60 resultados para Multilevel linear model
Determining the dimensionality of G provides an important perspective on the genetic basis of a multivariate suite of traits. Since the introduction of Fisher's geometric model, the number of genetically independent traits underlying a set of functionally related phenotypic traits has been recognized as an important factor influencing the response to selection. Here, we show how the effective dimensionality of G can be established, using a method for the determination of the dimensionality of the effect space from a multivariate general linear model introduced by AMEMIYA (1985). We compare this approach with two other available methods, factor-analytic modeling and bootstrapping, using a half-sib experiment that estimated G for eight cuticular hydrocarbons of Drosophila serrata. In our example, eight pheromone traits were shown to be adequately represented by only two underlying genetic dimensions by Amemiya's approach and factor-analytic modeling of the covariance structure at the sire level. In, contrast, bootstrapping identified four dimensions with significant genetic variance. A simulation study indicated that while the performance of Amemiya's method was more sensitive to power constraints, it performed as well or better than factor-analytic modeling in correctly identifying the original genetic dimensions at moderate to high levels of heritability. The bootstrap approach consistently overestimated the number of dimensions in all cases and performed less well than Amemiya's method at subspace recovery.
Aim To develop an appropriate dosing strategy for continuous intravenous infusions (CII) of enoxaparin by minimizing the percentage of steady-state anti-Xa concentration (C-ss) outside the therapeutic range of 0.5-1.2 IU ml(-1). Methods A nonlinear mixed effects model was developed with NONMEM (R) for 48 adult patients who received CII of enoxaparin with infusion durations that ranged from 8 to 894 h at rates between 100 and 1600 IU h(-1). Three hundred and sixty-three anti-Xa concentration measurements were available from patients who received CII. These were combined with 309 anti-Xa concentrations from 35 patients who received subcutaneous enoxaparin. The effects of age, body size, height, sex, creatinine clearance (CrCL) and patient location [intensive care unit (ICU) or general medical unit] on pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters were evaluated. Monte Carlo simulations were used to (i) evaluate covariate effects on C-ss and (ii) compare the impact of different infusion rates on predicted C-ss. The best dose was selected based on the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Results A two-compartment linear model with additive and proportional residual error for general medical unit patients and only a proportional error for patients in ICU provided the best description of the data. Both CrCL and weight were found to affect significantly clearance and volume of distribution of the central compartment, respectively. Simulations suggested that the best doses for patients in the ICU setting were 50 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (4.2 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). The best doses for patients in the general medical unit were 60 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.0 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL < 30 ml min(-1); 70 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (5.8 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL was 30-50 ml min(-1); and 100 IU kg(-1) per 12 h (8.3 IU kg(-1) h(-1)) if CrCL > 50 ml min(-1). These best doses were selected based on providing the lowest equal probability of either being above or below the therapeutic range and the highest probability that the C-ss achieved would lie within the therapeutic range. Conclusion The dose of enoxaparin should be individualized to the patients' renal function and weight. There is some evidence to support slightly lower doses of CII enoxaparin in patients in the ICU setting.
Bone cell cultures were evaluated to determine if osteogenic cell populations at different skeletal sites in the horse are heterogeneous. Osteogenic cells were isolated from cortical and cancellous bone in vitro by an explant culture method. Subcultured cells were induced to differentiate into bone-forming osteoblasts. The osteoblast phenotype was confirmed by immunohistochemical testing for osteocalcin and substantiated by positive staining of cells for alkaline phosphatase and the matrix materials collagen and glycosaminoglycans. Bone nodules were stained by the von Kossa method and counted. The numbers of nodules produced from osteogenic cells harvested from different skeletal sites were compared with the use of a mixed linear model. On average, cortical bone sites yielded significantly greater numbers of nodules than did cancellous bone sites. Between cortical bone sites, there was no significant difference in nodule numbers. Among cancellous sites, the radial cancellous bone yielded significantly more nodules than did the tibial cancellous bone. Among appendicular skeletal sites, tibial metaphyseal bone yielded significantly fewer nodules than did all other long bone sites. This study detected evidence of heterogeneity of equine osteogenic cell populations at various skeletal sites. Further characterization of the dissimilarities is warranted to determine the potential role heterogeneity plays in differential rates of fracture healing between skeletal sites.
This paper updates single risk factors identified by the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study up to the end of year 2001 or age 34. Impaired performance (e.g., delayed motor or intellectual development) or adverse exposures (e.g., pregnancy and birth complications, central nervous system diseases) are associated with an increased risk for schizophrenia. However, upper social class girls and clever schoolboys also have an increased risk to develop schizophrenia, contrasted to their peers. Individuals who subsequently develop schizophrenia follow a developmental trajectory that partly and subtly differs from that of the general population; this trajectory lacks flexibility and responsiveness compared to control subjects, at least in the early stages. We propose a descriptive, lifespan, multilevel systems model on the development and course of schizophrenia.
Results from the humid tropics of Australia demonstrate that diverse plantations can achieve greater productivity than monocultures. We found that increases in both the observed species number and the effective species richness were significantly related to increased levels of productivity as measured by stand basal area or mean individual tree basal area. Four of five plantation species were more productive in mixtures with other species than in monocultures, offering on average, a 55% increase in mean tree basal area. A general linear model suggests that species richness had a significant effect on mean individual tree basal area when environmental variables were included in the model. As monoculture plantations are currently the preferred reforestation method throughout the tropics these results suggest that significant productivity and ecological gains could be made if multi-species plantations are more broadly pursued. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is associated with disturbances in sentence processing, particularly for noncanonical sentences. The present study aimed to analyse sentence processing in PD patients and healthy control participants, using a word-by-word self-paced reading task and an auditory comprehension task. Both tasks consisted of subject relative (SR) and object relative (OR) sentences, with comprehension accuracy measured for each sentence type. For the self-paced reading task, reading times (RTs) were also recorded for the non-critical and critical processing regions of each sentence. Analysis of RTs using mixed linear model statistics revealed a delayed sensitivity to the critical processing region of OR sentences in the PD group. In addition, only the PD group demonstrated significantly poorer comprehension of OR sentences compared to SR sentences during an auditory comprehension task. These results may be consistent with slower lexical retrieval in PD, and its influence on the processing of noncanonical sentences. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Changes in fluidization behaviour of green peas particulates with change in moisture content during drying were investigated using a fluidized bed dryer. All drying experiments were conducted at 50 + 2 0C and 13 + 2 % RH using a heat pump dehumidifier system. Fluidization experiments were undertaken for the bedheights of 100, 80, 60 and 40 mm and at 10 moisture content levels. Fluidization behaviour was best fitted to the linear model of Umf = A + B m. A generalized model was also formulated using the height variation. Also generalized equation and Ergun equation was used to compare minimum fluidization velocity. Copyright ©2006 The Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.
Abstract Development data of eggs and pupae of Xyleborus fornicatus Eichh. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), the shot-hole borer of tea in Sri Lanka, at constant temperatures were used to evaluate a linear and seven nonlinear models for insect development. Model evaluation was based on fit to data (residual sum of squares and coefficient of determination or coefficient of nonlinear regression), number of measurable parameters, the biological value of the fitted coefficients and accuracy in the estimation of thresholds. Of the nonlinear models, the Lactin model fitted experimental data well and along with the linear model, can be used to describe the temperature-dependent development of this species.
Background. Exercise therapy improves functional capacity in CHF, but selection and individualization of training would be helped by a simple non-invasive marker of peak VO2. Peak VO2 in these pts is difficult to predict without direct measurement, and LV ejection fraction is a poor predictor. Myocardial tissue velocities are less load-dependent, and may be predictive of the exercise response in CHF pts. We sought to use tissue velocity as a predictor of peak VO2 in CHF pts. Methods. Resting 2D-echocardiography and tissue Doppler imaging were performed in 182 CHF pts (159 male, age 62±10 years) before and after metabolic exercise testing. The majority of these patients (129, 71%) had an ischemic cardiomyopathy, with resting EF of 35±13% and a peak VO2 of 13.5±4.7 ml/kg/min. Results. Neither resting EF (r=0.15) nor peak EF (r=0.18, both p=NS) were correlated with peak VO2. However, peak VO2 correlated with peak systolic velocity in septal (Vss, r=0.31) and lateral walls (Vsl, r=0.26, both p=0.01). In a general linear model (r2 = 0.25), peak VO2 was calculated from the following equation: 9.6 + 0.68*Vss - 0.09*age + 0.06*maximum HR. This model proved to be a superior predictor of peak VO2 (r=0.51, p=0.01) than the standard prediction equations of Wasserman (r= -0.12, p=0.01). Conclusions. Resting tissue Doppler, age and maximum heart rate may be used to predict functional capacity in CHF patients. This may be of use in selecting and following the response to therapy, including for exercise training.
Achievement goal orientation represents an individual's general approach to an achievement situation, and has important implications for how individuals react to novel, challenging tasks. However, theorists such as Yeo and Neal (2004) have suggested that the effects of goal orientation may emerge over time. Bell and Kozlowski (2002) have further argued that these effects may be moderated by individual ability. The current study tested the dynamic effects of a new 2x2 model of goal orientation (mastery/performance x approach/avoidance) on performance on a simulated air traffic control (ATC) task, as moderated by dynamic spatial ability. One hundred and one first-year participants completed a self-report goal orientation measure and computerbased dynamic spatial ability test and performed 30 trials of an ATC task. Hypotheses were tested using a two-level hierarchical linear model. Mastery-approach orientation was positively related to task performance, although no interaction with ability was observed. Performance-avoidance orientation was negatively related to task performance; this association was weaker at high levels of ability. Theoretical and practical implications will be discussed.
The conventional convection-dispersion model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. The extension of this model to include nonlinear kinetics and zonal heterogeneity of the liver is not straightforward and requires numerical solution of partial differential equation, which is not available in standard nonlinear regression analysis software. In this paper, we describe an alternative compartmental model representation of hepatic disposition (including elimination). The model allows the use of standard software for data analysis and accurately describes the outflow concentration-time profile for a vascular marker after bolus injection into the liver. In an evaluation of a number of different compartmental models, the most accurate model required eight vascular compartments, two of them with back mixing. In addition, the model includes two adjacent secondary vascular compartments to describe the tail section of the concentration-time profile for a reference marker. The model has the added flexibility of being easy to modify to model various enzyme distributions and nonlinear elimination. Model predictions of F, MTT, CV2, and concentration-time profile as well as parameter estimates for experimental data of an eliminated solute (palmitate) are comparable to those for the extended convection-dispersion model.