31 resultados para Parrotfish Dentition


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Comparison of the ultrastructure of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements and the enamel of vertebrates provides little support for a close phylogenetic relationship between conodonts and vertebrates. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy shows that the mineralised component of the hyaline tissue of Panderodus and of Cordylodus elements consists of large, flat, oblong crystals, arranged in layers that run parallel to the long axis of the conodont. Enamel in the dentition of a living vertebrate, the lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, has crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite, arranged in layers, and extending in groups from the dentine-enamel junction; the crystals are slender, elongate spicules perpendicular to the surface of the tooth plate, Similar crystal arrangements to those of lungfish are found in other vertebrates, but none resembles the organisation of the hyaline tissue of conodont elements, The crystals of hydroxyapatite in conodont hyaline tissue are exceptionally large, perpendicular or parallel to the surface of the element, with no trace of prisms, unlike the protoprismatic radial crystallite enamel of fish teeth and scales, or the highly organised prismatic enamel of mammals.


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Background: The distribution of lesions from dental erosion due to intrinsic acid regurgitation and vomiting may be different from patterns of dental erosion due to extrinsic acids. To date studies have failed to validate this assumption. This study described the sites and nature of lesions from dental erosion in cases of intrinsic acid regurgitation, and compared them with the distribution of lesions occurring in age and sex matched controls, whose lesions are due to extrinsic acids. Methods: The University of Queensland tooth wear clinic patients were screened to select 30 cases, 21 self-identified bulimics and nine medically diagnosed chronic gastric acid regurgitators, and 30 controls. Epoxy resin models of the subjects' dentition were examined under stereoscopic light microscope at magnification 16 to 40. The patterns and sites of tooth wear were recorded for teeth representative of 20 tooth sites in every subject. Results: While the incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth of acid regurgitators were more frequently affected by erosion, incisal attrition was more common on controls' teeth. Cervical lesions were more commonly found in association with incisal attrition in the controls, and in association with incisal erosion in the cases. In 10 per cent of sites in case subjects, cervical lesions associated with incisal erosion were found on the lingual aspects of their mandibular incisors, canines and premolars. These lesions were almost exclusive to the case subjects. Conclusions: These results validate that lingual cervical lesions associated with incisal erosion on the mandibular anterior teeth are strong discriminators between tooth wear in patients with bulimia nervosa or chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux and those whose dental erosion is due to extrinsic acids.


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Background: This project investigated the aetiology of dental and oral trauma in a population in southeast Queensland. The literature shows there is a lack of dental trauma studies which are representative of the general Australian population. Method: Twelve suburbs in the south-east district of Queensland were randomly selected according to population density in these suburbs for each 25th percentile. All dental clinics in these suburbs were eligible to participate. Patients presenting with dental and oral trauma were eligible to participate. Results: A total of 197 patients presented with dental/oral trauma over a 12 month period. The age of patients ranged from 1-64 years whilst the most frequently presenting age group was 6-10 years. There was a total of 363 injured teeth with an average of 1.8 injured teeth per patient. Males significantly outnumbered females in the incidence of trauma. Conclusions: The highest frequency of trauma occurred in the 6-10 year age group. Most injuries in this group occurred while playing or riding bicycles. In the next most prevalent trauma group, 16-20 years, trauma occurred as a result of fighting and playing sport. Overall, males significantly outnumbered females by approximately 1.8:1.0. The majority of injuries in the deciduous dentition were to periodontal tissues. In the secondary dentition most injuries were to hard dental tissue and pulp.


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Although the majority of dental abscesses in children originate from dental caries or trauma, a few are associated with unusual conditions which challenge diagnosis and management. Recent research findings have shed light on these unusual entities and greatly improved understanding of their clinical implications. These conditions include developmental abnormalities such as dens invaginatus in which there is an invagination of dental tissues into the pulp chamber and dens evaginatus in which a tubercle containing pulp is found on the external surface of a tooth crown. In addition, inherited conditions which show abnormal dentine such as dentine dysplasia, dentinogenesis imperfecta, and osteogenesis imperfecta predispose the dentition to abscess formation. Furthermore, 'spontaneous' dental abscesses are frequently encountered in familial hypophosphataemia, also known as vitamin D-resistant rickets, in which there is hypomineralization of dentine and enlargement of the pulp. In addition to developmental conditions, there are also acquired conditions which may cause unusual dental abscesses,. These include pre-eruptive intracoronal resorption which was previously known as 'pre-eruptive caries' or the 'fluoride bomb'. In addition, some undiagnosed infections associated with developing teeth are now thought to be the mandibular infected buccal cysts which originate from infection of the developing dental follicles. In the present paper, these relatively unknown entities Which cause unusual abscesses in children are reviewed with the aim of updating the general practitioner in their diagnosis and management.


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While the lungfish dentition is partially understood as far as morphology and light microscopic structure is concerned, the ultrastructure is not. Each tooth plate is associated with a dental lamina that develops from the inner layer of endodermal cells that form the oral epithelium. Dentines, bone and cartilage of the jaws differentiate from mesenchyme cells aggregating beneath the oral endothelium. Enamel, in the developing and in the mature form, has similarities to that of other early vertebrates, but unusual characters appear as development proceeds. Ameloblasts are capable of secreting enamel, and, with mononuclear osteoclasts, of remodelling the bone below the tooth plate. The forms of dentine, all based largely on an extracellular matrix of collagen and mineralised with biological apatite, differ from each other and from the underlying bone in the ultrastructure of associated cells and in the mineralised extracellular matrices produced. Cell processes emerging from the odontoblasts and from the osteoblasts vary in length, degree of branching and of anastomoses between the processes, although all of the cell types have large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Mineralisation of the extracellular matrices varies among the enamel, dentines and bone in the tooth plate. In addition, the development of the hard tissues of the tooth plates indicates that many of the similarities in fine structure of the dentition in lungfish, to tissues in other fish and amphibia, apparent early in development, disappear as the dentition matures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lungfish of the tooth-plated lineage, both fossil and living, may be affected by alterations in the permanent tooth plates and associated jaw bones as they grow. In a few taxa, the unusual structures may be so common that they must be considered as normal for those species, or as a variation of the normal condition. In others the condition is rare, affecting only a few individuals. Variations, or anomalies, may appear in the growing tissues of the lungfish tooth plate at any time in the life cycle, although they usually appear early in development. Once the changes appear, they persist in the dentition. The altered structures include divided or intercalated ridges, short ridge anomaly, changes in the shape, number and position of cusps, pattern loss, and fused ridges or cusps. Criteria used to distinguish alteration from normal conditions are the incidence of the character in the population, the associated changes in the jaw bone, and the position of the altered structure in the tooth plate. The occurrence of similar changes across a wide range of different species suggests that they may have a genetic cause, especially when they are a rare occurrence in most taxa, but common enough to be a part of the normal variation in others. Prevalence of related anomalies throughout the history of the group suggests that dipnoans of the tooth-plated lineage are closely related, despite significant differences in morphology, microstructure, and function of the denfitions.


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Recent studies on cleaning behaviour suggest that there are conflicts between cleaners and their clients over what cleaners eat. The diet of cleaners usually contains ectoparasites and some client tissue. It is unclear, however, whether cleaners prefer client tissue over ectoparasites or whether they include client tissue in their diet only when searching for parasites alone is not profitable. To distinguish between these two hypotheses, we trained cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus to feed from plates and offered them client mucus from the parrotfish Chlorurus sordidus, parasitic monogenean flat-worms, parasitic gnathiid isopods and boiled flour glue as a control. We found that cleaners ate more mucus and monogeneans than gnathiids, with gnathiids eaten slightly more often than the control substance. Because gnathiids are the most abundant ectoparasites, our results suggest a potential for conflict between cleaners and clients over what the cleaner should eat, and support studies emphasizing the importance of partner control in keeping cleaning interactions mutualistic.


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Cleaner fish, Labroides dimidiatus, prefer the mucus of the parrotfish, Chlorurus sordidus, to parasitic gnathiid isopods, the main items in their diet, indicating a major conflict between clients and cleaners over what the latter should eat during interactions. We tested whether the conflict varied with client species (and the quality of its mucus) and with the presence of blood in the gnathfids. First, we offered cleaners the choice between mucus of the parrotfish and that of the snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma. When offered equal amounts of mucus on Plexiglas plates, cleaners readily developed a significant preference for the parrotfish mucus. Reducing the amount of parrotfish mucus by 75% made the preference disappear. In a second test, we offered the cleaners gnathiids that were or were not engorged with client fish blood. Cleaners showed no significant preference for either food item. Our results suggest that the degree of conflict between cleaners and clients may vary between species, depending on whether the latter have a preferred mucus. In contrast, the cleaners' lack of preference for engorged gnathiids benefits clients because it means that cleaners do not hesitate to eat unengorged gnathiids before the gnathiids harm the fish by removing blood or by transmitting blood parasites. (C) 2004 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The structure of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus (PJA) of Zenarchopterus dispar and Z. buffonis, carnivorous estuarine and freshwater West-Pacific halfbeaks, was investigated using dissection, light, and scanning electron microscopy as part of a comparison with estuarine and marine herbivorous confamilials. The Zenarchopterus PJA differs from published descriptions of hemiramphid PJAs in that the otic capsules are less pronounced; the pharyngocranial articulation facet is trough-like; the third pharyngobranchials are ankylosed; the second pharyngobranchial anterior processes are relatively hypotrophied; all pharyngeal teeth except the posterior teeth in the fifth ceratobranchial face posteriorly; the muscularis craniopharyngobranchialis 2 posterior is short; the muscularis craniopharyngobranchialis 2 anterior is lacking, as is its insertion site, the inferior parasphenoid apophysis; the protractor pectoralis is well developed; the pharyngocleithralis internus originates dorsal to the level of the fifth ceratobranchial bony process; the fifth ceratobranchial bony processes are directed ventrolaterally; the opposing upper and lower tooth fields appear not to occlude erosively; and the muscular portion of the pharyngohyoideus is well developed anteriorly. The extent of these differences and their implications for the function of the PJA support recent molecular studies that suggest that the Hemiramphidae is polyphyletic. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Environmentally-related wear conditions and pathologies affecting the dentition of fossil lungfish from freshwater deposits in Australia have been analysed and compared with similar changes in the dentition of the living Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Fossil populations from the Namba, Etadunna, Wipajiri and Katipiri formations in central Australia, and the Carl Creek Limestone and the Camfield beds in northern Australia were assessed. Tooth plates from populations of living lungfish from the Brisbane River and Enoggera Reservoir in southeast Queensland were analysed for comparison. Tooth plates were measured to determine the numbers of different age groups in each population. They were assessed for abrasion, attrition, spur and step wear, erosion and caries, and for trauma and pathological conditions such as malocclusion, hyperplasia, abscesses, osteopenia and parasitic damage. All of these conditions are related to the environment where the fish lived, are found in living members of the group, and can be compared directly with those of fossil relatives. The results suggest that some of the fossil populations were at risk before climatic changes late in the Cainozoic destroyed their habitats. Some fossil lungfish populations, such as those of the Wipajiri Formation, exhibit active spawning and recruitment, good growth rates and a low incidence of disease and environmentally related damage to the tooth plates. Others, like those of the Katipiri and Namba Formations, include no young, and the adult fish were ageing and show environmentally-related damage to the dentition. Etadunna lungfish had active recruitment, but the tooth plates show a high incidence of attrition and caries. Riversleigh lungfish were actively spawning but did not grow large. Tooth plates from this latter deposit have a high incidence of pathological conditions. Fish from the Camfield Beds, where food was severely limiting, had little serious pathology but high levels of caries. Pathologies among living lungfish are common, but fossil fish were comparatively healthy, with few serious dental problems. Information from studies of fossil lungfish confirms that conservation of the few living species of lungfish depends on the maintenance of clean environments that provide adequate supplies of food and suitable sites for spawning and for the growth of young fish.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the enamel thickness of the maxillary primary incisors of preterm children with very low birth weight (< 1,500 g) compared to full-term children with normal birth weight. Methods: A total of 90 exfoliated maxillary primary central incisors were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three serial buccolingual ground sections of each tooth were examined under light microscopy, and maximum dimensions of the prenatally and postnatally formed enamel were measured. Results: The enamel of preterm teeth was approximately 20% thinner than that for fullterm teeth. Most of the reduction was observed in the prenatally formed enamel. This was 5 to 13 times thinner than that for full-term children (P < .001). The catch-up thickness of postnatally formed enamel did not compensate fully for the decrease in prenatal enamel (P < .001). Although none of the teeth used in this study had enamel defects visible to the naked eye, 52% of preterm teeth showed enamel hypoplasia under SEM, compared with only 16% found on full-term teeth (P < .001). These defects were present as pits or irregular, shallow areas of missing enamel. Conclusions: Preterm primary dental enamel is abnormal in surface quality, and is significantly thinner compared to full-term enamel. The thinner enamel is due mainly to reduced prenatal growth and results in smaller dimensions of the primary dentition.


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Purpose: The purpose of this longitudinal study was to determine factors associated with mutans streptococci (MS) infection and development of caries lesions in a group of children 21 to 72 months old. Methods: The 63 caries-free children, recruited since birth, were divided into: (1) a study group of 24 children who were colonized with MS; and (2) a control group of 39 children without MS. The children were recalled every 3 months for approximately 24 months, and their social, medical, and dental histories were updated. At each recall, the teeth were checked for presence or absence of plaque, enamel hypoplasia, and caries lesions, and their MS status was assessed using a commercial test kit. Results: MS infection was associated with: (1) visible plaque (P < .01); (2) enamel hypoplasia (P < .05); (3) commencement of tooth-brushing after 12 months of age (P < .05); (4) lack of parental assistance with tooth-brushing (P < .025); and (5) increased hours of child care/school (P < .05). Four children (20%) were colonized at an age range of 21 to 36 months, 9 (45%) at 37 to 48 months, and 7 (35%) at 49 to 72 months (P < .001). Eight children who developed caries lesions: (1) had more hypoplastic teeth (P < .001); (2) ate sugar-containing snacks (P < .05); and (3) did not brush regularly with chlorhexidine gel (P < .01) compared to those who remained free of caries lesions. Conclusions: Lack of oral hygiene, consumption of sugar-containing snacks, and enamel hypoplasia are significant factors for both MS infection and caries lesion initiation.


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Our studies of the teeth and faces of Australian twins commenced at the School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide in the early 1980s. There are now over 900 pairs of twins enrolled in our continuing investigations, together with 1200 relatives. There are 3 main cohorts of participants. The first cohort comprises around 300 pairs of teenage twins for whom various records have been collected, including dental casts, facial photographs, finger and palm prints and information on laterality, including handedness. The second cohort comprises around 300 pairs of twins who have been examined at 3 stages of dental development from approximately 4 years of age to about 14 years: at primary, mixed, and permanent dentition (excluding 3rd molars) stages. The most recent study of tooth emergence and oral health, for which we are currently recruiting twins, will provide a third cohort of around 500 twin pairs aged from around birth to 3 to 4 years of age. Our broad aim in these studies has been to improve our understanding of how genetic and environmental factors contribute to variation in dental and facial features, and to oral health. We have also used our data to investigate aspects of the determination of laterality, particularly the fascinating phenomenon of mirror imaging. We plan to maximize the use of the longitudinal data and DNA we have collected, and continue to collect, by performing genome-wide scans for putative genetic linkage peaks for a range of dental features, and then to test for association between a series of likely candidate genes and our phenotypes.


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The Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, has a dentition consisting of enamel, mantle dentine and bone, enclosing circumdenteonal, core and interdenteonal dentines. Branching processes from cells that produce interdenteonal dentine leave the cell surface at different angles, with collagen fibrils aligned parallel to the long axis of each process. In the interdenteonal dentine, crystals of calcium hydroxyapatite, form within fibrils of collagen, and grow within a matrix of non-collagenous protein. Crystals are aligned parallel to the cell process, as are the original collagen fibrils. Because the processes are angled to the cell surface, the crystals within the core or interdenteonal dentine are arranged in bundles set at angles to each other. Apatite crystals in circumdenteonal dentine are finer and denser than those of the interdenteonal dentine, and form outside the fibrils of collagen. In mature circumdenteonal dentine the crystals of circumdenteonal dentine form a dense tangled mass, linked to interdenteonal dentine by isolated crystals. The functional lungfish tooth plate contains prisms of large apatite crystals in the interdenteonal dentine and masses of fine tangled crystals around each denteon. This confers mechanical strength on a structure with little enamel that is subjected to heavy wear. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Microvertebrate assemblages from four Upper Silurian (?Ludlow-Pridoli) localities on Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada, comprise mainly scales, plus dentition cones and jaw fragments from ischnacanthid acanthodians, with rare scales assigned to heterostracan Lepidaspis? sp., ?chondrichthyan Arauzia? sp., and Placodermi? gen. et sp. indet. Most of the scales in sample C-11460 are assigned to the poracanthodid acanthodian Poracanthodes canadensis sp.nov., which shows closest affinity to Poracanthodes punctatus Brotzen variants from the Baltic Pridoli. The flank scales of the new species resemble those of P. punctatus s.s. (Silurian variant; the zone fossil for the late Pridoli in the Standard Silurian microvertebrate scheme), with their superposed crown growth zones, rows of small pores aligned with the underlying zones, number of radial canals, and arcade canals connecting these radial canals. They differ in having numerous anterior crown riblets, zig-zag rather than straight crown pore rows, and V-shaped arcade canals.