33 resultados para Laser Scanning Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy (LSCFM)
The effects of the mode of exposure of second instar Colorado potato beetles to Beauveria bassiana on conidia acquisition and resulting mortality were investigated in laboratory studies. Larvae sprayed directly with a B, bassiana condial suspension, larvae exposed to B, bassiana-treated foliage, and larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage experienced 76, 34, and 77% mortality, respectively. The total number of conidia and the proportion of germinating conidia were measured over time for four sections of the insect body: the ventral surface of the head (consisting mostly of ventral mouth parts), the ventral abdominal surface, the dorsal abdominal surface, and the legs. From observations at 24 and 36 h posttreatment, mean totals of 161.1 conidia per insect were found on sprayed larvae, 256.1 conidia on larvae exposed only to treated foliage, and 408.3 conidia on larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage, On sprayed larvae, the majority of conidia were found on the dorsal abdominal surface, whereas conidia were predominantly found in the ventral abdominal surface and mouth parts on larvae exposed to treated foliage, Between 24 and 36 h postinoculation the percentage of conidia germinating on sprayed larvae increased slightly from 80 to 84%), On the treated foliage, the percentage of germinated conidia on larvae increased from 35% at 24 h to 50% at 36 h posttreatment, Conidia germination on sprayed larvae on treated foliage was 65% at 24 h and 75% at 36 h posttreatment, It is likely that the gradual acquisition of conidia derived from the continuous exposure to B. bassiana inoculum on the foliar surface was responsible for the increase in germination over time on larvae exposed to treated foliage, The density and germination of conidia were observed 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after being sprayed with or dipped in conidia suspensions or exposing insects to contaminated foliage, Conidia germinated twice as fast on sprayed insects as with any other treatment within the first 12 h, This faster germination may be due to the pressure of the sprayer enhancing conidial lodging on cuticular surfaces. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Two of the best understood somatic cell mRNA cytoplasmic trafficking elements are those governing localization of beta-actin and myelin basic protein mRNAs. These cis-acting elements bind the trans-acting factors fibroblast ZBP-1 and hnRNP A2, respectively. It is not known whether these elements fulfil other roles in mRNA metabolism. To address this question we have used Edman sequencing and western blotting to identify six rat brain proteins that bind the beta-actin element (zipcode). All are known RNA-binding proteins and differ from ZBP-1. Comparison with proteins that bind the hnRNP A2 and AU-rich response elements, A2RE/A2RE11 and AURE, showed that AURE and zipcode bind a similar set of proteins that does not overlap with those that bind A2RE11. The zipcode-binding protein, KSRP, and hnRNP A2 were selected for further study and were shown by confocal immunolluorescence microscopy to have similar distributions in the central nervous system, but they were found in largely separate locations in cell nuclei. In the cytoplasm of cultured oligodendrocytes they were segregated into separate populations of cytoplasmic granules. We conclude that not only may there be families of trans-acting factors for the same cis-acting element, which are presumably required at different stages of mRNA processing and metabolism, but independent factors may also target different and multiple RNAs in the same cell.
The mammalian retromer protein complex, which consists of three proteins - Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 - in association with members of the sorting nexin family of proteins, has been implicated in the trafficking of receptors and their ligands within the endosomal/lysosomal system of mammalian cells. A bioinformatic analysis of the mouse genome identified an additional transcribed paralog of the Vps26 retromer protein, which we termed Vps26B. No paralogs were identified for Vps29 and Vps35. Phylogenetic studies indicate that the two paralogs of Vps26 become evident after the evolution of the chordates. We propose that the chordate Vps26-like gene published previously be renamed Vps26A to differentiate it from Vps26B. As for Vps26A, biochemical characterization of Vps26B established that this novel 336 amino acid residue protein is a peripheral membrane protein. Vps26B co-precipitated with Vps35 from transfected cells and the direct interaction between these two proteins was confirmed by yeast 2-hybrid analysis, thereby establishing Vps26B as a subunit of the retromer complex. Within HeLa cells, Vps26B was found in the cytoplasm with low levels at the plasma membrane, while Vps26A was predominantly associated with endosomal membranes. Within A549 cells, both Vps26A and Vps26B co-localized with actin-rich lamellipodia at the cell surface. These structures also co-localized with Vps35. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy confirmed the association of Vps26B with the plasma membrane in a stable HEK293 cell line expressing cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-Vps26B. Based on these observations, we propose that the mammalian retromer complex is located at both endosomes and the plasma membrane in some cell types.
Microencapsulation of cell spheroids in an immunoselective, highly biocompatible, biomembrane offers a way to create viable implantation options in the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Traditionally the encapsulation process has been achieved through the injection/extrusion of alginate/cell mixtures into a calcium chloride solution to produce calcium alginate capsules around the cells. A novel alternative is explored here through a procedure using an emulsion process to produce thin adherent calcium alginate membranes around cell spheroids. In this study, a thorough investigation has been used to establish the emulsion process parameters that are critical to the formation of a coherent alginate coat both on a model spheroid system and subsequently on cell spheroids. Optical and fluorescence microscopy are used to assess the morphology and coherence of the calcium alginate/ poly-L-ornithine/alginate (APA) capsules produced. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Langerhans cells (LCs) can be targeted with DNA-coated gold micro-projectiles ("Gene Gun") to induce potent cellular and humoral immune responses. It is likely that the relative volumetric distribution of LCs and keratinocytes within the epidermis impacts on the efficacy of Gene Gun immunization protocols. This study quantified the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of LCs and keratinocytes in the mouse skin model with a near-infrared multiphoton laser-scanning microscope (NIR-MPLSM). Stratum corneum (SC) and viable epidermal thickness measured with MPLSM was found in close agreement with conventional histology. LCs were located in the vertical plane at a mean depth of 14.9 mum, less than 3 mum above the dermo-epidermal boundary and with a normal histogram distribution. This likely corresponds to the fact that LCs reside in the suprabasal layer (stratum germinativum). The nuclear volume of keratinocytes was found to be approximately 1.4 times larger than that of resident LCs (88.6 mum3). Importantly, the ratio of LCs to keratinocytes in mouse ear skin (1:15) is more than three times higher than that reported for human breast skin (1:53). Accordingly, cross-presentation may be more significant in clinical Gene Gun applications than in pre-clinical mouse studies. These interspecies differences should be considered in pre-clinical trials using mouse models.
In order to develop a method for use in investigations of spatial biomass distribution in solid-state fermentation systems, confocal scanning laser microscopy was used to determine the concentrations of aerial and penetrative biomass against height and depth above and below the substrate surface, during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on potato dextrose agar. Penetrative hyphae had penetrated to a depth of 0.445 cm by 64 h and showed rhizoid morphology, in which the maximum biomass concentration, of 4.45 mg dry wt cm(-3), occurred at a depth of 0.075 cm. For aerial biomass the maximum density of 39.54 mg dry wt(-3) occurred at the substrate surface. For both aerial and penetrative biomass, there were two distinct regions in which the biomass concentration decayed exponentially with distance from the surface. For aerial biomass, the first exponential decay region was up to 0.1 cm height. The second region above the height of 0.1 cm corresponded to that in which sporangiophores dominated. This work lays the foundation for deeper studies into what controls the growth of fungal hyphae above and below the surfaces of solid substrates. (C) Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Two methods were compared for determining the concentration of penetrative biomass during growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on an artificial solid substrate consisting of an inert gel and starch as the sole source of carbon and energy. The first method was based on the use of a hand microtome to make sections of approximately 0.2- to 0.4-mm thickness parallel to the substrate surface and the determination of the glucosamine content in each slice. Use of glucosamine measurements to estimate biomass concentrations was shown to be problematic due to the large variations in glucosamine content with mycelial age. The second method was a novel method based on the use of confocal scanning laser microscopy to estimate the fractional volume occupied by the biomass. Although it is not simple to translate fractional volumes into dry weights of hyphae due to the lack of experimentally determined conversion factors, measurement of the fractional volumes in themselves is useful for characterizing fungal penetration into the substrate. Growth of penetrative biomass in the artificial model substrate showed two forms of growth with an indistinct mass in the region close to the substrate surface and a few hyphae penetrating perpendicularly to the surface in regions further away from the substrate surface. The biomass profiles against depth obtained from the confocal microscopy showed two linear regions on log-linear plots, which are possibly related to different oxygen availability at different depths within the substrate. Confocal microscopy has the potential to be a powerful tool in the investigation of fungal growth mechanisms in solid-state fermentation. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Confocal scanning laser microscopic observations were made on live chloroplasts in intact cells and on mechanically isolated, intact chloroplasts. Chlorophyll fluorescence was imaged to observe thylakoid membrane architecture. C-3 plant species studied included Spinacia oleracea L., Spathiphyllum sp. Schott, cv. 'Mauna Loa', and Pisum sativum L. C-4 plants were also investigated: Saccharum officinarum L., Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, Zea mays L. and Panicum miliaceum L. Some Spinacia chloroplasts were treated with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) to enhance or sodium dithionite (SD) to reduce the photosystem II fluorescence signal. Confocal microscopy images of C-3 chloroplasts differed from electron microscopy pictures because they showed discrete spots of bright fluorescence with black regions between them. There was no evidence of fluorescence from stroma thylakoids. The thylakoid membrane system at times appeared to be string-like, with brightly fluorescing grana lined up like beads. C-4 bundle sheath chloroplasts were imaged from three different types of C-4 plants. Saccharum and Sorghum bundle sheath chloroplasts showed homogeneous fluorescence and were much dimmer than mesophyll chloroplasts. Zea had rudimentary grana, and dim, homogeneous intergrana fluorescence was visualised. Panicum contained thylakoids similar in appearance and string-like arrangement to mesophyll chloroplasts. Isolated Pisum chloroplasts, treated with a drop of 5 mM MgCl2 showed a thylakoid membrane system which appeared to be unravelling. Spongy mesophyll chloroplasts of Spinacia treated with 5 mM sodium dithionite showed a granal thylakoid system with distinct regions of no fluorescence. A time-series experiment provided evidence of dynamic membrane rearrangements over a period of half an hour.
A soil suspension was used as a source to initiate the development of microbial communities in flow cells irrigated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (25 mu g ml(-1)). Culturable bacterial members of the community were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and found to be members of the genera Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Collimonas and Rhodococcus. A 2,4-D degrading donor strain, Pseudomonas putida SM 1443 (pJP4::gfp), was inoculated into flow cell chambers containing 2-day old biofilm communities. Transfer of pJP4::gfp from the donor to the bacterial community was detectable as GFP fluorescing cells and images were captured using confocal scanning laser microscopy (GFP fluorescence was repressed in the donor due to the presence of a chromosomally located lacl(q) repressor gene). Approximately 5-10 transconjugant microcolonies, 20-40 mu m in diameter, could be seen to develop in each chamber. A 2,4-D degrading transconjugant strain was isolated from the flow cell system belonging to the genus Burkholderia.
Controlled polishing procedures were used to produce both uniformly doped and p-n junction silicon samples with different interface state densities but identical oxide thicknesses. Using these samples, the effects of interface states on scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurements could be singled out. SCM measurements on the junction samples were performed with and without illumination from the atomic force microscopy laser. Both the interface charges and the illumination were seen to affect the SCM signal near p-n junctions significantly. SCM p-n junction dopant profiling can be achieved by avoiding or correctly modeling these two factors in the experiment and in the simulation. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.
The volume of the extracellular compartment (tubular system) within intact muscle fibres from cane toad and rat was measured under various conditions using confocal microscopy. Under physiological conditions at rest, the fractional volume of the tubular system (t-sys(Vol)) was 1.38 +/- 0.09% (n = 17),1.41 +/- 0.09% (n = 12) and 0.83 +/- 0.07% (n = 12) of the total fibre volume in the twitch fibres from toad iliofibularis muscle, rat extensor digitorum longus muscle and rat soleus muscle, respectively. In toad muscle fibres, the t-sys(Vol) decreased by 30% when the tubular system was fully depolarized and decreased by 15% when membrane cholesterol was depleted from the tubular system with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin but did not change as the sarcomere length was changed from 1.93 to 3.30 mum. There was also an increase by 30% and a decrease by 25% in t-sys(Vol) when toad fibres were equilibrated in solutions that were 2.5-fold hypertonic and 50% hypotonic, respectively. When the changes in total fibre volume were taken into consideration, the t-sys(Vol) expressed as a percentage of the isotonic fibre volume did actually decrease as tonicity increased, revealing that the tubular system in intact fibres cannot be compressed below 0.9% of the isotonic fibre volume. The results can be explained in terms of forces acting at the level of the tubular wall. These observations have important physiological implications showing that the tubular system is a dynamic membrane structure capable of changing its volume in response to the membrane potential, cholesterol depletion and osmotic stress but not when the sarcomere length is changed in resting muscle.
The intercalated discs of working myocardium and Purkinje fibers of the monkey heart were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The NaOH/ultrasonication technique resulted in the digestion of connective tissue and a separation of the intercellular junctions of intercalated discs, such that these could be visualized three-dimensionally. The intercalated discs of ventricular myocytes, atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers vary considerably in number and configuration, as do the intercalated discs of the three different layers of the ventricular myocardium. Myocytes in the subepicardial, middle and subendocardial layers of the ventricle have 1-3, 4-5 and 5-6 intercalated discs at the end of these cells, respectively, Those in the endocardial layer are characterized by the presence of small laterally-placed intercalated discs. Atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers usually only have 1-2 intercalated discs, Individual intercalated discs in ventricular myocytes have complicated stairs with 10-30 steps and corresponding risers, while those of atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers have simple stairs with 1-3 steps and risers, Steps equivalent to the plicate segments are characterized by densely-packed microplicae and finger-like microprojections which greatly increase surface area in vertricular myocytes, Microprojections in atrial myocytes and Purkinje fibers are sparse by comparison, Risers equivalent to the interplicate segments containing large gap junctional areas are most numerous in left ventricular myocytes, followed by right ventricular myocytes, Purkinje fibers and atrial myocytes in decreasing order. The geometric arrangement of the various types of myocytes may be related with impulse propagation. Large intercalated discs of cell trunks and series branches may participate in longitudinal propagation, while small laterally-placed ones may be the site of transverse propagation.
A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.
The spatial and temporal evolution of a depleted atomic distribution created by laser enhanced ionisation (LEI) was employed to determine both a diffusion coefficient for sodium (Na) and an electron (e(-)) and sodium ion recombination rate coefficient in an analytical air-C2H2 flame. A depleted distribution of neutral sodium atoms was produced in a flame by ionising approximately 80% of the irradiated sodium atoms in a well defined region using a two step LEI excitation scheme. Following depletion by ionisation, planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images of the depleted region recorded the diffusion and decay of the depleted Na distribution for different depletion-probe delays. From measurements of the diffused width of the distribution, an accurate diffusion coefficient D = (1.19 +/- 0.03) x 10(-3) m(2) s(-1) for Na was determined in teh burnt gases of the flame. Measurements of the integrated fluorescence intensity in the depleted region for different depletion-probe delays were related to an increase in atomic sodium concentration caused by electron-ion recombination. At high concentrations (greater than or equal to 50 mu g ml(-1)), where the electron and ion concentrations in the depleted region were assumed equal, a recombination rate coefficient of 4.2 x 10(-9) cm(3) s(-1) was calculated. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
A two-dimensional numerical simulation model of interface states in scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurements of p-n junctions is presented-In the model, amphoteric interface states with two transition energies in the Si band gap are represented as fixed charges to account for their behavior in SCM measurements. The interface states are shown to cause a stretch-out-and a parallel shift of the capacitance-voltage characteristics in the depletion. and neutral regions of p-n junctions, respectively. This explains the discrepancy between - the SCM measurement and simulation near p-n junctions, and thus modeling interface states is crucial for SCM dopant profiling of p-n junctions. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.