We describe the classical and quantum two-dimensional nonlinear dynamics of large blue-detuned evanescent-wave guiding cold atoms in hollow fiber. We show that chaotic dynamics exists for classic dynamics, when the intensity of the beam is periodically modulated. The two-dimensional distributions of atoms in (x,y) plane are simulated. We show that the atoms will accumulate on several annular regions when the system enters a regime of global chaos. Our simulation shows that, when the atomic flux is very small, a similar distribution will be obtained if we detect the atomic distribution once each the modulation period and integrate the signals. For quantum dynamics, quantum collapses, and revivals appear. For periodically modulated optical potential, the variance of atomic position will be suppressed compared to the no modulation case. The atomic angular momentum will influence the evolution of wave function in two-dimensional quantum system of hollow fiber.
In this paper, a new v-metric based approach is proposed to design decentralized controllers for multi-unit nonlinear plants that admit a set of plant decompositions in an operating space. Similar to the gap metric approach in literature, it is shown that the operating space can also be divided into several subregions based on a v-metric indicator, and each of the subregions admits the same controller structure. A comparative case study is presented to display the advantages of proposed approach over the gap metric approach. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Quantum mechanics has been formulated in phase space, with the Wigner function as the representative of the quantum density operator, and classical mechanics has been formulated in Hilbert space, with the Groenewold operator as the representative of the classical Liouville density function. Semiclassical approximations to the quantum evolution of the Wigner function have been defined, enabling the quantum evolution to be approached from a classical starting point. Now analogous semiquantum approximations to the classical evolution of the Groenewold operator are defined, enabling the classical evolution to be approached from a quantum starting point. Simple nonlinear systems with one degree of freedom are considered, whose Hamiltonians are polynomials in the Hamiltonian of the simple harmonic oscillator. The behavior of expectation values of simple observables and of eigenvalues of the Groenewold operator are calculated numerically and compared for the various semiclassical and semiquantum approximations.
Smoothing the potential energy surface for structure optimization is a general and commonly applied strategy. We propose a combination of soft-core potential energy functions and a variation of the diffusion equation method to smooth potential energy surfaces, which is applicable to complex systems such as protein structures; The performance of the method was demonstrated by comparison with simulated annealing using the refinement of the undecapeptide Cyclosporin A as a test case. Simulations were repeated many times using different initial conditions and structures since the methods are heuristic and results are only meaningful in a statistical sense.
The concept of parameter-space size adjustment is pn,posed in order to enable successful application of genetic algorithms to continuous optimization problems. Performance of genetic algorithms with six different combinations of selection and reproduction mechanisms, with and without parameter-space size adjustment, were severely tested on eleven multiminima test functions. An algorithm with the best performance was employed for the determination of the model parameters of the optical constants of Pt, Ni and Cr.
Classical dynamics is formulated as a Hamiltonian flow in phase space, while quantum mechanics is formulated as unitary dynamics in Hilbert space. These different formulations have made it difficult to directly compare quantum and classical nonlinear dynamics. Previous solutions have focused on computing quantities associated with a statistical ensemble such as variance or entropy. However a more diner comparison would compare classical predictions to the quantum predictions for continuous simultaneous measurement of position and momentum of a single system, in this paper we give a theory of such measurement and show that chaotic behavior in classical systems fan be reproduced by continuously measured quantum systems.
In the design of lattice domes, design engineers need expertise in areas such as configuration processing, nonlinear analysis, and optimization. These are extensive numerical, iterative, and lime-consuming processes that are prone to error without an integrated design tool. This article presents the application of a knowledge-based system in solving lattice-dome design problems. An operational prototype knowledge-based system, LADOME, has been developed by employing the combined knowledge representation approach, which uses rules, procedural methods, and an object-oriented blackboard concept. The system's objective is to assist engineers in lattice-dome design by integrating all design tasks into a single computer-aided environment with implementation of the knowledge-based system approach. For system verification, results from design examples are presented.
The stability of difference inclusions x(k+1) is an element of F(x(k)) is studied, where F(x) = {F(x, gimel) : is an element of Lambda} and the selections F(., gimel) : E -->E assume values in a Banach space E, partially ordered by a cone K. It is assumed that the operators F(.,gimel) are heterotone or pseudoconcave. The main results concern asymptotically stable absorbing sets, and include the case of a single equilibrium point. The results are applied to a number of practical problems.
(E)-N-Hexadecyl-4-[2-(4-octadecyloxynaphthyl) ethenyl] quinolinium bromide, which has a wide-bodied chromophore and terminal n-alkyl groups, adopts a U-shape when spread at the air-water interface but a stretched conformation when compressed to ca. 35 mN m(-1). The high-pressure phase has a narrow stability range prior to collapse but may be extended from 40 to 60 mN m(-1) by co-spreading the dye in a 1 : 1 ratio with docosanoic acid. The mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film has a monolayer thickness of 4.6 +/- 0.2 nm which decreases to 2.5 +/- 0.1 nm layer(-1) in the bulk, the reduction arising from an interdigitating layer arrangement, both top and bottom. It is the first example of LB-Lego(R) and, in addition, represents the only fully interdigitating structure with non-centrosymmetrically aligned chromophores. They are tilted 38 degrees from the substrate normal. The second-harmonic intensity increases quadratically with the number of layers, i.e. as I-(N)(2 omega) = (I(1)N2)-N-2 omega, with a second-order susceptibility of chi ((2))(zzz) = 30 pm V-1 at 1064 nm for refractive indices of n(omega) = 1.55 and n(2 omega) = 1.73, d = 2.5 nm layer(-1) and phi = 38 degrees. Angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of these films provide no evidence of the bromide counterion, which suggests that it is replaced by OH 2 or HCO3-, which occur naturally in the aqueous subphase, or C21H43COO- from the co-deposited fatty acid. This probably applies to all cationic dyes deposited by the LB technique.