55 resultados para Honeycomb crystals
We present the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility of spin-half quantum antiferromagnets on spatially anisotropic triangular lattices, using high-temperature series expansions. We consider a model with two exchange constants J1 and J2 on a lattice that interpolates between the limits of a square lattice (J1=0), a triangular lattice (J2=J1), and decoupled linear chains (J2=0). In all cases, the susceptibility, which has a Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, rolls over and begins to decrease below a peak temperature Tp. Scaling the exchange constants to get the same peak temperature shows that the susceptibilities for the square lattice and linear chain limits have similar magnitudes near the peak. Maximum deviation arises near the triangular-lattice limit, where frustration leads to much smaller susceptibility and with a flatter temperature dependence. We compare our results to the inorganic materials Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4 and to a number of organic molecular crystals. We find that the former (Cs2CuCl4 and Cs2CuBr4) are weakly frustrated and their exchange parameters determined through the temperature dependence of the susceptibility are in agreement with neutron-scattering measurements. In contrast, the organic materials considered are strongly frustrated with exchange parameters near the isotropic triangular-lattice limit.
Four adducts of triphenylphosphine oxide with aromatic carboxylic acids have been synthesized and tested for second-order non-linear optical properties. These were with N-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (I), indole-2-carboxylic acid (2), 3-dimethylaminobenzoic acid (3), and thiophen-2-carboxylic acid (4). Compound (1) produced clear, colourless crystals (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) With a 9.892(1), b 14.033(1), c 15.305(1) Angstrom, Z 4) which allowed the structure to be determined by X-ray diffraction.
Honey was co-crystallized with a sucrose syrup at 128 degrees C using a sucrose:honey proportion of 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20. The first two proportions produced granular co-crystals, whereas the ratio of 80:20 produced a semi-solid product. The granules were relatively free flowing with an angle of repose 38.5-39.5 degrees. Gas chromatography was used to compare die differences in four flavour compounds: 2.3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one, HMF, 6-methyheptyl prop-2-enoate and 3-hydroxy-4-phenylbutan-2-one. Gas chromatographic results indicated some minor differences in the quantity of flavour volatiles in honey relative to the co-crystallized product. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
We present a novel protein crystallization strategy, applied to the crystallization of human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) transmembrane protein gp21 lacking the fusion peptide and the transmembrane domain, as a chimera with the Escherichia coli maltose binding protein (MBP). Crystals could not be obtained with a MBP/gp21 fusion protein in which fusion partners were separated by a flexible linker, but were obtained after connecting the MBP C-terminal alpha-helix to the predicted N-terminal alpha-helical sequence of gp21 via three alanine residues. The gp21 sequences conferred a trimeric structure to the soluble fusion proteins as assessed by sedimentation equilibrium and X-ray diffraction, consistent with the trimeric structures of other retroviral transmembrane proteins. The envelope protein precursor, gp62, is likewise trimeric when expressed in mammalian cells. Our results suggest that MBP may have a general application for the crystallization of proteins containing N-terminal alpha-helical sequences.
Crystals of recombinant importin alpha, the nuclear-import receptor, have been obtained at two different pH conditions by vapour diffusion using sodium citrate as precipitant and dithiothreitol as an additive. At pH 4-5, the crystals have the symmetry of the trigonal space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 (a = b = 78.0, c = 255.8 Angstrom, gamma = 120 degrees); at pH 6-7, the crystals have the symmetry of the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (a = 78.5, b = 89.7, c = 100.5 Angstrom). In both cases, there is probably one molecule of importin ct in the asymmetric unit. At least one of the crystal forms diffracts to a resolution higher than 3 Angstrom using the laboratory X-ray source; the crystals are suitable for crystal structure determination.
We consider the effect of quantum spin fluctuations on the ground-state properties of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on an anisotropic triangular lattice using linear spin-wave (LSW) theory. This model should describe the magnetic properties of the insulating phase of the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X family of superconducting molecular crystals. The ground-state energy, the staggered magnetization, magnon excitation spectra, and spin-wave velocities are computed as functions of the ratio of the antiferromagnetic exchange between the second and first neighbours, J(2)/J(1). We find that near J(2)/J(1) = 0.5, i.e., in the region where the classical spin configuration changes from a Neel-ordered phase to a spiral phase, the staggered magnetization vanishes, suggesting the possibility of a quantum disordered state. in this region, the quantum correction to the magnetization is large but finite. This is in contrast to the case for the frustrated Heisenberg model on a square lattice, for which the quantum correction diverges logarithmically at the transition from the Neel to the collinear phase. For large J(2)/J(1), the model becomes a set of chains with frustrated interchain coupling. For J(2) > 4J(1), the quantum correction to the magnetization, within LSW theory, becomes comparable to the classical magnetization, suggesting the possibility of a quantum disordered state. We show that, in this regime, the quantum fluctuations are much larger than for a set of weakly coupled chains with non-frustrated interchain coupling.
The purification and crystallization of two different crystal forms of the two-domain protein bovine cyclophilin 40 is reported. Tetragonal crystals grown in methyl pentanediol belong to space group P4(2)22 with unit-cell parameters a = 94.5, c = 118.3 Angstrom. Long thin needles grown from PEG belong to space group C2 with unit-cell parameters a = 125.71, b = 47.3, c = 74.6 Angstrom, beta = 93.90 degrees. The N-terminal 170 amino acids have significant homology with the well characterized human cyclophilin A. The C-terminal domain is largely made up of three copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat motif thought to be involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. Cyclophilins are frequently found as domains in larger multidomain proteins. To date, only X-ray structures of single-domain cyclophilins have been reported, and this work provides the first example of the purification and crystallization of a larger protein containing a cyclophilin domain.
An experimental programme has been undertaken to determine which of the grain formation mechanisms of equiaxed crystals are dominant in the solidification of Al-Si foundry alloys. Small ingots were cast from alloys of varying silicon concentration with and without gauze barriers, using different types of mould materials and different mould preheats. The results show that two mechanisms of grain nucleation are operating. The first is a wall mechanism where crystals are nucleated either on or near the mould wall owing to thermal undercooling. The second is a constitutional supercooling mechanism where nucleants are activated in the constitutionally undercooled zone ahead of the advancing interface. As a consequence, the grain size decreases with increasing silicon content. However a transition in the growth mode occurs once a critical degree of constitutional undercooling is exceeded. This change in growth is accompanied by an increase in grain size. The transition point can be shifted with respect to solute content by changing the casting conditions, and a mechanism is proposed to explain this effect. MST/4109
The oxidized form of purple acid phosphatase from pig allantoic fluid has been crystallized in the presence of phosphate using the hanging-drop technique. The crystals belong to the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and have unit-cell parameters a = 66.8, b = 70.3, c = 78.7 Angstrom. Diffraction data collected from a cryocooled crystal using a conventional X-ray source extend to 1.55 Angstrom resolution. A knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of mammalian purple acid phosphatase will aid in understanding the substrate specificity of the enzyme and will be important in the rational design of inhibitors, with potential in the treatment of bone diseases.
Many layered metals such as quasi-two-dimensional organic molecular crystals show properties consistent with a Fermi-liquid description at low temperatures. The effective masses extracted from the temperature dependence of the magnetic oscillations observed in these materials are in the range, m(c)*/m(e) similar to 1 - 7, suggesting that these systems are strongly correlated. However, the ratio m(c)*/m(e) contains both the renormalization due to the electron-electron interaction and the periodic potential of the lattice. We show that for any quasi-two-dimensional band structure, the cyclotron mass is proportional to the density-of-states at the Fermi energy. Due to Luttinger's theorem, this result is also valid in the presence of interactions. We then evaluate m(c) for several model band structures for the beta, kappa, and theta families of (BEDT-TTF)(2)X, where BEDT-TTF is bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene) and X is an anion. We find that for kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X, the cyclotron mass of the beta orbit, m(c)*(beta) is close to 2 m(c)*(alpha), where m(c)*(alpha) is the effective mass of the alpha orbit. This result is fairly insensitive to the band-structure details. For a wide range of materials we compare values of the cyclotron mass deduced from band-structure calculations to values deduced from measurements of magnetic oscillations and the specific-heat coefficient gamma.
Hypoeutectic AI-Si alloys represent the most widely used alloy system for cast aluminium applications. This system has a unique behaviour with respect to grain formation where an increase in silicon content results in a transition to larger grain sizes after a minimum at an intermediate concentration. As a result of the already large solute content, grain refinement by solute additions is inefficient and nucleant particles from the common aluminium grain refiners are not as effective as in wrought alloys. However, casting conditions, such as a low pouring temperature, that promote the formation of wall crystals tie. crystals nucleated in the thermally undercooled layer at or next to mould walls) are very effective in yielding a small grain size. This paper presents results of an investigation of the effect of low superheat and mould preheat temperature on grain size. It was found that pouring temperature controls the effectiveness of the wall mechanism while mould preheat has little effect until high preheat temperatures at which a large increase in grain size occurs. The observed changes in grain size are explained in terms of the balance between nucleation rate and survival rate of crystal nuclei resulting from changes in superheat and mould temperature.
We show how the coupling between the phonons and electrons in a strongly correlated metal can result in phonon frequencies that have a nonmonotonic temperature dependence. Dynamical mean-field theory is used to study the Hubbard-Holstein model that describes the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X [where BEDT-TTF is bis-(ethylenedithia-tetrathiafulvalene)] family of superconducting molecular crystals. The crossover with increasing temperature from a Fermi liquid to a bad metal produces phonon anomalies that are relevant to recent Raman scattering and acoustic experiments.