144 resultados para Mixture function
The functional importance of members of the S100 Ca2+-binding protein family is recently emerging. A variety of activities, several of which are apparently opposing, are attributed to S100A8, a protein implicated in embryogenesis, growth, differentiation, and immune and inflammatory processes. Murine (m) S100A8 was initially described as a chemoattractant (CP-10) for myeloid cells. It is coordinately expressed with mS100A9 (MRP14) in neutrophils and the non-covalent heterodimer is presumed to be the functional intracellular species. The extracellular chemotactic activity of mS100A8, however, is not dependent on mS100A9 and occurs at concentrations (10(-13)-10(-11) M) at which the non-covalent heterodimer would probably dissociate. This review focuses on the structure and post-translational modifications of mS100A8/A9 and their effects on function, particularly chemotaxis.
The integral of the Wigner function over a subregion of the phase space of a quantum system may be less than zero or greater than one. It is shown that for systems with 1 degree of freedom, the problem of determining the best possible upper and lower bounds on such an integral, over an possible states, reduces to the problem of finding the greatest and least eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator corresponding to the subregion. The problem is solved exactly in the case of an arbitrary elliptical region. These bounds provide checks on experimentally measured quasiprobability distributions.
Animals that go on hunting expeditions face the problem of finding the way home at the end of the day. A group of hunting spiders has now been added to the list of animals that use the celestial pattern of polarized light as a compass for navigation. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Alzheimer's disease amyloid protein precursor (APP) gene is part of a multi-gene super-family from which sixteen homologous amyloid precursor-like proteins (APLP) and APP species homologues have been isolated and characterised. Comparison of exon structure (including the uncharacterised APL-1 gene), construction of phylogenetic trees, and analysis of the protein sequence alignment of known homologues of the APP super-family were performed to reconstruct the evolution of the family and to assess the functional significance of conserved protein sequences between homologues. This analysis supports an adhesion function for all members of the APP super family, with specificity determined by those sequences which are not conserved between APLP lineages, and provides evidence for an increasingly complex APP superfamily during evolution. The analysis also suggests that Drosophila APPL and Caenorhabdotids elegans APL-1 may be a fourth APLP lineage indicating that these proteins, while not functional homologues of human APP, are similarly likely to regulate cell adhesion. Furthermore, the beta A4 sequence is highly conserved only in APP orthologues, strongly suggesting this sequence is of significant functional importance in this lineage. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Normal mixture models are being increasingly used to model the distributions of a wide variety of random phenomena and to cluster sets of continuous multivariate data. However, for a set of data containing a group or groups of observations with longer than normal tails or atypical observations, the use of normal components may unduly affect the fit of the mixture model. In this paper, we consider a more robust approach by modelling the data by a mixture of t distributions. The use of the ECM algorithm to fit this t mixture model is described and examples of its use are given in the context of clustering multivariate data in the presence of atypical observations in the form of background noise.
While there is a developing understanding of the influence of sleep on cardiovascular autonomic activity in humans, there remain unresolved issues. In particular, the effect of time within the sleep period, independent of sleep stage, has not been investigated. Further, the influence of sleep on central sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity is uncertain because results using the major method applicable to humans, the low frequency (LF) component of heart rate Variability (HRV), have been contradictory, and because the method itself is open to criticism. Sleep and cardiac activity were measured in 14 young healthy subjects on three nights. Data was analysed in 2-min epochs. All epochs meeting specified criteria were identified, beginning 2 h before, until 7 h after, sleep onset. Epoch values were allocated to 30-min bins and during sleep were also classified into stage 2, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The measures of cardiac activity were heart irate (HR), blood pressure (BP), high frequency (HF) and LF components of HRV and pre-ejection period (PEP). During non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep autonomic balance shifted from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance, although this appeared to be more because of a shift in parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) activity. Autonomic balance during REM was in general similar to wakefulness. For BP and the HF and LF components the change occurred abruptly at sleep onset and was then constant over time within each stage of sleep, indicating that any change in autonomic balance over the sleep period is a consequence of the changing distribution of sleep stages. Two variables, HR and PEP, did show time effects reflecting a circadian influence over HR and perhaps time asleep affecting PEP. While both the LF component and PEP showed changes consistent with reduced sympathetic tone during sleep, their pattern of change over time differed.
Background and aim of the study: Results of valve re-replacement (reoperation) in 898 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with cryopreserved homograft valves between 1975 and 1998 are reported. The study aim was to provide estimates of unconditional probability of valve reoperation and cumulative incidence function (actual risk) of reoperation. Methods: Valves were implanted by subcoronary insertion (n = 500), inclusion cylinder (n = 46), and aortic root replacement (n = 352). Probability of reoperation was estimated by adopting a mixture model framework within which estimates were adjusted for two risk factors: patient age at initial replacement, and implantation technique. Results: For a patient aged 50 years, the probability of reoperation in his/her lifetime was estimated as 44% and 56% for non-root and root replacement techniques, respectively. For a patient aged 70 years, estimated probability of reoperation was 16% and 25%, respectively. Given that a reoperation is required, patients with non-root replacement have a higher hazard rate than those with root replacement (hazards ratio = 1.4), indicating that non-root replacement patients tend to undergo reoperation earlier before death than root replacement patients. Conclusion: Younger patient age and root versus non-root replacement are risk factors for reoperation. Valve durability is much less in younger patients, while root replacement patients appear more likely to live longer and hence are more likely to require reoperation.
An understanding of the biochemical control of dendritic cell (DC) differentiation/activation is essential for improving T cell immunity by various immunotherapeutic approaches, including DC immunization. Ligation of CD40 enhances DC function, including conditioning for CTL priming. NF-kappaB, and particularly RelB, is an essential control pathway for myeloid DC differentiation. Furthermore, RelB regulates B cell Ag-presenting function. We hypothesized that CD40 ligand (CD40L) and TNF-alpha, which differ in their capacity to condition DC, would also differ in their capacity to activate NF-kappaB. DC differentiated for 2 days from monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 were used as a model, as NF-kappaB activity was constitutively low. The capacity of DC to activate T cells following CD40L treatment was enhanced compared with TNF-alpha treatment, and this was NF-kappaB dependent. Whereas RelB/p50 translocation induced by TNF-alpha was attenuated after 6 h, RelB/p50 nuclear translocation induced by CD40L was sustained for at least 24 h. The mechanism of this difference related to enhanced degradation of IkappaBalpha following CD40L stimulation. However, NF-kappaB activation induced by TNF-alpha could be sustained by blocking autocrine IL-10. These data indicate that NF-kappaB activation is essential for T cell activation by DC, and that this function is enhanced if DC NF-kappaB activation is prolonged. Because IL-10 moderates DC NF-kappaB activation by TNF-alpha, sustained NF-kappaB activation can be achieved by blocking IL-10 in the presence of stimuli that induce TNF-alpha.