26 resultados para Primal Joints
Background: Because of several similar features in the pathobiology of periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis, in a previous study we proposed a possible relationship between the two diseases. Therefore, the aims of this study were to study a population of rheumatoid arthritis patients and determine the extent of their periodontal disease and correlate this with various indicators of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Sixty-five consecutive patients attending a rheumatology clinic were examined for their levels of periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. A control group consisted of age- and gender-matched individuals without rheumatoid arthritis. Specific measures for periodontitis included probing depths, attachment loss, bleeding scores, plague scores, and radiographic bone loss scores. Measures of rheumatoid arthritis included tender joint analysis, swollen joint analysis, pain index, physician's global assessment on a visual analogue scale, health assessment questionnaire, levels of C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The relationship between periodontal bone loss and rheumatological findings as well as the relationship between bone loss in the rheumatoid arthritis and control groups were analyzed. Results: No differences were noted for the plaque and bleeding indices between the control and rheumatoid arthritis groups. The rheumatoid arthritis group did, however, have more missing teeth than the control group and a higher percentage of these subjects had deeper pocketing. When the percentage of bone loss was compared with various indicators of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity, it was found that swollen joints, health assessment questionnaire scores, levels of C-reactive protein, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were the principal parameters which could be associated with periodontal bone loss. Conclusions: The results of this study provide further evidence of a significant association between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. This association may be a reflection of a common underlying disregulation of the inflammatory response in these individuals.
In this work, we present a systematic approach to the representation of modelling assumptions. Modelling assumptions form the fundamental basis for the mathematical description of a process system. These assumptions can be translated into either additional mathematical relationships or constraints between model variables, equations, balance volumes or parameters. In order to analyse the effect of modelling assumptions in a formal, rigorous way, a syntax of modelling assumptions has been defined. The smallest indivisible syntactical element, the so called assumption atom has been identified as a triplet. With this syntax a modelling assumption can be described as an elementary assumption, i.e. an assumption consisting of only an assumption atom or a composite assumption consisting of a conjunction of elementary assumptions. The above syntax of modelling assumptions enables us to represent modelling assumptions as transformations acting on the set of model equations. The notion of syntactical correctness and semantical consistency of sets of modelling assumptions is defined and necessary conditions for checking them are given. These transformations can be used in several ways and their implications can be analysed by formal methods. The modelling assumptions define model hierarchies. That is, a series of model families each belonging to a particular equivalence class. These model equivalence classes can be related to primal assumptions regarding the definition of mass, energy and momentum balance volumes and to secondary and tiertinary assumptions regarding the presence or absence and the form of mechanisms within the system. Within equivalence classes, there are many model members, these being related to algebraic model transformations for the particular model. We show how these model hierarchies are driven by the underlying assumption structure and indicate some implications on system dynamics and complexity issues. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The basic morphology of the skeleton is determined genetically, but its final mass and architecture are modulated by adaptive mechanisms sensitive to mechanical factors. When subjected to loading, the ability of bones to resist fracture depends on their mass, material properties, geometry and tissue quality. The contribution of altered bone geometry to fracture risk is unappreciated by clinical assessment using absorptiometry because it fails to distinguish geometry and density. For example, for the same bone area and density, small increases in the diaphyseal radius effect a disproportionate influence on torsional strength of bone. Mechanical factors are clinically relevant because of their ability to influence growth, modeling and remodeling activities that can maximize, or maintain, the determinants of fracture resistance. Mechanical loads, greater than those habitually encountered by the skeleton, effect adaptations in cortical and cancellous bone, reduce the rate of bone turnover, and activate new bone formation on cortical and trabecular surfaces. In doing so, they increase bone strength by beneficial adaptations in the geometric dimensions and material properties of the tissue. There is no direct evidence to demonstrate anti-fracture efficacy for mechanical loading, but the geometric alterations engendered undoubtedly increase the structural properties of bone as an organ, increasing the resistance to fracture. Like all interventions, issues of safety also arise. Physical activities involving high strain rates, heavy lifting or impact loading may be detrimental to the joints, leading to osteoarthritis; may stimulate fatigue damage leading with some to stress fractures; or may interact pharmaceutical interventions to increase the rate of microdamage within cortical or trabecular bone.
Objective: To describe the associations between hand osteoarthritis (OA), pain and disability in males and females and to further validate the Australian/Canadian CA hand index (AUSCAN LK3.0). Design: Cross-sectional study of 522 subjects from 101 Tasmanian families (males N=174, females N=348). Hand OA was assessed by two observers using the Altman atlas for joint space narrowing and osteophytes at distal interphalangeal and first carpometacarpal joints as well as a score for Heberden's nodes based on hand photography. Hand pain and function were assessed by the AUSCAN LK3.0 and grip strength by dynamometry in both hands on two occasions. Results: The prevalence of hand CA was high in this sample at 44-71% (depending on site). Pain and dysfunction increased with age while grip strength decreased (all P <0.001). All three measures were markedly worse in women, even after taking the severity of arthritis into account. Hand CA explained 5.7-10% of the variation in function, grip strength and pain scores, even after adjustment for age and sex. Further adjustment suggested that the osteoarthritic associations with function and grip strength were largely mediated by pain. Severity of disease was more strongly associated with these scores than presence or absence. Lastly, the AUSCAN LK3.0 showed a comparable association to grip strength with structural damage providing further evidence of index validity. Conclusions: Hand CA at these two sites makes substantial contributions to hand function, strength and pain. The associations with function and strength measures appear mediated by pain. Gender differences in all three measures persist after adjustment for variation in age and CA severity indicating that factors apart from radiographic disease are responsible. (C) 2001 OsteoArthritis Research Society International.
This article analyzes physical symptoms experienced by mid-age Australian women in different stages of the menopause transition. A total of 8,623 women, aged 45 to 50 years in 1996, who participated the mid-age cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, completed Survey I in 1996 and Survey 2 in 1998. Women were assigned to I of 6 menopause groups according to their menopausal status at Surveys 1 and 2, and compared on symptoms experienced at Surveys I and 2, adjusted for lifestyle, behavioral and demographic factors. At Survey 1, the most commonly reported symptoms were headaches, back pain, stiff joints, tiredness, and difficulty sleeping. Perimenopausal women were more likely than premenopausal or postmenopausal women to report these symptoms. Hot flushes and night sweats were more common among postmenopausal women. Compared with those who remained premenopausal, women who were in the early stages of menopause or perimenopausal were more likely to report tiredness, stiff joints, difficulty sleeping, and hot flushes at Survey 2. Women who remained perimenopausal were also more likely to report back pain and leaking urine. Compared with premenopausal women, odds ratios for night sweats increased for women in consecutive stages of the menopause transition and remained high in the postmenopausal women.
Objective: To describe the natural history of rheumatic manifestations of Ross River virus (RRV) disease. Design: Prospective longitudinal clinical review. Setting: North Queensland local government areas of Cairns, Douglas, Mareeba and Atherton during January to May 1998. Participants: General practice patients diagnosed with RRV disease on the basis of symptoms and a positive RRV IgM result. Main outcome measures: Rheumatic symptoms and signs assessed as soon as possible after disease onset and on two subsequent occasions (up to 6.5 months after onset). Results: 57 patients were recruited, 47 of whom were reviewed three times (at means of 1.1, 2.4 and 3.6 months after disease onset). Results are reported for these 47: 46 (98%) complained of joint pain at first review, with the ankles, wrists, fingers, knees and metacarpophalangeal joints (II-IV) most commonly involved. Prevalence of joint pain decreased progressively on second and third reviews, both overall (92% and 68% of patients, respectively), and in the five joints most commonly affected. The prevalence of other common rheumatic symptoms and signs, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also progressively declined over the three reviews. Conclusions: Earlier studies may have overestimated the prevalence and duration of symptoms in RRV disease. Progressive resolution over 3-6 months appears usual.
We compare Bayesian methodology utilizing free-ware BUGS (Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling) with the traditional structural equation modelling approach based on another free-ware package, Mx. Dichotomous and ordinal (three category) twin data were simulated according to different additive genetic and common environment models for phenotypic variation. Practical issues are discussed in using Gibbs sampling as implemented by BUGS to fit subject-specific Bayesian generalized linear models, where the components of variation may be estimated directly. The simulation study (based on 2000 twin pairs) indicated that there is a consistent advantage in using the Bayesian method to detect a correct model under certain specifications of additive genetics and common environmental effects. For binary data, both methods had difficulty in detecting the correct model when the additive genetic effect was low (between 10 and 20%) or of moderate range (between 20 and 40%). Furthermore, neither method could adequately detect a correct model that included a modest common environmental effect (20%) even when the additive genetic effect was large (50%). Power was significantly improved with ordinal data for most scenarios, except for the case of low heritability under a true ACE model. We illustrate and compare both methods using data from 1239 twin pairs over the age of 50 years, who were registered with the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Twin Registry (ATR) and presented symptoms associated with osteoarthritis occurring in joints of the hand.
Previous studies have demonstrated that the initial hypoalgesic effect of spinal manipulative therapy was not antagonized by naloxone and did not exhibit tolerance with repeated applications. The implication is that endogenous opioid mechanisms of pain relief are probably not at play in spinal manipulative therapy. The role of endogenous opioid peptides in manipulation of the peripheral joints has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the initial hypoalgesic effect of a peripheral manipulative technique (mobilization-with-movement treatment for the elbow) demonstrated a tolerance to repeated applications (ie, reduction in magnitude of effect over repeated applications). Twenty-four participants with unilateral chronic lateral epicondylalgia participated in the study. A repeated measures study was conducted to examine the effect of repeated applications of the mobilization-with-movement treatment for the elbow on 6 separate treatment occasions at least 2 days apart. Pain-free grip strength and pressure pain threshold were chosen as the pain-related outcome measures. Changes in the percent maximum possible effect scores of measures of hypoalgesia were evaluated across the 6 treatment sessions by using linear trend analysis. The results showed no significant difference for the hypoalgesic effect of the treatment technique between sessions (P >.05). This peripheral manipulative therapy treatment technique appeared to have a similar effect profile to previously studied spinal manipulative therapy techniques, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge that indicates that manipulative therapy most likely induces a predominant non-opioid form of analgesia.
There has been a resurgence of interest in the mean trace length estimator of Pahl for window sampling of traces. The estimator has been dealt with by Mauldon and Zhang and Einstein in recent publications. The estimator is a very useful one in that it is non-parametric. However, despite some discussion regarding the statistical distribution of the estimator, none of the recent works or the original work by Pahl provide a rigorous basis for the determination a confidence interval for the estimator or a confidence region for the estimator and the corresponding estimator of trace spatial intensity in the sampling window. This paper shows, by consideration of a simplified version of the problem but without loss of generality, that the estimator is in fact the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and that it can be considered essentially unbiased. As the MLE, it possesses the least variance of all estimators and confidence intervals or regions should therefore be available through application of classical ML theory. It is shown that valid confidence intervals can in fact be determined. The results of the work and the calculations of the confidence intervals are illustrated by example. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A number of authors concerned with the analysis of rock jointing have used the idea that the joint areal or diametral distribution can be linked to the trace length distribution through a theorem attributed to Crofton. This brief paper seeks to demonstrate why Crofton's theorem need not be used to link moments of the trace length distribution captured by scan line or areal mapping to the moments of the diametral distribution of joints represented as disks and that it is incorrect to do so. The valid relationships for areal or scan line mapping between all the moments of the trace length distribution and those of the joint size distribution for joints modeled as disks are recalled and compared with those that might be applied were Crofton's theorem assumed to apply. For areal mapping, the relationship is fortuitously correct but incorrect for scan line mapping.
The dissected carcass composition and fatty acid profiles of intermuscular fat from 110 male goat kids from six genotypes i.e. Boer x Angora (BA), Boer x Feral (BF), Boer x Saanen (BS), Feral x Feral (1717), Saanen x Angora (SA) and Saanen x Feral (SF) and two slaughter weight groups i.e. Capretto and Chevon (liveweight at slaughter 14-22 and 30-35 kg, respectively) were compared. Carcass tissue distribution for various genotypes was: muscle (63-66%), fat (10-13%) and bone (21-24%). Genotype significantly (P < 0.05) influenced the carcass composition; BA and FF carcasses had significantly higher muscle to bone ratio, while carcasses from BS kids were leaner compared to other genotypes. However, the two slaughter weight groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) in terms of carcass composition, when compared at the same carcass weight. In the present study, significant (P < 0.01) correlations were observed between percentage of muscle, fat and bone in most of the primal cuts and that in the carcass side. The main saturated fatty acids (SFAs) identified were palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0), while oleic acid (18: 1, omega9) was the main unsaturated fatty acid (UFA) in the intermuscular fat from goat kids. There were significant (P < 0.05) differences between genotypes in the proportions of individual fatty acids. Adipose tissue from BS kids had significantly higher UFAs (mainly oleic acid) and thus had a significantly lower melting point compared to other genotypes. There were significantly higher proportions of palmitic acid (35%) in the adipose tissue from Capretto kids compared to that from Chevon kids (22%). The concentration of UFAs increased in the adipose tissue from Capretto to Chevon carcasses. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.