24 resultados para Maritime Pine


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A field study was conducted to investigate the fate of N-15-labelled nitrate applied at 20 kg N ha(-1) in a wet summer to microplots installed in areas under different residue management regimes in second-rotation hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations aged 1-3 years in south-east Queensland, Australia. PVC microplots of 235 mm diameter and 300 mm long were driven into 250 mm soil. There were three replications of each of eight treatments. These were areas just under and between 1-year-old windrows (ca. 2-3 m in width) of harvesting residues spaced 15 m apart, and with and without incorporated foliage residues (20 t DM ha(-1)); the areas just under and between 2- or 3-year-old windrows spaced 10 m apart. Only 7-29% of the added N-15 was recovered from the top 750 mm of the soil profile with the leaching loss estimated to be 70-86% over the 34-day period. The N-15 loss via denitrification was 3.7-6.3% by directly measuring the N-15 gases emitted. The microplots with the incorporated residues at the 1-year-old site had the highest N-15 loss (6.3%) as compared with the other treatments. The N-15 mass balance method together with the use of bromide (Br) tracer applied at 100 kg Br ha(-1) failed to obtain a reliable estimate of the denitrification loss. The microplots at the 1-year-old site had higher N-15 immobilisation rate (7.5-24.7%) compared with those at 2- and 3-year-old sites (2.1-3.6%). Incorporating the residues resulted in an increase in N-15 immobilisation rate (24.5-24.7%) compared with the control without the incorporated residues (8.4-14.3%). These findings suggest that climatic conditions played important roles in controlling the N-15 transformations in the wet summer season and that the residue management regimes could also significantly influence the N-15 transformations. Most of the N-15 loss occurred through leaching, but a considerable amount of the N-15 was lost through denitrification. Bromide proved to be an unsuitable tracer for monitoring the N-15 leaching and movement under the wet summer conditions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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White cypress-pine stands typically support sparse densities of shrubs and grasses. The commonly held opinion is that leaching of allelopathic chemical compounds from cypress-pine litter partly facilitates this exclusion. Germination and growth of cypress pine seedlings do not appear to be similarly affected. This study set out to determine whether cypress litter had a differential effect on germination and growth of cypress-pine seedlings and on associated ground-cover species. Glasshouse trials comparing seedling emergence under cypress- and artificial-litter layers were undertaken. Cypress-pine litter did not have an inhibitory effect on the germination or growth of ground-cover species. In most cases, seedling emergence was facilitated by the application of cypress-pine litter due to its ability to increase the water holding capacity of the underlying soil. Cypress litter did not promote growth of its own seedlings over its competitors except on coarse-textured soils where it provided an ameliorative function to water stress due to the soil's reduced water holding capacity. The inhibition of ground-cover species' germination and growth in pure cypress stands was suggested to be the result of high below-ground resource competition due to the pine's expansive root morphology.


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Distance sampling using line transects has not been previously used or tested for estimating koala abundance. In July 2001, a pilot survey was conducted to compare the use of line transects with strip transects for estimating koala abundance. Both methods provided a similar estimate of density. On the basis of the results of the pilot survey, the distribution and abundance of koalas in the Pine Rivers Shire, south-east Queensland, was determined using line-transect sampling. In total, 134 lines (length 64 km) were used to sample bushland areas. Eighty-two independent koalas were sighted. Analysis of the frequency distribution of sighting distances using the software program DISTANCE enabled a global detection function to be estimated for survey sites in bushland areas across the Shire. Abundance in urban parts of the Shire was estimated from densities obtained from total counts at eight urban sites that ranged from 26 to 51 ha in size. Koala abundance in the Pine Rivers Shire was estimated at 4584 (95% confidence interval, 4040-5247). Line-transect sampling is a useful method for estimating koala abundance provided experienced koala observers are used when conducting surveys.


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The objectives of this study were: (1) to quantify the genetic variation in foliar carbon isotope composition (delta(13)C) of 122 clones of ca. 4-year-old F-1 hybrids between slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm var. elliottii) and Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barr.,et Golf.) grown at two field experimental sites with different water and nitrogen availability in southeast Queensland, Australia, in relation to tree growth and foliar nitrogen concentration (N-mass); and (2) to assess the potential of using delta(13)C measurements, in the foliage materials collected from the clone hedges at nursery and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, as an indirect index of tree water use efficiency for selecting elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. There were significant differences in foliar delta(13)C between the nursery hedges and the 4-year-old tree canopies in the field, between the summer and winter seasons, between the two experimental sites, and between the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions sampled. This indicates that delta(13)C measurements in the foliage materials are significantly influenced by the sampling techniques and environmental conditions. Significant differences in foliar delta(13)C, at the upper outer canopy in both field experiments in summer and winter, were detected between the clones, and between the female parents of the clones. Clone means of tree height at age ca. 3 years were positively related to those of the upper outer canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in winter, but only for the wetter site in summer. There were positive, linear relationships between clone means of canopy delta(13)C and those of canopy N-mass, indicating that canopy photosynthetic capacity might be an important factor regulating the clonal variation in canopy delta(13)C. Significant correlations were found between clone means of canopy delta(13)C at both experimental sites in summer and winter, and between those at the upper outer and lower outer canopy positions. Mean clone delta(13)C for the nursery hedges was only positively related to mean clone stem diameter at 1.3 m height at age 3 years on the wetter site. The clone by site interaction for foliar delta(13)C at the upper outer canopy was significant only in summer. Overall, the relatively high genetic variance components for foliar delta(13)C and significant, positive correlations between clone means of foliar delta(13)C and tree growth have highlighted the potential of using foliar delta(13)C measurements for assisting in selection of the elite F-1 hybrid pine clones with improved tree growth. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with cross-polarisation (CP) and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) was used to: (a) examine the changes in carbon (C) composition of windrowed harvest residues during the first 3 years of hoop pine plantations in subtropical Australia; (b) assess the impacts of windrowed harvest residues on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality in the 0-10 cm soil layer. Harvest residues were collected from 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of ca. 2.5 m width (15 m apart for 0-, 1- and 2-year-old sites and 10 m apart for 3-year-old site). Soils from the 0 to 10 cm soil layer were collected from the 1-, 2- and 3-year-old sites. The 13C NMR spectra of the harvest residues indicated the presence of lignin in the hoop pine wood, foliage and newly incorporated organic matter (NIOM). Condensed tannin structures were found in the decay-resistant bark, small wood and foliage, but were absent in other residue components and SOM. The NMR spectra of small wood samples contained condensed tannin structures because the outer layer of bark was not removed. NIOM showed a shift from foliage-like structures (celluloses) to lignin-type structures, indicating an incorporation of woody residues from the decomposing harvest residues. Suberins were also present in the small wood, foliage and bark. The 13C CP NMR spectra of SOM indicated that in areas where windrows were present, SOM did not show compositional changes. However, an increase in SOM quality under the windrows in the second year after their formation as characterised by the alkyl C/O-alkyl C (A/O-A) ratio was mainly due to inputs from the decomposition of the labile, readily available components of the windrowed harvest residues. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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This paper documents the successful development of an artificial insemination (AI) programme for the Koala Phascolurctos cinereus. The protocols for trials involving two methods to induce ovulation and two insemination techniques are described. In Trial 1, interrupted coitus using a 'teaser'♂ successfully induced ovulation in nine Koalas. Five ♀♀ were inseminated while conscious using a modified 'foley catheter' (Cook insemination catheter) resulting in the births of two offspring. The other four ♀♀ were anaesthetized and inseminated using a technique which allowed visualization of the most cranial portion of the urogenital sinus, where semen was deposited using a 3.5 Fr. 'Tom-cat catheter' (urogen-itoscopic insemination). Three of the four ♀♀ inseminated by this technique produced pouch young. Microsatellite analysis of DNA from the pouch young excluded the teaser ♀♀ as possible sires, confirming that all offspring were sired by donor sperm. In Trial 2, eight ♀♀ were induced to ovulate by injecting them with 250 International Units of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). A luteal phase was confirmed in all eight ♀♀ but only one gave birth following urogenitoscopic insemination. The Koala pouch young in this study are the first of any marsupial to be conceived and born following A1 procedures. Details of the A1 procedures used are presented and the significance of A1 to the conservation biology of P. cinereus discussed.