retrotransposon was actively replicating within the genome of the parasite. Exploration of the coding and non-coding regions of SjR2 revealed two notable characteristics. First, the recombinant reverse transcriptase domain of SjR2 expressed in insect cells primed reverse transcription of SjR2 mRNA in vitro. By contrast, recombinant SjR2-endonuclease did not appear to cleave schistosome or plasmid DNA. Second, the 5'-untranslated region of SjR2 was >80% identical to the 3-untranslated region of a schistosome heat shock protein-70 gene (hsp-70) in the antisense orientation, indicating that SjR2-like elements were probably inserted into the non-coding regions of ancestral S. japonicum HSP-70, probably after the species diverged from S. mansoni. (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The gender diagnosticity (GD) approach of Lippa (1995) was used to evaluate the relationship of within-sex differences in psychological masculinity-femininity to a genetic characteristic, the length of a repeated CAG sequence in the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene. Previously assessed adult samples in Australia and Sweden were used for this purpose. A weak relationship (correlations in the range .11 to .14) was obtained in both countries. Additional data from adolescent twins from Australia (12-, 14-, 16-year-olds) did not confirm such a relationship at those ages, especially for males. The fact that this sample consisted of twins permitted two kinds of within-pair comparisons: (1) Did the dizygotic twin who had the longer AR sequence have the higher GD score? (2) Was one twin's GD score more highly correlated with the other twin's AR score in MZ than in DZ pairs? The answer in both cases was negative. Clarification of these relationships will require large samples and measurements at additional ages.
Kennedy's disease (spinobulbar muscular atrophy) is an X-linked form of motor neuron disease affecting adult males carrying a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion within the androgen receptor gene. While expression of Kennedy's disease is thought to be confined to males carrying the causative mutation, subclinical manifestations have been reported in a few female carriers of the disease. The reasons that females are protected from the disease are not clear, especially given that all other diseases caused by CAG expansions display dominant expression. In the current study, we report the identification of a heterozygote female carrying the Kennedy's disease mutation who was clinically diagnosed with motor neuron disease. We describe analysis of CAG repeat number in this individual as well as 33 relatives within the pedigree, including two male carriers of the Kennedy's mutation. The female heterozygote carried one expanded allele of the androgen receptor gene with CAG repeats numbering in the Kennedy's disease range (44 CAGs), with the normal allele numbering in the upper-normal range (28 CAGs). The subject has two sons, one of whom carries the mutant allele of the gene and has been clinically diagnosed with Kennedy's disease, whilst the other son carries the second allele of the gene with CAGs numbering in the upper normal range and displays a normal phenotype. This coexistence of motor neuron disease and the presence of one expanded allele and one allele at the upper limit of the normal range may be a coincidence. However, we hypothesize that the expression of the Kennedy's disease mutation combined with a second allele with a large but normal CAG repeat sequence may have contributed to the motor neuron degeneration displayed in the heterozygote female and discuss the possible reasons for phenotypic expression in particular individuals.
Objective: To compare the effectiveness and safety of repeat treatment with hylan G-F 20 based on data from a randomized, controlled trial [Raynauld JP, Torrance GW, Band PA, Goldsmith CH, Tugwell P, Walker V, et al. A prospective, randomized, pragmatic, health outcomes trial evaluating the incorporation of hylan G-F 20 into the treatment paradigm for patients with knee osteoarthritis (Part 1 of 2): clinical results. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2002;10:506-17]. The hypotheses tested were whether the single-course and repeat-course subgroups would be superior to appropriate care and not different from each other. Method: A total of 255 patients with knee osteoarthritis were randomized to appropriate care with hylan G-F 20 or appropriate care without hylan G-F 20. The hylan G-F 20 group was partitioned into two subgroups: (1) patients who received a single course of hylan G-F 20; and (2) patients who received two or more courses of hylan G-F 20. Results: For the primary effectiveness measure, change in Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) pain score as a percent of baseline, the single-course subgroup improved by 41%, the repeat-course subgroup by 35%, and the appropriate care group by 14%. Both subgroups improved significantly more than the appropriate care group (P < 0.05), and were not statistically significantly different from each other (70% power to detect a 20% difference). Secondary effectiveness measures showed similar results. In the repeat-course subgroup, no statistically significant differences were found in the number of local adverse events, the number of patients with local adverse events, or arthrocentesis rates between the first and repeat courses of treatment. Conclusions: Although the study was neither designed nor powered to examine repeat treatment, this a posteriori analysis provides support for a favorable effectiveness and safety profile of hylan G-F 20 in repeat course patients. (C) 2004 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Prenatal exposure to testosterone has been hypothesised to effect lateralization by influencing cell death in the foetal brain. Testosterone binds to the X chromosome linked androgen receptor, which contains a polymorphic polyglutamine CAG repeat, the length of which is positively correlated with testosterone levels in males, and negatively correlated in females. To determine whether the length of the androgen receptor mediates the effects of testosterone on laterality, we examined the association between the number of CAG repeats in the androgen receptor gene and handedness for writing. Association was tested by adding regression terms for the length of the androgen receptor alleles to a multi-factorial-threshold model of liability to left-handedness. In females we found the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with a greater number of repeats (p=0.04), this finding was replicated in a second independent sample of female twins (p=0.014). The length of the androgen receptor explained 6% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance in females. In males the risk of left-handedness was greater in those with fewer repeats (p=0.02), with variation in receptor length explaining 10% of the total variance and 24% of the genetic variance. Thus, consistent with Witelson's theory of testosterone action, in all three samples the likelihood of left handedness increased in those individuals with variants of the androgen receptor associated with lower testosterone levels.
Purpose: The present study was conducted to examine the impact of acute weight loss on repeat 2000-m rowing ergometer performance during a simulated multiday regatta. and to compare two different body mass management strategies between races. Methods: Competitive rowers (N = 16) were assigned to either a control (CON), partial recovery (RECpartial), or complete recovery (RECcomplete) group. Volunteers completed four trials, each separated by 48 h. No weight restrictions were imposed for the first trial. Thereafter, athletes in RECpartial and RECcomplete were required to reduce their body mass by 4% in the 24 h before trial 2, again reaching this body mass before the final two trials. No weight restrictions were imposed on CON. Aggressive nutritional recovery strategies were used in the 2 h following weigh-in for all athletes. These strategies were maintained for the 12-16 h following racing for RECcomplete with the aim of restoring at least three quarters of the original 4% body mass loss. Postrace recovery strategies were less aggressive in RECpartial; volunteers were encouraged to restore no more than half of their initial 4% body mass loss. Results: Acute weight loss increased time to complete the first at-weight performance trial by a small margin (mean 3.0, 95% CI -0.3 to 6.3 s, P = 0.07) when compared with the CON response. This effect decreased when sustained for several day,. Aggressive postrace recovery strategies tended to eliminate the effect of acute Weight loss on subsequent performance. Conclusion: Acute weight loss resulted in a small performance compromise that was reduced or eliminated when repeated over several days. Athletes should be encouraged to maximize recovery in the 12-16 h following racing when attempting to optimize subsequent performance.
A regional (Oceania) core collection for taro germplasm has been developed based on phenotypic and molecular characterization. In total, 2199 accessions of taro germplasm have been collected by TaroGen (Taro Genetic Resources: Conservation and Utilisation) from 10 countries in Oceania: Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Palau, Niue, Tonga, Cook Islands and Samoa. Our objective was to select 10% from each country to contribute to a regional core. The larger collections from Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and New Caledonia were analysed based on phenotypic characters, and a diverse subset representing 20% of these collections was fingerprinted. A diverse 20% subsample was also taken from the Solomon Islands. All accessions from the other six countries were fingerprinted. In total, 515 accessions were genotyped (23.4% overall) using taro specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. DNA fingerprint data showed that great allelic diversity existed in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Interestingly, rare alleles were identified in taros from the Solomon Islands province of Choiseul which were not observed in any of the other collections. Overall, 211 accessions were recommended for inclusion in the final regional core collection based on the phenotypic and molecular characterization.
Wolbachia pipientis is a vertically transmitted, obligate intracellular symbiont of arthropods. The bacterium is best known for its ability to manipulate host reproductive biology where it can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, feminization and male-killing. In addition to the various reproductive phenotypes it generates through interaction with host reproductive tissue it is also known to infect somatic tissues. However, relatively little is known about the consequences of infection of these tissues with the exception that in some hosts Wolbachia acts as a classical mutualist and in others a pathogen, dramatically shortening adult insect lifespan. Manipulation experiments have demonstrated that the severity of Wolbachia-induced effects on the host is determined by a combination of host genotype, Wolbachia strain, host tissue localization, and interaction with the environment. The recent completion of the whole genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel strain indicates that it is likely to use a type IV secretion system to establish and maintain infection in its host. Moreover, an unusual abundance of genes encoding proteins with eukaryotic-like ankyrin repeat domains suggest a function in the various described phenotypic effects in hosts.