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The relative importance of factors that may promote genetic differentiation in marine organisms is largely unknown. Here, contributions to population structure from biogeography, habitat distribution, and isolation by distance were investigated in Axoclinus nigricaudus, a small subtidal rock reef fish, throughout its range in the Gulf of California. A 408 basepair fragment of the mitochondrial control region was sequenced from 105 individuals. Variation was significantly partitioned between many pairs of populations. Phylogenetic analyses, hierarchical analyses of variance, and general linear models substantiated a major break between two putative biogeographic regions. This genetic discontinuity coincides with an abrupt change in ecological characteristics (including temperature and salinity) but does not coincide with known oceanographic circulation patterns. Geographic distance and the nature of habitat separating populations (continuous habitat along a shoreline, discontinuous habitat along a shoreline, and open water) also contributed to population structure in general linear model analyses. To verify that local populations are genetically stable over time, one population was resampled on four occasions over eighteen months; it showed no evidence of a temporal component to diversity. These results indicate that having a planktonic life stage does not preclude geographically partitioned genetic variation over relatively small geographic distances in marine environments. Moreover, levels of genetic differentiation among populations of Axoclinus nigricaudus cannot be explained by a single factor, but are due to the combined influences of a biogeographic boundary, habitat, and geographic distance.


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The high-affinity receptors for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-1 (IL-3), and IL-5 are heterodimeric complexes consisting of cytokine-specific alpha subunits and a common signal-transducing beta subunit (h beta c). We have previously demonstrated the oncogenic potential of this group of receptors by identifying constitutively activating point mutations in the extracellular and transmembrane domains of h beta c. We report here a comprehensive screen of the entire h beta c molecule that has led to the identification of additional constitutive point mutations by virtue of their ability to confer factor independence on murine FDC-P1 cells. These mutations were clustered exclusively in a central region of h beta c that encompasses the extracellular membrane-proximal domain, transmembrane domain, and membrane-proximal region of the cytoplasmic domain. Interestingly, most h beta c mutants exhibited cell type-specific constitutive activity, with only two transmembrane domain mutants able to confer factor independence on both murine FDC-P1 and BAF-B03 cells. Examination of the biochemical properties of these mutants in FDC-P1 cells indicated that MAP kinase (ERK1/2), STAT, and JAK2 signaling molecules were constitutively activated. In contrast, only some of the mutant beta subunits were constitutively tyrosine phosphorylated. Taken together; these results highlight key regions involved in h beta c activation, dissociate h beta c tyrosine phosphorylation from MAP kinase and STAT activation, and suggest the involvement of distinct mechanisms by which proliferative signals can be generated by h beta c. (C) 1998 by The American Society of Hematology.


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The murine homologue of the TFEC was cloned as part of an analysis of the expression of the microphthalmia-TFE (MiT) subfamily of transcription factors in macrophages. TFEC, which most likely acts as a transcriptional repressor in heterodimers with other MiT family members, was identified in cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage, coexpressed,vith all other known MiT subfamily members (Mitf, TFE3, TFEB), Northern blot analysis of several different cell lineages indicated that the expression of murine TFEC (mTFEC) was restricted to macrophages. A 600-bp fragment of the TATA-less putative proximal promoter of TFEC shares features with many known macrophage-specific promoters and preferentially directs luciferase expression in the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line in transient transfection assays. Five of six putative Ets motifs identified in the TFEC promoter bind the macrophage-restricted transcription factor PU,I under in vitro conditions and in transfected 3T3 fibroblasts; the minimal luciferase activity of the TFEC promoter could be induced by coexpression of PU.1 or the related transcription factor Ets-2. The functional importance of the tissue-restricted expression of TFEC and a possible role in macrophage-specific gene regulation require further investigation, but are likely to be linked to the role of the other MiT family members in this lineage.


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The high affinity receptor for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) consists of a cytokine-specific alpha-subunit (hGMR alpha) and a common signal-transducing beta-subunit (hpc) that is shared with the interleukin-3 and -5 receptors, We have previously identified a constitutively active extracellular point mutant of hpc, I374N, that can confer factor independence on murine FDC-P1 cells but not BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells (Jenkins, B. J., D'Andrea, R. J., and Gonda, T. J. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 4276-4287), This restricted activity suggested the involvement of cell type-specific signaling molecules in the activation of this mutant. We report here that one such molecule is the mouse GMR alpha (mGMR alpha) subunit, since introduction of mGMR alpha, but not hGMR alpha, into BAF-B03 or CTLL-2 cells expressing the I374N mutant conferred factor independence, Experiments utilizing mouse/human chimeric GMR alpha subunits indicated that the species specificity lies in the extracellular domain of GMRa. Importantly, the requirement for mGMR alpha correlated with the ability of I374N (but not wild-type hpc) to constitutively associate with mGMRa. Expression of I374N in human factor-dependent UT7 cells also led to factor-independent proliferation, with concomitant up-regulation of hGMR alpha surface expression. Taken together, these findings suggest a critical role for association with GMR alpha in the constitutive activity of I374N.


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The koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, is a geographically widespread species endemic to Australia, with three currently recognized subspecies: P.c. adustus, P.c. cinereus, and P.c. victor. Intraspecific variation in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was examined in over 200 animals from 16 representative populations throughout the species' range. Eighteen different haplotypes were defined in the approximate to 860 bp mtDNA control region as determined by heteroduplex analysis/temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (HDA/TGGE). Any single population typically possessed only one or two haplotypes yielding an average within-population haplotypic diversity of 0.180 +/- 0.003, and nucleotide diversity of 0.16%. Overall, mtDNA control region sequence diversity between populations averaged 0.67%, and ranged from 0% to 1.56%. Nucleotide divergence between populations averaged 0.51%, and ranged from 0% to 1.53%. Neighbour-joining methods revealed limited phylogenetic distinction between geographically distant populations of koalas, and tentative support for a single evolutionarily significant unit (ESU). This is consistent with previous suggestions that the morphological differences formalized by subspecific taxonomy may be interpreted as clinal variation. Significant differentiation in mtDNA-haplotype frequencies between localities suggested that little gene now currently exists among populations. When combined with microsatellite analysis, which has revealed substantial differentiation among koala populations, we conclude that the appropriate short-term management unit (MU) for koalas is the local population.


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Under certain soil conditions, e.g. hardsetting clay B-horizons of South-Eastern Australia, wheat plants do not perform as well as would be expected given measurements of bulk soil attributes. In such soils, measurement indicates that a large proportion (80%) of roots are preferentially located in the soil within 1 mm of macropores. This paper addresses the question of whether there are biological and soil chemical effects concomitant with this observed spatial relationship. The properties of soil manually dissected from the 1-3 mm wide region surrounding macropores, the macropore sheath, were compared to those that are measured in a conventional manner on the bulk soil. Field specimens of two different soil materials were dissected to examine biological differentiation. To ascertain whether the macropore sheath soil differs from rhizosphere soil, wheat was grown in structured and repacked cores under laboratory conditions. The macropore sheath soil contained more microbial biomass per unit mass than both the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The bacterial population in the macropore sheath was able to utilise a wider range of carbon substrates and to a greater extent than the bacterial population in the corresponding bulk soil. These differences between the macropore sheath and bulk soil were almost non-existent in the repacked cores. Evidence for larger numbers of propagules of the broad host range fungus Pythium in the macropore sheath soil were also obtained.


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Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive decision-making task during which category salience was manipulated in a 2 (superordinate category salience) x 2 (subordinate category salience) between-groups design. Consistent with the mutual intergroup differentiation model, participants for whom both categories were salient exhibited the lowest levels of bias, whereas bias was strongest when the superordinate category alone was made salient. This pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 135). In addition, Experiment 2 demonstrated that members of subgroups that are nested within a superordinate category are more sensitive to how the superordinate category is represented than are members of subgroups that extend beyond the boundaries of the superordinate category.


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Squamous differentiation of keratinocytes is associated with decreases in E2F-1 mRNA expression and E2F activity, and these processes are disrupted in squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. We now show that E2F-1 mRNA expression is increased in primary squamous cell carcinomas of the skin relative to normal epidermis, To explore the relationship between E2F-1 and squamous differentiation further, we examined the effect of altering E2F activity in primary human keratinocytes induced to differentiate. Promoter activity for the proliferation-associated genes, cdc2 and keratin 14, are inhibited during squamous differentiation. This inhibition can be inhibited by overexpression of E2F-1 in keratinocytes, Overexpression of E2F-1 also suppressed the expression of differentiation markers (transglutaminase type 1 and keratin 10) in differentiated keratinocytes, Blocking E2F activity by transfecting proliferating keratinocytes with dominant negative E2F-1 constructs inhibited the expression of cdc2 and E2F-1, but did not induce differentiation. Furthermore, expression of the dominant negative construct in epithelial carcinoma cell lines and normal keratinocytes decreased expression from the cdc2 promoter. These data indicate that E2F-1 promotes keratinocyte proliferation-specific marker genes and suppresses squamous differentiation-specific marker genes. Moreover, these data indicate that targeted disruption of E2F-1 activity may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of squamous carcinomas.


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Mutations of Kit at position D816 have been implicated in mastocytosis, acute myeloid leukaemia and germ cell tumours. Expression of this mutant Kit in cell lines results in factor-independent growth, differentiation and increased survival in vitro and tumourigenicity in vivo. Mutant D816VKit and wild-type Kit were expressed in murine primary haemopoietic cells and grown in stem cell factor (SCF) or the absence of factors. Expression of D816VKit did not lead to transformation as assessed by a colony assay, but resulted in enhanced differentiation of cells when compared to control cells. D816VKit induced an increase in the number of cells differentiating along the megakaryocyte lineage in the absence of factors. SCF had an added effect with an increase in differentiation of mast cells. Expression of wild-type Kit in the presence of SCF also failed to cause transformation and induced differentiation of mast cells and megakaryocytes. We conclude that constitutive expression of D816VKit in primary haemopoietic cells is not a sufficient transforming stimulus but leads to the survival and maturation of cells whose phenotype is influenced by the presence of SCF. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We utilized a mouse model of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) to investigate how aberrant activation of cytokine signaling pathways interacts with chimeric transcription factors to generate acute myeloid leukemia. Expression in mice of the APL-associated fusion, PML-RARA, initially has only modest effects on myelopoiesis. Whereas treatment of control animals with interleukin-3 (IL-3) resulted in expanded myelopoiesis without a block in differentiation, PML-RARA abrogated differentiation that normally characterizes the response to IL-3. Retroviral transduction of bone marrow with an IL-3-expressing retrovirus revealed that IL-3 and promyelocytic leukemia-retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML-RARalpha) combined to generate a lethal leukemia-like syndrome in