141 resultados para Late Iberian Culture
The clash between German Social Democracy--the party, intellectuals and workers--and the German Imperial State was played out in the Freie Volksbahne (Free People's Theatre) founded by intellectuals to energise working class political awareness of drama with a political and social cutting edge. It fell foul of state censorship, lost its bite, yet prospered.
In this paper, a theory of charismatic relationships is examined with reference to the follower's personal characteristics. It is argued that a leader's charismatic message and personal charisma occupy different roles for individuals who vary in national culture and level of self-monitoring. In an empirical test of the theory, 387 undergraduates of Chinese and Australian cultural backgrounds completed self-monitoring and charismatic leadership instruments. High self-monitors placed more importance on personal charisma than the charismatic message. Chinese participants relied more than the Australians on the charismatic message, although this preference depended on self-monitoring orientation. These results indicate the influence of both individual-and cultural-level variables on leader-member relationships, and the need to consider these effects in future developments of a theory of charismatic leadership.
Plant cells are characterized by low water content, so the fraction of cell volume (volume fraction) in a vessel is large compared with other cell systems, even if the cell concentrations are the same. Therefore, concentration of plant cells should preferably be expressed by the liquid volume basis rather than by the total vessel volume basis. In this paper, a new model is proposed to analyze behavior of a plant cell culture by dividing the cell suspension into the biotic- and abiotic-phases, Using this model, we analyzed the cell-growth and the alkaloid production by Catharanthus roseus, Large errors in the simulated results were observed if the phase-segregation was not considered.
Objective: To improve the success of culturing olfactory neurons from human nasal mucosa by investigating the intranasal distribution of the olfactory epithelium and devising new techniques for growing human olfactory epithelium in vitro. Design: Ninety-seven biopsy specimens were obtained from 33 individuals, aged 21 to 74 years, collected from 6 regions of the nasal cavity. Each biopsy specimen was bisected, and 1 piece was processed for immunohistochemistry or electron microscopy while the other piece was dissected further for explant culture. Four culture techniques were performed, including whole explants and explanted biopsy slices. Five days after plating, neuronal differentiation was induced by means of a medium that contained basic fibroblast growth factor. After another 5 days, cultures were processed for immunocytochemical analysis. Results: The probability of finding olfactory epithelium in a biopsy specimen ranged from 30% to 76%, depending on its location. The dorsoposterior regions of the nasal septum and the superior turbinate provided the highest probability, but, surprisingly, olfactory epithelium was also found anteriorly and ventrally on both septum and turbinates. A new method of culturing the olfactory epithelium was devised. This slice culture technique improved the success rate for generating olfactory neurons from 10% to 90%. Conclusions: This study explains and overcomes most of the variability in the success in observing neurogenesis in cultures of adult human olfactory epithelium. The techniques presented here make the human olfactory epithelium a useful model for clinical research into certain olfactory dysfunctions and a model for the causes of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.
To facilitate metabolic analysis, batch fermentations of Lactobacillus rhamnosus were carried out in a new defined medium. Biomass at 10.5 g/l and lactic acid at 67 g/l with a Y-P/S of 0.84 were achieved. The maximum specific growth rate and the average productivity were 0.49/h and 2.48 g/l.h, respectively. These are comparable to those of this organism and related organisms in complex media. Preliminary amino acid studies were also conducted, highlighting the importance of serine, asparagine, glutamine and cysteine. Kinetic analysis revealed that lactic acid production was predominantly growth-associated with growth associated and non-growth associated lactic acid constants of 0.389 mol/g-cell and 0.0025 mol/g-cell.h, respectively. Finally a kinetic model has been included to describe the fermentation of L. rhamnosus.
Late Quaternary cycles of mangrove development and decline on the north Australian continental shelf
Mangrove communities in the Australian tropics presently occur as narrow belts of vegetation in estuaries and on sheltered, muddy coasts. Palynological data from continental shelf and deep-sea cores indicate a long-term cyclical component of mangrove development and decline at a regional scale, which can be linked to specific phases of late Quaternary sealevel change. Extensive mangrove development, relative to today, occurs during periods of marine transgression, whereas very diminished mangrove occurs during marine regressions and during rarer periods of relative sea-level stability. Episodes of flourishing mangrove cannot be linked to phases of humid climate, as has been suggested in studies elsewhere. Rather, the cycle of expansion and decline of mangrove communities on a grand scale is explained in terms of contrasting physiographic settings characteristic of continental-shelf coasts during transgressive and regressive phases, in particular by the existence, or lack, of well-developed tidal estuaries. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This research applied attachment theory to the study of sexual attitudes and behaviors in a sample of late adolescents. Four hundred and seventy heterosexual undergraduate students completed questionnaires assessing attachment (discomfort with closeness; anxiety over relationships), relationship history, communication about sex, sexual self-efficacy and locus of control, and attitudes to condoms. Eight weeks later, participants reported on sexual behaviors occurring during the eight-week interval, and perceived risk of these activities. Both discomfort with closeness and anxiety over relationships were associated with external locus of control for sexual outcomes, and with use of drugs before sexual contact. Anxiety over relationships was linked to unsafe sex and to negative attitudes to condoms, but discomfort with closeness was associated with a more cautious approach to sexual risk-taking. Some results were qualified by gender differences, and by differences between the full sample and those who were sexually active. The findings are discussed in terms of attachment style and its links with communication and affect regulation.
The infection of insect cells with baculovirus was described in a mathematical model as a part of the structured dynamic model describing whole animal cell metabolism. The model presented here is capable of simulating cell population dynamics, the concentrations of extracellular and intracellular viral components, and the heterologous product titers. The model describes the whole processes of viral infection and the effect of the infection on the host cell metabolism. Dynamic simulation of the model in batch and fed-batch mode gave good agreement between model predictions and experimental data. Optimum conditions for insect cell culture and viral infection in batch and fed-batch culture were studied using the model.
Authigenic carbonate minerals are ubiquitous throughout the Late Permian coal measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. In the northern Bowen Basin, carbonates include the following assemblages: siderite I (delta O-18(SMOW) = +11.4 to + 17%, delta C-13(PDB) = - 5.3 to + 120), Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite II mineral association (delta O-18(SMOW) = +7.2 to + 10.20, delta C-13(PDB) = 10.9 to - 1.80 for ankerite) and a later calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +5.9 to + 14.60, delta C-13(PDB) = -11.4 to + 4.40). In the southern Bowen Basin, the carbonate phase consists only of calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +12.5 to + 14.80, delta C-13(PDB) = -19.4 to + 0.80), where it occurs extensively throughout all stratigraphic levels. Siderite I occurs in mudrocks and sandstones and predates all other carbonate minerals. This carbonate phase is interpreted to have formed as an early diagenetic mineral from meteoric waters under cold climate and reducing conditions. Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite Il occur in sandstones as replacement of volcanic rock fragments. Clay minerals (illite-smectite, chlorite and kaolinite) postdate Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates, and precipitation of the later calcite is associated with clay mineral formation. The Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates and later calcite of the northern Bowen Basin are regarded as having formed as a result of hydrothermal activity during the latest Triassic extensional tectonic event which affected this part of the basin, rather than deep burial diagenesis during the Middle to Late Triassic as previously reported. This hypothesis is based on the timing relationships of the authigenic mineral phases and the low delta O-18 values of ankerite and calcite, together with radiometric dating of illitic clays and recently published regional geological evidence. Following the precipitation of the Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates from strongly O-18-depleted meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, continuing fluid circulation and water-rock interaction resulted in dissolution of these carbonate phases as well as labile fragments of volcaniclastic rocks. Subsequently, the later calcite and day minerals precipitated from relatively evolved (O-18-enriched) fluids. The nearly uniform delta O-18 values of the southern Bowen Basin calcite have been attributed to very low water/rock ratio in the system, where the fluid isotropic composition was buffered by the delta O-18 values of rocks. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.