185 resultados para Gynecologic-oncology-group
Aim: HER-2/neu amplification occurs in 15-25% of breast carcinomas. This oncogene, also referred to as c-erbB-2, encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor belonging to the epidermal growth factor receptor family. HER-2 over-expression is reported to be associated with a poor prognosis in breast carcinoma patients and in some studies is associated with a poorer response to anti-oestrogen therapy. These patients are less likely to benefit from CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil)-based chemotherapy compared with anthracycline-based chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate breast carcinomas to determine hormone receptor status and if there is a difference in breast cancer specific survival for HER-2 positive patients. Methods: A total of 591 breast carcinomas were evaluated using immunohistochemistry (IHC) for oestrogen receptor (ERp), progesterone receptor (PRp) and three different HER2 antibodies (CB11, A0485 and TAB250). Percentage of tumour cells and intensity of staining for ERp were evaluated using a semiquantitative method. Results: Of the 591 tumours, 91 (15.4%) showed 3+ membrane staining for HER-2 with one or more antibodies. Of these 91 tumours, 41 (45.1%) were ERp+/ PRp+, seven (7.7%) were ERp+/PR-, six (6.6%) were ERp-/PRp+ and 37 (40.7%) were ERp-/PR-. Of HER-2 positive tumours, 5.5% showed > 80% 3+ staining for ERp compared with 31.8% of 0-2+ HER-2 tumours; 24.2% of HER-2-positive tumours showed 60% or more cells with 2+ or 3+ staining for ERp. Treatment data were available for 209 patients and no difference was observed in breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) with HER-2 status and tamoxifen. Conclusion: Oestrogen receptor status cannot be used to select tumours for evaluation of HER-2 status, and oestrogen and progesterone receptor positivity does not preclude a positive HER-2 status. There is a higher proportion of ERp negative tumours associated with HER-2 positivity, however, more than 20% of HER-2 positive tumours show moderate or strong staining for ERp. HER-2 positive patients in this study did not show an adverse BCSS with tamoxifen treatment unlike some previous studies.
To determine the occurrence of delirium in oncology inpatients and to identify and evaluate admission characteristics associated with the development of delirium during inpatient admission, a prospective observational study was conducted of H 3 patients with a total of 145 admissions with histological diagnosis of cancer admitted to the oncology unit over a period of ten weeks. At the point of inpatient admission, all patients were assessed for the presence of potential risk factors for development of delirium. During the index admission patients were assessed daily for the presence of delirium using the Confusion Assessment Method. Delirium was confirmed by clinician assessment. Delirium developed in 26 of 145 admissions (18%) and 32 episodes of delirium were recorded with 6 patients having 2 episodes of delirium during the index admission. Delirium occurred on average 3.3 days into the admission. The average duration of an episode of delirium was 2.1 day. Four patients with delirium (15%) died. All other cases of delirium were reversed. Factors significantly associated with development of delirium on multivariate analysis were: advanced age, cognitive impairment, low albumin level, bone metastases, and the presence of hematological malignancy. Hospital inpatient admission was significantly longer in delirium group (mean: 8.8 days vs 4.5 days in nondelirium group, P
PURPOSE: This article reports the overall survival, failure-free survival, local failure, and late radiation toxicity of a phase II trial of preoperative radiotherapy with continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil for rectal cancer after a minimum 3.5 years of follow-up. METHODS: Eligible patients were those with newly diagnosed localized adenocarcinoma of the rectum, within 12 cm of the anal verge, staged T3-T4 and deemed suitable for curative resection. Radiotherapy (50.4 Gy in 28 fractions in five weeks and three days) was given with continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil throughout the course of radiotherapy. RESULTS: A total of 82 patients were accrued in 13 months. The median follow-up time was 4.1 (range, 2.3-4.5) years. There were 55 males (67 percent) and the median age was 59 (range, 27-87) years. Patients were staged pretreatment as T3 (89 percent) and resectable T4 (11 percent). Endorectal ultrasound was performed in 70 percent and magnetic resonance imaging in another 5 percent. The four-year overall and failure-free survival rates were 82 percent (95 percent Cl: 72-89) and 69 percent (95 percent Cl: 58-78), respectively. The cumulative incidence of local failure at four years was 3.9 percent (95 percent CI: 1.3-11). Risk of failures, local and distant, has not reached a plateau phase. CONCLUSION: This regimen can be delivered safely and without leading to a significant increase in late toxicity. It provides excellent local control and favorable overall survival. There is a need for longer follow-up than has commonly been used for the proper evaluation of failures after an effective regimen of preoperative chemoradiation.
Background. Limited information is available regarding the impact of childhood tumour on the cerebral hemispheres and supratentorial cranial fossa. However, a recent study found that children managed for a tumour located in this region may demonstrate reduced general language abilities. However, the indirect or direct impact of a tumour in this region on higher-level language abilities in childhood is at present largely unknown. Materials and methods. The present study examined the higher language and phonological awareness abilities of five children treated for supratentorial tumour ranging in age from seven to fourteen years in age. Assessments included measures of receptive and expressive semantic abilities, inferencing, figurative language, and problem solving, as well as a comprehensive pre-literacy test. Results. As a group, reductions were evident in problem solving, and in the ability to receive and decode content of high-level language when compared to a group of age- and gender-matched peers. At an individual level, only two of five children managed for supratentorial tumour demonstrated language deficits. These two cases were noted to be the same children previously identified as also having general language deficits. More widespread findings were noted in phonological awareness, with four of the five children previously managed for supratentorial tumour demonstrating weaknesses in one or more areas. Conclusions. Findings demonstrated that weaknesses in general language ability in children managed for supratentorial tumour may indicate higher-level language difficulties. Language abilities beyond general measures of language should be monitored, as well as long-term consideration of phonological awareness abilities in this population.
Current findings related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Current findings, news and announcements related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Current findings, news and announcements related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Group of people outside the Sub Inspector Office during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967.
Group of marchers during Mayday procession 1966 Brisbane, Australia including children and dog. The group is passing Pearl Assurance House in Queen Street, Brisbane. Marchers have flags and banners relating to anti war and anti nuclear tests.
In the usual formulation of quantum mechanics, groups of automorphisms of quantum states have ray representations by unitary and antiunitary operators on complex Hilbert space, in accordance with Wigner's theorem. In the phase-space formulation, they have real, true unitary representations in the space of square-integrable functions on phase space. Each such phase-space representation is a Weyl–Wigner product of the corresponding Hilbert space representation with its contragredient, and these can be recovered by 'factorizing' the Weyl–Wigner product. However, not every real, unitary representation on phase space corresponds to a group of automorphisms, so not every such representation is in the form of a Weyl–Wigner product and can be factorized. The conditions under which this is possible are examined. Examples are presented.
This paper reports the experiences and perceptions of student group projects of three cohorts of undergraduates: a 3rd year capstone course in professional communication (N = 54), a 3rd year elective in chemical engineering (N = 29), and a core 2nd-year course in chemical engineering (N = 74).
Megan Henderson and Gay Walkington in Wattle Dance Group, Christmas 1968. The Wattle Dance Group met every Saturday in the Trades Hall, Brisbane, Australia. They held an concert at the end of each year. Janet Henderson was the mainstay and taught along with a few others. Jean Leary was the pianist. She took over from Eva Bacon.
June Hill in Wattle Dance Group, Christmas 1968. The Wattle Dance Group met every Saturday in the Trades Hall, Brisbane, Australia. They held an concert at the end of each year. Janet Henderson was the mainstay and taught along with a few others. Jean Leary was the pianist. She took over from Eva Bacon.
Julie Walkington and Karlin Bracegirdle in Wattle Dance Group, Christmas 1968. The Wattle Dance Group met every Saturday in the Trades Hall, Brisbane, Australia. They held an concert at the end of each year. Janet Henderson was the mainstay and taught along with a few others. Jean Leary was the pianist. She took over from Eva Bacon.
An emended diagnosis and generic reallocation are proposed for the trilete miospore Indotriradites dolianitii (Daemon, 1974) Loboziak et al., comb. nov. A new species, I. daemonii Loboziak et al., sp. nov., from Viséan strata of Western Gondwana, is erected. These two species, together with I. zosteriformis (Playford et Satterthwait) Playford, 1991 from the Viséan of Australia, belong to a cohesive morphological miospore category, here termed the Indotriradites dolianitii Morphon, which is evidently restricted to the Lower Carboniferous of Gondwana.