90 resultados para More, Sir Thomas,-Santo,-1478-1535
We aimed to determine the effectiveness of the vaginally administered spermicide nonoxynol-9 (N-9) among women for the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), We did a systematic review of randomised controlled trials, Nine such trials including 5096 women, predominantly sex workers, comparing N-9 with placebo or no treatment, were included. Primary outcomes were new HIV infection, new episodes of various STIs, and genital lesions. Five trials included HIV and nine included STI outcomes, and all but one (2% of the data) contributed to the meta-analysis. Overall, relative risks of HIV infection (1.12, 95% confidence interval 0.88-1.42), gonorrhoea (0.91, 0.67-1.24), chlamyclia (0.88, 0.77-1.01), cervical infection (1.01, 0.84-1-22), trichomoniasis (0.84, 0.69-1.02), bacterial vaginosis (0.88, 0.74-1.04) and candidiasis (0.97, 0.84-1.12) were not significantly different in the N-9 and placebo or no treatment groups. Genital lesions were more common in the N-9 group (1.18, 1.02-1.36). Our review has found no statistically significant reduction in risk of HIV and STIs, and the confidence intervals indicate that any protection that may exist is likely to be very small. There is some evidence of harm through genital lesions. N-9 cannot be recommended for HIV and STI prevention.
Studies on grandparental investment have revealed that mothers fathers are emotionally closer to their grandchildren than are fathers' mothers. In the current study, it was hypothesized that this difference is caused by the fact that fathers' mothers often have the potential to invest in genetically more certain kin (children through their daughters). To test this hypothesis, 787 participants rated their emotional closeness and exposure to their grandparents and indicated whether they had cousins through paternal and maternal aunts and uncles. Results indicated that participants felt closer to mothers' fathers than fathers' mothers only when alternate investment outlets for fathers' mothers were available. Closeness ratings to fathers fathers also were reduced when they had grandchildren through their daughters. Exposure to grandparents revealed a similar pattern of findings but did not show the same sensitivity to the presence of more certain kin and did not appear to account for the closeness ratings.
An Escherichia coli cell-free transcription/translation system was used to explore the high-level incorporation Of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) into proteins by replacing tyrosine with DOPA in the reaction mixtures. ESI-MS showed specific incorporation of DOPA in place of tyrosine. More than 90% DOPA incorporation at each tyrosine site was achieved, allowing the recording of clean N-15-HSQC NMR spectra. A redox-staining method specific for DOPA was shown to provide a sensitive and generally applicable method for assessing the cell-free production of proteins. Of four proteins produced in soluble form in the presence of tyrosine, two resulted in insoluble aggregates in the presence of high levels of DOPA. DOPA has been found in human proteins, often in association with various disease states that implicate protein aggregation and/or misfolding. Our results suggest that misfolded and aggregated proteins may result, in principle, from ribosome-mediated misincorporation of intracellular DOPA accumulated due to oxidative stress. High-yield cell-free protein expression systems are uniquely suited to obtain rapid information on solubility and aggregation of nascent polypeptide chains.
A study of Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) in Papua New Guinea for the years 1958-87 revealed four instances of familiar BL. Incident cases occurred within 1 year of each other in the four families. Personal follow-up was possible for three of these families whose pedigrees showed that two or more siblings were affected. There was no significant variation of the incidence of BL by year of diagnosis or month of onset. There was significant variation in annual average incidence of BL between the three provinces studied, with the highest incidence in the Nuku and Lumi census districts (of the West Sepik Province). This is the first report of familial BL outside Africa.