25 resultados para Progenitor cells


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Adult neural progenitors have been isolated from diverse regions of the CNS using methods which primarily involve the enzymatic digestion of tissue pieces; however, interpretation of these experiments can be complicated by the loss of anatomical resolution during the isolation procedures. We have developed a novel, explant-based technique for the isolation of neural progenitors, Living CNS regions were sectioned using a vibratome and small, well-defined discs of tissue punched out. When Cultured. explants from the cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, spinal cord, hypothalamus, and caudate nucleus all robustly gave rise to proliferating progenitors. These progenitors were similar in behaviour and morphology to previously characterised multipotent hippocampal progenitor lines. Clones from all regions examined could proliferate from single cells and give rise to secondary neurospheres at a low but consistent frequency. Immunostaining demonstrated that clonal cortical progenitors were able to differentiate into both neurons and glial cells, indicating their multipotent characteristics. These results demonstrate it is possible to isolate anatomically resolved adult neural progenitors from small amounts of tissue throughout the CNS, thus, providing a tool for investigating the frequency and characteristics of progenitor cells from different regions. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The prevalence of fatty liver is rising in association with the global increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes. In the past, simple steatosis was regarded as benign, but the presence of another liver disease may provide a synergistic combination of steatosis, cellular adaptation, and oxidative damage that aggravates liver injury. In this review, a major focus is on the role of steatosis as a co-factor in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), where the mechanisms promoting fibrosis and the effect of weight reduction in minimizing liver injury have been most widely studied. Steatosis, obesity, and associated metabolic factors may also modulate the response to alcohol- and drug-induced liver disease and may be risk factors for the development of hepatocellular cancer. The pathogenesis of injury in obesity-related fatty liver disease involves a number of pathways, which are currently under investigation. Enhanced oxidative stress, increased susceptibility to apoptosis, and a dysregulated response to cellular injury have been implicated, and other components of the metabolic syndrome such as hyperinsulinernia and hyperglycemia are likely to have a role. Fibrosis also may be increased as a by-product of altered hepatocyte regeneration and activation of bipotential hepatic progenitor cells. In conclusion, active management of obesity and a reduction in steatosis may improve liver injury and decrease the progression of fibrosis.


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Conditional knockout of the KAP3 subunit from the kinesin motor KIF3 alters tissue patterning and causes abnormal proliferation of neural progenitor cells in the mouse brain. Impaired transport of N-cadherin to the surface of these cells may be one explanation for how such defects arise.


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A 3.9 kb DNA fragment of human osteocalcin promoter and 3.6 kb DNA fragment of the rat collagen type1a1 promoter linked with visually distinguishable GFP isomers, topaz and cyan, were used for multiplex analysis of osteoblast lineage progression. Three patterns of dual transgene, expression can be appreciated in primary bone cell cultures derived from the transgenic mice and by histology of their corresponding bones. Our data support the interpretation that strong pOBCol3.6GFPcyan alone is found in newly formed osteoblasts, while strong pOBCol3.6GFPcyan and hOC-GFPtpz are present in osteoblasts actively making a new matrix. Osteoblasts expressing strong hOC-GFPtpz and weak pOBCol3.6GF-Pcyan are also present and may or may not be producing mineralized matrix. This multiplex approach reveals the heterogeneity within the mature osteoblast population that cannot be appreciated by current histological methods. It should be useful to identify and isolate populations of cells within an osteoblast lineage as they progress through stages of differentiation.


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Cdca4 (Hepp) was originally identified as a gene expressed specifically in hematopoietic progenitor cells as opposed to hematopoietic stem cells. More recently, it has been shown to stimulate p53 activity and also lead to p53-independent growth inhibition when overexpressed. We independently isolated the murine Cdca4 gene in a genomic expression-based screen for genes involved in mammalian craniofacial development, and show that Cdca4 is expressed in a spatio-temporally restricted pattern during mouse embryogenesis. In addition to expression in the facial primordia including the pharyngeal arches, Cdca4 is expressed in the developing limb buds, brain, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, teeth, eye and hair follicles. Along with a small number of proteins from a range of species, the predicted CDCA4 protein contains a novel SERTA motif in addition to cyclin A-binding and PHD bromodomain-binding regions of homology. While the function of the SERTA domain is unknown, proteins containing this domain have previously been linked to cell cycle progression and chromatin remodelling. Using in silico database mining we have extended the number of evolutionarily conserved orthologues of known SERTA domain proteins and identified an uncharacterised member of the SERTA domain family, SERTAD4, with orthologues to date in human, mouse, rat, dog, cow, Tetraodon and chicken. Immunolocalisation of transiently and stably transfected epitope-tagged CDCA4 protein in mammalian cells suggests that it resides predominantly in the nucleus throughout all stages of the cell cycle. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) has been used widely for the treatment of anaemia associated with chronic kidney disease and cancer chemotherapy for nearly 20 years. More recently, EPO has been found to interact with its receptor (EPO-R) expressed in a large variety of non-haematopoietic tissues to induce a range of cytoprotective cellular responses, including mitogenesis, angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis and promotion of vascular repair through mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells from the bone marrow. Administration of EPO or its analogue, darbepoetin, promotes impressive renoprotection in experimental ischaemic and toxic acute renal failure, as evidenced by suppressed tubular epithelial apoptosis, enhanced tubular epithelial proliferation and hastened functional recovery. This effect is still apparent when administration is delayed up to 6 h after the onset of injury and can be dissociated from its haematological effects. Based on these highly encouraging results, at least one large randomized controlled trial of EPO therapy in ischaemic acute renal failure is currently underway. Preliminary experimental and clinical evidence also indicates that EPO may be renoprotective in chronic kidney disease. The purpose of the present article is to review the renoprotective benefits of different protocols of EPO therapy in the settings of acute and chronic kidney failure and the potential mechanisms underpinning these renoprotective actions. Gaining further insight into the pleiotropic actions of EPO will hopefully eventuate in much-needed, novel therapeutic strategies for patients with kidney disease.


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Background-Marfan syndrome (MFS), a condition caused by fibrillin-1 gene mutation is associated with aortic aneurysm that shows elastic lamellae disruption, accumulation of glycosaminoglycans, and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) apoptosis with minimal inflammatory response. We examined aneurysm tissue and cultured cells for expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 to -beta3 (TGF beta 1 to 3), hyaluronan content, apoptosis, markers of cell migration, and infiltration of vascular progenitor cells (CD34). Methods and Results-MFS aortic aneurysm (6 males, 5 females; age 8 to 78 years) and normal aorta (5 males, 3 females; age 22 to 56 years) were used. Immunohistochemistry showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3, hyaluronan, and CD34-positive microcapillaries in MFS aneurysm compared with control. There was increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 and hyaluronan in MFS cultured VSMCs, adventitial fibroblasts (AF), and skin fibroblasts (SF). Apoptosis was increased in MFS (VSMC: mean cell loss in MFS 29%, n of subjects = 5, versus control 8%, n = 3, P < 0.05; AF: 28%, n = 5 versus 7%, n = 5, P < 0.05; SF: 29%, n = 3 versus 4%, n = 3, not significant). In MFS, there was a 2-fold increase in adventitial microcapillaries containing CD34-positive cells compared with control tissue. Scratch wound assay showed absence of CD44, MT1-MMP, and beta-3 integrin at the leading edge of migration in MFS indicating altered directional migration. Western blot showed increased expression of TGF beta 1 to 3 in MFS but no change in expression of CD44, MT1-MMP, or beta-3 integrin compared with controls. Conclusions-There was overexpression of TGF-beta in MFS associated with altered hyaluronan synthesis, increased apoptosis, impaired progenitor cell recruitment, and abnormal directional migration. These factors limit tissue repair and are likely to contribute to aneurysm development.


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The adult mammalian brain maintains populations of neural stem cells within discrete proliferative zones. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating adult neural stem cell function is limited. Here, we show that MYST family histone acetyltransferase Querkopf (Qkf, Myst4, Morf)-deficient mice have cumulative defects in adult neurogenesis in vivo, resulting in declining numbers of olfactory bulb interneurons, a population of neurons produced in large numbers during adulthood. Qkf-deficient mice have fewer neural stem cells and fewer migrating neuroblasts in the rostral migratory stream. Qkf gene expression is strong in the neurogenic subventricular zone. A population enriched in multipotent cells can be isolated from this region on the basis of Qkf gene expression. Neural stem cells/progenitor cells isolated from Qkf mutant mice exhibited a reduced self-renewal capacity and a reduced ability to produce differentiated neurons. Together, our data show that Qkf is essential for normal adult neurogenesis.


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Many studies have demonstrated a role for netrin-1-deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) interactions in both axon guidance and neuronal migration. Neogenin, a member of the DCC receptor family, has recently been shown to be a chemorepulsive axon guidance receptor for the repulsive guidance molecule (RGM) family of guidance cues [Rajagopalan S, Deitinghoff L, Davis D, Conrad S, Skutella T, Chedotal A, Mueller B, Strittmatter S (2004) Neogenin mediates the action of repulsive guidance molecule. Nat Cell Biol 6:755-762]. Here we show that neogenin is present on neural progenitors, including neurogenic radial glia, in the embryonic mouse forebrain suggesting that neogenin expression is a hallmark of neural progenitor populations. Neogenin-positive progenitors were isolated from embryonic day 14.5 forebrain using flow cytometry and cultured as neurospheres. Neogenin-positive progenitors gave rise to neurospheres displaying a high proliferative and neurogenic potential. In contrast, neogenin-negative forebrain cells did not produce long-term neurosphere cultures and did not possess a significant neurogenic potential. These observations argue strongly for a role for neogenin in neural progenitor biology. In addition, we also observed neogenin on parvalbumin- and calbindin-positive interneuron neuroblasts that were migrating through the medial and lateral ganglionic eminences, suggesting a role for neogenin in tangential migration. Therefore, neogenin may be a multi-functional receptor regulating both progenitor activity and neuroblast migration in the embryonic forebrain. (c) 2006 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.