46 resultados para Gunpowder Plot, 1605.


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Soil erosion is a major environmental issue in Australia. It reduces land productivity and has off-site effects of decreased water quality. Broad-scale spatially distributed soil erosion estimation is essential for prioritising erosion control programs and as a component of broader assessments of natural resource condition. This paper describes spatial modelling methods and results that predict sheetwash and rill erosion over the Australian continent using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and spatial data layers for each of the contributing environmental factors. The RUSLE has been used before in this way but here we advance the quality of estimation. We use time series of remote sensing imagery and daily rainfall to incorporate the effects of seasonally varying cover and rainfall intensity, and use new digital maps of soil and terrain properties. The results are compared with a compilation of Australian erosion plot data, revealing an acceptable consistency between predictions and observations. The modelling results show that: (1) the northern part of Australia has greater erosion potential than the south; (2) erosion potential differs significantly between summer and winter; (3) the average erosion rate is 4.1 t/ha. year over the continent and about 2.9 x 10(9) tonnes of soil is moved annually which represents 3.9% of global soil erosion from 5% of world land area; and (4) the erosion rate has increased from 4 to 33 times on average for agricultural lands compared with most natural vegetated lands.


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Quantifying mass and energy exchanges within tropical forests is essential for understanding their role in the global carbon budget and how they will respond to perturbations in climate. This study reviews ecosystem process models designed to predict the growth and productivity of temperate and tropical forest ecosystems. Temperate forest models were included because of the minimal number of tropical forest models. The review provides a multiscale assessment enabling potential users to select a model suited to the scale and type of information they require in tropical forests. Process models are reviewed in relation to their input and output parameters, minimum spatial and temporal units of operation, maximum spatial extent and time period of application for each organization level of modelling. Organizational levels included leaf-tree, plot-stand, regional and ecosystem levels, with model complexity decreasing as the time-step and spatial extent of model operation increases. All ecosystem models are simplified versions of reality and are typically aspatial. Remotely sensed data sets and derived products may be used to initialize, drive and validate ecosystem process models. At the simplest level, remotely sensed data are used to delimit location, extent and changes over time of vegetation communities. At a more advanced level, remotely sensed data products have been used to estimate key structural and biophysical properties associated with ecosystem processes in tropical and temperate forests. Combining ecological models and image data enables the development of carbon accounting systems that will contribute to understanding greenhouse gas budgets at biome and global scales.


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The data of nitrogen adsorption on pillared clays (PILC) are converted to comparison plots (t-plots) to derive their pore size distribution (PSD). As in the MP method, the surface area of a group of pores having similar pore sizes is calculated from the slopes of tangent lines at two succeeding points on a comparison plot. By the modified MP method in this work, the tangent line is extrapolated to the adsorption axis on the t-plot, and the difference between intercepts is used to obtain the volume of the group of pores. From the information of surface area and pore volume, the average width of the pore group can be calculated and hence the PSDs of PILCs are obtained by carrying out such calculation procedures from high to low t. With this method, PSDs of several pillared clays are calculated over a wide pore size range, from micropores to mesopores. It is found that the modified MP method could result in the underestimation of the width of ultramicropores due to the enhancement in adsorption energy in these pores. Nevertheless, the method can be very useful in calculating the surface area and pore volume, as well as a mean width of these pores. For super-micropores and mesopores, pore size can also be underestimated, due to deviation of the pore shape from a slit. The principles of the improved MP method, as well as problems associated with it are thoroughly discussed in this paper. In general, this modified method provides practically meaningful results which are consistent with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements, but involves no complicated theoretical treatment or assumptions.


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Computer modelling has shown that electrical characteristics of individual pixels may be extracted from within multiple-frequency electrical impedance tomography (MFEIT) images formed using a reference data set obtained from a purely resistive, homogeneous medium. In some applications it is desirable to extract the electrical characteristics of individual pixels from images where a purely resistive, homogeneous reference data set is not available. One such application of the technique of MFEIT is to allow the acquisition of in vivo images using reference data sets obtained from a non-homogeneous medium with a reactive component. However, the reactive component of the reference data set introduces difficulties with the extraction of the true electrical characteristics from the image pixels. This study was a preliminary investigation of a technique to extract electrical parameters from multifrequency images when the reference data set has a reactive component. Unlike the situation in which a homogenous, resistive data set is available, it is not possible to obtain the impedance and phase information directly from the image pixel values of the MFEIT images data set, as the phase of the reactive reference is not known. The method reported here to extract the electrical characteristics (the Cole-Cole plot) initially assumes that this phase angle is zero. With this assumption, an impedance spectrum can be directly extracted from the image set. To obtain the true Cole-Cole plot a correction must be applied to account for the inherent rotation of the extracted impedance spectrum about the origin, which is a result of the assumption. This work shows that the angle of rotation associated with the reactive component of the reference data set may be determined using a priori knowledge of the distribution of frequencies of the Cole-Cole plot. Using this angle of rotation, the true Cole-Cole plot can be obtained from the impedance spectrum extracted from the MFEIT image data set. The method was investigated using simulated data, both with and without noise, and also for image data obtained in vitro. The in vitro studies involved 32 logarithmically spaced frequencies from 4 kHz up to 1 MHz and demonstrated that differences between the true characteristics and those of the impedance spectrum were reduced significantly after application of the correction technique. The differences between the extracted parameters and the true values prior to correction were in the range from 16% to 70%. Following application of the correction technique the differences were reduced to less than 5%. The parameters obtained from the Cole-Cole plot may be useful as a characterization of the nature and health of the imaged tissues.


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In the first of the special essays, John Quiggin revisits the debate over the appropriate size of the public sector and canvasses the issues associated with the distribution of government responsibilities within the Australian federation, with a sweeping perspective and surprising conclusions.


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This project aimed to develop a systematic framework for understanding the relationship between social science research and public policy, and to build more effective linkages between social researchers and policy practitioners in the Australian housing system, particularly through AHURI. The project is explicitly applied and solution-focused. It was undertaken in close collaboration with AHURI and has contributed to AHURI's overall mission and strategy to enhancing research-based housing policy. It provided an opportunity for the AHURI policy community to engage in a process of action-oriented, self-reflection around its core business of applied housing policy research.


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A key ingredient in the successful delivery of a policy relevant research program is a process of engagement between the research and policy communities, centred on the conduct, dissemination and use of research. The research recommends that AHURI continue to build and extend its 'engagement strategy' to further realise the benefits of a research program relevant to policy.


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This study investigates the needs, experiences, behaviours and attitudes of older Queenslanders who participate in gambling. It aims to understand the special needs and circumstances of older Queensland gamblers which might make them particularly vulnerable to problem gambling behaviour, or other negative effects of gambling. The findings of the research will provide an evidence base for the development of initiatives and policies that can address the specific prevention, protection and rehabilitation needs of older gamblers. This is with a particular view to informing the ongoing development and implementation of the Queensland Government’s Responsible Gambling Strategy and its voluntary industry code – the Queensland Responsible Gambling Code of Practice.


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In this paper we study the n-fold multiplicative model involving Weibull distributions and examine some properties of the model. These include the shapes for the density and failure rate functions and the WPP plot. These allow one to decide if a given data set can be adequately modelled by the model. We also discuss the estimation of model parameters based on the WPP plot. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and crop performance on a heavy clay soil were investigated over a period of 4 years. Tillage treatments and the cropping program were representative of broadacre grain production practice in northern Australia, and a split-plot design used to isolate traffic effects. Treatments subject to zero, minimum, and stubble mulch tillage each comprised pairs of 90-m 2 plots, from which runoff was recorded. A 3-m-wide controlled traffic system allowed one of each pair to be maintained as a non-wheeled plot, while the total surface area of the other received a single annual wheeling treatment from a working 100-kW tractor. Rainfall/runoff hydrographs demonstrate that wheeling produced a large and consistent increase in runoff, whereas tillage produced a smaller increase. Treatment effects were greater on dry soil, but were still maintained in large and intense rainfall events on wet soil. Mean annual runoff from wheeled plots was 63 mm (44%) greater than that from controlled traffic plots, whereas runoff from stubble mulch tillage plots was 38 mm (24%) greater than that from zero tillage plots. Traffic and tillage effects appeared to be cumulative, so the mean annual runoff from wheeled stubble mulch tilled plots, representing conventional cropping practice, was more than 100 mm greater than that from controlled traffic zero tilled plots, representing best practice. This increased infiltration was reflected in an increased yield of 16% compared with wheeled stubble mulch. Minimum tilled plots demonstrated a characteristic midway between that of zero and stubble mulch tillage. The results confirm that unnecessary energy dissipation in the soil during the traction process that normally accompanies tillage has a major negative effect on infiltration and crop productivity. Controlled traffic farming systems appear to be the only practicable solution to this problem.