49 resultados para Minimum quantity of fluid
This article provides a review of the recent theory of transport in nanopores developed in the author's laboratory. In particular the influence of fluid-solid interactions on the transport coefficient is examined, showing that such interactions reduce the value of the coefficient by almost an order of magnitude in comparison to the Knudsen theory for non-interacting systems. The activation energy and potential energy barriers for diffusion in smooth pores with a one-dimensional potential energy profile are also discussed, indicating the inadequacy of the commonly used assumption of proportionality between the activation energy and heat of adsorption or the minimum pore potential energy. A further feature affected by fluid-solid interactions is the nature of the reflection of fluid molecules colliding with a pore wall surface, varying from being nearly specular - such as in carbon nanotubes - to nearly diffuse for amorphous solids. Diffuse reflection leads to momentum loss and reduced transport coefficients. However, fluid-solid interactions do not affect the transport coefficient in the single-file diffusion regime when the surface reflection is diffuse, and the transport coefficient in this case is largely independent of the adsorbed density.
The stratiform Century Zn-Pb deposit and the discordant Zn-Pb lode deposits of the Burketown mineral field, northern Australia, host ore and gangue minerals with primary fluid inclusions that have not been affected by the Isan orogeny, thus providing a unique opportunity to investigate the nature of the ore-forming brines. All of the deposits are hosted in shales and siltstones belonging to the Isa superbasin and comprise sphalerite, pyrite, carbonate, quartz, galena, minor chalcopyrite, and minor illite. According to Pb model ages, the main ore stage of mineralization at Century formed at I575 Ma, some 20 m.y. after deposition of the host shale sequence. Microthermometry on undeformed, primary fluid inclusions hosted in porous sphalerite shows that the Zn at Century was transported to the deposit by a homogeneous, Ca2+- and Na+-bearing brine with a salinity of 21.6 wt percent NaCl equiv. delta D-fluid of the fluid inclusion water ranges from -89 to -83 per mil, consistent with a basinal brine that evolved from meteoric water. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures range between 74 degrees and 125 degrees C, which are lower than the 120 degrees to 160 degrees C range calculated from vitrinite reflectance and illite crystallinity data from the deposit. This discrepancy indicates that mineralization likely formed at 50 to 85 Mpa, corresponding to a depth of 1,900 to 3,100 m. Transgressive galena-sphalerite veins that cut stratiform mineralization at Century and breccia-filled quartz-dolomite-sphalerite-galena veins in the discordant Zn-Pb lodes have Pb model ages between 1575 and 1485 Ma. Raman spectroscopy and microthermometry reveal that the primary fluid inclusions in these veins contain Ca2+, Na+. but they have lower salinities between 23 and 10 wt percent NaCl equiv and higher delta D-fluid values ranging from -89 to -61 per mil than fluid inclusions in porous sphalerite from Century. Fluid inclusion water from sphalerite in one of the lode deposits has delta O-18(fluid) values of 1.6 and 2.4 per mil, indistinguishable from delta O-18(fluid) values between -0.3 to +7.4 per mil calculated from the isotopic composition of coexisting quartz, dolomite, and illite. The trend toward lower salinities and higher delta D-fluid values relative to the earlier mineralizing fluids is attributed to mixing between the fluid that formed Century and a seawater-derived fluid from a different source. Based on seismic data from the Lawn Hill platform and paragenetic and geochemical results from the Leichhardt River fault trough to the south, diagenetic aquifers in the Underlying Calvert superbasin appear to have been the most likely sources for the fluids that formed Century and the discordant lode deposits. Paragenetically late sphalerite and calcite cut sphalerite, quartz, and dolomite in the lode deposits and contain Na+-dominated fluid inclusions with much lower salinities than their older counterparts. The isotopic composition of calcite also indicates delta O-18(fluid) from 3.3 to 10.7 per mil, which is larger than the range obtained from synmineralization minerals, supporting the idea that a unique fluid source was involved. The absolute timing of this event is unclear, but a plethora of Pb model, K-Ar, and Ar-40/Ar-39 ages between 1440 and 1300 Ma indicate that a significant volume of fluid was mobilized at this time. The deposition of the Roper superbasin from ca. 1492 +/- 4 Ma suggests that these late veins formed from fluids that may have been derived from aquifers in overlying sediments of the Roper superbasin. Clear, buck, and drusy quartz in veins unrelated to any form of Pb-Zn mineralization record the last major fluid event in the Burketown mineral field and form distinct outcrops and ridges in the district. Fluid inclusions in these veins indicate formation from a low-salinity, 300 degrees +/- 80 degrees C fluid. Temperatures approaching 300 degrees C recorded in organic matter adjacent to faults and at sequence boundaries correspond to K-Ar ages spanning 1300 to 1100 Ma, which coincides with regional hydrothermal activity in the northern Lawn Hill platform and the emplacement of the Lakeview Dolerite at the time of assemblage of the Rodinia supercontinent.
Movements of two female one-humped camels in central Australia were tracked using satellite telemetry between March 1986 and July 1987. During that time both animals travelled a minimum distance of over 1000 km within a radius of 125 km for one animal, and 200 km for the other. However, their movements were uite punctuated and both animals spent periods of up to several months in rleatively small areas before moving over longer distances to new areas. Both camels moved at greater rates overnight. An activity index, probably measuring feeding rate, declined during the study period for both animals. Patchy and sporadic rainfall may explain some of these results.
Reviews the ecological status of the mahogany glider and describes its distribution, habitat and abundance, life history and threats to it. Three serial surveys of Brisbane residents provide data on the knowledge of respondents about the mahogany glider. The results provide information about the attitudes of respondents to the mahogany glider, to its conservation and relevant public policies and about variations in these factors as the knowledge of participants of the mahogany glider alters. Similarly data is provided and analysed about the willingness to pay of respondents to conserve the mahogany glider. Population viability analysis is applied to estimate the required habitat area for a minimum viable population of the mahogany glider to ensure at least a 95% probability of its survival for 100 years. Places are identified in Queensland where the requisite minimum area of critical habitat can be conserved. Using the survey results as a basis, the likely willingness of groups of Australians to pay for the conservation of the mahogany glider is estimated and consequently their willingness to pay for the minimum required area of its habitat. Methods for estimating the cost of protecting this habitat are outlined. Australia-wide benefits seem to exceed the costs. Establishing a national park containing the minimum viable population of the mahogany glider is an appealing management option. This would also be beneficial in conserving other endangered wildlife species. Therefore, additional economic benefits to those estimated on account of the mahogany glider itself can be obtained.
We investigated the properties of calcium-activated chloride channels in inside-out membrane patches from the dendritic knobs of acutely dissociated rat olfactory receptor neurons. Patches typically contained large calcium-activated currents, with total conductances in the range 30-75 nS. The dose response curve for calcium exhibited an EC50 of about 26 mu M. In symmetrical NaCl solutions, the current-voltage relationship reversed at 0 mV and was linear between -80 and +70 mV. When the intracellular NaCl concentration was progressively reduced from 150 to 25 mM, the reversal potential changed in a manner consistent with a chloride-selective conductance. Indeed, modeling these data with the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation revealed a P-Na/P-Cl of 0.034. The halide permeability sequence was P-Cl > P-F > P-I > P-Br indicating that permeation through the channel was dominated by ion binding sites with a high field strength. The channels were also permeable to the large organic anions, SCN-, acetate(-), and gluconate(-), with the permeability sequence P-Cl > P-SCN > gluconaie. Significant permeation to gluconate ions suggested that the channel pore had a minimum diameter of at least 5.8 Angstrom.
Honey was co-crystallized with a sucrose syrup at 128 degrees C using a sucrose:honey proportion of 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20. The first two proportions produced granular co-crystals, whereas the ratio of 80:20 produced a semi-solid product. The granules were relatively free flowing with an angle of repose 38.5-39.5 degrees. Gas chromatography was used to compare die differences in four flavour compounds: 2.3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one, HMF, 6-methyheptyl prop-2-enoate and 3-hydroxy-4-phenylbutan-2-one. Gas chromatographic results indicated some minor differences in the quantity of flavour volatiles in honey relative to the co-crystallized product. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis has found extensive application as a simple noninvasive method for the assessment of body fluid volumes, The measured impedance is, however, not only related to the volume of fluid but also to its inherent resistivity. The primary determinant of the resistivities of body fluids is the concentration of ions. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of bioelectrical impedance analysis to bodily ion status. Whole body impedance over a range of frequencies (4-1012 kHz) of rats was measured during infusion of various concentrations of saline into rats concomitant with measurement of total body and intracellular water by tracer dilution techniques. Extracellular resistance (R-o), intracellular resistance (R-i) and impedance at the characteristic frequency (Z(c)) were calculated. R-o and Z(c) were used to predict extracellular and total body water respectively using previously published formulae. The results showed that whilst R-o and Z(c) decreased proportionately to the amount of NaCl infused, R-i increased only slightly. Impedances at the end of infusion predicted increases iu TBW and ECW of approximately 4-6% despite a volume increase of less than 0.5% in TBW due to the volume of fluid infused. These data are discussed in relation to the assumption of constant resistivity in the prediction of fluid volumes from impedance data.
In the preceding paper (Part I) force-deformation data were measured with the compression experiment in conjunction with the initial radial stretch ratio and the initial wall-thickness to cell-radius ratio for baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In this paper, these data have been analysed with the mechanical model of Smith et al. (Smith, Moxham & Middelberg (1998) Chemical Engineering Science, 53, 3913-3922) with the wall constitutive behaviour defined a priori as incompressible and linear-elastic. This analysis determined the mean Young's modulus ((E) over bar), mean maximum von Mises stress-at-failure (<(sigma)over bar>(VM,f)) and mean maximum von Mises strain-at failure (<(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f)) to be (E) over bar = 150 +/- 15 MPa, <(sigma)over bar>(VM,f) = 70 +/- 4 MPa and <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) = 0.75 +/- 0.08, respectively. The mean Young's modulus was not dependent (P greater than or equal to 0.05) on external osmotic pressure (0-0.8 MPa) nor compression rate (1.03-7.68 mu m/s) suggesting the incompressible linear-elastic relationship is representative of the actual cell-wall constitutive behaviour. Hydraulic conductivities were also determined and were comparable to other similar cell types (0-2.5 mu m/MPa s). The hydraulic conductivity distribution was not dependent on external osmotic pressure (0-0.8 MPa) nor compression rate (1.03-7.68 mu m/s) suggesting inclusion of cell-wall permeability in the mechanical model is justified. <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) was independent of cell diameter and to a first-approximation unaffected (P greater than or equal to 0.01) by external osmotic pressure and compression rate, thus providing a reasonable failure criterion. This criterion states that the cell-wall material will break when the strain exceeds <(epsilon)over bar>(VM,f) = 0.75 +/- 0.08. Variability in overall cell strength during compression was shown to be primarily due to biological variability in the maximum von Mises strain-at-failure. These data represent the first estimates of cell-wall material properties for yeast and the first fundamental analysis of cell-compression data. They are essential for describing cell-disruption at the fundamental level of fluid-cell interactions in general bioprocesses. They also provide valuable new measurements for yeast-cell physiologists. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Engineering This investigation examined the rheological (viscosity and yield stress) and material property (density) characteristics of the thickened meal-time and videofluorscopy fluids provided by 10 major metropolitan hospitals. Differences in the thickness of thickened fluids were considered as a source of variability and potential hazard for inter-hospital transfers of dysphagic patients. The results indicated considerable differences in the viscosity, density, and yield stress of both meal-time and videofluoroscopy fluids. In theory, the results suggest that dysphagic patients transferred between hospitals could be placed on inappropriate levels of fluid thickness because of inherent differences in the rheology and material property characteristics of the fluids provided by different hospitals. Slowed improvement or medical complications are potential worst-case scenarios for dysphagic patients if the difference between the thick fluids offered by 2 hospitals are extreme. The investigation outlines the most appropriate way to assess the rheological and material property characteristics of thickened fluids. In addition, it suggests a plan of quality improvement to reduce the variability of the thickness of fluids offered at different hospitals.
Strain-dependent hydraulic conductivities are uniquely defined by an environmental factor, representing applied normal and shear strains, combined with intrinsic material parameters representing mass and component deformation moduli, initial conductivities, and mass structure. The components representing mass moduli and structure are defined in terms of RQD (rock quality designation) and RMR (rock mass rating) to represent the response of a whole spectrum of rock masses, varying from highly fractured (crushed) rock to intact rock. These two empirical parameters determine the hydraulic response of a fractured medium to the induced-deformations The constitutive relations are verified against available published data and applied to study one-dimensional, strain-dependent fluid flow. Analytical results indicate that both normal and shear strains exert a significant influence on the processes of fluid flow and that the magnitude of this influence is regulated by the values of RQD and RMR.
Eighty one percent of a sample of long-term cannabis users was followed up at 1 year (162/200). Half (51%) were daily smokers, while 20% had substantially decreased or ceased use. More than half received a dependence diagnosis on each of three measures in the last year, with 44% dependent on all three. Remission was much more common than incidence of dependence. Nevertheless, use and dependence patterns were strongly related over time. Longitudinal analyses revealed that quantity of use and severity of dependence at baseline were the primary predictors of those same variables at follow-up. These data suggest that cannabis use and dependence are fairly stable among long-term users. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The removal of chemicals in solution, by overland flow from agricultural land has the potential to be a significant source of chemical loss from zero-till and surface mulched farming systems. The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of solute loss by surface runoff from agricultural systems. Previous experiments have enhanced the understanding of the exchange process, but the initial soil conditions together with the tracer application method in these experiments have meant that in some cases the results have limited applicability to field situations. In this study, two different sets of experiments were carried out to determine the magnitude of solute loss by surface runoff. These experiments entailed the surface application of bromide to (1) field scale plots 18 m long by 2 m wide and (2) repacked soil cores 236 mm in diameter; followed by the application of simulated rainfall in both cases. The most substantial finding of the field experiments was that the quantities of solute in surface runoff varied greatly with soil type and structure (0.07-14.9% of the applied bromide). Also, on some soils, large quantities of tracer were measured in the surface runoff even after several hours of infiltration. The experiments on soil cores showed that soil structure plays an important role in the quantity of chemical that may be transported in the surface runoff. These field results showed that, in certain systems, solute movement by overland flow is an important transport mechanism, which should be considered when budgeting for chemical loss. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Cell-wall mechanical properties play an integral part in the growth and form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, In contrast to the tremendous knowledge on the genetics of S. cerevisiae, almost nothing is known about its mechanical properties. We have developed a micromanipulation technique to measure the force required to burst single cells and have recently established a mathematical model to extract the mechanical properties of the cell wall from such data, Here we determine the average surface modulus of the S, cerevisiae cell wall to be 11.1 +/- 0.6 N/m and 12.9 +/- 0.7 N/m in exponential and stationary phases, respectively, giving corresponding Young's moduli of 112 +/- 6 MPa and 107 +/- 6 MPa, This result demonstrates that yeast cell populations strengthen as they enter stationary phase by increasing wall thickness and hence the surface modulus, without altering the average elastic properties of the cell-wall material. We also determined the average breaking strain of the cell wall to be 82% +/- 3% in exponential phase and 80% +/- 3% in stationary phase, This finding provides a failure criterion that can be used to predict when applied stresses (e,g,, because of fluid flow) will lead to wall rupture, This work analyzes yeast compression experiments in different growth phases by using engineering methodology.
Thirty steers were used in two pen experiments (Expts 1 and 2). and 27 of these in a third (Expt 3), to quantify their responses of hay intake, rumen ammonia nitrogen (RAN) concentrations, and liveweight to inputs of rumen soluble nitrogen (urea) and rumen undegradable protein (formaldehyde-treated casein; F-casein) when added to a basal diet of low quality hays. The hays were made From unimproved native pastures typical of those grazed by cattle in the subtropics of Australia and contained 7.8 g N/kg dry matter (DM) with coefficient of organic matter digestibility of 0.503 in Expts 1 and 2, and 5.2 g N/kg DM with a digestibility range from 0.385 to 0.448 in Expt 3. The steers (15 months old) were either Brahman (B), Hereford (H) or the F-1 Brahman x Hereford (BH) cross. Steers were offered supplementary minerals with the hays in each experiment. In Expt 1 (35 days) urea was sprayed on part of the hay, allowing for daily urea intakes (g/steer) of either 0, 5, 11, 16 or 26. In Expt 2 (42 days), F-casein was offered daily (g/steer) at either 0, 75, 150, 225 or 300 and in Expt 3 (56 days) discrete offerings were made of soluble casein (225 g/day), of urea (18 g/day) + F-casein (225 g/day) or of nil. There were significant linear effects of urea intake upon hay intake and liveweight change of steers. However, B steers had smaller increases in intake and liveweight change than did H steers, and B steers did not have a linear increase in RAN concentrations with increasing urea intake as did H and SH steers. In Expt 2 there were significant linear effects of F-casein supplements on hay intake and liveweight change of steers and a significant improvement in their feed conversion ratio (i.e. DM intake:liveweight change). The B steers did not differ from H and BH steers in liveweight change but had significantly lower hay intakes and non-significantly smaller increases in RAN with increasing F-casein intake. In Expt 3, hay intake of the steers increased with soluble casein (by 16.8 %) and with urea + F-casein (24.5 %). Only steers given urea + F-casein had a high RAN concentration (94 mg/l) and a high liveweight gain. The B steers had a liveweight loss and a lower hay intake than H or BH steers in Expt 3 but a higher RAN concentration. These studies have indicated the importance of the form and quantity of additional N required by cattle of differing breed types to optimize their feed intake and liveweight gain when offered low-N, low-digestible hays.
A major challenge associated with using large chemical libraries synthesized on microscopic solid support beads is the rapid discrimination of individual compounds in these libraries. This challenge can be overcome by encoding the beads with 1 mum silica colloidal particles (reporters) that contain specific and identifiable combinations of fluorescent byes. The colored bar code generated on support beads during combinatorial library synthesis can be easily, rapidly, and inexpensively decoded through the use of fluorescence microscopy. All reporters are precoated with polyelectrolytes [poly(acrylic acid), PAA, poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate PSSS, polyethylenimine, PEI, and/or poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride), PDADMAC] with the aim of enhancing surface charge, promoting electrostatic attraction to the bead, and facilitating polymer bridging between the bead and reporter for permanent adhesion. As shown in this article, reporters coated with polyelectrolytes clearly outperform uncoated reporters with regard to quantity of attached reporters per bead (54 +/- 23 in 2500 mum(2) area for PEI/PAA coated and 11 +/- 6 for uncoated reporters) and minimization of cross-contamination (1 red reporter in 2500 mum(2) area of green-labeled bead for PEI/PAA coated and 26 +/- 15 red reporters on green-labeled beads for uncoated reporters after 10 days). Examination of various polyelectrolyte systems shows that the magnitude of the xi -potential of polyelectrolyte-coated reporters (-64 mV for PDADMAC/PSSS and -42 mV for PEI/PAA-coated reporters) has no correlation with the number of reporters that adhere to the solid support beads (21 +/- 16 in 2500 mum(2) area for PDADMAC/PSSS and 54 +/- 23 for PEI/PAA-coated reporters). The contribution of polymer bridging to the adhesion has a far greater influence than electrostatic attraction and is demonstrated by modification of the polyelectrolyte multilayers using gamma irradiation of precoated reporters either in aqueous solution or in polyelectrolyte solution.