217 resultados para ISOLATED RAT ADIPOCYTES
Melphalan is commonly used as a cytotoxic agent in isolated limb perfusion for locally recurrent malignant melanoma. The time course of melphalan concentrations in perfusate and tissues during a 60-min melphalan perfusion and 30-min drug-free washout in the single-pass perfused rat hindlimb was examined using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. The rat hindlimbs were perfused with Krebs-Heinseleit buffer containing 4.7% bovine serum albumin (BSA) or 2.8% dextran 40 at a constant rate of 3.8 ml/min. The concentration of melphalan in perfusate and tissues was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography. The tissue concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher with the perfusate containing dextran than BSA during the 60-min perfusion. During the washout period, the melphalan concentration in the perfusates decreased rapidly in first few minutes, followed by a slower monoexponential decline. The estimated half life (t(1/2)) for melphalan removal from skin and fat was 59 +/- 2 min for both BSA and dextran perfusates. However, the estimated t(1/2) for melphalan removal from muscle was 79 and 96 min for BSA and dextran washout perfusates, respectively. The predicted concentration-time profiles obtained for melphalan with BSA and dextran perfusates appear to correspond closely to the observed data. This study showed that the uptake of melphalan into perfused tissues is impaired by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly bound. Melphalan washout from muscle, but not skin and fat, was facilitated by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly protein bound.
This work studied the structure-hepatic disposition relationships for cationic drugs of varying lipophilicity using a single-pass, in situ rat liver preparation. The lipophilicity among the cationic drugs studied in this work is in the following order: diltiazem. propranolol. labetalol. prazosin. antipyrine. atenolol. Parameters characterizing the hepatic distribution and elimination kinetics of the drugs were estimated using the multiple indicator dilution method. The kinetic model used to describe drug transport (the two-phase stochastic model) integrated cytoplasmic binding kinetics and belongs to the class of barrier-limited and space-distributed liver models. Hepatic extraction ratio (E) (0.30-0.92) increased with lipophilicity. The intracellular binding rate constant (k(on)) and the equilibrium amount ratios characterizing the slowly and rapidly equilibrating binding sites (K-S and K-R) increase with the lipophilicity of drug (k(on) : 0.05-0.35 s(-1); K-S : 0.61-16.67; K-R : 0.36-0.95), whereas the intracellular unbinding rate constant (k(off)) decreases with the lipophilicity of drug (0.081-0.021 s(-1)). The partition ratio of influx (k(in)) and efflux rate constant (k(out)), k(in)/k(out), increases with increasing pK(a) value of the drug [from 1.72 for antipyrine (pK(a) = 1.45) to 9.76 for propranolol (pK(a) = 9.45)], the differences in k(in/kout) for the different drugs mainly arising from ion trapping in the mitochondria and lysosomes. The value of intrinsic elimination clearance (CLint), permeation clearance (CLpT), and permeability-surface area product (PS) all increase with the lipophilicity of drug [CLint (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.08-67.41; CLpT (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 10.80-5.35; PS (ml . min(-1) . g(-1) of liver): 14.59-90.54]. It is concluded that cationic drug kinetics in the liver can be modeled using models that integrate the presence of cytoplasmic binding, a hepatocyte barrier, and a vascular transit density function.
Nude rats bearing melanomas on their hindlimbs were treated by isolated limb infusion (ILI) with increasing doses (7.5-400 mug/ml) of melphalan. The response of tumours to treatment at the end of the observation period was graded, according to diameter, as complete response (CR), partial response (PR), no change (NC) or progressive disease (PD). No linear relationship between the dose of melphalan and the tumour response was observed. All doses above a threshold of 15 mug/ml achieved a PR or CR. The achievement of CR was not related to increased dose. Two major implications arise from this work. Firstly, the typically two-to three-fold increase in cytotoxic drug concentration given in high dose chemotherapy compared with standard drug concentration may not be sufficient to produce the expected increase in tumour response and possibly survival, and the controversial results of high dose chemotherapy in different studies may thus be explained. Secondly, since an increase in melphalan dose above a certain threshold does not greatly increase tumour response, the use of combination therapies would seem to be more likely to be effective than increased chemotherapeutic drug doses in achieving better tumour responses.
1. An isolated perfused rat liver (IPRL) preparation was used to investigate separately the disposition of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) naproxen (NAP), its reactive acyl glucuronide metabolite (NAG) and a mixture of NAG rearrangement isomers (isoNAG), each at 30 mug NAP equivalents ml(-1) perfusate (n = 4 each group). 2. Following administration to the IPRL, NAP was eliminated slowly in a log-linear manner with an apparent elimination half-life (t(1/2)) of 13.4 +/-4.4 h. No metabolites were detected in perfusate, while NAG was the only metabolite present in bile in measurable amounts (3.9 +/-0.8%, of the dose). Following their administration to the IPRL, both NAG and isoNAG were rapidly hydrolysed (t(1/2) in perfusate=57 +/-3 and 75 +/- 14min respectively). NAG also rearranged to isoNAG in the perfusate. Both NAG and isoNAG were excreted intact in bile (24.6 and 14.8% of the NAG and isoNAG doses, respectively). 3. Covalent NAP-protein adducts in the liver increased as the dose changed from NAP to NAG to isoNAG (0.20 to 0.34 to 0.48% of the doses, respectively). Similarly, formation of covalent NAP-protein adducts in perfusate were greater in isoNAG-dosed perfusions. The comparative results Suggest that isoNAG is a better substrate for adduct formation with liver proteins than NAG.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of [C-14]diclofenac, [C-14]salicylate and [H-3]clonidine using a single pass rat head perfusion preparation. The head was perfused with 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulfonic acid-buffered Ringer's solution. Tc-99m-red blood cells and a drug were injected in a bolus into the internal carotid artery and collected from the posterior facial vein over 28 min. A two-barrier stochastic organ model was used to estimate the statistical moments of the solutes. Plasma, interstitial and cellular distribution volumes for the solutes ranged from 1.0 mL (diclofenac) to 1.6 mL (salicylate), 2.0 mL (diclofenac) to 4.2 mL (water) and 3.9 mL (salicylate) to 20.9 mL (diclofenac), respectively. A comparison of these volumes to water indicated some exclusion of the drugs from the interstitial space and salicylate from the cellular space. Permeability-surface area (PS) products calculated from plasma to interstitial fluid permeation clearances (CLPI) (range 0.02-0.40 mL s(-1)) and fractions of solute unbound in the perfusate were in the order: diclofenac>salicylate >clonidine>sucrose (from 41.8 to 0.10 mL s(-1)). The slow efflux of diclofenac, compared with clonidine and salicylate, may be related to its low average unbound fraction in the cells. This work accounts for the tail of disposition curves in describing pharmacokinetics in the head.
Although neural progenitor cells (NPCs) may provide a source of new neurons to alleviate neural trauma, little is known about their electrical properties as they differentiate. We have previously shown that single NPCs from the adult rat hippocampus can be cloned in the presence of heparan sulphate chains purified from the hippocampus, and that these cells can be pushed into a proliferative phenotype with the mitogen FGF2 [Chipperfield, H., Bedi, K.S., Cool, S.M. & Nurcombe, V. (2002) Int. J. Dev. Biol., 46, 661-670]. In this study, the active and passive electrical properties of both undifferentiated and differentiated adult hippocampal NPCs, from 0 to 12 days in vitro as single-cell preparations, were investigated. Sparsely plated, undifferentiated NPCs had a resting membrane potential of approximate to -90 mV and were electrically inexcitable. In > 70%, ATP and benzoylbenzoyl-ATP evoked an inward current and membrane depolarization, whereas acetylcholine, noradrenaline, glutamate and GABA had no detectable effect. In Fura-2-loaded undifferentiated NPCs, ATP and benzoylbenzoyl-ATP evoked a transient increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration, which was dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and was inhibited reversibly by pyridoxalphosphate-6-azophenyl-2'-4'-disulphonic acid (PPADS), a P2 receptor antagonist. After differentiation, NPC-derived neurons became electrically excitable, expressing voltage-dependent TTX-sensitive Na+ channels, low- and high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels and delayed-rectifier K+ channels. Differentiated cells also possessed functional glutamate, GABA, glycine and purinergic (P2X) receptors. Appearance of voltage-dependent and ligand-gated ion channels appears to be an important early step in the differentiation of NPCs.
Whole body glucose homeostasis is dependent on the action of insulin. In muscle and adipose tissues, insulin stimulates glucose uptake by inducing the translocation of vesicles containing the glucose transporter GLUT4 to the cell surface. While the mechanisms of insulin-regulated GLUT4 translocation are not fully understood, some signaling intermediates have been implicated in this process. Interestingly, som: of these intermediates, including IRS-1 and PI3K, have been localised to the same intracellular membrane fraction as the GLUT4 storage pool, designated here as the high-speed pellet (HSP) fraction. This raises the possibility that many of the downstream insulin signaling intermediates may be located within close proximity to intracellular GLUT4. The goal of this study was to test this hypothesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A large proportion of adipocyte phosphoproteins co-fractionated in the HSP fraction. In an attempt to resolve insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins, we subjected P-32-labeled subcellular fractions to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Insulin reproducibly stimulated the phosphorylation of 12 spots in the HSP fraction. Most of the HSP phosphoproteins were insoluble in the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, whereas integral membrane proteins such as GLUT4 and intracellular caveolin were soluble under the same conditions. These results suggest that insulin-regulatable phosphoproteins in adipocytes may be organized in microdomains within the cell and that this assembly may act as an efficient conductor of the signaling proteins to rapidly facilitate downstream biological responses. Further study is required to establish the molecular basis for these detergent-insoluble signaling complexes.
The morphological and functional characteristics of stingray liver were studied, including the effect of ischaemia/reperfusion. With an isolated perfused model, it was shown that the stingray liver was more resistant than the rat liver to ischaemia/reperfusion injury; this was consistent with the differing partial oxygen tensions usually present in the two species. This study confirmed that whereas stingray hepatocytes form tubules with central bile canaliculi as in other fish, the stingray liver has portal triads and a lobular architecture as in mammals. Apoptosis of hepatocytes, demonstrated in the normal liver, was only marginally enhanced by ischaemia/reperfusion. Resulting apoptotic bodies were phagocytized by macrophage-like cells in hepatocyte tubules. In contrast to rat liver, the stingray liver showed no necrosis after ischaemia-reperfusion. (C) 1998 W.B. Saunders Company Limited.
Insulin stimulates glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells by promoting the translocation of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) to the cell surface. Phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) has been implicated in this process. However, the involvement of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, a downstream target of PI3K in regulation of GLUT4 translocation, has been controversial. Here we report that microinjection of a PKB substrate peptide or an antibody to PKB inhibited insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane by 66 or 56%, respectively. We further examined the activation of PKB isoforms following treatment of cells with insulin or platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and found that PKB beta is preferentially expressed in both rat and 3T3-L1 adipocytes, whereas PKB alpha expression is down-regulated in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. A switch in growth factor response was also observed when 3T3-L1 fibroblasts were differentiated into adipocytes. While PDGF was more efficacious than insulin in stimulating PKB phosphorylation in fibroblasts, PDGF did not stimulate PKB beta phosphorylation to any significant extent in adipocytes, as assessed by several methods. Moreover, insulin, but not PDGF, stimulated the translocation of PKB beta to the plasma membrane and high-density microsome fractions of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. These results support a role for PKB beta in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in adipocytes.
Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with melphalan is used to treat recurrent melanoma. This study aimed to develop a microdialysis technique for melphalan tissue concentration measurement during ILP. The effects of melphalan concentration (50-600 mu g/ml), microdialysis flow rate (0.55-17.5 mu l/min), probe length (5-50 mm) and temperature (25-41.5 degrees C) on in vitro recovery were studied. In addition, in vivo recovery was measured in rat hindlimbs perfused with melphalan using 50 mm microdialysis probes implanted subcutaneously and into muscle. Both dialysate and tissue sample melphalan concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The in vitro recovery of melphalan was not affected by melphalan concentration or temperature, but increased with probe length and decreased with flow rate. The melphalan concentrations in subcutaneous and muscle dialysates were not significantly different. A linear relationship was found between tissue dialysate concentrations and actual tissue concentrations of melphalan (r(2) = 0.97). Microdialysis is a potential method for tissue drug monitoring which may assist in the efficacious use of cytotoxics in human ILP. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Despite extensive study of the numerous immunoregulatory mechanisms that contribute to the immune-privileged nature of the anterior chamber (AC) of the eye, little is known of the functional nature of antigen-presenting cells (APC) present in the tissues adjoining the AC. In the present study, we have compared the antigen-presenting capacity of dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages isolated from the normal rat iris. Whereas iris DC exhibited a potent ability to stimulate resting allogeneic T cells in MLR cultures (an in-vitro correlate of the ability to induce primary T cell responses), resident iris macrophages displayed negligible MLR-stimulatory capacity. Significantly, iris macrophages could efficiently elicit proliferation of primed antigen-specific T cells (an in-vitro correlate of the ability to act as local APC in secondary responses). This antigen-presenting activity was approximately half that of fully mature iris DC and considerably greater than that of freshly isolated iris DC. A key contributor to the effectiveness of resident iris macrophage antigen presentation was considered to be the absence of lymphocytostatic control of T cell proliferation exerted by these cells. The results indicate dichotomous but complementary roles for DC (immune surveillance) and macrophages (local antigen presentation in secondary responses) in this tissue.
Conditions which influence the viability, integrity, and extraction efficiency of the isolated perfused rat liver were examined to establish optimal conditions for subsequent work in reperfusion injury studies including the choice of buffer, use of oncotic agents, hematocrit, perfusion flow rate, and pressure. Rat livers were perfused with MOPS-buffered Ringer solution with or without erythrocytes. Perfusates were collected and analyzed for blood gases, electrolytes, enzymes, radioactivity in MID studies, and lignocaine in extraction studies. Liver tissue was sampled for histological examinations, and wet:dry weight of the liver was also determined. MOPS-buffered Ringer solution was found to be superior to Krebs bicarbonate buffer, in terms of pH control and buffering capacity, especially during any prolonged period of liver perfusion. A pH of 7.2 is chosen for perfusion since this is the physiological pH of the portal blood. The presence of albumin was important as an oncotic agent, particularly when erythrocytes were used in the perfusate. Perfusion pressure, resistance, and vascular volume are how-dependent and the inclusion of erythrocytes in the perfusate substantially altered the flow characteristics for perfusion pressure and resistance but not vascular volume. Lignocaine extraction was relatively flow-independent. Perfusion injury as defined by enzyme release and tissue fine structure was closely related to the supply of O-2. The optimal conditions for liver perfusion depend upon an adequate supply of oxygen. This can be achieved by using either erythrocyte-free perfusate at a how rate greater than 6 ml/min/g liver or a 20% erythrocyte-containing perfusate at 2 ml/min/g. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.