32 resultados para Ouellet, Lisa
Public sector organizations traditionally have been associated with the internal process (bureaucratic) model of organizational culture. Public choice and management theory have suggested that public sector managers can learn from the experience of private sector management, and need to change from the Internal process model of organizational culture. Due to these Influences an managers, the current research proposes that managers' perceptions of Ideal organizational culture would no longer reflect the Internal process model. Public sector managers' perceptions of the current culture, as well as their perceptions of the Ideal culture, were measured. A mail-out survey was conducted In the Queensland (a state of Australia) public sector. Responses to a competing values culture Inventory were received from 222 managers. Results Indicated that a reliance on the Internal process model persists, while managers had a desire for cultural models other than the Internal process model, as hypothesized.
Short-nosed bandicoots, Isoodon, have undergone marked range contractions since European colonisation of Australia and are currently divided into many subspecies, the validity of which is debated. Discriminant function analysis of morphology and a phylogeny of Isoodon based on mtDNA control region sequences indicate a clear split between two of the three recognised species, I. macrourus and I. obesulus/auratus. However, while all previously recognised taxa within the I. obesulus/auratus group are morphologically distinct, I. auratus and I. obesulus are not phylogenetically distinct for mtDNA. The genetic divergence between I. obesulus and I. auratus (2.6%) is similar to that found among geographic isolates of the former (I. o. obesulus and I. o. peninsulae: 2.7%). Further, the divergence between geographically close populations of two different species (I. o. obesulus from Western Australia and I. a. barrowensis: 1.2%) is smaller than that among subspecies within I. auratus (I. a. barrowensis and I. auratus from northern Western Australia: 1.7%). A newly discovered population of Isoodon in the Lamb Range, far north Queensland, sympatric with a population of I. m. torosus, is shown to represent a range extension of I. o. peninsulae (350 km). It seems plausible that what is currently considered as two species, I. obesulus and I. auratus, was once one continuous species now represented by isolated populations that have diverged morphologically as a consequence of adaptation to the diverse environments that occur throughout their range. The taxonomy of these populations is discussed in relation to their morphological distinctiveness and genetic similarity.
Nest use, home-range characteristics and nightly movements by the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica) were examined before and after a low- to moderate-intensity fire in sclerophyll woodland in north-eastern Australia using radio-telemetry. In all, 23 animals were radio-tracked at three-month intervals between February 1995 and May 1996. During November 1995 a low- intensity experimental fire burned the entire home range of most animals. The northern bettong appeared fairly catholic in choice of nest site, with a variety of nest locations and nesting materials used. Prior to the fire, nests were generally located in areas of dense cover, such as the skirts of grass trees (46%) or grass close to a log (29%). After fire removed most ground cover in the nesting areas of most animals, bettongs used remaining shelter such as boulder piles (45%), recently fallen trees (8%) and patches of unburnt vegetation (21%). Nest areas (10.1 ha) of males were significantly larger than those of females (5.4 ha). Home ranges of both sexes were large (59 ha) and most ranges lacked distinct core areas, suggesting that bettongs used all parts of their home ranges equally. High mean rates of nightly movement by the northern bettong indicated that large distances were moved within home ranges during nightly foraging. No significant fire-related changes were detected in home-range size, home-range location, nest-area location or mean rates of nightly movement, suggesting that the northern bettong is well adapted to the low- and medium-intensity fires that characterise its habitat.
Syntaxin 7 is a mammalian target soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) involved in membrane transport between late endosomes and lysosomes. The aim of the present study was to use immunoaffinity techniques to identify proteins that interact with Syntaxin 7. We reasoned that this would be facilitated by the use of cells producing high levels of Syntaxin 7, Screening of a large number of tissues and cell lines revealed that Syntaxin 7 is expressed at very high levels in B16 melanoma cells. Moreover, the expression of Syntaxin 7 increased in these cells as they underwent melanogenesis. From a large scale Syntaxin 7 immunoprecipitation, we have identified six polypeptides using a combination of electrospray mass spectrometry and immunoblotting. These polypeptides corresponded to Syntaxin 7, Syntaxin 6, mouse Vps10p tail interactor 1b (mVti1b), alpha -synaptosome-associated protein (SNAP), vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)8, VAMP7, and the protein phosphatase 1M regulatory subunit. We also observed partial colocalization between Syntaxin 6 and Syntaxin 7, between Syntaxin 6 and mVti1b, but not between Syntaxin 6 and the early endosomal t-SNARE Syntaxin 13. Based on these and data reported previously, we propose that Syntaxin 7/mVti1b/Syntaxin 6 may form discrete SNARE complexes with either VAMP7 or VAMPS to regulate fusion events within the late endosomal pathway and that these events may play a critical role in melanogenesis.
GLUT4 is a mammalian facilitative glucose transporter that is highly expressed in adipose tissue and striated muscle. In response to insulin, GLUT4 moves from intracellular storage areas to the plasma membrane, thus increasing cellular glucose uptake. While the verification of this 'translocation hypothesis' (Cushman SW. Wardzala LJ. J Biol Chem 1980;255: 4758-4762 and Suzuki K, Kono T. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1980;77: 2542-2545) has increased our understanding of insulin-regulated glucose transport, a number of fundamental questions remain unanswered. Where is GLUT4 stored within the basal cell? How does GLUT4 move to the cell surface and what mechanism does insulin employ to accelerate this process) Ultimately we require a convergence of trafficking studies with research in signal transduction. However, despite more than 30 years of intensive research we have still not reached this point. The problem is complex, involving at least two separate signal transduction pathways which feed into what appears to be a very dynamic sorting process. Below we discuss some of these complexities and highlight new data that are bringing us closer to the resolution of these questions.
Objective To determine whether one should aim for glycaemia that is statistically 'normal' or for levels of glycaemia low enough to prevent macrosomia (if such a threshold exists) when glucose intolerance is detected during pregnancy Design An audit of pregnancy outcomes in women with impaired glucose tolerance in pregnancy as compared to a local age-matched reference group with normal glucose tolerance. Results Our study suggests that for most patients, more intensive therapy would not have been justified. Maternal smoking appeared to convey some 'advantages' in terms of neonatal outcomes, with reduction in large-for-gestational-age (LGA) infants and jaundice in babies of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) mothers. Conclusions These observations demonstrate the importance of considering risk factors other than GTT results in analysing pregnancy outcomes, while emphasising that 'normalisation' of fetal size should not be our only therapeutic endpoint. Our detailed outcome review allows us to reassure patients with GDM that with current treatment protocols, they should have every expectation of a positive pregnancy outcome.
Tamoxifen is a major drug used for adjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer; however, its use has been associated with a small but significant increase in risk of endometrial cancer. In rats, tamoxifen is a hepatocarcinogen, and DNA adducts have been observed in both rat and human tissues. Tamoxifen has been shown previously to be metabolized to reactive products that have the potential to form protein and DNA adducts. Previous studies have suggested a role for P450 3A4 in protein adduct formation in human liver microsomes, via a catechol intermediate; however, no clear correlation was seen between P450 3A4 content of human liver microsomes and adduct formation. In the present study, we investigated the P450 forms responsible for covalent drug-protein adduct formation and the possibility that covalent adduct formation might occur via alternative pathways to catechol formation. Recombinant P450 3A4 catalyzed adduct formation, and this correlated with the level of uncoupling in the P450 incubation, consistent with a role of reactive oxygen species in potentiating adduct formation after enzymatic formation of the catechol metabolite. Whereas P450s 1AI, 2D6, and 3A5 generated catechol metabolite, no covalent adduct formation was observed with these forms. By contrast, P450 2136, 2C19, and rat liver microsomes catalyzed drug-protein adduct formation but not catechol formation. Drug protein adducts formed specifically with P450 3A4 in incubations using membranes isolated from bacteria expressing P450 3A4 and reductase, as well as in reconstitutions of purified 3A4, suggesting that the electrophilic species reacted preferentially with the P450 enzymes concerned.
This paper discusses the development of a new Bachelor of Education (Middle Years of Schooling) at The University of Queensland. The middle years of schooling have increasingly been the focus of education reform initiatives in Australia, but this has not been accompanied by significant increases in the number of teacher education institutions offering specialised middle schooling-level teacher preparation programmes. Considering the rapidly changing social and economic context and the emergent state of middle schooling in Australia, the programme represented a conceptual and practical opportunity and challenge for The University of Queensland team. Working collaboratively, the team sought to design a teacher education preservice programme that was both responsive and generative: that is, responsive to local school contexts and to current educational research and reform at national and international levels; and generative of cutting-edge theories and practices associated with middle schooling, teachers' work, and teacher education. This paper focuses on one component of the Middle Years of Schooling Teacher Education programme at The University of Queensland; namely, the practicum. We first present the underlying principles of the practicum programme and then examine "dilemmas" that emerged early in the practicum. These issues and tensions were associated with the ideals of "middle years" philosophy and the pragmatics of school reform associated with that new approach. In this paper, and within this context, we explore what it means to be both responsive and generative, and describe how we as teacher educators negotiated between the extremes these terms implied.
The regulation of hedgehog signaling by vesicular trafficking was exemplified by the finding that Rab23, a Rab-GTPase vesicular transport protein, is mutated in open brain mice. In this study, the localization of Rab23 was analyzed by light and immunoelectron microscopy after expression of wild-type (Rab23-GFP), constitutively active Rab23 (Rab23Q68L-GFP), and inactive Rab23 (Rab23S23N-GFP) in a range of mammalian cell types. Rab23-GFP and Rab23Q68L-GFP were predominantly localized to the plasma membrane but were also associated with intracellular vesicular structures, whereas Rab23S23N-GFP was predominantly cytosolic. Vesicular Rab23-GFP colocalized with Rab5Q79L and internalized transferrin-biotin, but not with a marker of the late endosome or the Golgi complex. To investigate Rab23 with respect to members of the hedgehog signaling pathway, Rab23-GFP was coexpressed with either patched or smoothened. Patched colocalized with intracellular Rab23-GFP but smoothened did not. Analysis of patched distribution by light and immunoelectron microscopy revealed it is primarily localized to endosomal elements, including transferrin receptor-positive early endosomes and putative endosome carrier vesicles and, to a lesser extent, with LBPA-positive late endosomes, but was excluded from the plasma membrane. Neither patched or smoothened distribution was altered in the presence of wild-type nor mutant Rab23-GFP, suggesting that despite the endosomal colocalization of Rab23 and patched, it is likely that Rab23 acts more distally in regulating hedgehog signaling.
Recent population studies have demonstrated an association with the red-hair and fair-skin phenotype with variant alleles of the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) which result in amino acid substitutions within the coding region leading to an altered receptor activity. In particular, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His were the most commonly associated variants seen in the south-east Queensland population with at least one of these alleles found in 93% of those with red hair. In order to study the individual effects of these variants on melanocyte biology and melanocytic pigmentation, we established a series of human melanocyte strains genotyped for the MC1R receptor which included wild-type consensus, variant heterozygotes, compound heterozygotes and homozygotes for Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp, Val60Leu and Val92Met alleles. These strains ranged from darkly pigmented to amelanotic, with all strains of consensus sequence having dark pigmentation. UV sensitivity was found not to be associated with either MC1R genotype or the level of pigmentation with a range of sensitivities seen across all genotypes. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated that while consensus strains contained stage IV melanosomes in their terminal dendrites, Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp homozygote strains contained only stage II melanosomes. This was despite being able to show expression of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 markers, although at reduced levels and an ability to convert exogenous 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-alanine (DOPA) to melanin in these strains.
Clathrin-coated pits and caveolae are two of the most recognizable features of the plasma membrane of mammalian cells. While our understanding of the machinery regulating and driving clathrin-coated pit-mediated endocytosis has progressed dramatically, including the elucidation of the structure of individual components and partial in vitro reconstitution, the role of caveolae as alternative endocytic carriers still remains elusive 50 years after their discovery. However, recent work has started to provide new insights into endocytosis by caveolae and into apparently related pathways involving lipid raft domains. These pathways, distinguished by their exquisite sensitivity to cholesterol-sequestering agents, can involve caveolae but also exist in cells devoid of caveolins and caveolae. This review examines the current evidence for the involvement of rafts and caveolae in endocytosis and the molecular players involved in their regulation.