61 resultados para Posttraumatic Growth, Stress Related Growth, Positive Psychological Growth
The purpose of this paper is to examine consumers' experience of a performing arts service to identify the predictors of audience behaviour especially as related to positive repurchase intention. Experiential service settings such as the performing arts have been cited in recent research as service contexts that may challenge current theory that repurchase intention is driven by service quality and customer satisfaction. It is posited that consumer emotions and the hedonic nature of the consumption experience may complicate the evaluation process to repurchase intention in a setting such as the performing arts. Qualitative semi-structured indepth interviews were undertaken of twenty-six performing arts consumers using a pool of questions and prompts developed from a review of the extant literature. Transcribed field notes were examined for key words and phrases and data was divided into the main emergent themes related to each of the questions and also coded for confirmation and is-confirmation of the extant literature constructs and relationships. The dimensions of service experience,price, service quality, target goal-directed emotions and non-target appraisal emotions were identified as driving repurchase intention in a performing arts setting. Customer satisfaction in this setting appears to result from emotional factors rather than expectancy dis-confirmation. This research supports the notion that an experiential consumption experience such as the performing arts will challenge the current theory of the drivers of repurchase intention and suggests that a more thorough large scale examination of these dimensions in this service setting is warranted.
Hyperactivity of the sympathetic and noradrenergic systems is thought to be a feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Assessment of noradrenergic receptor function can be undertaken by measuring the growth hormone (GH) response to the alpha(2)-agonist clonidine. The aim of this study was to examine whether subjects with combat-related PTSD (with or without co-morbid depression) have a blunted growth hormone response to clonidine, compared to a combat-exposed control group. Twenty-three Vietnam veterans suffering from PTSD alone, 27 suffering from PTSD and co-morbid depression, and 32 veteran controls with no psychiatric illness were administered 1.5 mug/kg clonidine i.v. Plasma growth hormone was measured every 20 min for 120 min. The growth hormone response to clonidine was significantly blunted in the non-depressed PTSD group compared to both the depressed PTSD group and the control group as measured by peak growth hormone, delta growth hormone and AUC growth hormone. Subjects with PTSD and no co-morbid depressive illness show a blunted growth hormone response to clonidine. This suggests that post-synaptic alpha(2)-receptors are subsensitive. This finding is consistent with other studies showing increased noradrenergic activity in PTSD. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage that elicits a cellular program of damage control coordinated by the kinase activity of ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM). Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta)-1, which is activated by radiation, is a potent and pleiotropic mediator of physiologic and pathologic processes. Here we show that TGF beta inhibition impedes the canonical cellular DNA damage stress response. Irradiated Tgf beta 1 nail murine epithelial cells or human epithelial cells treated with a small-molecule inhibitor of TGF beta type I receptor kinase exhibit decreased phosphorylation of Chk2, Rad17, and p53; reduced gamma H2AX radiation-induced foci; and increased radiosensitivity compared with TGF beta competent cells. We determined that loss of TGF beta signaling in epithelial cells truncated ATM autophosphorylation and significantly reduced its kinase activity, without affecting protein abundance. Addition of TGF beta restored functional ATM and downstream DNA damage responses. These data reveal a heretofore undetected critical link between the microenvironment and ATM, which directs epithelial cell stress responses, cell fate, and tissue integrity. Thus, Tgf beta 1, in addition to its role in homoeostatic growth control, plays a complex role in regulating responses to genotoxic stress, the failure of which would contribute to the development of cancer; conversely, inhibiting TGF beta may be used to advantage in cancer therapy.
Specific leaf nitrogen (SLN, g/m(2)) is known to affect radiation use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) in different crops, However, this association and importance have not been well established over a range of different nitrogen regimes for held-grown sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). An experiment was conducted to investigate different combinations and rates of applied nitrogen on SLN, RUE, and growth of sunflower, A fully irrigated crop was sown on an alluvial-prairie soil (Fluventic Haplustoll) and treated with five combinations of applied nitrogen, Greater nitrogen increased biomass, grain number, and yield, but did not affect harvest index energy-corrected for oil (0.4) or canopy extinction coefficient (0.88), Decreases in biomass accumulation under low nitrogen treatments were associated,vith reductions in leaf area index (LAI) and light interception, When SLN and RUE were examined together, both were less in the anthesis to physiological maturity period, but relatively stable between bud visible and anthesis, However, the effects of canopy SLN on RUE were confounded by high SLN in the top of the canopy and the crop maintaining SLN by reducing LAI, Measurements of leaf CO2 assimilation and theoretical analyses of RUE supported that RUE was related to SLN, The major effect of nitrogen on early growth of sunflower was mediated by leaf area and the distribution of SLN in the canopy rather than direct effects of canopy SLN on RUE alone. Greater responses of RUE to SLN are more evident later in growth, and may be related to the demand of nitrogen by the grain.
The hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) up-regulates the expression of enzymes, matrix proteins, and differentiation markers involved in mineralization of tooth and bone matrices was tested by the treatment of Lewis dwarf rats with GH over 5 days, The molar teeth and associated alveolar bone were processed for immunohistochemical demonstration of bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4 (BMP-2 and -4), bone morphogenetic protein type IA receptor (BMPR-IA), bone alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), osteopontin (OPN), bone sialoprotein (BSP), and E11 protein (E11), The cementoblasts, osteoblasts, and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells responded to GH by expressing BMP-2 and -4, BMPR-IA, ALP, OC, and OPN and increasing the numbers of these cells. No changes were found in patterns of expression of the late differentiation markers BSP and E11 in response to GH, Thus, GH evokes expression of bone markers of early differentiation in cementoblasts, PDL cells, and osteoblasts of the periodontium. We propose that the induction of BMP-2 and -4 and their receptor by GH compliments the role of GH-induced insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in promoting bone and tooth root formation.
The Lewis dwarf (DW) rat was used as a model to test the hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) is permissive for new bone formation induced by mechanical loading in vivo. Adult female Lewis DW rats aged 6.2 +/- 0.1 months (187 +/- 18 g) were allocated to four vehicle groups (DW), four GH treatment groups at 32.5 mug/100 g body mass (DWGH1), and four GH treatment groups at 65 mug/100 g (DWGH2). Saline vehicle or GH was injected intraperitoneally (ip) at 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. before mechanical loading of tibias at 7:30 a.m. A single period of 300 cycles of four-point bending was applied to right tibias at 2.0 Hz, and magnitudes of 24, 29, 38, or 48N were applied. Separate strain gauge analyses in 5 DW rats validated the selection of loading magnitudes. After loading, double-label histomorphometry was used to assess bone formation at the periosteal surface (Ps.S) and endocortical surface (Ec.S) of tibias. Comparing left (unloaded) tibias among groups, GH treatment had no effect on bone formation. Bone formation in tibias in DW rats was insensitive to mechanical loading. At the Ec.S, mechanically induced lamellar bone formation increased in the DWGH2 group loaded at 48N (p < 0.05), and no significant increases in bone formation were observed among other groups. The percentage of tibias expressing woven bone formation (Wo.B) at the Ps.S was significantly greater in the DWGH groups compared with controls (p < 0.05). We concluded that GH influences loading-related bone formation in a permissive manner and modulates the responsiveness of bone tissue to mechanical stimuli by changing thresholds for bone formation.
The in vitro post-antibiotic effects (PAEs) of eight different concentrations of linezolid against Gram-positive cocci were investigated and the results analysed using the sigmoid E-max model for mathematically modelling the PAE. Mean maximal linezolid PAEs against strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium and Streptococcus pneumoniae were 2.2, 1.8, 2.8, 2.0 and 3.0 h, respectively. Resistance to methicillin (for the staphylococci), vancomycin (for the enterococci) and penicillin (for the pneumococci) had no effect on the duration of the PAE. Results of PAE testing support twice-daily dosing of linezolid in humans.
The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the genetic variation in foliar carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) of 122 clones of ca. 4-year-old F-1 hybrids between slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barr.,et Golf.) grown at two field experimental sites with different water and nitrogen availability in southeast Queensland, Australia, in relation to tree growth and foliar nitrogen concentration (N-mass); and (2) to assess the potential of using delta(13)C measurements, in the foliage materials collected from the clone hedges at nursery and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, as an indirect index of tree water use efficiency for selecting elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. There were significant differences in foliar delta(13)C between the nursery hedges and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, between the summer and winter seasons, between the two experimental sites, and between the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions sampled. This indicates that delta(13)C measurements in the foliage materials are significantly influenced by the sampling techniques and environmental conditions. Significant differences in foliar delta(13)C, at the upper outer canopy in both field experiments in summer and winter, were detected between the clones, and between the female parents of the clones. Clone means of tree height at age ca. 3 years were positively related to those of the upper outer canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in winter, but only for the wetter site in summer. There were positive, linear relationships between clone means of canopy delta(13)C and those of canopy N-mass, indicating that canopy photosynthetic capacity might be an important factor regulating the clonal variation in canopy delta(13)C. Significant correlations were found between clone means of canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in summer and winter, and between those at the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions. Mean clone delta(13)C for the nursery hedges was only positively related to mean clone stem diameter at 1.3 m height at age 3 years on the wetter site. The clone by site interaction for foliar delta(13)C at the upper outer canopy was significant only in summer. Overall, the relatively high genetic variance components for foliar delta(13)C and significant, positive correlations between clone means of foliar delta(13)C and tree growth have highlighted the potential of using foliar delta(13)C measurements for assisting in selection of the elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The role of natural killer T (NKT) cells in the immune response to tumor cells has been largely unexplored. As a model of adoptive tumor immunotherapy, cells from the draining lymph nodes of mice immunized with a tumor-specific or irrelevant antigen were transferred to naive recipients with established tumor. Inhibition of early tumor growth (day 4) required the transfer of both CD8(+) and Jalpha18(+) (NKT) cells from immunized animals without regard to immunogen. In contrast, CD8(+) cells, but not Jalpha18(+) cells, were necessary for the inhibition of late tumor growth (day 8). Thus, the developing tumor changes in sensitivity to NKT-mediated events and the role for NKT cells cannot be replaced by the presence of tumor-specific cells during early tumor growth. This suggests that recruitment/activation of Jalpha18(+) NKT cells is an important consideration during the immune therapy of early stage tumors.
The BRN2 transcription factor (POU3F2, N-Oct-3) has been implicated in development of the melanocytic lineage and in melanoma. Using a low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, endothelin-3 and cholera toxin, we have established and partially characterised human melanocyte precursor cells, which are unpigmented, contain immature melanosomes and lack L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reactivity. Melanoblast cultures expressed high levels of BRN2 compared to melanocytes, which decreased to a level similar to that of melanocytes when cultured in medium that contained phorbol ester but lacked endothelin-3, stem cell factor and fibroblast growth factor-2. This decrease in BRN2 accompanied a positive L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reaction and induction of melanosome maturation consistent with melanoblast differentiation seen during development. Culture of primary melanocytes in low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2 and endothelin-3 caused an increase in BRN2 protein levels with a concomitant change to a melanoblast-like morphology. Synergism between any two of these growth factors was required for BRN2 protein induction, whereas all three factors were required to alter melanocyte morphology and for maximal BRN2 protein expression. These finding implicate BRN2 as an early marker of melanoblasts that may contribute to the hierarchy of melanocytic gene control.
As survival of patients with CF increases,glucose intolerance and cystic fibrosisrelated diabetes (CFRD),ar e increasingly recognised common complications. CFRD may be preceded by a pre-diabetic state. Using markers identified as being associated with CFRD may improve targeted screening. Aim: To identify features consistently predicting CFRD in paediatric patients. Patients diagnosed with CFRD between January 1997–January 2002 were compared with age and sex matched controls. Clinical,micr obiological, and hospitalisation data was collected at time of CFRD diagnosis,and at six monthly intervals for 3 yr prior to diagnosis. Eight patients with CFRD were identified,mean age 13.7 yr (S.D. 3.49) at time of diagnosis. Control patients underwent OGTT to ensure normal glucose tolerance. Patients with CFRD had a lower FEV1 up to 12 months prior to diagnosis however, this was only significant at diagnosis. There was no difference in weight and height z scores between the 2 groups; however,the decrease in weight and height z scores in the CFRD group over 3 yr prior to diagnosis was significant. Mean number of days in hospital and admissions per patient significantly increased in the CFRD group,6 months prior to diagnosis. No other significant differences were observed between the 2 groups. Conclusions: This study has shown a difference in lung function,gr owth parameters and frequency of hospital admissions between patients with CFRD and controls. These differences may be utilised as tools for targeted screening in the paediatricyadolescent population. Further larger scale studies are required to improve guidelines for targeted screening in this population.
Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne Gram-positive bacterium that is responsible for a variety of infections (worldwide) annually. The organism is able to survive a variety of environmental conditions and stresses, however, the mechanisms by which L. monocytogenes adapts to environmental change are yet to be fully elucidated. An understanding of the mechanism(s) by which L. monocytogenes survives unfavourable environmental conditions will aid in developing new food processing methods to control the organism in foodstuffs. We have utilized a proteomic approach to investigate the response of L. monocytogenes batch cultures to the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase. Proteomic analysis showed that batch cultures of L. monocytogenes perceived stress and began preparations for stationary phase much earlier (approximately A(600) = 0.75, mid-exponential) than predicted by growth characteristics alone. Global analysis of the proteome revealed that the expression levels of more than 50% of all proteins observed changed significantly over a 7-9 h period during this transition phase. We have highlighted ten proteins in particular whose expression levels appear to be important in the early onset of the stationary phase. The significance of these findings in terms of functionality and the mechanistic picture are discussed.