33 resultados para Multi-detector Computed Tomography
Background: Concerns exist regarding the effect of radiation dose from paediatric pelvic CT scans and the potential later risk of radiation-induced neoplasm and teratogenic outcomes in these patients. Objective: To assess the diagnostic quality of CT images of the paediatric pelvis using either reduced mAs or increased pitch compared with standard settings. Materials and methods: A prospective study of pelvic CT scans of 105 paediatric patients was performed using one of three protocols: (1) 31 at a standard protocol of 200 mA with rotation time of 0.75 s at 120 kVp and a pitch factor approximating 1.4; (2) 31 at increased pitch factor approaching 2 and 200 mA; and (3) 43 at a reduced setting of 100 mA and a pitch factor of 1.4. All other settings remained the same in all three groups. Image quality was assessed by radiologists blinded to the protocol used in each scan. Results: No significant difference was found between the quality of images acquired at standard settings and those acquired at half the standard mAs. The use of increased pitch factor resulted in a higher proportion of poor images. Conclusions: Images acquired at 120 kVp using 75 mAs are equivalent in diagnostic quality to those acquired at 150 mAs. Reduced settings can provide useful imaging of the paediatric pelvis and should be considered as a standard protocol in these situations.
Direct and simultaneous observation of root growth and plant water uptake is difficult because soils are opaque. X-ray imaging techniques such as projection radiography or Computer Tomography (CT) offer a partial alternative to such limitations. Nevertheless, there is a trade-off between resolution, large field-of-view and 3-dimensionality: With the current state of the technology, it is possible to have any two. In this study, we used X-ray transmission through thin-slab systems to monitor transient saturation fields that develop around roots as plants grow. Although restricted to 2-dimensions, this approach offers a large field-of-view together with high spatial and dynamic resolutions. To illustrate the potential of this technology, we grew peas in 1 cm thick containers filled with soil and imaged them at regular intervals. The dynamics of both the root growth and the water content field that developed around the roots could be conveniently monitored. Compared to other techniques such as X-ray CT, our system is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. It can potentially be applied to study many agronomic problems, such as issues related to the impact of soil constraints (physical, chemical or biological) on root development.
The aim of this work was to exemplify the specific contribution of both two- and three-dimensional (31)) X-ray computed tomography to characterise earthworm burrow systems. To achieve this purpose we used 3D mathematical morphology operators to characterise burrow systems resulting from the activity of an anecic (Aporrectodea noctunia), and an endogeic species (Allolobophora chlorotica), when both species were introduced either separately or together into artificial soil cores. Images of these soil cores were obtained using a medical X-ray tomography scanner. Three-dimensional reconstructions of burrow systems were obtained using a specifically developed segmentation algorithm. To study the differences between burrow systems, a set of classical tools of mathematical morphology (granulometries) were used. So-called granulometries based on different structuring elements clearly separated the different burrow systems. They enabled us to show that burrows made by the anecic species were fatter, longer, more vertical, more continuous but less sinuous than burrows of the endogeic species. The granulometry transform of the soil matrix showed that burrows made by A. nocturna were more evenly distributed than those of A. chlorotica. Although a good discrimination was possible when only one species was introduced into the soil cores, it was not possible to separate burrows of the two species from each other in cases where species were introduced into the same soil core. This limitation, partly due to the insufficient spatial resolution of the medical scanner, precluded the use of the morphological operators to study putative interactions between the two species.
Exponential and sigmoidal functions have been suggested to describe the bulk density profiles of crusts. The present work aims to evaluate these conceptual models using high resolution X-radiography. Repacked seedbeds from two soil materials, air-dried or prewetted by capillary rise, were subjected to simulated rain, which resulted in three types of structural crusts, namely, slaking, infilling, and coalescing. Bulk density distributions with depth were generated using high-resolution (70 mum), calibrated X-ray images of slices from the resin-impregnated crusted seedbeds. The bulk density decreased progressively with depth, which supports the suggestion that a crust should be considered as a nonuniform layer. For the slaking and the coalescing crusts, the exponential function underestimated the strong change in bulk density across the morphologically defined transition between the crust and the underlying material; the sigmoidal function provided a better description. Neither of these crust models effectively described the shape of the bulk density profiles through the whole seedbed. Below the infilling and slaking crusts, bulk density increased linearly with depth as a result of slumping. In the coalescing crusted seedbed, the whole seedbed uniformly collapsed and most of the bulk density change within the crust could be ascribed to slumping (0.33 g cm(-3)) rather than to crusting (0.12 g cm(-3)). Finally, (i) X-radiography appears as a unique tool to generate high resolution bulk density profiles and (ii) in structural crusts, bulk density profiles could be modeled using the existing exponential and sigmoidal crusting models, provided a slumping model would be coupled.
Objective-To compare the accuracy and feasibility of harmonic power Doppler and digitally subtracted colour coded grey scale imaging for the assessment of perfusion defect severity by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in an unselected group of patients. Design-Cohort study. Setting-Regional cardiothoracic unit. Patients-49 patients (mean (SD) age 61 (11) years; 27 women, 22 men) with known or suspected coronary artery disease were studied with simultaneous myocardial contrast echo (MCE) and SPECT after standard dipyridamole stress. Main outcome measures-Regional myocardial perfusion by SPECT, performed with Tc-99m tetrafosmin, scored qualitatively and also quantitated as per cent maximum activity. Results-Normal perfusion was identified by SPECT in 225 of 270 segments (83%). Contrast echo images were interpretable in 92% of patients. The proportion of normal MCE by grey scale, subtracted, and power Doppler techniques were respectively 76%, 74%, and 88% (p < 0.05) at > 80% of maximum counts, compared with 65%, 69%, and 61% at < 60% of maximum counts. For each technique, specificity was lowest in the lateral wail, although power Doppler was the least affected. Grey scale and subtraction techniques were least accurate in the septal wall, but power Doppler showed particular problems in the apex. On a per patient analysis, the sensitivity was 67%, 75%, and 83% for detection of coronary artery disease using grey scale, colour coded, and power Doppler, respectively, with a significant difference between power Doppler and grey scale only (p < 0.05). Specificity was also the highest for power Doppler, at 55%, but not significantly different from subtracted colour coded images. Conclusions-Myocardial contrast echo using harmonic power Doppler has greater accuracy than with grey scale imaging and digital subtraction. However, power Doppler appears to be less sensitive for mild perfusion defects.
Many cases of potentially curable primary aldosteronism are currently likely to be diagnosed as essential hypertension unless screening tests based on suppression of renin are tarried out in all hypertensive patients. More than half of the patients with primary aldosteronism detected in this way have normal circulating potassium levels, so measurement of potassium is not enough to exclude primary aldosteronism. When primary aldosteronism is diagnosed, fewer than one-third of patients are suitable for surgery as initial treatment, but this still represents a significant percentage of hypertensive patients. After excluding glucocorticoid-suppressible primary aldosteronism, adrenal venous sampling is essential to detect unilateral production of aldosterone and diagnose angiotensin-responsive aldosterone-producing adenoma. One cannot rely on the computed tomography scan. If all hypertensive patients are screened for primary aldosteronism and the workup is continued methodically in those with a positive screening test, patients with unilateral overproduction of aldosterone who potentially can be cured surgically are not denied the possibility of cure.
Background: Management of orbitozygomatic fractures forms part of the scope of practice of many oral and maxillofacial Surgeons. As aspects of management vary among surgeons who treat such injuries, this confidential study was undertaken to examine some of the protocols of Australian and New Zealand oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Results: Eighty-one per cent of the respondents treated orbitozygomatic fractures and on average. each treated approximately 24 cases per year. Also, about one in five cases required orbital floor exploration. Further, the preferred imaging baseline was computed tomography plus plain X-rays. while the preferred implant materials for orbital floor reconstruction were autologous bone and resorbable membrane. The incidence of postoperative retrobulbar haemorrhage was estimated at approximately 1:1000. Conclusion: Most oral and maxillofacial surgeons treat orbitozygomatic injuries as part of their surgical scope.
Stress echocardiography has been shown to improve the diagnosis of coronary artery disease in the presence of hypertension, but its value in prognostic evaluation is unclear. We sought to determine whether stress echocardiography could be used to predict mortality in 2363 patients with hypertension, who were followed for up to 10 years (mean 4.0+/-1.8) for death and revascularization. Stress echocardiograms were normal in 1483 patients (63%), 16% had resting left ventricular (LV) dysfunction alone, and 21% had ischemia. Abnormalities were confined to one territory in 489 patients (21%) and to multiple territories in 365 patients (15%). Cardiac death was less frequent among the patients able to exercise than among those undergoing dobutamine echocardiography (4% versus 7%, P<0.001). The risk of death in patients with a negative stress echocardiogram was <1% per year. Ischemia identified by stress echocardiography was an independent predictor of mortality in those able to exercise (hazard ratio 2.21, 95% confidence intervals 1.10 to 4.43, P=0.0001) as well as those undergoing dobutamine echo (hazard ratio 2.39, 95% confidence intervals 1.53 to 3.75, P=0.0001); other predictors were age, heart failure, resting LV dysfunction, and the Duke treadmill score. In stepwise models replicating the sequence of clinical evaluation, the results of stress echocardiography added prognostic power to models based on clinical and stress-testing variables. Thus, the results of stress echocardiography are an independent predictor of cardiac death in hypertensive patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease, incremental to clinical risks and exercise results.
The detection of viable myocardium has important implications for management, but use of stress echocardiography to detect this is subjective and requires exposure to dobutamine. We investigated whether cyclic variation (CV) of integrated backscatter (IB) from the apical views could provide a resting study for detection of contractile reserve (CR) and prediction of myocardial viability in 27 patients with chronic ischemic left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. Repeat echocardiography was performed after 6.7 +/- 3.8 months of follow-up; 14 patients underwent revascularization and 13 were treated medically. Using a standardized dobutamine echocardiography (DbE) protocol, images from three apical views were acquired at 80-120 frames/sec at rest and during stress. CR was identified if improvement of wall motion was observed at low dose (5 or 10 mug/kg/min) DbE. Myocardial viability was characterized by improvement at follow-up echocardiography in patients with revascularization. CVIB at rest and low dose dobutamine were assessed in 194 segments with resting asynergy (severe hypokinesis or akinesis), of which 88 (45%) were in patients who underwent revascularization. Of these, CVIB could be measured in 190 (98%) segments at rest and 185 (95%) at low dose dobutamine. Sixty-two (33%) segments had CR during low dose DbE and 50 (57%) segments showed wall-motion recovery (myocardial viability) at follow-up echocardiography. Segments with CR had significantly higher CVIB at rest (P < 0.001) and low dose dobutamine (P = 0.005) than segments without CR. Using optimal thresholds of CVIB (> 8.2 dB) at rest, the accuracy of CVIB for detecting CR was 70%. Compared with nonviable segments, viable segments had significantly higher CVIB at rest (P < 0.001) and low dose dobutamine (P < 0.001). Using optimal thresholds of CVIB (> 5.3 dB) at rest, the accuracy of CVIB for detecting myocardial viability was 85%, which was higher than that in conventional DbE (62%, P < 0.01). Thus, assessment of CV.TB from the apical views is a feasible and accurate tool for detecting CR and predicting myocardial viability in chronic LV dysfunction.
Ultrasonic speed of propagation and attenuation were investigated as a function of absorbed radiation dose in PAG and MAGIC polymer gel dosimeters. Both PAG and MAGIC gel dosimeters displayed a dependence of ultrasonic parameters on absorbed dose with attenuation displaying significant changes in the dose range investigated. The ultrasonic attenuation dose sensitivity at 4 MHz in MAGIC gels was determined to be 4.7 +/- 0.3 dB m(-1) Gy(-1) and for PAG 3.9 +/- 0.3 dB m(-1) Gy(-1). Ultrasonic speed dose sensitivities were 0.178 +/- 0.006 m s(-1) Gy(-1) for MAGIC gel and -0.44 +/- 0.02 m s(-1) Gy(-1) for PAG. Density and compressional elastic modulus were investigated to explain the different sensitivities of ultrasonic speed to radiation for PAG and MAGIC gels. The different sensitivities were found to be due to differences in the compressional elastic modulus as a function of dose for the two formulations. To understand the physical phenomena underlying the increase in ultrasonic attenuation with dose, the viscoelastic properties of the gels were studied. Results suggest that at ultrasonic frequencies, attenuation in polymer gel dosimeters is primarily due to volume viscosity. It is concluded that ultrasonic attenuation significantly increases with absorbed dose. Also, the ultrasonic speed in polymer gel dosimeters is affected by changes in dosimeter elastic modulus that are likely to be a result of polymerization. It is suggested that ultrasound is a sufficiently sensitive technique for polymer gel dosimetry.
Objective: (1) To establish an incidence figure for dysphagia in a population of pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) cases; (2) to provide descriptive data on the admitting characteristics, patterns of resolution, and outcomes of children with and without dysphagia after TBI; and (3) to identify any factors present at admission that may predict dysphagia. Participants: A total of 1, 145 children consecutively admitted to an acute care setting for traumatic brain injury between July 1995 and July 2000. Main outcome measure: Medical parameters relating to dysphagia based on medical chart review. Results: (1) Dysphagia incidence figure of 5.3% across all pediatric head injury admissions. Incidence figures of 68% for severe TBI, 15% for moderate TBI, and only 1% for mild brain injury. (2) Statistically significant differences were found between the dysphagic and nondysphagic subgroups on the variables of length of stay, length of ventilation, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), computed tomography classification, duration of speech pathology intervention, supplemental feeding duration, duration until initiation of oral intake (DIOF), duration to total oral intake (DTOF), and period of time from the initiation of intake until achievement of total oral intake (DI-TOF). (3) Significant predictive factors for dysphagia included GCS < 8.5 and a ventilation period in excess of 1.5 days. Conclusion: The provision of incidence data and predictive factors for dysphagia will enable clinicians in acute care settings to allocate resources necessary to deal with the predicted number of dysphagia cases in a pediatric population, and assist in predicting patients who are at risk for dysphagia following TBI. Early detection of patients with swallowing dysfunction will be aided by these data, in turn helping to facilitate effective medical and speech pathology intervention via assisting the reduction of medical complications such as aspiration pneumonia.
Background Patients with known or suspected coronary disease are often investigated to facilitate risk assessment. We sought to examine the cost-effectiveness of strategies based on exercise echocardiography and exercise electrocardiography. Methods and results We studied 7656 patients undergoing exercise testing; of whom half underwent exercise echocardiography. Risk was defined with the Duke treadmill score for those undergoing exercise electrocardiography alone, and by the extent of ischaemia by exercise echocardiography. Cox proportional hazards models, risk adjusted for pretest likelihood of coronary artery disease, were used to estimate time to cardiac death or myocardial infarction. Costs (including diagnostic and revascularisation procedures, hospitalisations, and events) were calculated, inflation-corrected to year 2000 using Medicare trust fund rates and discounted at a rate of 5%. A decision model was employed to assess the marginal cost effectiveness (cost/life year saved) of exercise echo compared with exercise electrocardiography. Exercise echocardiography identified more patients as low-risk (51% vs 24%, p<0.001), and fewer as intermediate- (27% vs 51%, p<0.001) and high-risk (22% vs 4%); survival was greater in low- and intermediate- risk and less in high-risk patients. Although initial procedural costs and revascularisation costs (in intermediate- high risk patients) were greater, exercise echocardiography was associated with a greater incremental life expectancy (0.2 years) and a lower use of additional diagnostic procedures when compared with exercise electrocardiography (especially in lower risk patients). Using decision analysis, exercise echocardiography (Euro 2615/life year saved) was more cost effective than exercise electrocardiography. Conclusion Exercise echocardiography may enhance cost-effectiveness for the detection and management of at risk patients with known or suspected coronary disease. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.
Background Wide testing of the aldosterone: renin ratio among hypertensive individuals has revealed primary aldosteronism to be common, with most patients normokalaemic. Some investigators, however, have reported aldosterone-producing adenoma to be rare among patients so detected. Objective To test the hypothesis that differences among reported studies in the rate of detection of aldosterone-producing adenoma (as opposed to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia) reflect differences in the procedures used for diagnosis of primary aldosteronism, and the methods used to identify aldosterone-producing adenomas. Methods In the newly established Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit (PAHHU), we used procedures developed by Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (which reports that more than 30% of patients with primary aldosteronism have aldosterone-producing adenomas) to diagnose primary aldosteronism and determine the subtype. All patients with an increased aldosterone: renin ratio (measured after correction for hypokalaemia and while the patient was not receiving interfering medications) underwent fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism; if they were positive, they underwent genetic testing to exclude glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism before adrenal venous sampling was used to differentiate lateralizing from bilateral primary aldosteronism. Results This approach allowed PAHHU to diagnose, within 2 years, 54 patients [only seven (13%) hypokalaemic] with primary aldosteronism. All tested negative for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism. Aldosterone production was lateralized to one adrenal in 15 patients (31%; only six hypokalaemic) and was bilateral in 34 (69%; all normokalaemic) of 49 patients who underwent adrenal venous sampling. Among patients with lateralizing adrenal hyperplasia, computed tomography revealed an ipsilateral mass in only six and a contralateral lesion in one. Fourteen patients underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, which cured the hypertension in seven and improved it in the remainder. In patients with bilateral primary aldlosteronism, hypertension responded to spironolactone (112.5-50 mg/ day) or amiloride (2.5-10 mg/day). Conclusion When performed with careful regard to confounding factors, measurement of the aldosterone: renin ratio in all hypertensive individuals, followed by fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism and adrenal venous sampling to determine the subtype, can result in the detection of significant numbers of patients with specifically treatable or potentially curable hypertension. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Background Exercise testing has limited efficacy for identifying coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of anginal. symptoms. Exercise echocardiography is more accurate than standard exercise testing, but its efficacy in this situation has not been defined. We sought to identify whether the Duke treadmill. score or exercise echocardiography (ExE) could be used to identify risk in patients without anginal symptoms. Methods We studied 1859 patients without typical or atypical angina, heart failure, or a history or ECG evidence of infarction or CAD, who were referred for ExE, of whom 1832 (age 51 15 years, 944 men) were followed for up to 10 years. The presence and extent of ischaemia and scar were interpreted by expert reviewers at the time of the original study. Results Exercise provoked significant (>0.1 mV) ST segment depression in 215 patients (12%), and wall motion abnormalities in 137 (8%). Seventy-eight patients (4%) died before revascularization, only 17 from known cardiac causes. The independent predictors of death were age (RR 1.1, p