26 resultados para INPATIENTS
Objective: The Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI) is commonly used to measure drinking restraint in relation to problem drinking behavior. However, as yet the TRI has not been validated in a clinical group with alcohol dependence. Method: Male (n = 111) and female (n = 57) inpatients with DSM-IV diagnosed alcohol dependence completed the TRI and measures of problem drinking severity, including the Alcohol Dependence Scale and the quantity, frequency and week total of alcohol consumed. Results: The factor structure of the TRI was replicated in the alcohol dependent sample. Cognitive Emotional Preoccupation (CEP), one of the two higher order factors of the TRI, demonstrated sound predictive power toward all dependence severity indices. The other higher order factor, Cognitive Behavioral Control (CBC), was related to frequency of drinking. There was limited support for the CEP/CBC interactional model of drinking restraint. Conclusions: Although the construct validity of the TRI was sound, the measure appears more useful in understanding the development, maintenance and severity of alcohol-related problems in nondependent drinkers. The TRI may show promise in detecting either continuous drinking or heavy episodic type dependent drinkers.
The practice of speech-language pathology in the acute care hospital setting has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Speech-language pathologists now routinely assess and manage patients with dysphagia as well as patients with acquired communication disorders. In practice, clinicians have tended to direct their limited resources toward the assessment and management of patients with dysphagia before addressing the needs of patients with acquired communication disorders. This practice has resulted in a decline in speech-language pathology services for patients with communication disorders and has led some clinicians to question the role of the speech-language pathologist in the acute care hospital setting. This article continues this discussion by evaluating the role of the speech-language pathologist in the acute care hospital setting within the context of the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF; WHO, 2001). It argues that by adopting the ICF, speech-language pathologists have a sound rationale for broadening their role to identify the communication needs of all hospital inpatients who experience communication difficulties in the acute care hospital setting.
Objective. Since 1996, autologous hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has been used to treat severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To date, published reports have been individual cases or series containing small numbers. This study combined the worldwide experience in a single analysis. Methods. The Autoimmune Disease Databases of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) and the Autologous Blood and Marrow Transplant Registry (ABMTR) were used to identify patients with RA treated with autologous HSCT. Further information relating to patient and treatment-specific variables was obtained by questionnaire. Results. Seventy-six patients were registered from 15 centers. Seventy-three patients had received autologous HSCT, and in 3 patients hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) were mobilized but not transplanted. Transplanted patients (median age 42 yrs, 74% female, 86% rheumatoid factor positive) had been previously treated with a mean of 5 (range 2-9) disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD). Significant functional impairment was present, with a median Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) score of 1.4 (range 1.1-2.0) and Steinbrocker score mean 2.39 (SD 0.58). The high dose treatment regimen was cyclophosphamide (CYC) alone in the majority of patients, mostly 200 mg/kg (n = 62). Seven patients received anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) in addition to CYC, 2 patients busulfan and CYC (BuCYC), and one patient CYC with total body irradiation and ATG. One patient received fludarabine with ATG. Following treatment, one patient received bone marrow but the rest received chemotherapy and/or granulocyte colony-stimulating factor mobilized peripheral blood stem cells. The harvest was unmanipulated in 28 patients, the rest receiving some form of lymphocyte depletion, mostly through CD34+ selection. Median followup was 16 months (range 3-55). Responses were measured using the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria. Forty-nine patients (67%) achieved at least ACR 50% response at some point following transplant. There was a significant reduction in the level of disability measured by the HAQ (p < 0.005). Most patients restarted DMARD within 6 months for persistent or recurrent disease activity, which provided disease control in about half the cases. Response was significantly related to seronegative RA (p = 0.02) but not to duration of disease, number of previous DMARD, presence of HLA-DR4, or removal of lymphocytes from the graft. There was no direct transplant related mortality, although one patient, treated with the BuCYC regimen, died 5 months post-transplant from infection and incidental non-small cell lung cancer. Conclusion. Autologous HSCT is a relatively safe form of salvage treatment in severe, resistant RA. In these open label studies significant responses were achieved in most patients, with over 50% achieving an ACR 50 or more response at 12 months. Although the procedure is not curative, recurrent or persistent disease activity may be subsequently controlled in some patients with DMARD. Clinical trials are necessary to develop this approach inpatients with aggressive disease who have failed conventional treatment including anti-tumor necrosis factor agents.
Purpose: To investigate the proportion of breast cancers arising inpatients with germ line BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations expressing basal markers and developing predictive tests for identification of high-risk patients. Experimental Design: Histopathologic material from 182 tumors in BRCA1 mutation carriers, 63 BRCA2 carriers, and 109 controls, collected as part of the international Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium were immunohistochemically stained for CK14, CK5/6, CK17, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and osteonectin. Results: All five basal markers were commoner in BRCA1 tumors than in control tumors (CK14: 61% versus 12%; CK5/6: 58% versus 7%; CK17: 53% versus 10%; osteonectin: 43% versus 19%; EGFR: 67% versus 21%; P < 0.0001 in each case). In a multivariate analysis, CK14, CK5/6, and estrogen receptor (ER) remained significant predictors of BRCA1 carrier status. In contrast, the frequency of basal markers in BRCA2 tumors did not differ significant from controls. Conclusion: The use of cytokeratin staining in combination with ER and morphology provides a more accurate predictor of BRCA1 mutation status than previously available, that may be useful in selecting patients for BRCA1 mutation testing. The high percentage of BRCA1 cases positive for EGFR suggests that specific anti-tyrosine kinase therapy may be of potential benefit in these patients.
Objective Hereditary hemochromatosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. Among Northern Europeans the carrier frequency is estimated to be I in 10, while up to 1 in 200 is affected by the disease. Arthropathy is one early clinical manifestation of this disease, but the articular features are often misdiagnosed. In this study the two frequent mutations of the HLA-linked hemochromatosis gene (HFE) were investigated, in a rheumatology clinic population. Methods Two hundred and six consecutive patients (mean age 57.7 years; 38 male/168 female) attending a rheumatology clinic over a period of 14 months were screened for HFE mutations (C282Y and H63D). All standard diagnostic procedures were used to identify the aetiology: of the arthropathy. Mutations were evaluated by separation on PAGE of digested PCR amplificates of DNA (by SnapI and Bcl-I, for C282Y and H63D, respectively) obtained from PBMCs. Results The C282Y and H63D allele frequencies were 4.5 and 12.8 inpatients with rheumatic diseases. Five patients were homozygote for H63D (2.4%), and one,for C282Y (0.5%). Five patients were compound heterozygous (2.4%). The observed C282Y allele frequency in rheumatic patients with undifferentiated arthritis was 12.9 and exceeded that of healthy subjects (p = 0.01). Conclusions Determination of the HFE genotype is clinically useful in patients with arthritis of unknown origin, to allow early diagnosis of hemochromatosis.
Consistent relationships have been demonstrated between problem drinking and certain personality characteristics. A contemporary cognitive model of alcohol misuse, drinking restraint, has recently shown promise in furthering our understanding of problematic drinking. This study examined the potential association between drinking restraint and personality characteristics in 168 alcohol dependent inpatients. Subjects completed the short-scale Revised Eysenck Personality Scales (EPS-R; Eysenck, Eysenck, & Barrett, 1985), Temptation and Restraint Inventory (TRI; Collins & Lapp, 1992), Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS; Skinner & Allen, 1982) and drinking measures including quantity, frequency and weekly drinking total. Results indicated that although there was some conceptual overlap between drinking restraint and personality factors, the TRI had a unique relationship with indices of problem drinking once personality factors were taken into account. This indicates that restrained drinking and personality, although related, are discrete constructs. While restrained drinking may aid in the understanding of current drinking behavior, personality characteristics appear to contribute to the etiology and maintenance of drinking problems. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the use of seclusion in a child and adolescent inpatient unit, including precipitating events, management strategies, details of seclusion episodes and individual and family risk factors. Inpatient ward documentation of seclusion episodes, demographic data and measures of individual psychopathology and impairment, parent mental health, life events and family functioning were used to compare secluded, non-secluded and outpatient groups. Secluded individuals had elevated psychopathology compared with non-secluded inpatients and outpatients. Their families reported poorer parental mental health and family functioning and more recent stressful life events. The results indicate that seclusion is most common among high-risk inpatients.
Primary objective: To determine the profile of resolution of typical PTA behaviours and describe new learning and improvements in self-care during PTA. Research design: Prospective longitudinal study monitoring PTA status, functional learning and behaviours on a daily basis. Methods and procedures: Participants were 69 inpatients with traumatic brain injury who were in PTA. PTA was assessed using the Westmead or Oxford PTA assessments. Functional learning capability was assessed using a routine set of daily tasks and behaviour was assessed using an observational checklist. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Main outcomes and results: Challenging behaviours that are typically associated with PTA, such as agitation, aggression and wandering resolved in the early stages of PTA and incidence rates of these behaviours were less than 20%. Independence in self-care and bowel and bladder continence emerged later during resolution of PTA. New learning in functional situations was demonstrated by patients in PTA. Conclusions: It is feasible to begin active rehabilitation focused on functional skills-based learning with patients in the later stages of PTA. Formal assessment of typically observed behaviours during PTA may complement memory-based PTA assessments in determining emergence from PTA.
Objectives: This study aimed to identify rates and correlates of psychotropic drug utilization in children and adolescents in inpatient and outpatient settings. Methods: A retrospective chart review examined 122 inpatient and 126 outpatient charts from a metropolitan child and youth mental health service in Brisbane, Australia. Results: Inpatients received more psychotropic medication than outpatients (71% vs. 25%; p < 0.01). Patients receiving medication were older, had longer hospital admissions, and more complex presentations, including history of abuse or suicide attempts and more diagnoses (all p < 0.01). Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were the most frequently used drug class (44% inpatients; 14% outpatients), primarily indicated for mood disorders (31%). SSRIs and newer antidepressants (ADs) were used more frequently in patients with a high suicide risk (p < 0.01). Atypical antipsychotics (APs) were also used (inpatients 23%; outpatients 3%), primarily for behavioral disturbances. Half of those receiving medication (51%) received polypharmacy (> 1 concurrent drug), with up to four drugs used at one time. Rates of polypharmacy were highest among patients receiving antipsychotics. Conclusions: Use of psychotropic medication is frequent in this population. Future research should initially focus on inpatients and intensive treatment settings and examine both safety and efficacy of interventions for depression in young people, atypical antipsychotics for behavioral disturbances, and polypharmacy.