42 resultados para R-proteins


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This project identified a novel family of six 66-68 residue peptides from the venom of two Australian funnel-web spiders, Hadronyche sp. 20 and H. infensa: Orchid Beach (Hexathelidae: Atracinae), that appear to undergo N- and/or C-terminal post-translational modifications and conform to an ancestral protein fold. These peptides all show significant amino acid sequence homology to atracotoxin-Hvf17 (ACTX-Hvf17), a non-toxic peptide isolated from the venom of H. versuta, and a variety of AVIT family proteins including mamba intestinal toxin 1 (MIT1) and its mammalian and piscine orthologs prokineticin 1 (PK1) and prokineticin 2 PK2). These AVIT family proteins target prokineticin receptors involved in the sensitization of nociceptors and gastrointestinal smooth muscle activation. Given their sequence homology to MITI, we have named these spider venom peptides the MIT-like atracotoxin (ACTX) family. Using isolated rat stomach fundus or guinea-pia ileum organ bath preparations we have shown that the prototypical ACTX-Hvf17, at concentrations up to 1 mu M, did not stimulate smooth muscle contractility, nor did it inhibit contractions induced by human PK1 (hPK1). The peptide also lacked activity on other isolated smooth muscle preparations including rat aorta. Furthermore, a FLIPR Ca2+ flux assay using HEK293 cells expressing prokineticin receptors showed that ACTX-Hvf17 fails to activate or block hPK1 or hPK2 receptors. Therefore, while the MIT-like ACTX family appears to adopt the ancestral disulfide-directed beta-hairpin protein fold of MIT1, a motif believed to be shared by other AVIT family peptides, variations in the amino acid sequence and surface charge result in a loss of activity on prokineticin receptors. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Significant new insights into the interactions of the potent insulin-enhancing compound bis(maltolato)oxovanadium(IV) (BMOV) with the serum proteins, apo-transferrin and albumin, are presented. Identical reaction products are observed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with either BMOV or vanadyl sulfate (VOSO4) in solutions of human serum apo-transferrin. Further detailed study rules out the presence of a ternary ligand-vanadyl-transferrin complex proposed previously. By contrast, differences in reaction products are observed for the interactions of BMOV and VOSO4 with human serum albumin (HSA), wherein adduct formation between albumin and BMOV is detected. In BMOV-albumin solutions, vanadyl ions are bound in a unique manner not observed in comparable solutions Of VOSO4 and albumin. Presentation of chelated vanadyl ions precludes binding at the numerous nonspecific sites and produces a unique EPR spectrum which is assigned to a BMOV-HSA adduct. The adduct species cannot be produced, however, from a solution Of VOSO4 and HSA titrated with maltol. Addition of maltol to a VOSO4-HSA solution instead results in formation of a different end product which has been assigned as a ternary complex, VO(ma)(HSA). Furthermore, analysis of solution equilibria using a model system of BMOV with 1-methylimidazole (formation constant log K = 4.5(1), by difference electronic absorption spectroscopy) lends support to an adduct binding mode (VO(ma)(2)-HSA) proposed herein for BMOV and HSA. This detailed report of an in vitro reactivity difference between VOSO4 and BMOV may have bearing on the form of active vanadium metabolites delivered to target tissues. Albumin binding of vanadium chelates is seen to have a potentially dramatic effect on pharmacokinetics, transport, and efficacy of these antidiabetic chelates.


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Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the G beta gamma dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional G alpha or G beta subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in G beta- deficient mutants while G alpha-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in G beta-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, G beta-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate- induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the G alpha- deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by G alpha. We hypothesize that G beta gamma acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.


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Cyclotides are peptides from plants of the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families that have the unusual characteristic of a macrocylic backbone. They are further characterized by their incorporation of a cystine knot in which two disulfides, along with the intervening backbone residues, form a ring through which a third disulfide is threaded. The cyclotides have been found in every Violaceae species screened to date but are apparently present in only a few Rubiaceae species. The selective distribution reported so far raises questions about the evolution of the cyclotides within the plant kingdom. In this study, we use a combined bioinformatics and expression analysis approach to elucidate the evolution and distribution of the cyclotides in the plant kingdom and report the discovery of related sequences widespread in the Poaceae family, including crop plants such as rice ( Oryza sativa), maize ( Zea mays), and wheat ( Triticum aestivum), which carry considerable economic and social importance. The presence of cyclotide-like sequences within these plants suggests that the cyclotides may be derived from an ancestral gene of great antiquity. Quantitative RT-PCR was used to show that two of the discovered cyclotide-like genes from rice and barley ( Hordeum vulgare) have tissue-specific expression patterns.


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Anisotropic magnetic susceptibility tensors chi of paramagnetic metal ions are manifested in pseudocontact shifts, residual dipolar couplings, and other paramagnetic observables that present valuable long-range information for structure determinations of protein-ligand complexes. A program was developed for automatic determination of the chi-tensor anisotropy parameters and amide resonance assignments in proteins labeled with paramagnetic metal ions. The program requires knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the protein, the backbone resonance assignments of the diamagnetic protein, and a pair of 2D N-15-HSQC or 3D HNCO spectra recorded with and without paramagnetic metal ion. It allows the determination of reliable chi-tensor anisotropy parameters from 2D spectra of uniformly N-15-labeled proteins of fairly high molecular weight. Examples are shown for the 185-residue N-terminal domain of the subunit epsilon from E. coli DNA polymerase III in complex with the subunit theta and La3+ in its diamagnetic and Dy3+, Tb3+, and Er3+ in its paramagnetic form.


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Functional interactions between classical cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton involve diverse actin activities, including filament nucleation, cross-linking, and bundling. In this report, we explored the capacity of Ena/VASP proteins to regulate the actin cytoskeleton at cadherin-adhesive contacts. We extended the observation that Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) proteins localize at cell-cell contacts to demonstrate that E-cadherin homophilic ligation is sufficient to recruit Mena to adhesion sites. Ena/VASP activity was necessary both for F-actin accumulation and assembly at cell-cell contacts. Moreover, we identified two distinct pools of Mena within individual homophilic adhesions that cells made when they adhered to cadherin-coated substrata. These Mena pools localized with Arp2/3-driven cellular protrusions as well as at the tips of cadherin-based actin bundles. Importantly, Ena/VASP activity was necessary for both modes of actin activity to be expressed. Moreover, selective depletion of Ena/VASP proteins from the tips of cadherin-based bundles perturbed the bundles without affecting the protrusive F-actin pool. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins may serve as higher order regulators of the cytoskeleton at cadherin contacts through their ability to modulate distinct modes of actin organization at those contacts.


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Background. The factors behind the reemergence of severe, invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) diseases are unclear, but it could be caused by altered genetic endowment in these organisms. However, data from previous studies assessing the association between single genetic factors and invasive disease are often conflicting, suggesting that other, as-yet unidentified factors are necessary for the development of this class of disease. Methods. In this study, we used a targeted GAS virulence microarray containing 226 GAS genes to determine the virulence gene repertoires of 68 GAS isolates (42 associated with invasive disease and 28 associated with noninvasive disease) collected in a defined geographic location during a contiguous time period. We then employed 3 advanced machine learning methods (genetic algorithm neural network, support vector machines, and classification trees) to identify genes with an increased association with invasive disease. Results. Virulence gene profiles of individual GAS isolates varied extensively among these geographically and temporally related strains. Using genetic algorithm neural network analysis, we identified 3 genes with a marginal overrepresentation in invasive disease isolates. Significantly, 2 of these genes, ssa and mf4, encoded superantigens but were only present in a restricted set of GAS M-types. The third gene, spa, was found in variable distributions in all M-types in the study. Conclusions. Our comprehensive analysis of GAS virulence profiles provides strong evidence for the incongruent relationships among any of the 226 genes represented on the array and the overall propensity of GAS to cause invasive disease, underscoring the pathogenic complexity of these diseases, as well as the importance of multiple bacteria and/ or host factors.


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Application of a computational membrane organization prediction pipeline, MemO, identified putative type II membrane proteins as proteins predicted to encode a single alpha-helical transmembrane domain (TMD) and no signal peptides. MemO was applied to RIKEN's mouse isoform protein set to identify 1436 non-overlapping genomic regions or transcriptional units (TUs), which encode exclusively type II membrane proteins. Proteins with overlapping predicted InterPro and TMDs were reviewed to discard false positive predictions resulting in a dataset comprised of 1831 transcripts in 1408 TUs. This dataset was used to develop a systematic protocol to document subcellular localization of type II membrane proteins. This approach combines mining of published literature to identify subcellular localization data and a high-throughput, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to experimentally characterize subcellular localization. These approaches have provided localization data for 244 and 169 proteins. Type II membrane proteins are localized to all major organelle compartments; however, some biases were observed towards the early secretory pathway and punctate structures. Collectively, this study reports the subcellular localization of 26% of the defined dataset. All reported localization data are presented in the LOCATE database (http://www.locate.imb.uq.edu.au).


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Short proteins play key roles in cell signalling and other processes, but their abundance in the mammalian proteome is unknown. Current catalogues of mammalian proteins exhibit an artefactual discontinuity at a length of 100 aa, so that protein abundance peaks just above this length and falls off sharply below it. To clarify the abundance of short proteins, we identify proteins in the FANTOM collection of mouse cDNAs by analysing synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions with the computer program CRITICA. This analysis confirms that there is no real discontinuity at length 100. Roughly 10% of mouse proteins are shorter than 100 aa, although the majority of these are variants of proteins longer than 100 aa. We identify many novel short proteins, including a dark matter'' subset containing ones that lack detectable homology to other known proteins. Translation assays confirm that some of these novel proteins can be translated and localised to the secretory pathway.


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The role of non-carbohydrate surface components of granular starch in determining gelatinisation behaviour has been tested by treatment of native starches with a range of extractants. Resulting washed starches were analysed for (bio)chemical, calorimetric and theological properties. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was the most efficient extractant tested, and resulted in major changes to the subsequent theological properties of wheat and maize starches but not other starches. Three classes of starch granule swelling behaviour are identified: (i) rapid swelling (e.g. waxy maize, potato), (ii) slow swelling that can be converted to rapid swelling by extraction of surface proteins and lipids (e.g. wheat, maize), and (iii) limited swelling not affected by protein/lipid extraction (e.g. high amylose maize/potato). Comparison of a range of extractants suggests that all of protein, lipid and amylose are involved in restriction of swelling for wheat or maize starches. Treatment of starches with SDS leads to a residue at comparable (low) levels of SDS for all starches. C-13 NMR analysis shows that this SDS is present as a glucan inclusion complex, even for waxy maize starch. We infer that under the conditions used, glucan inclusion complexation of SDS is equally likely with amylopectin as with amylose. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Failure to express soluble proteins in bacteria is mainly attributed to the properties of the target protein itself, as well as the choice of the vector, the purification tag and the linker between the tag and protein, and codon usage. The expression of proteins with fusion tags to facilitate subsequent purification steps is a widely used procedure in the production of recombinant proteins. However, the additional residues can affect the properties of the protein; therefore, it is often desirable to remove the tag after purification. This is usually done by engineering a cleavage site between the tag and the encoded protein that is recognised by a site-specific protease, such as the one from tobacco etch virus (TEV). In this study, we investigated the effect of four different tags on the bacterial expression and solubility of nine mouse proteins. Two of the four engineered constructs contained hexahistidine tags with either a long or short linker. The other two constructs contained a TEV cleavage site engineered into the linker region. Our data show that inclusion of the TEV recognition site directly downstream of the recombination site of the Invitrogen Gateway vector resulted, in a loss of solubility of the nine mouse proteins. Our work suggests that one needs to be very careful when making modifications to expression vectors and combining different affinity and fusion tags and cleavage sites: (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Golgi membranes and Golgi-derived vesicles are associated with multiple cytoskeletal proteins and motors, the diversity and distribution of which have not yet been defined. Carrier vesicles were separated from Golgi membranes, using an in vitro budding assay, and different populations of vesicles were separated using sucrose density gradients. Three main populations of vesicles labeled with beta-COP, gamma-adaptin, or p200/myosin II were separated and analyzed for the presence of actin/actin-binding proteins, beta-Actin was bound to Golgi cisternae and to all populations of newly budded vesicles. Centractin was selectively associated with vesicles co-distributing with beta-COP-vesicles, while p200/myosin II (non-muscle myosin IIA) and non-muscle myosin IIB were found on different vesicle populations. Isoforms of the Tm5 tropomyosins were found on selected Golgi-derived vesicles, while other Tm isoforms did not colocalize with Tm5 indicating the association of specialized actin filaments with Golgi-derived vesicles. Golgi-derived vesicles were shown to bind to F-actin polymerized from cytosol with Jasplakinolide. Thus, newly budded, coated vesicles derived from Golgi membranes can bind to actin and are customized for differential interactions with microfilaments by the presence of selective arrays of actin-binding proteins.