23 resultados para ILIAC CREST
Aims We have characterized the relative dispersion of vascular and extravascular markers in the limbs of three patients undergoing isolated limb perfusions with the cytotoxic melphalan for recurrent malignant melanoma both before and after melphalan dosing. Methods A bolus of injectate containing [Cr-51] labelled red blood cells, [C-14]-sucrose and [H-3]-water was injected into an iliac or femoral artery and outflow samples collected at 1 s intervals by a fraction collector. The radioactivity due to each isotype was analysed by either gamma [Cr-51] or beta [C-14 and H-3] counting. The moments of the outflow fraction-time profiles were estimated by a nonparametric (numerical integration) method and a parametric model (sum of two inverse Gaussian functions). Results The availability, mean transit time and normalised variance (CV2) obtained for labelled red blood cells, sucrose and water were similar before and after melphalan dosing and with the two methods of calculation but varied between the patients. Conclusions The vascular space is not well-stirred but characterized by a CV2 similar that reported previously for in situ rat hind limb and rat liver perfusions. A flow-limited blood-tissue exchange was observed for the permeating indicators. Administration of melphalan did not influence the distribution characteristics of the indicators.
Primary olfactory neurons are located in the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity. Their axons converge and form glomeruli with the dendrites of second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb. The molecular basis of primary olfactory axon guidance, targeting and subsequent arborisation is largely unknown. In this study we examined the spatio-temporal expression of the Eph receptor EphB2 and its ligands, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2, during development of the rat primary olfactory system. Unlike in other regions of the nervous system where receptor and ligand expression patterns are usually non-overlapping, EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were all expressed by primary and second-order olfactory neurons. In the embryonic animal we found that these three proteins had distinct and different expression patterns. EphB2 was first expressed at E18.5 by the perikarya of primary olfactory neurons. In contrast, ephrin-B1 was expressed from E13.5 and was localised to the axons of these cells up to E18.5 but was then restricted to the perikarya. Ephrin-B2, however, was expressed by olfactory ensheathing cells. EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were also expressed in the prenatal olfactory bulb and were restricted to the perikarya of mitral cells. In the post-natal olfactory bulb there was a shift in the localisation of both EphB2 and ephrin-B1 to the dendritic arborisations of mitral cells. The dynamic and tightly regulated spatio-temporal expression patterns of EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 by specific olfactory cell populations suggest that these molecules have the potential to regulate important developmental events in the olfactory system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Secondary metabolites synthesised by sessile invertebrates appear to play a role in creating and maintaining space on hard substrata by repelling competitors. In this study, we investigated the responses of the larvae of the ascidian Herdmania curvata to haliclonacyclamine A (HA), the major component of a suite of cytotoxic alkaloids extracted from the sponge Haliclona sp. 628. Both Haliclona sp. 628 and Herdmania curvata inhabit the crest and slope of Heron Island Reef. High rates of settlement were induced in competent H. curvata larvae by a range of concentrations of HA, all lower than that naturally occurring in the sponge. HA did not induce precompetent larvae to settle. Although early metamorphosis of HA-induced larvae was normal, larvae exposed to all but the lowest concentration of HA were developmentally arrested after completion of tail resorption, at about 4 h after the initiation of metamorphosis. These postlarvae underwent extensive cellular necrosis within 24 h. We also demonstrate that the addition of a transcriptional inhibitor, actinomycin D, to larvae also causes inhibition of metamorphosis after tail resorption is completed. Analyses of incorporation of radiolabelled nucleotides to measure levels of transcription during normal development and after the addition of the transcriptional inhibitor indicate that there is a significant burst of transcriptional activity just after tail resorption is completed. Despite inhibiting metamorphosis at the same stage as actinomycin D, HA increases initial rates of RNA synthesis after induction of metamorphosis in a manner similar to that observed in normal postlarvae until the onset of cellular necrosis. We conclude that HA initially induces H. curvata larvae to settle and progress through early metamorphosis possibly by engaging the same pathway as other artificial and environmental cues but subsequently inhibits completion of metamorphosis, resulting in death of the postlarvae. Since HA does not affect overall transcription rates, it appears to disrupt another important developmental process during early metamorphosis.
Gynecologists frequently manage women with acute or chronic pain in the right iliac fossa. Appendicitis is one of the common conditions encountered in this setting. From the gynecologic perspective, issues regarding the role of laparoscopic appendectomy include radioimaging and laparoscopic diagnosis, operative technique, advantages and disadvantages, and laparoscopic appendectomy in pregnancy and in complicated appendicitis. Most studies are in favor of the procedure, and it seems reasonable to include it in training programs in gynecology.
Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and ephrins regulate morphogenesis in the developing embryo where they effect adhesion and motility of interacting cells. Although scarcely expressed in adult tissues, Eph receptors and ephrins are overexpressed in a range of tumours. In malignant melanoma, increased Eph and ephrin expression levels correlate with metastatic progression. We have examined cellular and biochemical responses of EphA3-expressing melanoma cell lines and human epithelial kidney 293T cells to stimulation with polymeric ephrin-A5 in solution and with surfaces of defined ephrin-A5 densities. Within minutes, rapid reorganisation of the actin and myosin cytoskeleton occurs through activation of RhoA, leading to the retraction of cellular protrusions, membrane blebbing and detachment, but not apoptosis. These responses are inhibited by monomeric ephrin-A5, showing that receptor clustering is required for this EphA3 response. Furthermore, the adapter CrkII, which associates with tyrosine-phosphorylated EphA3 in vitro, is recruited in vivo to ephrin-A5-stimulated EphA3. Expression of an SH3-domain mutated CrkII ablates cell rounding, blebbing and detachment. Our results suggest that recruitment of CrkII and activation of Rho signalling are responsible for EphA3-mediated cell rounding, blebbing and de-adhesion, and that ephrin-A5-mediated receptor clustering and EphA3 tyrosine kinase activity are essential for this response.
The distributions of the Eph-class receptors EphA4 and EphB 1, and their ligands ephrin-A2, ephrin-B1, and ephrin-B2, were analysed by immunostaining in the mouse inner ear. Complementary patterns of EphA4 and its potential ligand ephrin-A2 were found, with ephrin-A2 in many of the structures lining the cochlear duct and within the cochlear nerve cells, and EphA4 in the deeper structures underlying the cochlear duct and in the cells lining the nerve pathway. EphB1 and its potential ligands ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 showed a segregated layered expression in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct (the external sulcus), which together with EphA4 expressed in the area, form a four-layered structure with an alternating pattern of receptors and ligands in the different layers. This arrangement gives the potential for different bidirectional Eph-mediated interactions between each of the layers. The results suggest that the Eph system in the cochlea may have a role in maintaining cell segregation during phases of cochlear development. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Levels of expression of mRNAs encoding the different Ephs and ephrins were measured by semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction in developing mouse whole inner ears, and in dissected fractions of the neonatal mouse inner ear. Nineteen of the 24 known Ephs and ephrins were surveyed. The results showed that between embryonic age (E) 11.5 days and E12.5, levels increased 10-300 times per unit of tissue. In neonatal mice, the fraction containing combined organ of Corti and spiral ganglion showed relatively strong expression of EphA4, EphB3, ephrin-A3, ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3. In the lateral wall, EphA4, ephrin-A3 and ephrin-B2 were strongly expressed, while ephrin-A3 was particularly strongly expressed in utricular and saccular sensory epithelia. The results suggest that the Ephs and ephrins are likely to play a part in the differentiation of the structures of the inner ear, and show which Ephs and ephrins are most likely to play important roles in the different structures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The BRN2 transcription factor (POU3F2, N-Oct-3) has been implicated in development of the melanocytic lineage and in melanoma. Using a low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2, endothelin-3 and cholera toxin, we have established and partially characterised human melanocyte precursor cells, which are unpigmented, contain immature melanosomes and lack L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reactivity. Melanoblast cultures expressed high levels of BRN2 compared to melanocytes, which decreased to a level similar to that of melanocytes when cultured in medium that contained phorbol ester but lacked endothelin-3, stem cell factor and fibroblast growth factor-2. This decrease in BRN2 accompanied a positive L-dihydroxyphenylalanine reaction and induction of melanosome maturation consistent with melanoblast differentiation seen during development. Culture of primary melanocytes in low calcium medium supplemented with stem cell factor, fibroblast growth factor-2 and endothelin-3 caused an increase in BRN2 protein levels with a concomitant change to a melanoblast-like morphology. Synergism between any two of these growth factors was required for BRN2 protein induction, whereas all three factors were required to alter melanocyte morphology and for maximal BRN2 protein expression. These finding implicate BRN2 as an early marker of melanoblasts that may contribute to the hierarchy of melanocytic gene control.