18 resultados para LOD


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Primary aldosteronism (PAL) is caused by the autonomous over-production of aldosterone. Once thought rare, it is now reported to be responsible for 5–10% of hypertension. Familial hyperaldosteronism type II (FH-II), unlike familial hyperaldosteronism type I, is not glucocorticoid-remediable and not associated with the hybrid CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene mutation. At least five times more common than FH-I, FH-II is clinically, biochemically and morphologically indistinguishable from apparently sporadic PAL, suggesting that its incidence maybe even higher. Studies performed in collaboration with C Stratakis (NIH, Bethesda) on our largest Australian FH-II family (eight affected members) demonstrated linkage at chromosome 7p22. Similar linkage at this region was also found in a South American FH-II family (DNA provided by MI New, Presbyterian Hospital, New York). Mutations in the exons and intron/exon boundaries of the PRKARIB gene (which resides at 7p22 and is closely related to PRKARIA gene mutated in Carney complex) have been excluded in our largest Australian FH-II family. Using more finely spaced markers, we have confirmed linkage at 7p22 in these 2 families, and identified a second Australian family with evidence of linkage at this locus. The combined multipoint LOD score for these 3 families is 4.87 (θ=0) with markers D7S462 and D7S2424, which exceeds the critical threshold for genome-wide significance suggested by Lander and Kruglyak (1995), providing strong support for this locus harbouring mutations responsible for FH-II. A newly identified recombination event in our largest Australian family has narrowed the region of linkage by 1.8 Mb, permitting exclusion of approximately half the genes residing in the original reported 5Mb linked locus. In addition, we have strongly excluded linkage to these key markers in two Australian families (maximum multipoint LOD scores −3.51 and −2.77), supporting the notion that FH-II may be genetically heterogeneous. In order to identify candidate genes at 7p22, more closely spaced markers will be used to refine the locus, as well as single nucleotide polymorphism analysis.


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Background: Oral itraconazole (ITRA) is used for the treatment of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) because of its antifungal activity against Aspergillus species. ITRA has an active hydroxy-metabolite (OH-ITRA) which has similar antifungal activity. ITRA is a highly lipophilic drug which is available in two different oral formulations, a capsule and an oral solution. It is reported that the oral solution has a 60% higher relative bioavailability. The influence of altered gastric physiology associated with CF on the pharmacokinetics (PK) of ITRA and its metabolite has not been previously evaluated. Objectives: 1) To estimate the population (pop) PK parameters for ITRA and its active metabolite OH-ITRA including relative bioavailability of the parent after administration of the parent by both capsule and solution and 2) to assess the performance of the optimal design. Methods: The study was a cross-over design in which 30 patients received the capsule on the first occasion and 3 days later the solution formulation. The design was constrained to have a maximum of 4 blood samples per occasion for estimation of the popPK of both ITRA and OH-ITRA. The sampling times for the population model were optimized previously using POPT v.2.0.[1] POPT is a series of applications that run under MATLAB and provide an evaluation of the information matrix for a nonlinear mixed effects model given a particular design. In addition it can be used to optimize the design based on evaluation of the determinant of the information matrix. The model details for the design were based on prior information obtained from the literature, which suggested that ITRA may have either linear or non-linear elimination. The optimal sampling times were evaluated to provide information for both competing models for the parent and metabolite and for both capsule and solution simultaneously. Blood samples were assayed by validated HPLC.[2] PopPK modelling was performed using FOCE with interaction under NONMEM, version 5 (level 1.1; GloboMax LLC, Hanover, MD, USA). The PK of ITRA and OH‑ITRA was modelled simultaneously using ADVAN 5. Subsequently three methods were assessed for modelling concentrations less than the LOD (limit of detection). These methods (corresponding to methods 5, 6 & 4 from Beal[3], respectively) were (a) where all values less than LOD were assigned to half of LOD, (b) where the closest missing value that is less than LOD was assigned to half the LOD and all previous (if during absorption) or subsequent (if during elimination) missing samples were deleted, and (c) where the contribution of the expectation of each missing concentration to the likelihood is estimated. The LOD was 0.04 mg/L. The final model evaluation was performed via bootstrap with re-sampling and a visual predictive check. The optimal design and the sampling windows of the study were evaluated for execution errors and for agreement between the observed and predicted standard errors. Dosing regimens were simulated for the capsules and the oral solution to assess their ability to achieve ITRA target trough concentration (Cmin,ss of 0.5-2 mg/L) or a combined Cmin,ss for ITRA and OH-ITRA above 1.5mg/L. Results and Discussion: A total of 241 blood samples were collected and analysed, 94% of them were taken within the defined optimal sampling windows, of which 31% where taken within 5 min of the exact optimal times. Forty six per cent of the ITRA values and 28% of the OH-ITRA values were below LOD. The entire profile after administration of the capsule for five patients was below LOD and therefore the data from this occasion was omitted from estimation. A 2-compartment model with 1st order absorption and elimination best described ITRA PK, with 1st order metabolism of the parent to OH-ITRA. For ITRA the clearance (ClItra/F) was 31.5 L/h; apparent volumes of central and peripheral compartments were 56.7 L and 2090 L, respectively. Absorption rate constants for capsule (kacap) and solution (kasol) were 0.0315 h-1 and 0.125 h-1, respectively. Comparative bioavailability of the capsule was 0.82. There was no evidence of nonlinearity in the popPK of ITRA. No screened covariate significantly improved the fit to the data. The results of the parameter estimates from the final model were comparable between the different methods for accounting for missing data, (M4,5,6)[3] and provided similar parameter estimates. The prospective application of an optimal design was found to be successful. Due to the sampling windows, most of the samples could be collected within the daily hospital routine, but still at times that were near optimal for estimating the popPK parameters. The final model was one of the potential competing models considered in the original design. The asymptotic standard errors provided by NONMEM for the final model and empirical values from bootstrap were similar in magnitude to those predicted from the Fisher Information matrix associated with the D-optimal design. Simulations from the final model showed that the current dosing regimen of 200 mg twice daily (bd) would provide a target Cmin,ss (0.5-2 mg/L) for only 35% of patients when administered as the solution and 31% when administered as capsules. The optimal dosing schedule was 500mg bd for both formulations. The target success for this dosing regimen was 87% for the solution with an NNT=4 compared to capsules. This means, for every 4 patients treated with the solution one additional patient will achieve a target success compared to capsule but at an additional cost of AUD $220 per day. The therapeutic target however is still doubtful and potential risks of these dosing schedules need to be assessed on an individual basis. Conclusion: A model was developed which described the popPK of ITRA and its main active metabolite OH-ITRA in adult CF after administration of both capsule and solution. The relative bioavailability of ITRA from the capsule was 82% that of the solution, but considerably more variable. To incorporate missing data, using the simple Beal method 5 (using half LOD for all samples below LOD) provided comparable results to the more complex but theoretically better Beal method 4 (integration method). The optimal sparse design performed well for estimation of model parameters and provided a good fit to the data.


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Once thought rare, primary aldosteronism (PAL) is now reported to be responsible for 5–10% of hypertension. Unlike familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), FH-II is not glucocorticoidremediable and not associated with the hybrid CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene mutation. At least five times more common than FH-I, FH-II is clinically indistinguishable from apparently sporadic PAL, suggesting an even higher incidence. Studies performed in collaboration with C Stratakis (NIH, Bethesda) on our largest Australian family (eight affected members) demonstrated linkage at chromosome 7p22. Linkage at this region was also found in a South American family (DNA provided by MI New, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York) and in a second Australian family. The combined multipoint LOD score for these 3 families is 4.61 (q = 0) with markers D7S462 and D7S517, providing strong support for this locus harbouring mutations responsible for FH-II. A newly identified recombination event in our largest Australian family has narrowed the region of linkage by 1.8 Mb, permitting exclusion of approximately half the genes residing in the originally reported 5 Mb linked locus. Candidate genes that are involved in cell cycle control are of interest as adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal adenomas are common in FH-II patients. A novel candidate gene in this linked region produces the retinoblastoma-associated Kruppel-associated box protein (RBaK) which interacts with the retinoblastoma gene product to repress the expression of genes activated by members of the E2F family of transcription factors.