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The cholinergic system is thought to play an important role in hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. However, the mechanism of action of the cholinergic system in these actions in not well understood. Here we examined the effect of muscarinic receptor stimulation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons using whole-cell recordings in acute brain slices coupled with high-speed imaging of intracellular calcium. Activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors by synaptic stimulation of cholinergic afferents or application of muscarinic agonist in CA1 pyramidal neurons evoked a focal rise in free calcium in the apical dendrite that propagated as a wave into the soma and invaded the nucleus. The calcium rise to a single action potential was reduced during muscarinic stimulation. Conversely, the calcium rise during trains of action potentials was enhanced during muscarinic stimulation. The enhancement of free intracellular calcium was most pronounced in the soma and nuclear regions. In many cases, the calcium rise was distinguished by a clear inflection in the rising phase of the calcium transient, indicative of a regenerative response. Both calcium waves and the amplification of action potential-induced calcium transients were blocked the emptying of intracellular calcium stores or by antagonism of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors with heparin or caffeine. Ryanodine receptors were not essential for the calcium waves or enhancement of calcium responses. Because rises in nuclear calcium are known to initiate the transcription of novel genes, we suggest that these actions of cholinergic stimulation may underlie its effects on learning and memory.
Tarpon have high resting or routine hematocrits (Hct) (37.6+/-3.4%) and hemoglobin concentrations (120.6+/-7.3 g 1(-1)) that increased significantly following bouts of angling-induced exercise (51.9+/-3.7% and 142.8+/-13.5 g 1(-1), respectively). Strenuous exercise was accompanied by an approximately tenfold increase in blood lactate and a muscle metabolite profile indicative of a high energy demand teleost. Routine blood values were quickly restored only when this facultative air-breathing fish was given access to atmospheric air. In vitro studies of oxygen transport capacity, a function of carrying capacity and viscosity, revealed that the optimal Hct range corresponded to that observed in fish under routine behaviour. During strenuous exercise however, further increase in viscosity was largely offset by a pronounced reduction in the shear-dependence of blood which conformed closely to an ideal Newtonian fluid. The mechanism for this behaviour of the erythrocytes appears to involve the activation of surface adrenergic receptors because pre-treatment with propranolol abolished the response. High levels of activity in tarpon living in hypoxic habitats are therefore supported by an elevated Hct with adrenergically mediated viscosity reduction, and air-breathing behaviour that enables rapid metabolic recovery. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
The colors of 51 species of Hawaiian reef fish have been measured using a spectrometer and therefore can be described in objective terms that are not influenced by the human visual experience. In common with other known reef fish populations, the colors of Hawaiian reef fish occupy spectral positions from 300-800nm; yellow or orange with blue, yellow with black, and black with white are the most frequently combined colors; and there is no link between possession of ultraviolet (UV) reflectance and UV visual sensitivity or the potential for UV visual sensitivity. In contrast to other reef systems, blue, yellow, and orange appear more frequently in Hawaiian reef fish. Based on spectral quality of reflections from fish skin, trends in fish colors can be seen that are indicative of both visually driven selective pressures and chemical or physical constraints on the design of colors. UV-reflecting colors can function as semiprivate communication signals. White or yellow with black form highly contrasting patterns that transmit well through clear water. Labroid fishes display uniquely complex colors but lack the ability to see the UV component that is common in their pigments. Step-shaped spectral curves are usually long-wavelength colors such as yellow or red, and colors with a peak-shaped spectral curves are green, blue, violet, and UV.
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system and haem oxygenase by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 Amol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2), at various time points. Total CYP content of liver microsomes decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at 12, 18, and 24 hours (22%, 47%, and 56%, respectively) after treatment. In contrast, progressive increases of hepatic coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity (indicative of CYP2A5 activity) were observed at 8 hrs (2-fold), 12 hrs (3-fold), and 7-fold at 18 and 24 hrs. Simultaneously, haem oxygenase activity increased significantly at 4 hours and continued to increase progressively to more than 50-fold compared to control. Liver CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 hours after treatment and decreased to almost half 6 hours later, while western blot analysis showed 2- and 3- fold increase in CYP2A5 apoprotein at 12 and 24 hours. The CYP2A5 mRNA levels in the liver increased after Cd treatment in Nrf2 +/+ but not in Nrf2 / mouse. This study demonstrates that hepatic haem oxygenase and CYP2A5 are upregulated by cadmium. The upregulation of haem oxygenase precedes that of CYP2A5. The strong upregulation of the CYP2A5 both at mRNA and enzyme activity levels, with a simultaneous decrease in the total CYP concentration suggest an unusual mode of regulation of CYP2A5 in response to cadmium exposure, amongst the CYP enzymes. The observed increase in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction may suggest involvement of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation. Upregulation of CYP2A5 by cadmium in the Nrf2 +/+ mice but not in the Nrf2 / mice indicates a role for this transcription factor in the regulation.
Background. The ability to inhibit inappropriate or unwanted actions is a key element of executive control. The existence OF executive function deficits in schizophrenia is consistent with frontal lobe theories of the disorder. Relatively few Studies have examined response inhibition in schizophrenia, and none in adolescent patients with early-onset schizophrenia (EOS). Methods. Twenty-one adolescents with (lie onset of clinically impairing psychosis before 19 years of age and 16 matched controls performed a stop-signal task to assess response inhibition. The patients with EOS were categorized Lis paranoid (n= 10) and Undifferentiated subtypes (n= 11). The undifferentiated group had higher levels of negative symptomatology. Stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) and go-signal reaction time (Go-RT) were analysed with respect to hand of response. Results. The Undifferentiated early-onset patients had significantly longer SSRTs, indicative of poor response inhibition, for the left hand compared to the paranoid early-onset patients and control participants. No differences existed for inhibitory control with the right hand. The three groups did not differ in Go-RT. Conclusions. Our results indicate a specific lateralized impairment of response inhibition in patients With Undifferentiated, but not paranoid, EOS. These findings are consistent with reports of immature frontostriatal networks in EOS and implicate areas such as the pre-motor cortex and Supplementary motor area (SMA) that are thought to play a role in both voluntary initiation and inhibition of movement.
Polysaccharides from the red alga Phacelocarpos peperocarpos were extracted with hot water, clarified, and precipitated with 2-propanol. The native preparation was highly sulfated (36.2% w/w). Alkali modification decreased the sulfate content by 2.0% w/w. The alkali-modified polysaccharide is composed mostly of galactose (Gal, 51 mol%) and 3,6-anhydrogalactose (AnGal, 41 mol%), with minor amounts of a mono-O-methylgalactose (MeGal, 1 mol%), xylose (Xyl, 6 mol%), and glucose (Glc, 1 mol%). The FTIR spectrum of the alkali-modified polysaccharide resembled K-carrageenan with absorption at 930 cm(-1) (indicative of AnGal) and 850 cm(-1) (Gal ii-sulfate). However, an additional, major band of absorption occurred at 820 cm(-1) indicating the presence of equatorial sulfate ester substitution at O-6 of Gal residues, A combination of linkage and C-13 NMR spectroscopic analyses showed that the polysaccharide was composed predominantly of a novel repeating-unit, O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl 4,6-disulfate)-(1 --> 4)-3,6-anhydro-alpha-D-galactopyranose. Minor structural variations also occurred, including alternative patterns of sulfation and the presence of terminal Xylp, The location of the terminal Xylp residues was not certain but evidence supported their attachment at O-3 of some 4-linked Galp residues. The cell-wall galactans remain unchanged during the life cycle of the alga. (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.
A number of N- and C-based diastereomeric copper(II) complexes of the pendant-arm macrocyclic hexaamines trans- and cis-6,13-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6,13-diamine (L-1 and L-2) have been isolated and characterised. The crystal structures of the complexes RRSS-[CuL1(OH2)(2)][ClO4](2), SSRR-[Cu(H2L1)(OClO3)(2)]-[ClO4](2) . 2H(2)O RSRS-[CuL1(OClO3)]ClO4, RSRS-[CuL2(OClO3)]ClO4 and RRSS-[Cu(H2L2)(OClO3)(2)][ClO4](2) have been determined. Some unusual structural and spectroscopic variations are found across this series of diastereomers. The protonation constants of the pendant primary amines are dependent on the relative dispositions of the adjacent macrocyclic secondary amine H atoms, which is indicative of intramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions.
Cell-wall polysaccharides from six species of red algae of the genus Callophycus were mainly galactans comprised predominantly of galactose (Gal) and 3,6-anhydrogalactose (AnGal), and were rich in pyruvate and sulfate. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of the polysaccharides superficially resembled that of alpha-carrageenan (composed of the repeating disaccharide carrabiose 2-sulfate), with major bands of absorption indicative of if-linked AnGal, axial 2-sulfate on 4-linked AnGal, and unsulfated, 3-linked Gal. The FTIR spectra of solutions of Callophycus polysaccharides in D2O-phosphate buffer displayed absorption, corresponding to the carboxylate anion of the pyruvate acetal substituent. Methylation analysis showed that 3,4,6-linked Galp (interpreted as 4,6-pyruvated, 3-linked Galp) and 2,4-linked AnGalp (interpreted as 4-linked AnGalp 2-sulfate) were the dominant links, together with significant quantities of 3-linked Galp. Proton-decoupled C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy showed the polysaccharides to be composed predominantly of pyruvated carrageenans. The C-13 NMR spectra were completely assigned by a J-modulated spin-echo pulse sequence and 2D experiments employing gradient Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation (HMBC), C-13/H-1 Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Coherence (HMQC), and HMQC Total Correlation Spectroscopy (HMQC-TOCSY). The Callophycus galactans thus consist predominantly of the novel repeating disaccharide 4',6'-O-(1-carboxyethylidene)carrabiose 2-sulfate and minor amounts of the alpha-carrageenan repeating unit (carrabiose 2-sulfate), and other structural variations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Our previous studies in the Sprague-Dawley rat showed that the intrinsic antinociceptive effects of oxycodone are naloxone reversible in a manner analogous to morphine but that in contrast to morphine, oxycodone's antinociceptive effects have a rapid onset of maximum effect (approximate to 5-7 min compared to 30-45 min for morphine), comprise one antinociceptive phase (compared to two phases) and are of relatively short duration (approximate to 90 min compared to approximate to 180 min). In the present study, administration of a range of selective opioid receptor antagonists has shown that the intrinsic antinociceptive effects of oxycodone (171 nmol) are not attenuated by i.c.v. administration of (i) naloxonazine, a mu(1)-selective opioid receptor antagonist, or (ii) naltrindole, a delta-selective opioid receptor antagonist, in doses that completely attenuated the intrinsic antinociceptive effects of equipotent doses of the respective mu- and delta-opioid agonists, morphine and enkephalin-[D-Pen(2,5)] (DPDPE). Although beta-funaltrexamine (beta-FNA) attenuated the antinociceptive effects of oxycodone (171 nmol i.c.v.), it also attenuated the antinociceptive effects of morphine and bremazocine (kappa-opioid agonist) indicative of non-selective antagonism. Importantly, the antinociceptive effects of oxycodone (171 nmol i.c.v.) were markedly attenuated by the prior i.c.v. administration of the selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist, norbinaltorphimine (nor-BNI), in a dose (0.3 nmol) that did not attenuate the antinociceptive effects of an equipotent dose of i.c.v. morphine (78 nmol). Taken together, these data strongly suggest that the intrinsic antinociceptive effects of oxycodone are mediated by K-opioid receptors, in contrast to morphine which interacts primarily with mu-opioid receptors. (C) 1997 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) characterized by high-level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-H) has a favorable prognosis. The reason for this MSI-H survival advantage is not known. The aim of this study was to correlate proliferation, apoptosis, and prognosis in CRC stratified by MSI status. The proliferative index (PI) was measured by immunohistochemical staining with the Ki-67 antibody in a selected series of 100 sporadic colorectal cancers classified according to the level of MSI as 31 MSI-H, 29 MSI-Low (MSI-L), and 40 microsatellite stable (MISS). The Ki-67 index was significantly higher in MSI-H cancers (P < 0.0001) in which the PI was 90.1 1.2% (mean +/- SE) compared with 69.5 +/- 3.1 % and 69.5 +/- 2.3 % in MSI-L and MSS subgroups, respectively. There was a positive linear correlation between the apoptotic index (AI) and PI (r = 0.51; P < 0.001), with MSI-H cancers demonstrating an increased AI:PI ratio indicative of a lower index of cell production. A high PI showed a trend toward predicting improved survival within MSI-H cancers (P = 0.09) but did not predict survival in MSI-L or MSS cancers. The Al was not associated with survival in any MSI subgroup. In conclusion, this is the first study to show that sporadic MSI-H cancers are characterized by a higher AL:PI ratio and increased proliferative activity compared with MSI-L and MSS cancers, and that an elevated PI may confer a survival advantage within the MSI-H subset.
Partial large subunit 28S rDNA sequences were obtained for specimens of Calicotyle (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) from eight different host species distributed worldwide to test the validity of some species and to address the question of host-specificity in others. Sequences obtained for Calicotyle specimens identified as C. kroyeri based on morphological methods from the type-host Raja radiata (Rajidae) and an additional host R. clavata, both from the North Sea, were identical. However, 'C. kroyeri' from the cloaca of R. naevus from Tunisia, Raja sp. A from Tasmania and R. radula from Tunisia differed from C. kroyeri from R. radiata by five (0.51%), 21 (2.13%) and 39 (3.96%) base pairs, respectively, over 984 sites. Therefore, it is likely that the specimens from Raja sp. A, R. radula and perhaps even from R. naevus are not C. kroyeri. Molecular results determined that the calicotylines from the cloaca of Urolophus cruciatus and U. paucimaculatus (Urolophidae) from southern Tasmania identified previously as C. urolophi are indeed identical. Large subunit 28S rDNA sequences of C. palombi and C. stossichi collected from the cloaca and rectal gland, respectively of Mustelus mustelus (Triakidae) from the coast of Tunisia differ sufficiently for these calicotylines to be considered separate and valid species. Our results indicate that some species of Calicotyle are not strictly host-specific, but that C. kroyeri may not be as widely distributed in rajids as was believed previously. Calicotyle specimens from rajids must be re-examined critically to determine whether there are morphological differences indicative of specific differences that may have been overlooked previously.
Performance in sprint exercise is determined by the ability to accelerate, the magnitude of maximal velocity and the ability to maintain velocity against the onset of fatigue. These factors are strongly influenced by metabolic and anthropometric components. Improved temporal sequencing of muscle activation and/or improved fast twitch fibre recruitment may contribute to superior sprint performance. Speed of impulse transmission along the motor axon may also have implications on sprint performance. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) has been shown to increase in response to a period of sprint training. However, it is difficult to determine if increased NCV is likely to contribute to improved sprint performance. An increase in motoneuron excitability, as measured by the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex), has been reported to produce a more powerful muscular contraction, hence maximising motoneuron excitability would be expected to benefit sprint performance. Motoneuron excitability can be raised acutely by an appropriate stimulus with obvious implications for sprint performance. However, at rest reflex has been reported to be lower in athletes trained for explosive events compared with endurance-trained athletes. This may be caused by the relatively high, fast twitch fibre percentage and the consequent high activation thresholds of such motor units in power-trained populations. In contrast, stretch reflexes appear to be enhanced in sprint athletes possibly because of increased muscle spindle sensitivity as a result of sprint training. With muscle in a contracted state, however, there is evidence to suggest greater reflex potentiation among both sprint and resistance-trained populations compared with controls. Again this may be indicative of the predominant types of motor units in these populations, but may also mean an enhanced reflex contribution to force production during running in sprint-trained athletes. Fatigue of neural origin both during and following sprint exercise has implications with respect to optimising training frequency and volume. Research suggests athletes are unable to maintain maximal firing frequencies for the full duration of, for example, a 100m sprint. Fatigue after a single training session may also have a neural manifestation with some athletes unable to voluntarily fully activate muscle or experiencing stretch reflex inhibition after heavy training. This may occur in conjunction with muscle damage. Research investigating the neural influences on sprint performance is limited. Further longitudinal research is necessary to improve our understanding of neural factors that contribute to training-induced improvements in sprint performance.
Albicidins, a family of potent antibiotics and phytotoxins produced by the sugarcane leaf scald pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans, inhibit DNA replication in bacteria and plastids. A gene located by Tn5-tagging was confirmed by complementation to participate in albicidin biosynthesis. The gene (xabB) encodes a large protein (predicted Mr 525695), with a modular architecture indicative of a multifunctional polyketide synthase (PKS) linked to a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). At 4801 amino acids in length, XabB is the largest reported PKS–NRPS. Twelve catalytic domains in this multifunctional enzyme are arranged in the order N terminus–acyl-CoA ligase (AL)–acyl carrier protein (ACP)–ß-ketoacyl synthase (KS)–ß-ketoacyl reductase (KR)–ACP–ACP–KS–peptidyl carrier protein (PCP)–condensation (C)–adenylation–PCP–C. The modular architecture of XabB indicates likely steps in albicidin biosynthesis and approaches to enhance antibiotic yield. The novel pattern of domains, in comparison with known PKS–NRPS enzymes for antibiotic production, also contributes to the knowledge base for rational design of enzymes producing novel antibiotics.
The arrival of Taiwanese migrants to Australia represents the second major wave of Chinese immigration to this nation. Many who entered Australia did so as business migrants. They were typically well educated, affluent professionals, managers, &/or entrepreneurs who were looking for new business opportunities as well as a lifestyle characterized by open space, clean air, a good education for their children, & personal & political safety. Yet, the settlement experiences of many Taiwanese migrants, despite their affluence & (business) skills, have been typified by stress & hardship, particularly in making adjustments in social, business, & economic relationships. A review of statistical data compiled from census & government reports in Australia has revealed that after a decade Down Under, the Taiwanese settler group was still characterized by high unemployment, even when compared to other Chinese migrant groups from Hong Kong & Mainland China. It is suggested that the Taiwanese migrants' persistent high nonparticipation in Australia's labor force is indicative & poignant of their highly distinctive, albeit not exclusive in the broader Chinese migrant terms, experience of migration settlement. There seems to be an increasing number of Taiwanese settlers returning to resettle in Taiwan in recent years, because of perceived better employment & business opportunities or for family & personal reasons. Recent interviews with Taiwanese settlers have also suggested that the most recent arrivals, being more aware of the obstacles in achieving work or business satisfaction during settlement, seem less likely to commit themselves to lifelong settlement in Australia. 16 Tables, 1 Figure, 37 References. Adapted from the source document.
Transmembrane mucins are glycoproteins involved in barrier function in epithelial tissues. To identify novel transmembrane mucin genes, we performed a tblastn search of the GenBank(TM) EST data bases with a serine/ threonine-rich search string, and a rodent gene expressed in bone marrow was identified. We determined the cDNA sequence of the human orthologue of this gene, MUC13, which localizes to chromosome band 3q13.3 and generates 3.2-kilobase pair transcripts encoding a 512-amino acid protein comprised of an N-terminal mucin repeat domain, three epidermal growth factor-like sequences, a SEA module, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic tail (GenBank(TM) accession no. AF286113), MUC13 mRNA is expressed most highly in the large intestine and trachea, and at moderate levels in the kidney, small intestine, appendix, and stomach, In situ hybridization in murine tissues revealed expression in intestinal epithelial and lymphoid cells. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the human MUC13 protein on the apical membrane of both columnar and goblet cells in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as within goblet cell thecae, indicative of secretion in addition to presence on the cell surface. MUC13 is cleaved, and the beta -subunit containing the cytoplasmic tail undergoes homodimerization, Including MUC13, there are at least five cell surface mucins expressed in the gastrointestinal tract.