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in a recent publication, Eriksson et al. [1] explored the relationship between size at birth and resting metabolic rate and body composition in adulthood in a cohort of over 300 men and women. They reported an unexpected finding that people of both sexes who had a low birth weight also had a higher metabolic activity per unit muscle tissue. This conclusion was drawn from an analysis where resting metabolic rate (expressed as kcal/kg fat-free mass) in adulthood was examined relative to the birth weight of the subject. One explanation that they suggested was that the apparent increased activity of muscle tissue resulted from an increased sympathetic drive associated with low birth weight. There may be a less physiological reason for the findings of Eriksson et al. Whilst the data are not given specifically in the text, it can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 in the paper that the mean fat-free mass measured in adulthood increased, in both sexes, from the lightest birth weight group to the heaviest birth weight group when the cohort were divided into tertiles based on birth weight. The crux of the issue is that in many - indeed most - cases, expressing resting energy expenditure as kcal/kg fat-free mass does not totally adjust for fat-free mass [2 - 5], and a bias is introduced so that those who have a higher fat-free mass will tend to have a lower resting energy expenditure when expressed per kg fat-free mass. This bias found when expressing many physiological parameters relative to body size, body weight or body composition has long been known [6], and should be carefully considered by appropriate adjustment and hence analysis.
In the European lesser-spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula, rectal gland mass in mg (M-Rg) followed the allometric relationship: M-Rg = 1.15 M-0.68, where M is body mass (g). The concept of allometric scaling is an important consideration in studies investigating the function Of osmoregulatory organs. (C) 2003 the Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
An increase in left ventricular mass (LVM) occurs in the presence of type 2 diabetes, apparently independent of hypertension (1), but the determinants of this process are unknown. Brachial blood pressure is not representative of that at the ascending aorta (2) because the pressure wave is amplified from central to peripheral arteries. Central blood pressure is probably more clinically important since local pulsatile pressure determines adverse arterial and myocardial remodeling (3,4). Thus, an inaccurate assessment of the contribution of arterial blood pressure to LVM may occur if only brachial blood pressure is taken into consideration. In this study we sought the contribution of central blood pressure (and other interactive factors known to affect wave reflection, e.g., glycemic control and total arterial compliance) to LVM in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Detailed analysis of body composition in children has helped to understand changes that occur in growth and disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) has gained popularity as a simple, non-invasive and inexpensive tool of body composition assessment. Being an indirect technique, prediction equations have to be used in the assessment of body composition. There are many prediction equations available in the literature for the assessment of body composition from BIA. This study aims to cross-validate some of those prediction equations to determine the suitability of their use on Australian children of white Caucasian and Sri Lankan origins. Height, weight and BIA were measured. Total body water was measured using the isotope dilution method (D2O). Fat-mass (FM) and %FM were estimated from BIA using ten prediction equations described in the literature. Five to 14.99-year-old healthy, 96 white Caucasians and 42 Sri Lankan children were studied. The equation of Schaefer et al was the most suitable prediction equation for this group with the lowest mean bias for %FM assessment in both Caucasian (–1.0±9.6%) and Sri Lankan (1.6±5.2%) children and the fat content of the individuals did not influence the predictions by this equation. Impedance index (height2/impedance) explained for 80% of TBW in white Caucasians and 93% in Sri Lankans and figures were similar for the prediction of FFM. We conclude that BIA can be used effectively in the assessment of body composition in children. However, for the assessment of body composition using BIA, either prediction equations should be derived to suit the local populations or existing equations should be cross-validated to determine their suitability before their application.
Corrosion rates of 1020 steel in 2.75 M NaOH solution at a temperature of 160 degrees C and velocities of 0.32 and 2.5 m/s were studied. The focus was on the effect of the acid cleaning which was performed by using strong, inhibited sulphuric acid in between the exposures to caustic. In situ electrochemical methods were used to measure the corrosion rate such as the potentiodynamic sweep and the polarization resistance method. Also used were the weight-loss method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Eight electrodes/coupons were used to monitor the metal loss rate, four were placed at the low velocity section, while the other four were placed in the high velocity section of a high temperature flow. The first three coupons in each section were placed within the disturbed flow region, while the fourth was placed in a fully developed flow region. During the exposure of mild steel to the inhibited acid, following the first caustic period, the corrosion rate increased significantly to between 3 and 10mm/y with a few electrodes experiencing as high as 50 mm/y. The second caustic period following the acidic period typically started with very high corrosion rates (20-80 mm/y). The length of this corrosion period was typically 2-3 h with a few exceptions when the high corrosion period lasted 7-10 h. Following the very high corrosion rates experienced at the beginning of the second caustic period, the corrosion rates were reduced sharply (as the corrosion potential increased) to nearly the same levels as those observed during the passive part of the first caustic period. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Normal fat and lean tissue mass in adults with cystic fibrosis compared with height matched controls
While research on SME internationalization has increased, there remains a lack of relevant theory on the SME internationalization process. The literature reports that small firms overcome their resource poverty-based constraints to internationalization by developing network relationships. Networking enables SMEs to acquire much needed internationalization process knowledge, and knowledge for the development of innovative products and services for this internationalization. However, networking activity has not yet been conceptualized and measured as a competitive capability in internationalization research. Drawing on the capability-based theory of competitive strategy, this paper conjectures that internationally entrepreneurial SMEs build and nurture distinctive networking capabilities, enabling them to acquire new knowledge. These learning capabilities enable them to pursue innovation thereby facilitating nternationalization. Data from Australian firms largely supports the conceptual framework. Implications for theory and practice are presented.