180 resultados para Post operative pain


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Functional stability of the knee is dependent on an intact ligamentous system and the timely and efficient contraction of supporting musculature. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between muscle strength and functional stability in 31 patients pre- and post-operatively, following a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament rupture. All subjects underwent reconstructive surgery using semitendonosis and gracilis tendons. Isokinetic strength assessment of quadriceps and hamstring muscles was performed at a rate of movement of 60% and 120degrees/s. Functional stability was determined by performance during five functional stability tests that included the shuttle run, side step, carioca, single and triple hop tests. Pearson's correlation coefficient statistics were applied to pre-operative and post-operative data respectively. These analyses demonstrated a significant positive correlation between quadriceps strength indices at both testing speeds and the two hop tests pre-operatively (p's < 0.007) and between quadriceps strength indices at both speeds and all five functional tests post-operatively (p's < 0.01). Assessed using Steiger's formula, there was a significant increase in the correlation between quadriceps strength indices and three functional tests post-operatively compared to pre-operatively (p < 0.05). No significant correlation between hamstring strength indices and functional scores existed pre- or post-operatively. This study has shown a significant correlation exists between quadriceps strength indices and functional stability both before and after surgery, this relationship does not reach significance between hamstring strength indices and functional stability. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Physiotherapists frequently use manipulative therapy techniques to treat dysfunction and pain resulting from ankle sprain. This study investigated whether a Mulligan's mobilization with movement (MWM) technique improves talocrural dorsiflexion, a major impairment following ankle sprain, and relieves pain in subacute populations. Fourteen subjects with subacute grade II lateral ankle sprains served as their own control in a repeated measures, double-blind randomized controlled trial that measured the initial effects of the MWM treatment on weight bearing dorsiflexion and pressure and thermal pain threshold. The subacute ankle sprain group studied displayed deficits in dorsiflexion and local pressure pain threshold in the symptomatic ankle. Significant improvements in dorsiflexion occurred initially post-MWM (F-(2,F-26) 7.82, P = 0.002), but no significant changes in pressure or thermal pain threshold were observed after the treatment condition. Results indicate that the MWM treatment for ankle dorsiflexion has a mechanical rather than hypoalgesic effect in subacute ankle sprains. The mechanism by which this occurs requires investigation if we are to better understand the role of manipulative therapy in ankle sprain management. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Manipulative therapy is frequently used in the management of musculoskeletal pain. A frequently reported clinical feature of this treatment is the immediacy with which it appears to initiate improvement in pain and function. A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design was employed to study the initial effects of a cervical spine treatment technique in a group of 15 patients with lateral epicondylalgia. Pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, upper limb neurodynamics, pain and function were assessed prior to and following application of either a treatment, placebo or control condition. All subjects received all three conditions. Differences between the pre-post measures were used as indicators of change in subject's symptom profiles. The treatment condition produced significant improvement in pressure pain threshold, pain-free grip strength, neurodynamics and pain scores relative to placebo and control conditions (P < 0.05). In summary, this study demonstrates that manipulative therapy is capable of eliciting a rapid hypoalgesic effect.


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The long-term outcome of 25 patients with bimalleolar fractures of the ankle was assessed ten to fourteen years following their fractures using the Phillips scoring system. All patients had undergone open reduction and anatomical internal fixation (as described in their operative notes in the medical records). 52 % of patients had a good or excellent overall outcome while 24% had a poor overall outcome. This study has the longest follow-up period (10 to 14 years) to date on the outcomes of internal fixation of bimalleolar ankle fractures and demonstrates a higher percentage of poorer outcomes than has been previously described. This trend appears to be predictable as other studies with shorter term follow-up have already established a trend of increasing radiological evidence of post-traumatic arthritis with successively longer-term outcome reports.


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Significant pain continues to be reported by many hospitalized patients despite the numerous and varied educational programs developed and implemented to improve pain management. A theoretically based Peer Intervention Program was designed from a predictive model to address nurses' beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, perceived control and intentions in the management of pain with p.r.n. (as required) narcotic analgesia. The pilot study of this program utilized a quasi-experimental pre-post test design with a patient intervention, nurse and patient intervention and control conditions consisting of 24, 18 and 19 nurses, respectively. One week after the intervention, significant differences were found between the nurse and patient condition and the two other conditions in beliefs, self-efficacy, perceived control, positive trend in attitudes, subjective norms and intentions. The most positive aspects of the program were supportive interactive discussions with peers and an awareness and understanding of beliefs and attitudes and their roles in behavior.


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The application of tape to deload soft tissue is used in the management of thoracic spine pain. A reported clinical feature of this treatment is reduced tenderness of the spine during postero-anterior mobilizations. A randomized, single blind, placebo controlled, repeated measures design study was employed to investigate the effects of deloading tape on pressure pain threshold measurements at the level of the T7 spinous process in an asymptomatic group of 24 subjects. Pressure pain thresholds were assessed prior to and following the application of deloading tape, placebo sham tape and no-tape control conditions. All subjects received all three conditions in a randomized order on three separate days. Differences between the pre- and post-measurements were used as indicators of change in a subject's pressure pain threshold. No significant change in pressure pain threshold measurements was found between conditions. In summary, this study demonstrated that deloading tape applied to the level of the T7 spinous process did not significantly change pressure pain threshold measurements in asymptomatic subjects, raising the possibility that any pain relieving effect may well be conditional upon pain being present. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The persistence of negative attitudes towards cancer pain and its treatment suggests there is scope for identifying more effective pain education strategies. This randomized controlled trial involving 189 ambulatory cancer patients evaluated an educational intervention that aimed to optimize patients' ability to manage pain. One week post-intervention, patients receiving the pain management intervention (PMI) had a significantly greater increase in self-reported pain knowledge, perceived control over pain, and number of pain treatments recommended. Intervention group patients also demonstrated a greater reduction in willingness to tolerate pain, concerns about addiction and side effects, being a "good" patient, and tolerance to pain relieving medication. The results suggest that targeted educational interventions that utilize individualized instructional techniques may alter cancer patient attitudes, which can potentially act as barriers to effective pain management. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Higher initial levels of pain and disability, older age, cold hyperalgesia, impaired sympathetic vasoconstriction and moderate post-traumatic stress symptoms have been shown to be associated with poor outcome 6 months following whiplash injury. This study prospectively investigated the predictive capacity of these variables at a long-term follow-up. Sixty-five of an initial cohort of 76 acutely injured whiplash participants were followed to 2-3 years post-accident. Motor function (ROM; kinaesthetic sense; activity of the superficial neck flexors (EMG) during cranio-cervical flexion), quantitative sensory testing (pressure, thermal pain thresholds and brachial plexus provocation test), sympathetic vasoconstrictor responses and psychological distress (GHQ-28, TSK and IES) were measured. The outcome measure was Neck Disability Index (NDI) scores. Participants with ongoing moderate/severe symptoms at 2-3 years continued to manifest decreased ROM, increased EMG during cranio-cervical flexion, sensory hypersensitivity and elevated levels of psychological distress when compared to recovered participants and those with milder symptoms. The latter two groups showed only persistent deficits in cervical muscle recruitment patterns. Higher initial NDI scores (OR 1.00-1.1), older age (OR 1.00-1.13), cold hyperalgesia (OR 1.1-1.13) and post-traumatic stress symptoms (OR 1.03-1.2) remained significant predictors of poor outcome at long-term follow-up (r(2) = 0.56). The robustness of these physical and psychological factors suggests that their assessment in the acute stage following whiplash injury will be important. (c) 2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a common injury and a significant proportion of those affected report chronic symptoms. This study investigated prediction of post-concussion symptoms using an Emergency Department (ED) assessment that examined neuropsychological and balance deficits and pain severity of 29 concussed individuals. Thirty participants with minor orthopedic injuries and 30 ED visitors were recruited as control subjects. Concussed and orthopedically injured participants were followed up by telephone at one month to assess symptom severity. In the ED, concussed subjects performed worse on some neuropsychological tests and had impaired balance compared to controls. They also reported significantly more post-concussive symptoms at follow-up. Neurocognitive impairment, pain and balance deficits were all significantly correlated with severity of post-concussion symptoms. The findings suggest that a combination of variables assessable in the ED may be useful in predicting which individuals will suffer persistent post-concussion problems.


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Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) play an important role in neuronal excitability. Regulation of VGSC activity is a complex phenomenon that occurs at multiple levels in the cell, including transcriptional regulation, post-translational modification and membrane insertion and retrieval. Multiple VGSC subtypes exist that vary in their biophysical and pharmacological properties and tissue distribution. Any alteration of the VGSC subtype profile of a neuron or the mechanisms that regulate VGSC activity can cause significant changes in neuronal excitability. Inflammatory and neuropathic pain states are characterised by alterations in VGSC subtype composition and activity in sensory neurons. This review focuses on the VGSC subtypes involved in such pain states. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim of study: To examine the prevalence of low intensity symptom severity states in patients taking placebo, rofecoxib 12.5 mg once daily, rofecoxib 25 mg once daily, or ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily using a post-hoc definition of low pain intensity states (BLISS Index) based on the WOMAC Index. Methods: Two 6-week, double-blind, parallel-group, placebocontrolled, ibuprofen-comparator studies were conducted to measure the efficacy of rofecoxib in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis. These studies employed a flare design requiring a minimum level of symptoms at entry following discontinuation of prior analgesics. The WOMAC Pain subscale (100 mm visual analog scale) was used as the pain measure. In separate analyses, WOMAC pain subscale scores from each patient were compared to five thresholds of pain:%5 mm, %10 mm, %15 mm, %20 mm, and %25 mm. The percent of patients with BLISS states (1) on average over 6 weeks, (2) at any time during the study, and (3) at week 6 was computed for each treatment group and threshold. The treatment group percentages were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Results: During the study, patients received placebo (N Z 143), rofecoxib 12.5 mg (N Z 461), rofecoxib 25 mg (N Z 459), or ibuprofen (N Z 465). For each pain threshold and treatment group, the percent of patients with BLISS states at any time (e.g., 50% for rofecoxib 25 mg) exceeded the percentage at week 6 (e.g., 40% for rofecoxib 25 mg) which, in turn, exceeded the percentage with BLISS states on average (e.g., 32% for rofecoxib 25 mg). The percentages of patients in the active treatment groups with BLISS states on average were significantly different than observed in the placebo group at the%15 mm threshold (8–11% points vs placebo, P ! 0.01), %20 mm level (10–15% points, P ! 0.01), and %25 mm level (14–17% points, P ! 0.001). Significant differences between the active treatments and placebo were also observed at the %10 mm threshold (8–9% points, P ! 0.05) for measurements at week 6 and at the%10 (12–14% points, P !0.001) and%5 mm thresholds (5–7% points, P ! 0.05) for patients with BLISS states at any time. Conclusion: These measures of BLISS states differentiate all three active treatment groups from placebo and further confirm, at an individual patient level, the clinical benefit of rofecoxib in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, they provide information on the prevalence of patients achieving low (%15 mm, %20 mm, %25 mm), and very low (%5 mm, %10 mm) pain severity states.


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In the clinical setting, chronic administration of high doses of systemic morphine may result in neuro-excitatory behaviours such as myoclonus and allodynia in some patients. Additionally, high doses of m-opioid agonists such as morphine administered chronically by the intrathecal route in both rats and humans, as well as DAMGO in rats, have been reported to produce neuro-excitatory behaviours. However, more recently, it has begun to be appreciated that even at normal analgesic doses, opioids such as morphine are capable not only of activating pain inhibitory systems (analgesia/antinociception), but they also activate pain facilitatory systems such that post-opioid allodynia/hyperalgesia may be evident after cessation of opioid treatment. Whilst it is well documented that opioid receptors mediate the inhibitory effects of opioid analgesics, the excitatory and pro-nociceptive effects of opioids appear to involve indirect activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, such that the extent of pain relief produced may be the net effect of these two opposing actions. Apart from the NMDA-nitric oxide (NO) pro-nociceptive signaling cascade, considerable evidence also implicates dynorphin A as well as the endogenous anti-opioid peptides cholecystokinin (CCK), neuropeptide FF (NPFF) and orphanin FQ/nociceptin, in mediating opioid-induced neuro-excitation and abnormal pain behaviours. Apart from the neuro-excitatory effects that may be produced by the parent opioid, systemic administration of some opioid analgesics such as morphine and hydromorphone in rats and humans results in their rapid conversion to 3-glucuronide metabolites that also contribute significantly to the neuro-excitatory and abnormal pain behaviours produced


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Objective:To investigate the effects of bilateral, surgically induced functional inhibition of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) on general language, high level linguistic abilities, and semantic processing skills in a group of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Methods:Comprehensive linguistic profiles were obtained up to one month before and three months after bilateral implantation of electrodes in the STN during active deep brain stimulation (DBS) in five subjects with Parkinson’s disease (mean age, 63.2 years). Equivalent linguistic profiles were generated over a three month period for a non-surgical control cohort of 16 subjects with Parkinson’s disease (NSPD) (mean age, 64.4 years). Education and disease duration were similar in the two groups. Initial assessment and three month follow up performance profiles were compared within subjects by paired t tests. Reliability change indices (RCI), representing clinically significant alterations in performance over time, were calculated for each of the assessment scores achieved by the five STN-DBS cases and the 16 NSPD controls, relative to performance variability within a group of 16 non-neurologically impaired adults (mean age, 61.9 years). Proportions of reliable change were then compared between the STN-DBS and NSPD groups. Results:Paired comparisons within the STN-DBS group showed prolonged postoperative semantic processing reaction times for a range of word types coded for meanings and meaning relatedness. Case by case analyses of reliable change across language assessments and groups revealed differences in proportions of change over time within the STN-DBS and NSPD groups in the domains of high level linguistics and semantic processing. Specifically, when compared with the NSPD group, the STN-DBS group showed a proportionally significant (p