48 resultados para Micturition Reflex


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We have previously observed a change in the magnitude of the soleus (SOL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG) H-reflexes during different sway positions of quiet standing. The purpose of the present study was to extend the earlier finding by examining whether the SOL and MG H-reflexes are additionally influenced by the velocity of sway, i.e., whether the body is swaying in either the forward or backward direction. Five healthy subjects participated in the study. The mean position of the centre of pressure (COP) in the antero-posterior direction was determined while the subject stood quietly on a force plate for 60 s. In contrast to the earlier study, where the H-reflex was tested at the outermost positions of sway (±6 mm from the baseline mean), the current study elicited a SOL and MG H-reflex as the COP passed through the mean position of sway. This resulted in two sway conditions, where the position of the COP was the same but the sway velocity was different (10 mm s-1 forward and 10 mm s-1 backward). During the forward as compared to the backward velocity condition, there was a 20% and 25% increase in the amplitude of the H-reflex for the SOL and MG muscles, respectively, while the size of their respective background activities were the same. SOL and MG M-waves, as well as the level of background activity from the antagonist (tibialis anterior), were not different between the two sway conditions and thus cannot account for the observed changes to the amplitude of the H-reflexes. It can be concluded from these results that the direction (velocity) of sway has the ability to influence the size of the SOL and MG H-reflexes. The facilitation of the SOL and MG H-reflexes observed while swaying forward may be due to a reduction in presynaptic inhibition or an improvement in Ia synaptic efficacy brought about by changes in muscle length.


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The corneal structure of three deep-sea species of teleosts (Gadiformes, Teleostei) from different depths (250-4000 m) and photic zones are examined at the level of the light and electron microscopes. Each species shows a similar but complex arrangement of layers with a cornea split into dermal and scleral components. The dermal cornea comprises an epithelium overlying a basement membrane and a dermal stroma with sutures and occasional keratocytes. Nezumia aequalis is the only species to possess a Bowman's layer, although it is not well-developed. The scleral cornea is separated from the dermal cornea by a mucoid layer and, in contrast to shallow-water species, is divided into three main layers; an anterior scleral stroma, a middle or iridescent layer and a posterior scleral stroma. The iridescent layer of collagen and intercalated cells or cellular processes is bounded by a layer of cells and the posterior scleral stroma overlies a Descemet's membrane and an endothelium. In the relatively shallow-water Microgadus proximus, the keratocytes of the dermal stroma, the cells of the iridescent layer and the endothelial cells all contain aligned endoplasmic reticulum, which may elicit an iridescent reflex. No alignment of the endoplasmic reticulum was found in N. aequalis or Coryphanoides (Nematonurus) armatus. The relative differences between shallow-water and deep-sea corneas are discussed in relation to the constraints of light, depth and temperature.


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Participants in Experiments 1 and 2 performed a discrimination and counting task to assess the effect of lead stimulus modality on attentional modification of the acoustic startle reflex. Modality of the discrimination stimuli was changed across subjects. Electrodermal responses were larger during task-relevant stimuli than during task-irrelevant stimuli in all conditions. Larger blink magnitude facilitation was found during auditory and visual task-relevant stimuli, but not for tactile stimuli. Experiment 3 used acoustic, visual, and tactile conditioned stimuli (CSs) in differential conditioning with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). Startle magnitude facilitation and electrodermal responses were larger during a CS that preceded the US than during a CS that was presented alone regardless of lead stimulus modality. Although not unequivocal, the present data pose problems for attentional accounts of blink modification that emphasize the importance of lead stimulus modality.


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The cardiac limb of the baroreflex loop was studied in the saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus, The classical pharmacological methodology using phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was used to trigger blood pressure changes, and the resulting alterations in heart rate were analysed quantitatively using a logistic function. Interindividual differences in resting heart rates and blood pressures were observed, but all seven animals displayed clear baroreflex responses. Atropine and sotalol greatly attenuated the response. A maximal baroreflex gain of 7.2 beats min(-1) kPa(-1) was found at a mean aortic pressure of 6.1 kPa, indicating the active role of the baroreflex in a wide pressure range encompassing hypotensive and hypertensive states. At the lowest mean aortic pressures (5.0 kPa), the synergistic role of the pulmonary-to-systemic shunt in buffering the blood pressure drop also contributes to blood pressure regulation, Pulse pressure showed a better correlation,vith heart rate and also a higher gain than mean aortic, systolic or diastolic pressures, and this is taken as an indicator of the existence of a differential control element working simultaneously with a linear proportional element.


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We used the startle eyeblink modification paradigm to investigate whether clinically anxious children, like high trait-anxious adults, display a bias in favour of threat words compared to neutral words. The present study included 16 clinically anxious children whose diagnostic status was determined using the parent version of a semistructured diagnostic interview as part of a larger childhood anxiety study. The children were presented with threat and neutral words fur 6 s each. A startle-eliciting auditory stimulus - a 100 dBA burst of white noise of 50 ms duration - was presented during the words at lead intervals of 60, 120, 240, or 3500 ms and during intertrial intervals. The overall pattern of startle eyeblink modification indicated inhibition at the 120 and 240 ms lead intervals and facilitation at the 3500 ms lead interval. startle-latency shortening during threat words at the :60 ms lead interval was larger than at other intervals, whereas there was no difference during neutral words. This result reflects an anxiety-related bias in favour of threat words occurring at a very early - and possibly preattentive stage - of information processing.


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In two experiments we investigated the effect of generalized orienting induced by changing the modality of the lead stimulus on the modulation of blink reflexes elicited by acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1 (n = 32), participants were presented with acoustic or visual change stimuli after habituation training with tactile lead stimuli. In Experiment 2 (n = 64), modality of the lead stimulus (acoustic vs. visual) was crossed with experimental condition (change vs. no change). Lead stimulus change resulted in increased electrodermal orienting in both experiments. Blink latency shortening and blink magnitude facilitation increased from habituation to change trials regardless of whether the change stimulus was presented in the same or in a different modality as the reflex-eliciting stimulus. These results are not consistent with modality-specific accounts of attentional startle modulation.


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The hypothesis that prepulse inhibition of the blink reflex reflects a transient process that protects preattentive processing of the prepulse was investigated. Participants were presented with pairs of blink-eliciting noises, with some noises preceded by a prepulse, and were asked to rate the intensity of the second noise relative to the first. Inhibition of blink amplitude was greater for a 110 dB(A) noise than for a 95 dB(A) noise with a 120 ms lead interval, whereas there was no difference with a 30 ms lead interval. The reduction in perceived intensity was greater for the 110 dB(A) noise than for the 95 dB(A) noise with the 120 ms lead interval, but not with the 30 ms lead interval. The parallel results support an association between prepulse inhibition and perceived intensity. However, the prepulse did not reduce intensity ratings relative to control trials in some conditions, suggesting that prepulse inhibition is not always associated with an attenuation of the impact of the blink-eliciting stimulus.


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Emotional accounts of startle modulation predict that startle is facilitated if elicited during aversive foreground stimuli. Attentional accounts hold that startle is enhanced if startle-eliciting stimulus and foreground stimulus are in the same modality. Visual and acoustic foreground stimuli and acoustic startle probes were employed in aversive differential conditioning and in a stimulus discrimination task. Differential conditioning was evident in electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening in both modalities, but effects on magnitude facilitation were found only for visual stimuli. In the discrimination task, skin conductance responses, blink latency shortening, and blink magnitude facilitation were larger during to-be-attended stimuli regardless of stimulus modality. The present results support the notion that attention and emotion can affect blink startle modulation during foreground stimuli.


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Attentional accounts of blink facilitation during Pavlovian conditioning predict enhanced reflexes if reflex and unconditional stimuli (US) are from the same modality. Emotional accounts emphasize the importance of US intensity. In Experiment 1, we crossed US modality (tone vs, shock) and intensity in a 2 X 2 between-subjects design. US intensity but not US modality affected blink facilitation. Tn Experiment 2, we demonstrated that the results from Experiment 1 were not due to the motor task requirements employed. In Experiment 3, we used a within-subjects design to investigate the effects of US modality and intensity. Contrary to predictions derived from an attentional account, blink facilitation was larger during conditional stimuli that preceded shock than during those that preceded tones. The present results are not consistent with an attentional account of blink facilitation during Pavlovian conditioning in humans.


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Aberrant movement patterns and postures are obvious to clinicians managing patients with musculoskeletal pain. However, some changes in motor function that occur in the presence of pain are less apparent. Clinical and basic science investigations have provided evidence of the effects of nociception on aspects of motor function. Both increases and decreases in muscle activity have been shown, along with alterations in neuronal control mechanisms, proprioception, and local muscle morphology. Various models have been proposed in an attempt to provide an explanation for some of these changes. These include the vicious cycle and pain adaptation models. Recent research has seen the emergence of a new model in which patterns of muscle activation and recruitment are altered in the presence of pain (neuromuscular activation model). These changes seem to particularly affect the ability of muscles to perform synergistic functions related to maintaining joint stability and control. These changes are believed to persist into the period of chronicity. This review shows current knowledge of the effect of musculoskeletal pain on the motor system and presents the various proposed models, in addition to other shown effects not covered by these models. The relevance of these models to both acute and chronic pain is considered. It is apparent that people experiencing musculoskeletal pain exhibit complex motor responses that may show some variation with the time course of the disorder. (C) 2001 by the American Pain Society.


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Recent findings that spinal manual therapy (SMT) produces concurrent hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects have led to the proposal that SMT may exert its initial effects by activating descending inhibitory pathways from the dorsal periaqueductal gray area of the midbrain (dPAG). In addition to hypoalgesic and sympathoexcitatory effects, stimulation of the dPAG in animals has been shown to hal e a facilitatory effect on motor activity. This study sought to further investigate the proposal regarding SMT and the FAG by including a test of motor function in addition to the variables previously investigated, Using a condition randomised, placebo-controlled, double blind, repeated measures design, 30 subjects with mid to lon er cervical spine pain of insidious onset participated in the study. The results indicated that the cervical mobilisation technique produced a hypoalgesic effect as revealed by increased pressure pain thresholds on the side of treatment (P = 0.0001) and decreased resting visual analogue scale scores (P = 0.049). The treatment technique also produced a sympathoexcitatory effect with an increase in skin conductance (P < 0.002) and a decrease in skin temperature (P = < 0.02). There was a decrease in superficial neck flexor muscle activity (P < 0.0002) at the lower levels of a staged cranio-cervical flexion test. This could imply facilitation of the deep neck flexor muscles with a decreased need for co-activation of the superficial neck flexors, The combination of all findings,would support the proposal that SMT may, at least initially, exert part of its influence via activation of the PAG, (C) 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.