31 resultados para Kernel Functions


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The financial and economic analysis of investment projects is typically carried out using the technique of discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. This module introduces concepts of discounting and DCF analysis for the derivation of project performance criteria such as net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and benefit to cost (B/C) ratios. These concepts and criteria are introduced with respect to a simple example, for which calculations using MicroSoft Excel are demonstrated.


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Quantum dynamics simulations can be improved using novel quasiprobability distributions based on non-orthogonal Hermitian kernel operators. This introduces arbitrary functions (gauges) into the stochastic equations. which can be used to tailor them for improved calculations. A possible application to full quantum dynamic simulations of BEC's is presented. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cells from patients with the genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and radiomimetic agents, both of which generate reactive oxygen species capable of causing oxidative damage to DNA and other macromolecules. We describe in A-T cells constitutive activation of pathways that normally respond to genotoxic stress, Basal levels of p53 and p21(WAF1/CIP1), phosphorylation on serine 15 of p53, and the Tyr15-phosphorylated form of cdc2 are chronically elevated in these cells. Treatment of A-T cells with the antioxidant alpha -lipoic acid significantly reduced the levels of these proteins, pointing to the involvement of reactive oxygen species in their chronic activation. These findings suggest that the absence of functional ATM results in a mild but continuous state of oxidative stress, which could account for several features of the pleiotropic phenotype of A-T.


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Conservation of biodiversity can generate considerable indirect economic value and this is being increasingly recognized in China. For a forest ecosystem type of a nature reserve, the most important of its values are its ecological functions which provide human beings and other living things with beneficial environmental services. These services include water conservancy, soil protection, CO2 fixation and O-2 release, nutrient cycling, pollutant decomposition, and disease and pest control. Based on a case study in Changbaishan Mountain Biosphere Reserve in Northeast China, this paper provides a monetary valuation of these services by using opportunity cost and alternative cost methods. Using such an approach, this reserve is valued at 510.11 million yuan (USD 61.68 mill.) per year, 10 times higher than the opportunity cost (51.78 mill. yuan/ha.a) for regular timber production. While China has heeded United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)'s call for economic evaluation of ecological functions, the assessment techniques used need to be improved in China and in the West for reasons mentioned.


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The EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase regulates the formation of the corticospinal tract (CST), a pathway controlling voluntary movements, and of the anterior commissure (AC), connecting the neocortical temporal robes. To study EphA4 kinase signaling in these processes, we generated mice expressing mutant EphA4 receptors either lacking kinase activity or with severely downregulated kinase activity. We demonstrate that EphA4 is required for CST formation as a receptor for which it requires an active kinase domain. In contrast, the formation of the AC is rescued by kinase-dead EphA4, suggesting that in this structure EphA4 acts as a ligand for which its kinase activity is not required. Unexpectedly, the cytoplasmic sterile-alpha motif (SAM) domain is not required for EphA4 functions. Our findings establish both kinase-dependent and kinase-independent functions of EphA4 in the formation of major axon tracts.


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The numerical implementation of the complex image approach for the Green's function of a mixed-potential integralequation formulation is examined and is found to be limited to low values of k(0) rho (in this context k(0) rho = 2 pirho/ lambda(0), where rho is the distance between the source and the field points of the Green's function and lambda(0) is the free space wavelength). This is a clear limitation for problems of large dimension or high frequency where this limit is easily exceeded. This paper examines the various strategies and proposes a hybrid method whereby most of the above problems can be avoided. An efficient integral method that is valid for large k(0) rho is combined with the complex image method in order to take advantage of the relative merits of both schemes. It is found that a wide overlapping region exists between the two techniques allowing a very efficient and consistent approach for accurately calculating the Green's functions. In this paper, the method developed for the computation of the Green's function is used for planar structures containing both lossless and lossy media.


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The neuropathological changes associated with Huntington's disease (HD) are most marked in the head of the caudate nucleus and, to a lesser extent, in the putamen and globus pallidus, suggesting that at least part of the language impairments found in patients with HD may result from non-thalamic subcortical (NTS) pathology. The present study aimed to test the hypothesis that a signature profile of impaired language functions is found in patients who have sustained damage to the non-thalamic subcortex, either focally induced or resulting from neurodegenerative pathology. The language abilities of a group of patients with Huntington's disease (n=13) were compared with those of an age- and education-matched group of patients with chronic NTS lesions following stroke (n=13) and a non-neurologically impaired control group (n=13). The three groups were compared on language tasks that assessed both primary and more complex language abilities. The primary language battery consisted of The Western Aphasia Battery and The Boston Naming Test, whilst the more complex cognitive-linguistic battery employed selected subtests from The Test of Language Competence-Expanded, The Test of Word Knowledge and The Word Test-Revised. On many of the tests of primary language function from the Western Aphasia Battery, both the HD and NTS participants performed in a similar manner to the control participants. The language performances of the HD participants were significantly more impaired (p<0.05 using modified Bonferroni adjustments) than the control group, however, on various lexico-semantic tasks (e. g. the Boston Naming Test and providing definitions), on both single-word and sentence-level generative tasks (e. g. category fluency and formulating sentences), and on tasks which required interpretation of ambiguous, figurative and inferential meaning. The difficulties that patients with HD experienced with tasks assessing complex language abilities were strikingly similar, both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the language profile produced by NTS participants. The results provide evidence to suggest that a signature language profile is associated with damage to the non-thalamic subcortex resulting from either focal neurological insult or a degenerative disease.


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It was previously published by the authors that granules can either coalesce through Type I (when granules coalesce by viscous dissipation in the surface liquid layer before their surfaces touch) or Type II (when granules are slowed to a halt during rebound, after their surfaces have made contact) (AIChE J. 46 (3) (2000) 529). Based on this coalescence mechanism, a new coalescence kernel for population balance modelling of granule growth is presented. The kernel is constant such that only collisions satisfying the conditions for one of the two coalescence types are successful. One constant rate is assigned to each type of coalescence and zero is for the case of rebound. As the conditions for Types I and II coalescence are dependent on granule and binder properties, the coalescence kernel is thus physically based. Simulation results of a variety of binder and granule materials show good agreement with experimental data. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Raw macadamia kernel pieces were immersed in water (specific gravity 1.00 g/cm(3)), brine (SG 1.02 g/cm(3)) or ethanol solution (SG 0.97 g/cm(3)) for 30 or 60 s, then re-dried to below 1.5% moisture (wet basis) and stored under vacuum for 0, 4 and 12 months. Flotation in water had no effect on the quality or shelf life of the kernel pieces over 12 months storage, as measured by sensory evaluation of the kernels and chemical analysis of the kernel oil. Immersion in a salt solution caused unacceptable changes in quality during storage, increasing as storage time increased. Flotation in dilute ethanol also caused unacceptable quality changes during storage. Therefore, only flotation of macadamia kernel pieces in water can be recommended for commercial operations. Microbiological concerns with such a process still need to be addressed.


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Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] used a simple phytoplanktonzooplankton-nutrient model and a genetic algorithm to determine the parameter values that would maximize the value of certain goal functions. These goal functions were to maximize biomass, maximize flux, maximize flux to biomass ratio, and maximize resilience. It was found that maximizing goal functions maximized resilience. The objective of this study was to investigate whether the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] result was indicative of a general ecosystem principle, or peculiar to the model and parameter ranges used. This study successfully replicated the Cropp and Gabric [Ecosystem adaptation: do ecosystems maximise resilience? Ecology. In press] experiment for a number of different model types, however, a different interpretation of the results is made. A new metric, concordance, was devised to describe the agreement between goal functions. It was found that resilience has the highest concordance of all goal functions trialled. for most model types. This implies that resilience offers a compromise between the established ecological goal functions. The parameter value range used is found to affect the parameter versus goal function relationships. Local maxima and minima affected the relationship between parameters and goal functions, and between goal functions. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Deterioration of concrete or reinforcing steel through excessive contaminant concentration is often the result of repeated wetting and drying cycles. At each cycle, the absorption of water carries new contaminants into the unsaturated concrete. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is used with large concrete samples to observe the shape of the wetting profile during a simple one-dimensional wetting process. The absorption of water by dry concrete is modelled by a nonlinear diffusion equation with the unsaturated hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the moisture content. Exponential and power functions are used for the hydraulic diffusivity and corresponding solutions of the diffusion equation adequately predict the shape of the experimental wetting profile. The shape parameters, describing the wetting profile, vary little between different blends and are relatively insensitive to subsequent re-wetting experiments allowing universal parameters to be suggested for these concretes.